So, who's the elitist? Obama or McCain.
@DaddyOfTheRose (2934)
United States
October 3, 2008 5:04pm CST
"Even though McCain comes from a military aristocracy and married an heiress and Obama's family was on food stamps for a time, Republicans can still make the elitist label stick on Obama, says Yuval Levin with the Ethics and Public Policy Center, speaking from the perspective of the right. "Economic populism almost never triumphs," he said. "It's easier to resent intellectual arrogance than economic success." -
When you are contrasting McCain and Obama, it really should not seem possible to paint Obama as an 'Elitist.' He is of a mixed heritage and his family was once of food stamps. McCain, on the other hand, owns like a dozen houses and a score of cars. But, politically speaking, I have to be afraid that Yuval is probably not a complete idiot as far as what can be done.
I can see in my mind people who don't feel threatened by McCain.. military aristocracy, married to an heiress, tons of money as elitist. If McCain doesn't seem to intellectual.. to smart.. then he's "not really any better than me." At least, that's how I'm seeing the thoughts of the common guy. He's got money but that just means he was lucky in the draw of life. His family was influential. He managed to marry a rich chick. He's had good circumstances but he's not really any better than me. "I could still take him in a fight."
But, now, here comes Obama. He came from less than a lot of people. Was probably subject to some slurs not only from the majority ethnicity, but also the minority. His family had hard times. He worked hard to come up from that start. He has a good mind a personable nature.. Essentially, "that rotten jerk has the tenacity to accomplish things which I never could." About that, people will feel jealous. And all you have to do is give them a reason to launder their feelings. Call him elitist. It doesn't matter if that makes little since at all.. if you call him elitist people can claim to see him as elitist. Heck, they can even launder their racism that way. "Oh, I don't care that he's a N...., I think he's a stuck-up elitist."
There is, I must say, a certain horridly wicked Art to Politics....
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2 responses
@missybal (4490)
• United States
3 Oct 08
McCain only makes $400,000 a year his wife's income is separate. Obama made over $3.8 million dollar himself, 4.2 if you include his wife's income that they do combine. Where does he make his money... running for president and peddling his books, and investing in companies that hurt American's.
How can anyone compare what it's like to have to accept food stamp to being a POW in the worse conditions for over 5 years?
@missybal (4490)
• United States
4 Oct 08
McCain couldn't do any of those things for me, his wife has all the money. The issue is in the way they make their money...service or corruption and fame. And then the way they spend their or lack there of.
Kennyrose thanks for all the information as always. I'm glad that we have American's like the McCain's who show charity and make a difference in this harsh world, and I hope people like Obama learn someday they should do more and not just in the interest in winning an election.
@missybal (4490)
• United States
5 Oct 08
How dare you call me racist, I have black friends and I'm a minority... I'm part native american most of which I get my features from and live in an area that doesn't look too kindly on native americans. In fact my husband's family who happen to be African American but white really have terrible things to say about my native american background. Why would you jump on me about race, I've said nothing about Obama in that way and the man is after all half white also. I don't see what problem you have with me but this is silly. In fact in the beginning of this race as I said before I thought I was going to be voting for Obama in November, but he changed my mind when he came out with his energy and tax plan that would be an axe to our economy.
I will have to find the information again but back when he was competing against Clinton I looked into his record of investments and charity and he did not contribute even the minimum that the majority of people do and with making a great deal and only began to after running for president. Even then only enough to say so really it's on the net. It's been proven. He's had a great deal to do with some bad characters and bad companies. His work with ACORN as their lawyer, Money made off Fanny Mae, Freddy Mac, democrats wanting to give more money to this company in their pocket to help them win the election. I never said anything about his work in Chicago... It's what he does now his tax plan that is wrong trying to buy votes. I never brought up his house so I don't know why you felt compelled to go into that one. I don't know where you get the idea that I'm a conservative. I've only voted democrat in my small town elections. Never voted in a presidential because I didn't like Bush but I wasn't too happy with the alternative either. So stop playing games here and calling people things because they disagree. There is plenty of proof out there but you will never see it because you choose not to. It could be put right under your nose and you would not admit it. The Obama's do a combined income tax, the McCain's a separate due to Cindy's inheritance. They do keep their investments separate and Cindy uses a great deal of her money and has for years and years for charity a great deal of it to children in need with disablities all over the world.
I meant nothing to offend you in my comment, and yet you attack me.
Furthermore, I am a military wife. My husband just returned from a deployment working with the third nationals who are rebuilding their broken world and do not speak of things you do not know. I live it, we have made a difference in the world. I and my husband have friends who have told us stories that fill our hearts with pride over the good we have done for these people.
Definition of Elitist-a select group of people with outstanding personal abilities, intellect, wealth, specialized training or experience, or other distinctive attributes. They are both Elitist.
