O.J. Simpson Found Guilty!!!

@mentalward (14690)
United States
October 4, 2008 9:06am CST
O.J. Simpson could spend the rest of his life in prison. Sentencing is set for December 5, 2008. He was found guilty of at least 10 charges including kidnapping yesterday, Friday, Oct. 4, 2008. Source: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/27010657?GT1=43001 I am so happy that this murderer is finally going to get what he deserves! How do you feel about this news?
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13 responses
@di1159 (1580)
• United States
4 Oct 08
I'm not surprised, I was following the trial a bit and it was pretty much an open and shut case. As to getting what he deserves, let's wait and see. He still has to be sentenced and of course there is going to at least one appeal, so it might be a while before he sees some serious jail time. Anyway, he's such a celebrity, I don't think it would make much difference. I live relatively close to him here in Miami, and my husband has seen him a couple of times out on a local golf course and people just follow him around asking for autographs constantly, apparently he's still quite popular. I'm sure it will be the same if he goes to prison.
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
4 Oct 08
What you say is quite true. I just don't understand people sometimes. I think that most people believed he was guilty of murdering his ex-wife and Ron Goldman, yet they still see him as some kind of 'superstar'. He is just a man who had lots of money to pay his way out of prison. I don't care who you are, what you do or how much money you have, if you commit a crime, you should pay for it. It shouldn't matter if you are a very well recognized 'star' or if you pick up garbage for a living... everyone should be judged by the crime and evidence alone; celebrity status should never play a roll in any judgment. I would definitely not get excited if I saw him. I wouldn't want to be around him because I know he's capable of committing heinous crimes. I'm just glad to see that he couldn't buy his way out of this one. That article I mentioned said that O.J. commented that he was worried that he wouldn't see his children graduate from college. I think that should have been something he had thought about BEFORE committing any crime.
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@annjilena (5618)
• United States
5 Oct 08
o,j been gulity i think he killed his wife and got away with it you know what they say what goes around comes around he looking at a 100 years in these cases we will see whats going to happen.
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
5 Oct 08
Yep, he's finally getting what he has deserved for a long time. GUILTY! I'm sure that word shocked him more than anything has ever shocked him because he acted as though he was above the law. He flaunted his past crimes in everyone's faces when he wrote that book, IF I Did It. I would've loved to have smacked O.J. right across the face for his arrogance alone! Yes, he got away with murder and for 13 years he acted as though his poop didn't stink. I guess he thought he could do anything he wanted and not have to pay for it. I'm glad this jury proved him wrong. I love to see justice being served. I don't care who it is. Justice is so rarely served these days. The rich get away with far too much and the poor pay for things they've never done. Why? The more money you have, the more corrupt lawyers you can buy. I'm glad O.J. didn't have the money to buy his way out of this one.
@ahgong (10064)
• Singapore
6 Oct 08
Huh? I thought his trial was over and done with. It is still on going? It is like years since he was arrested, rite? Wow... who the heck is footing the bill for his case? When will the verdict of his sentencing be announced?
@ahgong (10064)
• Singapore
7 Oct 08
Oh yeah... I remember reading about the case in the local papers. He planned a robbery to steal back his memobrillas. That happened like quite a while back! Wow, the trial only started a few weeks ago? And the sentencing can only be done in december? What the heck was he thinking? He managed to escape the cell the last time. Has he not learn his lesson? An expensive one at that! Sigh... some people just never change!
@littleowl (7157)
4 Oct 08
Hi MM I actually thought he had already been put away for murder already..just shows I don't keep up with the news though I don't watch the news or read papers and normally only know what people tell me...there is so much doom and gloom in this world and around where we live I just try to keep away from it all and see the positive things in life...littleowl
@littleowl (7157)
6 Oct 08
You are right MM, will it ever make a difference? MSN, Yahoo etc etc do have everything plastered over their pages so it is hard to miss those things..am glad we think alike though why should it all be put in our face when we don't need to hear it..guess that's life though hugs littleowl
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
5 Oct 08
I'm the same as you, littleowl. I don't watch the news at all, nor do I read the newspaper. I just happened to see this because O.J.'s face was plastered all over MSN's home page, and Comcast's home page, and Yahoo's home page, etc. etc. etc. I agree that there is way too much gloom and doom in the world and I try to be like a turtle hiding in my shell or an ostrich with my head in the sand. I know it's going on and there's nothing I can do about it, so why should I have to read about it or hear it? I simply couldn't miss this. They had O.J.'s picture pretty large on the screen and when I read the story headline, I let out a great big loud "Yes!!!" I hate the crime going on in the world these days but I hate to see criminals getting away with their crimes even more. O.J. is one very blatant example of justice not being served the first time around but is now getting what's coming to him. I had to share this because it's a case of justice FINALLY being served. Because his is such a high-profile case, maybe he'll be an example for others who are thinking about commiting a crime. I doubt it, but you never know.
• United States
5 Oct 08
im in total shock that they finally got him with something
• United States
6 Oct 08
the funny thing is he has the money he has it hidden away because if its known he has money he has to pay the families of the murder victims and he wont do it.. i dont think they really have received anything monetary from him.. i find it funny that he has been boo hooing that he is broke yet he has lived in huge houses and etc.. anyways im glad they got him.. he was a loose cannon and a danger to all.. i do think he killed his ex and that guy but unfortunately that doesnt matter anymore.. but they got him now!!
