what do you think was the very first word people invented ?

@pimagro24 (1046)
October 3, 2008 1:23am CST
I mean somehow those apes did invent their first language... at first there were only intonations of growling . I imagine gestures and mimics... but then they have started to use some words finally. What was the first one ?
4 responses
@soooobored (1184)
• United States
3 Oct 08
I would think names. If we say the mimics and gestures don't count as first words, I think the next most useful thing to have would be names. Ability to function as a group is a huge advantage, being able to differentiate among members would help make plans and carry out complicated tasks. Interesting post!
@rookiekan (882)
• China
3 Oct 08
i think the first word is "oh",the prounciation was very simple,they use the word everyday even they dont know what the word mean
• Philippines
3 Oct 08
I think the first word that people invented was food. Because it's a primary need that's why they have to express themselves well and be understood by others. Happy posting!!
@cornlier (33)
• United States
3 Oct 08
there are lots of words that could of been first. You could say anyword and it might not be true. Who knows it could of been a language we don't know of or chinese or africans language. Probally there first word was "bannana" LOL. You know it maybe "THE" could of been the first word ever. Its a word that ppl use every day and its the most common word thats been for a very long time.Or it could be a name like "BOB" or "JOHN". Im sure no one knows what the first word my be. We as humans may have not yet discoverd this word. Maybe its a word that we may never know about. Or a language that was lost over millions of years ago. Who noes no one noes for sure.