@DaddyOfTheRose (2934)
• United States
6 Oct 08
I read your post. I would say more about your post, but words really aren't coming. You haven't said anything that I feel needs further response. It seems as if you know what you are talking about. I didn't seem to be inspired to research any specific statement either. All and all, while I think slightly differently, I can see where you are coming from.
”McCain couldn't do any of those things for me, his wife has all the money.” Oh, please. Respectfully, do you really think McCain's wife controls him by her purse strings. If McCain decided to invite Missybal over for dinner, I don't think he would have to ask his wife for permission. I think it's important to be fair and honest.
The issue, when I posted, wasn't about how they make their money, per se. I think, however, you are responding to a response. And, if I understand correctly, you see a difference in how the two families have earned their wealth. Obama didn't earn his income as a slum lord, that would be clear from his income tax returns. He made money as a senator and as an author. That income is noteworthy. McCain's family owes their income to his wife, Cindy's, inheritance. She does do charitable work. So do the Obamas. She, however, doesn't hold a job. She's not a lawyer. As I understand, her Father came up in life from very little. But she, herself, has most likely never had a day of real wanting in her life.
So, when we are talking about income.. I see Obama and Michelle as having to work for their money. I see McCain and his wife as just being lucky enough to be born in the right circumstances. That, I think, is not fair of me. McCain, I must admit, is a Senator, too, and works as a politician. If he has access to a portion of high society because of his wife, I still need to admit that there is likely a lot of work involved in being a Senator.
The income tax returns of the Obama family in conjunction with their charitable giving can be found on the internet. My research today turned it up. ( ) But, when I tried to specifically research the charity issue, things got clouded. I cannot make heads or tails of the truth with all the political spin. For example, Obama's tax return indicates he does not give much in the way of tax-deductible donations (6.1% in 2006) to charities when compared to McCain (26%). However, the site I found that lists Obama's charitable contributions via his tax returns for seven years but does not provide equivalent information for McCain. Further, the fact that his wife makes so darn much money and probably pays for almost all the house expenses probably means McCain has a good sight more disposable income that any of us. Given that he is in politics and charitable giving might be expected to be a part of politics, McCain's charitable giving might well be politically motivated. I can't possibly know. So, on this left, I admit some confusion.
I seem, also, to have this impression that people want to speak separately of McCain's income from his wife but to lump his wife's charitable work in with McCain. Essentially, to flip flop on if the two are to be considered together or separately based on the circumstances of the moment instead of being consistent. It is probably something I should self-examine myself for.
As best I can determine at the moment, McCain works politically for the advantage of rich men. He is rich himself primarily because of his wife's income. But he and his wife do devote a good effort to charitable works. Obama, who apparently believes he works for charitable causes or the causes of the disenfranchised, gives less of his salary than McCain. But, here we are comparing the percent of McCain's income given to charity instead of addressing what percent of his family income (including his wife) is given to charity.
[i]”“In 2007, the Arizona senator reported $405,409 in total income and contributed $105,467, or 26 percent of his total income, to charity.” -
However, his wife makes $4 million a year. If we figure out what his house surrenders from what it has available to give that is 2%. That would, then, be less than Obama. But, we can't really compare apples to apples without knowing how much (as a percent) McCain's wife gives to charity.
I hate how people try to compare knowingly unequal things. The article I found on Cindy McCain ( no where gives details on what percent of her income is given to charity. She might be active in a lot of causes but donate less of her personal income to charity than the Obama family. Since we can clearly see the amount of money Obama's family gave to charity it would be nice to see how much John McCain's family gave to charity as a fraction of what they make. With Cindy's income but itself being worth more than Obama and Michelle together, that seems worth noting.
I can only conclude with an if, then, and some political deduction. If Cindy McCain had given an impressive percent of her income as charity, then John would have stated such. He could have directly compared his family's charitable donations against that of Obama's donations. He did not, however, do this. He listed his own percent of charitable donation to be compared against that of Obama's family. I cannot, however, strongly suspect that the failure to reveal his wife's contribution as a percent is politically motivated. That is, comparing apples and oranges and hoping the people fall for it.
I have more respect for the sheet wearing klan and combat boot wearing skin heads then I do for those like you.”
I don't. Sheet wearing klan members are cowards who can't show their faces. Skin heads might show their faces, but really only show their colors with a lot of their buddies around. They won't cause a problem in a situation with equal footing.
“The only thing Foxy news could come up with was some 'alleged' deal to purchase his home for less than market value.”
Ah, but apparently.. when I was researching the Tony guy details.. it is verified that Obama's bid wasthe highest received for the property.
