I heard my daughter scream in her room

United States
October 6, 2008 7:59pm CST
My daughter screamed for me to come to her room quite hysterical. I get there and it dawns on me why she could be screaming and crying. The other night she discovered a lizard in her room. Just a little green anole male lizard nothing that would send me into a tailspin but she is terrified of them (I think it stems from when I had an iguana over a year ago and he was wild and mean and got out of his tank frequently). I wasn't able to catch the little invader the other night and subsequently forgot all about him. Well he jumped up on one of her statuettes and stared at her and she lost it. So I went in there and chased him down and caught him and he was pretty defensive and started biting me (doesn't hurt but feels weird). I took him outside and let him go. Mom is the hero. Would you have rescued your child from a lizard invasion?
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27 responses
• United States
7 Oct 08
lol. Oh my God, I wouldn't been scared myself. I don't like those things, or reptiles of any kind. Yuck. Of course I would've went running to her. I probably would've tried to throw something at the lizard. Maybe I could've killed it somehow, I don't really know. I would just tell her not to stay in her room until we could get it, if I was unable to. Maybe dad could come home and get it, but we wouldn't know where to look for it. I don't know. lol.
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• United States
7 Oct 08
Well it was either I caught it and got rid of it or it becomes her roommate lol. It is just me my daughter who is 18 and my mom who would not have gone after it so that left me. I am not afraid of them at all. Now had it been a palmetto bug I would have pe*d my pants cause I am terrified of those buggers.
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@dookie03 (578)
• United States
7 Oct 08
That's a pretty funny story. I would have definately saved my daughter from a silly lizard some night. One time when i was in jamaica on my honeymoon we had one of those rooms that was seaside and 3 frogs got into our room and me and my wife woke up having 3 frogs staring at us and croaking. It was probably one of the most hilarious things i've ever experienced. As for a little kid i could only imagine what they were thinking when they seen the little green thing staring at her.
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• United States
8 Oct 08
Well she is 18 so not a little kid anymore lol. She just is terrified of them.
• Canada
7 Oct 08
I don't have a child, but if someone I knew coudln't handle a lizard, mouse, snake, whatever, i would be the one to deal with the situation. Stuff like that doesn't really scare me. I have a really cool picture of me with a python wrapped around my neck.
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• United States
7 Oct 08
I am not easily frightened either snakes don't scare me at all. i once chased a armidillo all around the backyard and caught him by the tail several times. I finally ended up calling animal control when I got it trapped in the doghouse. The man came out with his elbow length leather gloves and two catch poles and he was still scared of the armedillo!! Now granted he was a big armidillo but I had trapped him in the doghouse and had caught him by the tail several times barehanded and this guy was about to wet himself!!! then he let him go!!!
@mjhicks (317)
• United States
7 Oct 08
When my children were young we visited local nature centers where they got to have some close encounters with snakes and lizards. At the age of 4 my daughter surprised everyone by petting a large albino corn snake at one of the centers. She was further fasinated by another snake that was a pinkish color and delighted to find it was called a Rosey Boa. My daughters name is Rosanna and we call her Rosie for short. My son was a typical boy into bugs n all manner of critters. If a lizard had ever invaded the house they probably would have fought over who was going to keep it as a pet. lol
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• United States
7 Oct 08
My daughter is very unlike me. I have always loved lizards and snakes and toads and frogs. She doesn't like lizards but isn't frightened by snakes or toads or frogs. She is just terrified of lizards.
@GreenMoo (11833)
23 Oct 08
I think I'd have had to have captured the little beast, otherwise she'd have screamed again next time it appeared! I love lizards. We don't really see them in the UK, so they're still pretty special to me. Unfortunately my cats don't think so, and they catch them regularly! At our last house there used to be loads of them, then there were loads with no tails, then there were none at all! Perhaps your daughter should get a cat :-) A while ago we had an old baby bath left out and a couple of lizards went into it to have a drink then couldn't climb out. I was able to hold them and stroke them and they really didn't seem to mind once they were on my hand. Once I put them down again they hung around for ages. I'm not sure I'd want one as a pet myself though. A lizard, even a big one like an iguana, doesn't strike me as being a very exciting pet.
