Tonsils out?
By toosh21
@toosh21 (800)
October 6, 2008 5:50pm CST
Hi everyone, I'm just wanting some advice from parents of children that have had their tonsils removed - particularly in Australia.
My 3 year old has just been referred to and ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat surgeon) to have his tonsils removed after 2 years of recurrent tonsilitis and being very ill. We see him in 2 1/2 weeks and our doctor has said that he wants our son's tonsils removed within the next six months as antibiotics were no longer helping & they have had to put him on double the dose he should have just to try and control it.
What I am wanting to know is did you go into the theatre with your child until they were put to sleep? Were you allowed into recovery so you were there when they woke up? What was your child allowed to eat after the surgery and how long were they in hospital? I have been told a few conflicting things so I am just wondering what your experience was? I also have another son who is 17months younger and will need to organise my mum to take him as if the surgery is done before march my husband will be very busy at work harvesting crops and won't be there to help while the oldest is in hospital and recovering.
Thanks for your responses!
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6 responses
@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
7 Oct 08
My son has his tonsils and adnoids removed about 2 weeks after his 5th b'day. The operation was in the royal children hospital in Melbourne. We went there at 7am he was checked by the nurse (weight, hight, pulse that sort of thing) then we talked to his surgen and anastetic guy. we were lucky as he was in the first group so we didnt have to wait much. we took him to the theatre my husband went in with him (as I was crying to much and didnt want to upset him) once he was asleep (it took like 30 sec) my husband came out and we went to wait in the parents room. once he was out of the theatre they called us in (he wasnt awake as such) and we were allowed to comfort him and in about 20 min when he was more awake we went to the room. He was allowed to eat everything (but not spicy or salty only because it would burn on his open wound) He could go home the same day if all is ok I chose to stay. I cant remember the meds they gave us to take but they were good. He wont be allowed to have nurofen but when my son took the other thing his pain was greatly reduced. and at about 8th day after the surgery he would have lots of pain for a day or so and after that he would have a great life. Trust me if I knew how much my sons life would change I would have had them removed as soon as he was born :).
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@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
8 Oct 08
Thanks for the BR. I forgot to say something. We got him few little new toys (my son is into pokemon so we got him few packs of them and few other things he liked) and every time he got a bit stressed we would give him another toy so he was happy. The operation takes at the most 1 hour and this was with his adnoids as well so for your son it should be way less than that. I had my tonsils out at about 5 as well and after the tonsils were out few days later they decided to take the adnoids out as well and they didnt put me to sleep and it took less then 5 min. Its a very simple operation and they dont stich them. They gave my son toast and recomended harder food so the wound can clean it self and reduse the chance of infections. If you only feed him soft things you are going to make it harder for him as it will take a long time to heal. I took about 2 months to heal as I was only eating soft things like custards and yogurts and everytime I ate something harder it would remove the "crust of blood" and it would hurt and get infected.
@toosh21 (800)
• Australia
7 Oct 08
Thankyou for your response - you have set my mind at ease some. The hospital in town near us is very good so I know they will look after him well...we were one bout off getting them removed last year and after what everyone has said about their children being so much better after having them removed I am really looking forward to my son being a happier, healthier child! Thanks for letting me know what happens.
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@miller23231 (873)
• United States
7 Oct 08
My daughters are older, 8 and 9, but they both had their tonsils removed a few months ago. I sat in the room with them until they were taken to the operating room. They weren't put to sleep until after they left me. Afterwards, we were at the hospital for about 4 hours. They were allowed soft foods like pudding and mashed potatoes for about a week. Lots of popsicles and ice cream. They did very well, but my youngest was pretty sick for a day or so. I'm sure it will be easier with just one child to care for. Good luck to you and your son.
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
7 Oct 08
My son was six when his came out, along with his adenoids.
He most likely won't feel like eating after. I'd get in a supply of frozen ice pops. Don't use ice cream, it coats the throat. The hospital stay in the states is just for the day of the surgery, then they go home.
My son never had tonsillitis, but his tonsils were huge. All you could see was tonsils. His uvula (that little hanging thing in your throat) was permanently bent to the side. From the time he was a newborn he snored really loud. Because of the tonsils he couldn't even taste food. I had worried because he wouldn't eat. He barely touched food and was super skinny.
Once his tonsils were out, he discovered food. Ate and ate. I thought "poor kid, he's never even tasted food before!" Now he's 17 and always hungry!
Everything will work out fine for your son. Just expect him to sound different when he talks at least for a while.