@Barb42 (4214)
• United States
5 Oct 08
I understood yesterday that they said he could be out in his mid seventies. He is 61, so that might mean he would only spend about 15 years in jail. I think they said all 12 charges - both he and the other defendant were found guilty of all charges.
@Barb42 (4214)
• United States
7 Oct 08
I heard today that he would get 10 years for one thing (forgot which) and would have to do all that time, and every charge would run consecutively, and that could mean life in prison because of the kidnapping charge (which I really thought was stupid!). I told my husband we could no longer tell anyone not to leave the room.
@nancyrowina (3850)
6 Oct 08
It's a shame that he wasn't found guilty of the first crimes he committed especially after practically writing a confession. I remember hearing about these charges on the news when he first got arrested and thinking they sounded like weird crimes, didn't he try to steal back some signed baseball memorabilia or something?
@singout (988)
• United States
6 Oct 08
I feel the same way you about it. I knew he would eventually get what he deserves.
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
6 Oct 08
I'm so glad he is finally getting what he deserved 13 years ago. When I read the news on MSN's homepage, I let out a loud "YES!!!" I'm not obsessed with the 'O.J. Case', but his former crimes were so heinous and, for him to be set free, I was completely and utterly appalled. They let a psychotic killer go free! I think that case was one of the major reasons that I've become so disillusioned with our government. The justice system in this country stinks!
@schulzie (4061)
• United States
5 Oct 08
Yes I heard this news too. I think you reap what you sow. A jury finally found him guilty of something. Just because he is a football player does not mean that he could not commit all of these crimes he has been accused of. I really do feel that what goes around comes around. It is quite obvious with all of the things that he has been accused of doing and/or been caught doing that he has anger management issues and is hot headed. Also, it seems that he is prone to violent outbursts. At least his kids are grown up now so they don't have to worry about their father being in jail and who will raise them, etc. How awful to be his children though. I feel sorry for those 2 youngest ones, the ones he had with Nicole Brown Simpson.
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
5 Oct 08
Karma, baby! It's karma smacking him in the face right now. You're right, what goes around comes around. It may be 13 years late, but at least it's here. He has definite anger management issues, yes. But he has way more than that. He's arrogant, controlling, self-centered, egotistical and, until Friday, believed he was above the law. I, too, feel sorry for his children. I can't imagine what's going through their heads right now. They were too young to understand all that was going on 13 years ago, but they're old enough now to have made up their own minds about whether or not he murdered their mother. That is an awful thing to have to carry around with you as you grow up. I hope that they get the therapy they will obviously need to help them cope with their father's actions.
• United States
4 Oct 08
Justice has finally been served...hope no technicalities or loop holes emerge.
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
5 Oct 08
I strongly doubt it this time. They made sure not to fudge anything up regarding the crime scene, evidence, etc. From what I've seen or heard of this case, the authorities did everything EXACTLY by the book to make sure that justice was served this time. I just hope he gets life in prison, not especially because of this case but because he got away with double murder 13 years ago. I want to see the justice system WORK for a change!
@freedomg (1684)
• United States
4 Oct 08
I love it! I don't care who has a problem with me on this one.He deserves everything they can give him and then some. Thanks for sharing the wonderful news,you made my day.
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
5 Oct 08
I'm very glad I could make your day, freedom! I'm glad to see you!!! I guess you've really been busy, but I'm glad you could sneak in for awhile anyway. How's everything going? Still up to your ears in schoolwork?
@Opal26 (17679)
• United States
5 Oct 08
Hey mentalward! I think it is too little too late! It took something like this to put that murderer behind bars where he should have been all along for the double murders that he did commit!!! I have absolutely no feeling whatsoever but disgust!!! He is going to prison for this stupid crime! This he gets convicted of! It makes me physically ill! When he was as guilty as sin of murder and that stupid jury let him go scott free and now he is going to jail for this! I just don't know what to say! And this made him cry! That son of a b1tch showed no emotion when he killed two people in cold blood! This he cryed over! God forgive me but I just can't believe this! I hope that someone gets him when he goes to prison, only he will be protected in there due to his high profile case because they know that someone is liable to try to kill him and that wouldn't be right! I'm sorry for the rant, but he is such a worthless piece of crap that I can't even stand to see his face on the tv!
@mentalward (14690)
• United States
5 Oct 08
I share your sentiments! You know why he cried? Because he was found guilty, certainly not because he was remorseful or anything. He was quoted as saying that he's afraid he's going to miss his children's college graduations. That statement alone says what a self-centered, arrogant SOB he is! He wasn't quoted as saying he's sorry that he's ruined his children's lives. He's not thinking of them, only of himself. The reason he didn't get away with it this time is because he didn't have the money to get the best (or the most corrupt) lawyers money could buy. I don't care how people take my feelings about this, either. It's not specifically O.J. Simpson that I'm glad is going to prison, but more that a GUILTY PERSON is going to prison. He, and others like him, have been able to stay out of prison because of their money or their connections. I'm simply elated because justice is being served. I'm glad specifically over this case because it's so high-profile and is allowing others see that, eventually, you pay for your actions.
• United Kingdom
5 Oct 08
That will be a real shame if he has to finally face prison. However, if he is guilty then it's the only place for him. It's a real shame that he has travelled down this road as I remember him in a favourite film of mine "Towering Inferno". He starred as a security officer and he played the role well. I'm wondering how he will cope in prison. How will the other prisoners take to him? I don't think it's going to help him much by being a celebrity as well as a former professional football player and movie actor. Anyway, what's most important is that justice is delivered! If he is guilty then he must face jail like everyone else! Andrew