Sick and tired of all the complaining Non smokers...
@pheonixstar1982 (2307)
United States
October 3, 2008 9:35pm CST
Yeah i smoke and i am not ashamed of it. Yeah i know its not healthy for me, but you know what, its a great stress reliever for me, and until i find something that cools me down as fast as a cigarette does i will continue to smoke. Yeah i tried to quit and it didn't work. You also know whats bad for you..drinking, but i don't hear half of you out there complaining as loudly as those who drink then get behind the wheel, and don't you know what drinking does to your liver.
And to all you non-smokers who are out there complaining about those of us who you realize that all you are doing is ticking us off. No matter how much you complain, what laws you pass, or how high you raise the price of our cigarettes we are still going to smoke. You can make smoking cigarettes illegal, and we will do the same thing they did during prohibition when you tried to ban alcohol, we will get it by illegal means. And think of all the tax money you would lose by banning it. I hear you are trying to make where its illegal to smoke inside my own home..what right do you have to tell me what i can do in my own home??
Okay my rant is over. Now where are all the smokers who agree with me??
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7 responses
@Foxxee (3651)
• United States
4 Oct 08
I'm an X-SMOKER!
Very proud of it, thank you.
But, with that said, I don't have a problem with smokers. I know plenty who still smoke. It's your choice. I been down that road, who am I to judge?
As for banning smokers from smoking in their own homes, I don't think that will ever happen. I have heard some talk about it though, but I can't see it really happening.
I do know they have banned people from smoking in a lot of places though... mainly public places.
I also know they are working on banning people smoking in their cars IF only a small child is in the car, even with windows rolled down.
But we hear about these things a lot, sometimes they go through with it, sometimes it stays an open subject without action.
I don't think they can trully take away all the rights of smokers, I don't find that fair, even though I don't smoke anymore, I still feel smokers need some saying in this matter.
I think the only thing I might have to agree with is the smoking around children && maybe some public places like schools && hospitals, which is already banned here.
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@Foxxee (3651)
• United States
5 Oct 08
Yeah that is true, half those parents will go home && light up infront of their child.
I think what they were trying to say is being in a car is so closed in. Studies show that smoking in the car with a child in the back seat, show that the smoke actually goes directly in the back, even with the windows open. Sometimes the windows being open make it worse for the people in the back. So I heard anyway.
In your home, you have more of an open space. I guess it's a parents judgement that needs to take place.
I think if a parent wants to smoke with her child in eyes view, thats her choice, but the child shouldn't be all up on the parent. There should be space. But once again, that has to be the parents right judgement.
It's almost like abuse.... it will happen behind closed doors...
@Milanovich (700)
• Egypt
5 Oct 08
i totally disagree with you!
yes i disagree because if you want to ruin or waste your life for just a smoke from a cigerate then don't ruin other's life!!
you have the right for sure to do what you want but if it comes with the damage of other's life then you don't have any right!
banning smoking will never solve the problem..they should ban sellers from selling it!!..they should ban factories that made it! shouldn't be selled at all!
yes you will never feel that this habbit ruins your life or other's life unless you stuck to some of it's cases..then you will realize what i mean!
@pheonixstar1982 (2307)
• United States
5 Oct 08
I never said that i did not know the damage it causes. Oh lets see i have a mom with COPD and my grandmother who had another disease caused by smoking. So yes i a very much aware of the damage it causes. But you know what, if i still want to smoke i should have the choice its no ones business but my own what i put in my body and since i do NOT smoke around non smokers, i am not doing damage to them. Smoking will never be banned out right, neither will they ban sellers for selling it or factories from making it. Why?? Because thats a helluva lot of tax revenue going down the drain. Oh lets not forget the millions of people who will be out of a job, and with the lack of jobs already in the US, its not going to happen.
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@pheonixstar1982 (2307)
• United States
6 Oct 08
I have actually tried that method before and it didn't work. I actually stopped cold turkey while staying with a friend of mine. Which went well until i had to go back to my real life surrounded by smokers, on top of a traumatic event happening.
