Want to swap jobs for a day?

United States
October 4, 2008 4:51pm CST
If you could swap jobs for a day with someone, who would it be? If you swap jobs with me, you'll have a pretty big house to clean and lots of cooking. Any takers for the job? And, what job would I be doing if we swapped jobs for a day?
5 responses
@williamjisir (22819)
• China
5 Oct 08
Hello beauty queen. If I could swap my job with someone for a day, I would choose one whose job is an interpretor and translator because I can do this job well within my power and it is also a job that I prefer besides teaching. I look forward to getting such a job if possible. But I am sorry to say that I am not good at doing household chores. I cook, but I do simple cooking and I am a slow person in doing household chores.
• China
5 Oct 08
Something more to add, if you took my job for one day, you would have three or four Business English classes to give the students a day and you would prepare the lessons in advance and correct the exercise-books you gave to the students after class. By the way, my classes are scattered from morning till evening. I hope that you would like it.
• United States
7 Oct 08
You seem very busy!
23 Oct 08
I would like to swap jobs with people just so that I could get the understanding of what goes into the job and the role that they do. What job I would swap for I dont know, I would be happy doing job swap every week. Maybe they should make that a TV programme - abit like Wife Swap but Job Swap!!! lol
@bkpdp1 (920)
• India
4 Oct 08
Hi hii... If you would swap your job with me(not an off day), then you have to manage 60 computers connected with lan & wan and you have to provide the tech support to all the department heads and more to that you have to work with lots of sharing and caring staffs. But if i swap with your job, i afraid i may not handle it properly. If i cook, then you will through the plate to me on the table itself.. lol
@carlaabt (3504)
• United States
7 Oct 08
I guess that would depend on what day we traded jobs. You would have to clean my house. It's only about 1500 sq ft, but I have 5 pets and a toddler, so as soon as you finish one room, and turn your back, it's messy again. You would also have to work with my toddler on whatever his learning project was for the day. You would have to make sure the pets were all fed and watered. You would most likely have to change the cat's litter, unless you got lucky on the day we traded jobs. You would have to let the dogs outside about half a dozen times. You would have to cook at least 3 meals, and prepare a couple of snacks. You would have to pack my husband's food for work. You would also have to do some work online. You could pick what you did, as long as you made at least $15 by the end of the day. If I had any writing deadlines coming up, you would have to finish up any of that stuff or proofread it. You might also have to drive the 30 miles to the office to turn it in and talk to the real editor. You would have to watch a Wiggles DVD at least once. Just when you thought it was safe to switch to Cars, since my son is asking for the Cars movie, he will change his mind and demand to watch "Hot Potato" (one of the Wiggles songs) again. Same thing applies if he asks for Tigger, Spongebob, or Bob the Builder as well. You might get lucky if he wants Pablo, and actually get to watch a full thirty minute episode of the Backyardigans. He gets two hours of screen time, as long as he isn't being a lump on the couch. He's allowed to ask for a new movie whenever he wants, as long as he's watched at least 10 minutes of the last one.
@3cardmonte (5098)
4 Oct 08
OK! If you had my job you would be making handcrafted items like jewellery and soft furnishings, writing a glowing description,and posting them on ebay! Writing articles,posting items etc ill gladly swap for the day!