Question for Christians

United States
October 6, 2008 9:00am CST
I respect Christians everywhere by the fact that they believe in Jesus. The question i have is Why do you tolerate people from your own religion that make jokes about Jesus Christ? I think people shouldnt be allowed to make such stupid jokes about him. Don't You find it insulting when they make fun of God and Jesus? What do you have to say about those people???
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20 responses
• United States
6 Oct 08
i am a born-again baptist and i have never heard someone of my religion (that i knew of) making fun of God. if i did i would not tolerate it.
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• United States
6 Oct 08
Im talking about the media. TV shows animating God and Jesus and making jokes of it. Like all those Jesus Christ Jokes and sort of insults. I think it is a very poor way of showing humor.
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• United States
6 Oct 08
yes, i think so too. when i was younger i used to watch Southpark sometimes, until i saw an episode depicting Jesus and poking fun. i did not find it amusing and have not watched the show since. i think it is a terrible thing to do, but those people will not be having the last laugh.
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• United States
6 Oct 08
Yes that is exactly what im talking about. Thank you for your response.
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@BunGirl (2638)
• United States
6 Oct 08
Generally, those who claim to be Christians and would still make fun of Christ, are Christians in name only. Anyone who truly believes and understands what it really is to be a Christian would take it a bit more seriously. I do ask people to stop if they're making crude jokes about it in my presence though.
• United States
6 Oct 08
Yes I completely understand. Thnx for your response.
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@taurus54 (317)
• Philippines
7 Oct 08
Matthew 21:7 Jesus makes his triumphal entry into Jerusalem riding, simultaneously, on both an donkey and a colt. How he managed this feat is not explained. Did he have the two animals walk side-by-side and lie down across their backs? Did he just constantly switch from one to the other very fast? Inquiring minds want to know. Luke 9:54 After Jesus is rejected by a Samaritan , James and John ask him if it's all right if they call down fire from heaven like Elijah to incinerate the village.(Something tells me those boys have been watching too many movies.) Jesus denies them permission, and I can't blame him - I sure as heck know I would abuse that power if I had it.
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@taurus54 (317)
• Philippines
7 Oct 08
The bible itself is full of humorously absurd verses.All of the following are real Bible verses! John 9:6 Jesus cures a blind man by spitting on the ground and rubbing the muddy spit in the man's eyes. The more skeptical among you will doubtless ask why the Son of God had to go to such voodooish extremes when he could have cured the man with a snap of his all-powerful fingers.
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@skysuccess (8857)
• Singapore
6 Oct 08
platinum601, I think a little sense of humor in the right context and spiritual sense is nothing to be really in particular. After all, I am sure God would not mind - all work and no fun will certainly make Jack and me a dull guy (sorry for the genderism here). However, even if there might be extremities at other quarters, it is not our "war" and there is really no such need to argue and/or fight over it. For we need to be just mindful of our walk and let God take care of the rest. Remembering that the ones that laugh first does not always have the last laughs.
• United States
6 Oct 08
People still in jokes disrespect God and Jesus in many ways. I do see your point though.
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• United States
6 Oct 08
Why should God and Jesus be beyond jokes and humor? Jokes and humor are made of Zeus and Ares.
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• Thailand
15 Oct 08
Why is it that this discussion leave me with an almost irresistible temptation to post some Danish cartoons? I promise, I'll be good, I won't do it. I do have one question though. If God doesn't have a sense of humor why did he create the world?
• India
6 Oct 08
It's difficult to curtail other's right to freedom of speech. If other people understand the sentiment and curtail their liberty, well and good. But if they don't want to respect others sentiment, and want to argue for their right, it's difficult to ask them to shut their mouth...
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@EvanHunter (4026)
• United States
6 Oct 08
I would say a vine is known by its fruit. The lord says vengeance is his and on the day of resurrection he will repay in kind for those who have done evil and those who have done good. What I have to say is in the end we will all get what we deserve. I can only work on me if others don't adhere to my beliefs than it is left up to God to handle.
@enola1692 (3323)
• United States
6 Oct 08
I am a wiccan an strongly believe no one has a rigt to make fun out of anyones beliefs i have never heard jokes about jesus but I have heard other church knocking other churches which I think is wrong
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• India
13 Oct 08
anyone responds to a joke with punishment is an idiot. religions are full of such people. let me ask you one thing - isn't the very foundation of god very shaky as described by these religions? have you ever seen god losing his patience and threatening people over small issues like jokes? god cares a damn about what is happening around him. after all he is in everything that is. so whats the big deal about it? its those petty minded people who have no other things in life engage in finding fault with everything. who knows god must be really having a laugh at himself when he hears such jokes and must be rewarding those who made with more intelligence. isnt that a possibility?