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@Milanovich (700)
• Egypt
6 Oct 08
for sure to let one family die from starving is better than making many famileis suffer from non cured disesaes!!
and again it is not the case..he may work any other job that has no effect on people health!
and you are very wrong when thinking that god won't punish him..god will punish him because no diffrence between him and a killer but he may be worset because he destroys huge number of people every day while the killer can kill once or twice..he has a sin more than that of the killer..
nothing is called lack of jobs..this job is ruinning people's life!
i hope you could quit smoking and that'd for your future are still young and can quit easly if you really have the strong desire to do it..
start by lowering the number of cigerates you smoke per day and by time you will find that you are nearly have one cigrate only a more time you won't need cigerates anymore!
you are free to take it as advice or to leave it..don't only think that i just ticking or pissing you off and put it in your mind then follow the is just an advice from a person that will never get a benifet from you or a harm..

@RhodaK (177)
• United States
4 Oct 08
I am totally on your side. But you realize the worst "non-smoking" activists are ones that were the smokers for the longest time. What is that about?????????????? I have heard of parents that have lost custody because they smoke and their ex-spouse doesn't. WOW it is getting bad out there
@pheonixstar1982 (2307)
• United States
5 Oct 08
The worst response i got on here so far is from...a ex smoker!!!! Yeah i want to know what makes the so self righteous when they used to do it themselves.
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@taface412 (3175)
• United States
4 Oct 08
Every smoker ( I being one of them) knows that smoking is not the most healthiest stress fact it actually raises our blood pressure which is kinda ironic when we say (and I do this too) that it relives stresss.
But I do agree with you about some non smokers. You know the ones who basically come out and tell you you are less of a person because you are inflicting second hand smoke unto them. Calling smokers inconsiderate...etc.
First of all. The majority of smokers follow the rules of basic conduct. You say smoke here in a public place and guess what you find them there.
Also what everyone really needs to focus on is not how this one subject will affect them (as laws being passed to suit one group "non smokers") for the either imposed health risk, the smelly environment, etc. Both smokers and non need to realize that if there are law that will be placed on this than it opens the door to the furthering of people who want to make it illegal to smoke. They are already trying to do this will employment....trying to make employees smoke free not ony on the grounds of the company but in their own home on their own time.
What the nons need to realize day this could be done also with something they like to do which is not skydive, eat Mcd's, drink coffee (because caffeine is a stimulant), etc.
So in other words while the two groups are bickering over how our own personal lives are being disrupted by the mere inconviences (not being able to smoke and having to smell the smoke) laws are trying to be passed to limit our rights as individuals to make decisions for ourselves.
Now if an establishment says no smoking I agree with them. It is their right to do so as it is my right as a smoker to not go there if I do not want to. As is it is the nons right to not go where people smoke.
We need to stop preaching (and this is not to you pheonix but to the nons and others who do) and think about the actual point of it.
Have a great day. ANd I have tried to quit to went three months. then lit up again.
@pheonixstar1982 (2307)
• United States
5 Oct 08
I never thought about these laws being based to take away our decisions as individuals, and i see your point about it. If i want to go into a place that does not allow smoking, i wont smoke will i'm there, and i will not complain about not being able to smoke because i choose to go in there. I respect the rights of non-smokers, but it tears me up that they do not respect my right to smoke. I had a job were smoking was not allowed while on duty, and for eight hours a day i did not smoke, and had no problem with it.
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
26 Oct 08
Taface, I think about this aspect of legislation ALL THE TIME. This is the bottom line principle I am ALWAYS worried about whenever anybody tries to restrict or impose rules or laws about anything. This is the biggest reason why I am a supporter of many things even if they aren't part of my life and I don't necessarily agree. I want free choice for everybody. I want the majority of people to have a safe place and feel like they are secure. When this happens, then there are less unhappy idiots trying to screw each other over. I don't want to lose a freedom *I* value. Therefore, I stand behind many freedoms I don't necessarily even need myself in order to keep anybody who might have a hand in things I do need happy so they don't decide to put something important to me on the chopping block.
