" Terrorism is rooted in misconception." Do you agree?

October 4, 2008 11:29am CST
Increasing incidents of terrorism and violences leads us to ponder over the factors that are propelling terrorist activities in the world.It is reported that many terrorists belong to good and peace loving families;they are well educated too.It seems,they have joined the wrong and mischievous company,and have become the victim of misconceptions and wrong perceptios created by lack of communication.Is terrorism rooted in misconceptions?
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14 responses
• Australia
6 Oct 08
Speaking of misconceptions - blimey ....... On the whole terrorists are reacting to the pain and hopelessness/helplessness of poverty, injustice, religious persecution, political persecution etc. of either themselves or their countrymen which they perceive (often with extremely good reason) as being brought down on them by others, usually so those others can get rich. Some are religious fanatics, yes; some are probably sociopaths, yes; but most are as the OP says, educated and well brought up. But when faced with the knowledge that no matter how hard they work, or how reasonable they are, they will never be able to get around the economic/political/military power that keeps them down, some such people react with the violence we now call terrorism I disagree with their methods, while understanding their frustrations to a degree. But killing innocent bystanders (although they would probably say there is no such thing) is not the way to change anything, and simply hardens the hearts of those they attack. If terrorists concentrated on assassinating the corporate heads of the multi-nationals and the leaders of the countries that they see as their enemies, I could make more sense of. That might eventually bring about some justice for the Third World (which is where almost all of them come from), but I still don't believe that violence is the way. Lash
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• India
7 Oct 08
Thanks for nicely analyzing the relevant factors and circumstances that promote terrorism and violences.People react and respond differently to the hard realities of life and behave accordingly to support their views,reasons and beliefs.Thanks.
@Ganesh44 (5547)
• India
5 Oct 08
Narayan Hari ... Terrorism is the result of growing unemployment as far as I can see, I think so because most of our youth is misled due to unemployment. Specialty in countries like India and Pakistan ..... terror has grown to manyfold..... people of these countries are feeling unsafe and insecure . But again the responsibility ends up with the government of the country because it is the goverment that is responsible for the condition prevailing in any country. Hope politiicans would do something good for our country . Thanks For raising such a good discussion.....! Happy Mylotting ! Take Care ! Ganesh !
• India
6 Oct 08
Thanks for nicely responding and sharing your personal view points.It is unfortunate that people who are opting to indulge in terrorism and violences are often misled and misguided by destructive forces of the society.Of course,unemployment is an world wide problem and it is more severely impacting the youth,in many ways.I agree that unemployed youth are more susceptible to get trapped by the influence and wrong advice of the divisive and destructive groups who take the maximum advantage of the helplessness and simplicity of the young people. Have a nice day!!
• Bangladesh
5 Oct 08
I think, terrorism is the main problem in our peace loving world. Some people, by using religious senseousness, spread out terrorism in the society. it is surely rooted through misconcept. Some people either in Islam or Hindu or Christian or Jews religion divert some soft minded people to such a way so that they willingly act some evil deeds with the direction of those godfathers. They misinterpret religious factors, and put the same to those innocent people's mind. They hit in their religious senseousness. So they cant keep themselves in goods sense. This is totally lack of proper knowledge about religious concepts. Proper education about religion, social communication, and aslo obviously company or friend-circle. So I agree with your concept that due to misconceptions terrorism is being rooted through and spred out in our world like dengerious ocean storm.
• India
6 Oct 08
Thanks for nicely responding and sharing your personal view points. I absolutely agree with what you said.What measures do you suggest to eliminate terrorism and bring peace everywhere on this earth? Have a nice day !!
@thanujad (405)
• Sri Lanka
4 Oct 08
Yes I agree with you. I feel that these terrorists are some kind of maniacs who wants to kill people. Killing makes them happy. I think it's nothing to do with one's religion. If they know their religion properly, they wouldnt think of killing people. These maniacs does not have a religion or a proper education, lack of good childhood or maybe family problems.
• India
5 Oct 08
Dear Cambiste,while appreciating your concern over the destructive attitude of the terrorists,I feel that all actions whether good or bad a person perform are influenced by the quality of one's own consciousness and perceptions. Perceptions built on misinterpreted and distorted views of religious sermons lead to wrong and unethical actions. The Holy Quaran never preaches in favor of violences and wrong doings; it speaks of awakening of mind for good deeds and thoughts, and killing of all impurities and ignorance of mind.It speaks of practicing good conducts,offering prayer,and raising holy war against all kinds of evil thoughts from entering the mind. Thanks.
@cambiste (1244)
• India
5 Oct 08
I dont think so Thanujad. Take Osama Bin Laden for an example. He was a muslim born in a very rich family, had good education; and had everything life could offer for him. He loved his religion. I dont understand terrorists at all. They dont make sense. And i simply dont understand why they're all muslims. I do know "jihad" means "kill for Allah", but there's nothing called Holy war.
@thanujad (405)
• Sri Lanka
5 Oct 08
Dear cambiste, I don't think Osama Bin Laden is a good muslim. If so he wouldn't kill people. I think he is just pretending to be a good muslim. I myself is not a muslim but I respect all the religions as I believe everyone says the same thing but practice in a different way. Though he comes from a rich family or having a good educational background doesn't mean that he has been guided to be a good human being. Don't think only Muslims are terrorists. In my country the main terrorist group is L.T.T.E. They are Tamils.
@lql0360 (31)
• China
5 Oct 08
For this reason I feel it,but maybe it was a small part of the other terrorists there should be many of us do not know,We should objectively lood at this issue.
• India
6 Oct 08
Thanks for nicely responding and sharing your personal view points. Have a nice day!!
