why is Berack Obama so not right to be the next president of America in 2008
By bond0077
@bond0077 (375)
October 4, 2008 11:37am CST
What would you do if you wanted to run for the highest office in the land,president but you haven't even finished your first term as senator yet,plus no foreign affairs experience,not even travelled to any other of America's important foreign conflicts,or met any of America's major enemy's leaders or deal with any conflicts either foreign or domestic, like 911,or IRAQ,or Afganistan or you are not a Governor and run a state or even as mayor and run a city,you had no part in helping America after 911 but in fact was against the sitting president in his decision to go to war by voting against the war,now how would you approach this problem,well, first off why run on experience,why not run on being different or non experience or in fact "CHANGE" YES THAT IT!so that way nobody will care if you had no real experience and if they did,you can then use the evasive tactics of "well i think America don't want to hear about that,that is more of the same questions,i think America wants to hear about the economy" yes i will run on using my no experience and beat the most experience including Hillary Clinton,joe Biden and john McCain all with all the experience to do the job a lot better than me but it won't matter because i am running on change or not more of the same politics even though i really have no clue how to run anything or deal with foreign policy and i will say what everybody wants to hear,make a whole lot of promises i can't possibly keep,like no new taxes or bringing the troops home in 16 months since it would be impossible to know how or when the IRAQIES will or be able to take over the running of their country and if the troops are removed too early,well here is the problem in an open free democratic election in IRAQ the religious group that will win by a majority are the same as the IRANIANS so taking over IRAQ would not be beyond a possibility and if the troops are brought home too early IRAN would see this as America leaving in defeat and could attack saudi arabia,israel,disrupting the oil that the west so desperating depends on,also make false claims to the American people about the other opponets like John McCain or Hillary Clinton,plus play the race card with my die hard critics and have them termed racists if they disagree with my running even if there is no bases like Bill Clinton or Hillary or whoever,now if you were Berack Obama this would be your plan to take the white house!thank you!COME NOVEMBER LADIES AND GENTLEMEN WHEN YOU STAND ALONE IN THAT VOTING BOOTH REMEMBER THIS THINGS ARE BAD NOW BUT IT COULD BE A WHOLE LOT WORSE UNDER A SOCIALIST COMMUNIST LIKE LEADER,LIKE BERACK OBAMA JOHN MCCAIN MAY BE OLD BUT REAGAN WAS OLD AND THE BEST PRESIDENT IN AMERICA'S HISTORY AND MCCAIN IS THE ONLY THING STANDING BETWEEN CHAOS AND A BETTER AMERICA!
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6 responses
@ClarusVisum (2163)
• United States
4 Oct 08
Berack? That's a new one.
Quick, throw a few more labels on him, SOMETHING's gotta stick!
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@jend80 (2071)
• United Kingdom
6 Oct 08
wow - someone from America who's realised how ridiculous this is.
@bond0077 (375)
6 Oct 08
unfortunately ClarusVisum the truth is obama is all those labels unfortunately it'll be too late when America realises this ,hopefully you won't be picking out food in all the debries the way the defeated germans did after ww2 still not believing their obama Hitler was the one who in fact did that to them,to this day the really old germans still can't believe hitler didn't give a hoot about them!
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@elshaddai123 (3981)
• Kottayam, India
4 Oct 08
So far we have tried and failed many white Presidents, why don't we try atleast once for a black. They have the right of course.

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@CherylsPearls (1269)
• United States
5 Oct 08
"How can you tell me you're proud of your country and love your country when you can't even pledge the flag or wear a lapel pin?"
What a load of it. That is so lame. Do you wear a lapel pin? I don't. The accusations about not saying the pledge are just wrong. You know that.
Clarus...very good points. Nobody wants to talk about her funky religion and religious associations, though. Maybe they are scared to? lol
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
5 Oct 08
You want to vote for a black president just because you didn't like the most recent white president? Please tell me you're not that stupid.
"1. Wright obviously did not spend every moment of every sermon saying negative things. He's also done a lot of charity work, etc."
If a dictator pulls his nation out of a depression, rebuilds the military, and earns that nation worldwide respect should we still refer to those accomplishments after he kills millions of Jews?
"2. People don't vet their pastors before joining a church, and a church is a LOT more than its pastor--it's a community first, and leaving the church means leaving that too."
I do. My mother was always picky about which church we attended and she taught me to learn about the priests at a church before joining. Even without vetting a pastor I can't imagine spending 20 years with someone and not knowing what he stands for and preaches after all that time.
You can support your community without supporting a specific church. This is especially true if you have enough integrity to speak to members and explain why you are leaving. A church is not the only important part of a community.
@bond0077 (375)
6 Oct 08
let me ask these obamanation people something,if you found out that either Hillary Clinton during the primaries or John McCain right now or Sarah Palin sat in a white supremist church listening to a racist preacher talking about it is your god given right to kill all non white Americans etc etc what would happen to those i just previously mentioned ?let me answer you! THEY WOULD HAVE TO RESIGN CORRECT?WHY IS OBAMA STILL RUNNING AND IS NOT EVEN UNDER INVESTIGATION?double standard don't you think?what a openly racist statement!remember you always have to be prepared to show proof of statements you say!now name the white presidents who failed!Ronald Reagan?Bill Clinton?J.F.K.?BUSH SR.?Actually the only one i can think of is Jimmy Carter and you know what obama in my opinion is closest to being like Jimmy Carter,quick to pull the troops out in defeat,loves to talk to rogue leaders to end conflicts but you remember what happened the last time he tried that?we got the American hostage crisis and the other was the oil crisis,in other words nothing was being resolved,and JIMMY CARTER ended up being a one term president like i suspect obama will be too!
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@beckish (641)
• United States
4 Oct 08
Sorry, but I will have to disagree with your post. Obama knows what it is like to work one's way up from the bottom. McCain is scary, and the thought of Palin in charge is downright terrifying. The US is heading quickly into a downward spiral and more of the same Bush policies, which is what McCain would bring, is not going to save us.
@bond0077 (375)
6 Oct 08
how many time has Berack Obama has voted against anything or made changes in congress?in his short stint as rookie senator?he has voted something like 90% of the time with his party,so where is his record of standing up to congress the rest of the time he voted present,which is like saying i am not gonna vote pro or against a bill,obama has never worked a day in his life he is an elitist went to the best schools what are you talking about?i would agree with you if it was Hillary Clinton representing the Democrats but give me a break,the difference between obama and clinton is like night and day!I am sorry but obama is no Bill Clinton ,by the way what is the basis for your opinion on ,that obama will do what he says?did he govern a state before like Bill Clnton or Ronald Reagan?but Sarah Palin has and is a governor,can you run a state?can obama?we'll never know will we?your logic is tanamount to going to a race track and betting on the horse with no wins and all the odds against her,but you like all obama is focused on obama becoming president you forgot to ask if he should,or is the right person for the job!i don't care about history being made if he puts us in a worse position than BUSH did,by all his inexperience gaffes he will do being a rookie president,what makes me laugh is who voted in bush a second term?you guys did!now who is going to make a second mistake again by putting a even worse guy as president!obama!you guys again!
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@RhythmWalker1 (825)
• United States
5 Oct 08
McCain... is standing on his last leg.
He is NOT liked by most Veterans and has done
so many wrongs while in office that I don't have
the patience to mention.
Face it! Smear tactics are getting old!