Whether something is healthy or not doesn't mean any person or group should impose anything. Just watch someone try to take away my McDonalds or my coffee. They'd be sorry, very sorry, and in the end they might even end up apologizing because after I was done with them..... (I'm not nice when you mess with me, I'm very friendly if you leave me alone)
@Tianna2 (1273)
• United States
5 Oct 08
Hi Pheonixstar, I'm a smoker to and I agree wholeheartedly. The thing that gets me, now they feel they have the right to tell business owners what they can and cannot have in there establishments. In my state, they have not only outlawed smoking in public establishments(restaurants, casino's ect. ect.) but now you cant smoke within 25 feet of any public doorway. Its also against the law to smoke if your driving a company vehicle. I met a truck driver that told me that he was going to get a fine unless he could prove that he lived in his truck 7 months a year(this is his own private tractor trailer rig). What the nonsmokers don't realize by passing crap like this is when they can take rights away from business owners, soon none of us will have any rights, be it smoking related or not.
Hugs, Tianna
@pheonixstar1982 (2307)
• United States
5 Oct 08
Thank you. Where i live most places you can not smoke in unless posted, and then you have to be over 18 to enter. I find these laws inconsiderate yet i get jumped on for saying non smokers are being inconsiderate to us smokers.
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@lisa0502 (1724)
• Canada
5 Oct 08
For sure I agree with you. I think it is ridiculous all the laws that they are passing. We pay taxes. They talk about how smoking is killing the non smokers but when do they talk about the drunk drivers, or the drunks that kill or beat up people. I know that they are now thinking of banning smoking in cars with kids under the age of 18 where I live. Like where in the world is my rights.

@pheonixstar1982 (2307)
• United States
5 Oct 08
My father didn't roll down the window when i was a kid and he is a chain smoker. Second hand smoke actually makes me sneeze, so even if is only me in the car, the window is opened.
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@mommyboo (13174)
• United States
26 Oct 08
I am an outraged nonsmoker WHO AGREES WITH YOU!!! I am so sick and tired of idiot people trying to remove freedoms from people who are living here in America because we are supposed to be guaranteed our freedoms! There is nothing more horrible than slow and painless loss of freedoms because you don't notice until they are totally gone! It's like slowly losing use of your arms and legs but you are able to adapt over time until suddenly you find out you can no longer use any of them - and THEN it hurts.
I don't want ANYTHING prohibited. I may be a non smoker but I believe smokers should have the same rights as me. I live a traditional lifestyle but I believe people who live alternative lifestyles should have the same rights as me. I am a social drinker, I would be IRATE if anybody tried to tell me I could not have a drink when and where I wanted (within reason). I know very well that when someone tries to force their beliefs on you and you don't agree that all it does is tick you off. It ticks ME off just thinking about it. I know too that I will do what I want to do anyway, even if someone else doesn't agree with me. It is MY life, not theirs. I don't tell someone how to live their life, I just tell them to get the f*** out of mine if they don't like it LOL! What one person does doesn't really affect someone else. A smoker isn't going to affect a non smoker if they avoid each other. Isn't that good enough? It's good enough in my opinion. Some people just need to whine and have a cause and something to complain about. I think people like that need to be tossed in the middle of the ocean.
I think it is WAY BEYOND constitutional to try to tell someone what they can and cannot do in their OWN HOME. If that's your own property and it's private, it is none of anybody else's damn business what you do. Smoking isn't illegal and it cannot be compared to other illegal things - it isn't physically or emotionally hurting somebody else against their will.
Of course if you're one of those sleazy non smokers who wants to just scream and cry and you go STAND in the smoker's house, then it's your own fault you're breathing in smoke because you don't HAVE to be in there.
Ok, I'm done venting too. At least for this post