@lkoenig07 (289)
• United States
6 Oct 08
I don't know why anyone would make fun of Jesus. I've never heard anyone of my own religion (born again Christian) make fun of Him; but I have seen it on TV, on shows like Family Guy, South Park, etc. I don't watch those shows because of what I've seen & I don't tolerate it. It's not funny
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@PrarieStyle (2486)
• United States
7 Oct 08
It doesn't bother me at all. God has a sense of humor or he wouldn't have given us one. He doesn't need little old me to defend Him. He's the judge and if there is judgment to be made, I trust He will do it.
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@hellcord (673)
• Romania
13 Oct 08
Jokes are fun. Humour is healthy, for the body and the mind. I find that spirituality is not something to be tense and rigid about, but open and creative. Comedy about jesus is OK in my book, same for the prophet Muhammad, Buddha and the Hindu gods. Frankly I'm much more concerned about intolerance, than I am about jokes. Alpowerful gods certainly don't need you to 'fight for' them, and I'm sure their ego will not be forever scarred by some jokes on their behalf. Let me ask you this: if 3 year-old kids make jokes about you, do you feel offended? How about if 2 perfectly good 3 year olds fight and hurt each other because one of them made a joke about you? I say tolerate. You will not turn ignorance to anything good by violence, rules or intolerance. Peace out :)
@Cley_CJ (105)
• Malaysia
15 Oct 08
Very well said, man. I salute you... peace:p
• India
11 Oct 08
Let them reap whatever they sow. No one has the right to make fun of GOD who is supreme.Love Him, Praise Him, Adore Him, worship Him, Fear Him.
• India
10 Oct 08
When people make comments about GOD it is up to God and those make comments. Why should we bother ? If some one wants to play with fire who are we to stop them.They will know it soon.
• Thailand
6 Oct 08
Cartoon - Just for fun
Christians have a sense of humor. What is your problem?
@1corner (744)
• Canada
8 Oct 08
Hmm... I've never been around any Christian who's made jokes about their Lord, or of God the Father yet. If it were to happen, I'd rebuke him/her for sure. Have heard and seen non-Christians engage in this, though. Of those times, I've sometimes stayed silent or piped up, depending on the nature/severity of the joke and whether the joker is an acquaintance or not. To try and defend Christ to such a person/people is useless. Making a joke about Christ is itself already a display of bad judgment; wading into it would give them a chance to show even poorer behavior. Besides, God can defend Himself quite well without my help, thank you very much. Knowing this more than makes up for any personal offense to me. Judgment will come ONE day to ALL of us, and we'll give an account then of what we say and do now. As for Christians who say God has a sense of humor, perhaps they simply mean He is able to appreciate mirth. Just as we're able to laugh, God can do that too. The Bible says men are created in the image of God, so this shouldn't come as a surprise. One story I personally find funny in the Bible is that of the prophet Balaam and his donkey. You can find it in the Old Testament, book of Numbers chapter 22. God made Balaam's donkey talk - complain in fact - for getting an undeserved beating. Picture yourself there, if you can. Wouldn't you find it amusing/hilarious to see a man talking back to an "a--"? If you do find Christians talking ill of Christ, go ahead and point this out to them. It's ok to shamefully knock some sense into them. Believers are exhorted to judge our own selves, lest we get judged along with the world. (1 Corinthians 11)
• United States
12 Oct 08
We each have the ability to decide not to listen or read the garbage out there. We each have the choice between judging others, or working to improve ourself. If I made a ruccus over every believer out there who acted a fool, then I would become famished in a matter og minutes. I take care of my family, shield them from the stuff that is beyond explination, infom them of others' ignorance, teach them the right way to behave, and mind my own business. I am not the judge, no one has to answer to me. So who am I to correct anyone?Does it bother me? yes. Can I do anything about it? no. So why make myself the target of hate?
@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
8 Oct 08
It's certainly not for me to judge - unless I want to be judged in a like manner. People always quote Matthew 7:1 - Do not judge so that you will not be judged. But the neglect the next verse...For in the way you judge, you will be judged; and by your standard of measure, it will be measured to you. However, when a person claims to be a Christian and then makes fun of God or Jesus or other Christians, one does have to wonder at his/her definition of being a Christian. The most important things that Christians can (and should do) - according to Jesus - are to love God and love our neighbor. We're even supposed to love our enemies. And if we love, we won't be making fun of people.