@CherylsPearls (1269)
• United States
6 Oct 08
bond0077 - how lame. You said actually F.D.R. had no legs.
You have no idea how low my opinion is of someone who would say that. You are completely without respect or class. You, sir, make me sick.
@bond0077 (375)
6 Oct 08
So was RONALD REAGAN RHYTHMWALKER1 and F.D.R.the war time president they were all on their last leg ,actually F.D.R. had no legs!so why did AMERICA vote republicans in, in 2000 then again in 2004?America has been wrong twice already hey lets go for three vote in obama!its like hitler said its not the politician's fault for you voting them into power!
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@Kmarie923 (875)
• United States
5 Oct 08
I do not like Obama either. I don't particularly care for McCain, but I prefer him over Obama. Obama will get it though and I hate to say this, but he will get it because he is younger and because of his race.
@elshaddai123 (3981)
• Kottayam, India
5 Oct 08
you have ruled by white Presidents why not a black, I prefer Rice rather than Obama
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
5 Oct 08
elshaddai, I can't believe that you are blatently using race to base your vote on. With all everyone is doing to try and keep race out of it, including Obama supporters, here you are openly and blatently using almot soley to base yur vote on. I too would have supported Rice, but not because she is black, but because I think she would have been a strong and capable leader. I would have supported Colen Powel, because he too, would have been a capable leader. I would have supported ANYONE who was a capable leader, NOT because they were white, black, plaid or transparent.
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@bond0077 (375)
6 Oct 08
Atleast we can agree on that i think rice would have blown away obama but i think she was told not to run by the black obama brotherhood i been told that obama has his own brown coats who make sure no one stands in obama's way,like ferrah khan muslim brotherhood!
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@kyodao (36)
• United States
5 Oct 08
I don't know what rock you've been living under, but the Bush administration SUCKS and this country has been paying for it for WAY TOO LONG!!!!! When Clinton was in office at least people had jobs and were doing well. Can't say that now can we? We've try the old and tired Bush/McCain regime and the results are TERRIBLE. We definitely need something else desparately.

@bond0077 (375)
6 Oct 08
Ok KYODAO based on what record can you garantee me obama is going to do what he claims?his voting record in congress?he voted 90% of the time with or for his party bills,or present but did NOT vote against any of the party bills in fact both obama and biden even voted for the earmark "the famous bridge to nowhere" before Sarah Palin was even Governor of Alaska and she inherted that earmark that obama and biden went after her for!hypocrites!but JOHN MCCAIN earned his maverick status by opposing BUSH IN CONGRESS ATLEAST 10%more than obama who voted 90% with his party and 10% present or no committment! so based on this information who is more likely to make changes in congress obama or mccain?and the answer is?JOHN MCCAIN!eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaawww!obama is a fortune teller at a freak show tell you what you want to hear make a whole bunch of false promises make you feel good then charge you for false promises!wake up KYODAO and welcome to the real world!take the blue pill!
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@bond0077 (375)
6 Oct 08
Kennedy was one of America's worse presidents in history!started the viet nam war!the worse defeat in America's history,he was a bigger cheater than BILL CLITON!Even shared women with is dad,yuk!including marlyn munroe who he had his mob connection killed to stop her from going public with their love child that she was gonna keep!this brings us to his other past time his mob connections which started with his dad who was a common criminal in the bootlegging department,it was the mob control of the unions in the 60's that helped got JFK both elected and later assassinated by the mob because both JFK AND BOBBY were double crossing the mob and going after them by both physically or by creating new laws to make their charges stick ,like the now famous "rico law"almost started the third world war with russia in the now historic"CUBAN MISSILE CRISIS" not to mention his disasterous "bay of pigs" like jimmy carter's failed rescue of the American hostages years later!if obama will be like JFK heaven help us all!
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