@toosh21 (800)
• Australia
7 Oct 08
Thankyou for your respose...I will be making sure to stock up on ice blocks and jelly! I am looking forward to my son being able to taste his food again and eat well as he's stopped eating most things lately saying he doesn't like them...I am sure it is because of his tonsils. He is a skinny tall boy too so maybe he will fill out a bit & I won't have to take all his pants in at the waist!
@cjgrooms (4456)
• United States
7 Oct 08
My son was 2y/o when he had his tonsiles removed. It was suppose to be an outpatient, but because he was so young they kept him overnight. I was with him until they took him into surgery (he walked in with the nurse (he wasn't the least upset but after he got out of sight i cried like a baby) I was in recovery when he woke up and stayed overnight with him in the hospitial. Even though he had some pain it didn't seem to bother him very much, i don't know if that was because he could have all the popsicles and ice cream he wanted or simply because he had had so many health problems before this. Either way it was definatly harder on me than it was on him. The biggest complaint he had was that when he woke up they had put a diaper on him and he had been potty trained for several months, THAT upset him, A LOT more than any pain he may have had. My advice is if your huasband can't be there take a friend because believe me you are going to need someone that can remind you that everything is going to be fine. Good luck.
@toosh21 (800)
• Australia
7 Oct 08
I think that is the part I am most worried about - them taking him away & me breaking down...also me being upset afterwards if he is in pain! I'm hoping he copes like your son as he has had a lot of health problems because of his tonsils too. My son will not let them put a diaper on him so I hope they don't try - he has been toilet trained for over 18months now. My husband is going to try and at least have a few hours off to come with us, but if he can't I will be sure to take someone else, thankyou!
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@cjgrooms (4456)
• United States
8 Oct 08
Actually my son never had any health problems from his tonsiles as a matter of fact he had never even had a sore throat(he just had all other kindsof health issues) they were just so large that he wouldn't eat solid food very often and he had breathing problems at night. He gained 12lb. the month after they were removed. As for the diaper he was unconscious when they commited that sin! And i promise you when he woke up enough to relize what they had done he was horrified that they thought he was a "baby"!
@liltunergirl (467)
• Canada
7 Oct 08
I don't live in Australia but my 5 year old will be going to get her tonsils out in 2 weeks. We went through the same symptoms as you. She had tonsilitis 5 times in the last 4 months and the antibiotics just aren't working anymore. Not to mention, she has been really sick with stomach pain and throwing up. We went to see an ENT and even did a sleep clinic where we had to stay overnight to watch her sleeping habits. They found that she had a mild case of sleep apnia due to her tonsils being so large. Tomorrow we go for a program at the hospital called the Star Program where they take the kids that will be having an operation and show them the ropes. They put a gown on them and do the whole thing that will be done the day of the surgery. This prepairs the kids of what to expect. See if your hospital offers something like this for your son. Apparently I am aloud to go with her up to the door of the operating room and that's it. I am aloud in the recovery room to be there when she wakes up but here we are only aloud 1 person in there at a time. The operation is about 4 hours and it's usually an outpatient surgery so they come home that day if there was no complications. Once home, they are aloud to eat soft items. luke warm soup, mashed potatoes, popcycles, freezies, jello, pudding and things like that for about a week. They aren't supposed to do anything strenuous for about 2 weeks as the stitches inside them can open and cause bleeding. Other then that, it's a pretty common surgery and everything will go fine. Your son will start feeling better once those danged tonsils are removed. I cant wait for my daughter to be back to normal and stop being sick!
@toosh21 (800)
• Australia
7 Oct 08
Oh your daughter sounds so similar to my son - he has the stomach pains and throws up too! The Star Program sounds fantastic and I will be asking the hospital if they do anything like that here for sure! Quite a few people here in Australia have told me they go into the theatre with their child until the put them to sleep - that is a relief to me but I think I am going to have to convince my husband to get a few hours off to go in with our son as I may be a blubbering mess!
I will make sure to stock up on ice blocks, jelly, etc and make some nice soft custards and puddings for him....thanks so much for your response, it sure helps to know I'm not the only one dealing with this right now!
@soph1528 (1)
• Australia
5 Dec 08
hi my 6 year old had hers out last week went in with her till they put her to sleep then was called when she was coming out so could be in recovery with her,only thing was she was in pain for 3-4 days with her throat .she ate jelly custard and sipped tap water not too cold not too hot.but going good now had 2 weeks off school