”How dare you call me racist, I have black friends and I'm a minority... “
Oops, name calling. I'd don't like that either. However, I will point out that people can be racists, have minority friends, and be a member of a minority. Racist people tend to say this all the time, as if they can't have racist opinions because they happen to get along with some members of a minority group. That is not true.
I'm not saying anything about race except that I like that you have Native American blood. I don't consider that any sort of dishonor to you. :) You have, however, confused me with your response “African American but white”.. I'm not sure what to make of that. However, if they are African American (but light skinned), then that displays how one can be a minority (African American) and still be racist against other minorities (Native Americans).
This post and threat wasn't supposed to be about energy policy. And, while I could respond there.. I'm guessing that would be really running off on a tangent. Essentially, I don't like McCain's energy policy and I feel Obama would at least listen to advisors regarding his energy plan. He seems to be able to admit when someone else has a valid point.
”There is plenty of proof out there but you will never see it because you choose not to. It could be put right under your nose and you would not admit it.“
You don't seem to be considering points raised by other people, either. From my humble vantage point, it doesn't look like you are reflecting on things. It looks as if you have a point of view and you are done thinking about it. For example, you seem to think Obama and Tony's business dealings are one and the same, which is wrong, but I don't think you are inspired to read the link I provided.
I could be wrong.
”The Obama's do a combined income tax, the McCain's a separate due to Cindy's inheritance. They do keep their investments separate and Cindy uses a great deal of her money and has for years and years for charity a great deal of it to children in need with disablities all over the world. ”
The McCains file separately for what seem to be political reasons. When you say a 'great deal' in this case, you can't know how much. It is stated several times that Cindy does charitable work, but we are not provided with a benchmark like dollars or a percent of her income with which to compare what she does with what she might be expected to do. (If you have a link which does this, please let me know. I wasn't able to find it.)
”I meant nothing to offend you in my comment, and yet you attack me.”
And your first response was to attack in return. See, if you didn't mean to offend.. I would expect your first response to be “I didn't mean to offend you. I don't know why you think the way you do.” It might be more effective in the long run.
For example, I'm just reflecting back and forth on the opinions expressed and trying to see if they are convincing to me. If I say something that you don't like, that wasn't my intent. I was merely thinking about things and trying to research them. If you have some counter point, I would be interested in hearing it and considering it. I may not agree, but I have an interest in listening.
”Furthermore, I am a military wife. My husband just returned from a deployment working with the third nationals who are rebuilding their broken world and do not speak of things you do not know. “
I'm sorry to hear that. With you husband deployed and fighting, in harm's way, I can certainly see why you need to believe in the Bush administration's war. I re
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
3 Oct 08
See you're just subscribing to Obama's mantra that all rich people are elitist except for him. McCain's wife is very rich. She's valued at roughly $100 million. Is that a crime? Should we hate her for inheriting a booming business and making it stronger? Is it a crime that She and John McCain fell in love and got married? Was it wrong for him to marry a rich woman? Are senators now only allowed to marry poor or middle class women lest they be called elitist?
Liberals won't tell you that some of those properties are rental properties. The media leaves out the fact that if they apply the same definition to everyone, then every landlord on the planet could be called an elitist for how many homes they own.
Liberals won't tell you that John McCain owns only two cars, both of which are American. They won't tell you that of the "Cars" his wife owns three of them are electric cars that are little more than golf carts which are certified to be driven on streets. They won't tell you that aside from her primary car, those cars are owned by her business. I guess by that theory anyone owning a business with company cars is also an elitist.
You can call him military aristocracy all you want. When Obama was getting handouts from the government John McCain was being beaten and tortured on a daily basis without knowing if it would ever end. He endured that torture because he was a hero who fought for his country.
What the liberals won't tell you about the wealth he and his wife have, is that she runs a worldwide non-profit organization that does great things for people. The liberals have a habit of leaving out how his wife adopted a child from a third world country.
See no matter how much money he or his wife have, NONE of that makes him elitist. Elitism isn't defined by income bracket. It's not defined by who your father was, how many cars or homes you own, and it certainly isn't defined by how wealthy your wife is. Elitism is an attitude, an air of superiority. People saw that in Obama with the way he talked about Americans in small towns. People saw that when he mocked the experience of a small town mayor. People saw that when they saw the mantras preached in the church he's attended for over 20 years.
If you're going to call McCain an elitist, you'll need to show behavior that exemplifies that. I don't subscribe to the belief that it's evil and elitist to be rich. That's garbage started by people jealous of those who succeed in life. I plan to succeed so I won't criticize people for accomplishing precisely what I work for.

@Wunderland (56)
• United States
14 Oct 08
Well written and detailed, DaddyoftheRose. It is a shame that no one seems to have considered your points and taken the time to reflect upon your words. Does this happen often on MyLot? I have to say, I don't like it.
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