@raxerdis (132)
5 Oct 08
i agree
• India
6 Oct 08
Thanks for responding. Have a nice day!!
• United States
4 Oct 08
i think terrosism is rooted from evil .
• India
5 Oct 08
Thanks for nicely responding. Have a nice day!!
@celticeagle (171528)
• Boise, Idaho
5 Oct 08
It could be partially true. In our culture what they do is wrong. In theirs there are all kinds of rationel for what they are doing. It is like living with the mofia. Do you agree with what they do? They love their families. Have they just joined the wrong and mischievous company or are they bred into it? It is all in the concept of right and wrong and how you are brought up. Take it from there.
• India
6 Oct 08
Thanks for nicely responding and sharing your view points. Have a nice day!!
@soooobored (1184)
• United States
5 Oct 08
I would consider it a misconception, I'm not sure the terrorist in question would! No, I don't think terrorists are inherently evil. Probably any American (or any other nationality) born and raised in the same circumstances as a terrorist would behave the same way. Which is never to say its right!
• India
5 Oct 08
Thanks for responding and sharing your views.Have a nice day!!
• Philippines
4 Oct 08
well i don't think it is all about JUST misconceptions. well you said it yourself they are well educated. all i can say they are those few who saw the real evils of the world and believe that they can end it by doing the same. they think they can end it buy eleminating the whole population because they are infected by coruption, unequality, injustice and all the other evil things in the world. who could blame them, most of the people think the are just like second class citizend before even knowing them. they are being judge by their religion and beliefs. and even you people are posting something like this with out even knowing the history or the roots of the type of religion that you want to defend. talking about allah and god like they are two very different identities. look i am not a muslim ok but i don't practice my religion. terrosrist are the type of people that can only see hoplessness, they give up on the term change. they believe that the people can not be change, and the took the short cut. the allah is god. they are the same. the quran is just like the bible some how, both christianity and islam came from judaism. the only difference is that the muslims didn't believe that jesus is the son of god, they think he is just any ordinary prophet. according to the leagend the split of muslim and christians started years before christ. it started with abraham, his sons ishmael and isaac. well until now there is a debate between muslims and christians who was the son that needs to be sacrificed to god (you know the test thing, that god send some archangel to stop abraham from killing a son. he pass the test and instead sacrifice a lamb.) did you know that miriam in the koran is believe to be mama mary in the bible... and she is the only female mentioned in the koran. the muslism believe angles too, mohammed dream of an angel appear in his dream that tells him he is the last prophet something like that. you should try to research something ok... i hate to say this but you must hear this from an atheist. i read the bible and other same holy scriptures to crush the belivers if we are having a bebate... yeah i know i'm evil (in my own ways). botom line is the believes never read other holy scripture thats their weakness. while i can go through diferent angles while they stay in the same path. thats way they can be crushed easily. thats just an added FYI.
• India
5 Oct 08
Thanks for nicely responding and sharing your insightful thoughts and viewpoints.I do appreciate your review and understanding of the historical and religious perspectives of Holy Quaran and Bible and their misinterpretation and misuse by some people who resort to the path of terrorism.When a person establishes peace within his heart by following the divine sayings of Allah and of Jesus Christ,in true spirit of love and faith,he is less likely to chose such irrational and unholy path of life. Have a nice day!!
@belk89 (1103)
• Philippines
5 Oct 08
Well some of those people who became involved are force to do something against there will too. I have watch a documentary report about terrorism and i found out that all of them do this barbaric act on there on freewill. Some of them are also threat and there families life is at stake if they refuse to do it. While some are misguided and manipulated by their leaders. They believe that what they are doing is righteous and they are doing it to protect there religion. Sad to know how some people could manipulated and poison the minds of others to make them do violence for there own interest.
• India
5 Oct 08
Thanks for nicely responding and sharing your viewpoints. I absolutely agree with your views.What do you suggest to prevent and eliminate terrorism in the world? What do we,as enlightened world citizen, need to do to bring peace and harmony in society? Have a nice day!!
@Zephier (73)
• United States
4 Oct 08
Misconceptions are always what causes such movements of hate. Whether it was Nazism and now in Islamism. The "wrong and mischievous" company is always most attractive to and easily manipulates young people. They play off the lack of freedom of information/speech/communication in their nations to create this hate.
• India
5 Oct 08
Thanks for responding and sharing your insightful view ponts. I absolutely agree with your views.My intention behind posting such a discussion in this forum was to initiate voices and actions of world community to cohesively influence,both at individual and collective level,towards bringing about world peace and harmony,averting all kinds of misconceptions and distorted views of life caused due to divisive forces of different community and religions.What we need in to-day's crisis ridden world,an unified platform to bring positive transformation of collective mind and consciousness. Have a nice day!!
@thejj924 (78)
• United States
4 Oct 08
yes i believe it is an entire misconception because those "terrorists" are practicing the teachings of allah, when most of us believe in god, which will create controversy on how will think of other people in the world. But if you say you see a terrorist, what people do you think of most....Muslims.
• India
5 Oct 08
Thanks for nicely responding and sharing your thoughts and view points.No one is borne on this earth as a terrorist with evil mindset,it is the environment and the company he choses that pollutes his mind and puts him on the wrong path.The law of Allah is only misinterpreted by some people who create and spread misconception.Allah gives profusely His blessing to those who are sincerely concerned with the well being and happiness of others. Have a nice day!!
5 Oct 08
yes i do agree thet terrorism rooted in misconception it all depends the company you keep terrist spread terrorism just to create horry among people they want to have fear of terrior
• India
5 Oct 08
Thanks for nicely responding and sharing your viewpoints.I appreciate your views.What do you suggest to prevent and eliminate terrorism and create world peace? Have a nice day!!