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7 Oct 08
yes i would and i would talk to the child about and tell him or her that they wont hurt you and let her or him pet it and get used to it so she wont be scared of everything
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• United States
7 Oct 08
Well the "child" is 18 and no matter how much I talked to her about lizards and had her touch them she has remained terrified of them.
@seabeauty (1480)
• United States
7 Oct 08
Yeah, I would :). With my kids, they are afraid of spiders. If they see one in their room or any other room, they will tell me to come and kill it. I wouldn't want my kids to have to scream in fear.
• United States
10 Oct 08
Yes I would have protected my children from something they where afraid of. I think they need to learn that if we as adults can catch the lizard or something they are afraid of then they may not be as afraid of them as much.
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• United States
7 Oct 08
Way to go mom!! I'd rescue my kids from a lizard invasion if I had too, but they like them. We have an iguana who can be feisty, but he's a good little guy. Both of my boys want to get some kind of lizard or turtle for a pet.
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@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
7 Oct 08
Awww. Fortunately, I had a son and he was more apt to rescue me from lizards and bugs than the other way around. :-) When we lived in Florida, he loved the lizards. Somewhere I have a picture of him with lizards hanging on each earlobe like earrings. (It didn't hurt them, but boy can they hang on!)
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@lanlan011 (701)
• United States
7 Oct 08
My cat ate a lizard....Another time was when I was lifting up a bag of cat food and there was like a blue green lizard. It was very pretty. I left it alone. Im not scared of them. I dont have any children though....but how big or long was the lizard?
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@3cardmonte (5098)
7 Oct 08
freaky! yeah I would have rescued her, I dont mind lizzards, I helped rescue my friend from a tarantula once!
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@animeniak (425)
• United States
8 Oct 08
Umm... are the lizards scary? lol I've never seen them with my very own eyes, except I have seen the pictures of them, but not the actual living thing.
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@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
7 Oct 08
I think if a lizard was in my bed I would scream and jump. I have no problems with lizards but stay outside. In Canada I don't even know if we have lizards. But when my kids were growing up, they hated spiders. So Faster than a speeding bullet I was the superhero rescuing my two damsels in distress.
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@Thoroughrob (11742)
• United States
7 Oct 08
Honestly, I would probably been screaming also. I don't like lizards at all.
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@shana123 (2095)
• India
7 Oct 08
Im not a mom still lol.. My mom yea , once scorpion entered our home just imagine i hate all reptiles , this scorpion is poisonous , oh my i hate it , i irritates me a lot ,i hate it to the core , i get mad when i see them , its a real yuck to me , i get scared at them too.When i saw it climbing the roof of my room i was shivered a bit and called mommy... she came in and hit the scorpion , it was small though , it was poisonous one, my mom rescued me. she is a heroine? i dont know may be lol
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@cripfemme (7698)
• United States
7 Oct 08
I'm not afraid of lizards so this wouldn't be an issue for me. In fact, I think they're cool. If my child were afraid of lizards, of course I would help them to get rid of the creature. However, I also think I would talk to her about how it's more scared of her than she is of it just so she doesn't react like this in the future because it seems a little extreme. Who am I to talk though? My mother is terrified of bugs of any kind ever. Worse than your daughter I think. She has run screaming from movie theaters because she saw a spider on the seat and left me sitting there. I'm in a wheelchair and the spider was fake!
@essytssy (125)
• India
7 Oct 08
I am exactly not into this kind of situation instead, Just an reverse. I am much scared of lizards. I remember many times I shouted at nights. Mostly but sister will help to get rid of it. Lol.
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@Ithink (9980)
• United States
7 Oct 08
While we dont have lizards we do have newts and in fact I found one the other day while doing wood. I showed our 21 month old, not scared in the least, she wanted him and I let her pick him up and she kissed it!! EWWW I decided to let our granddaughter see it, she is 10 months old, she grabbed it and tried to stick it in her mouth! LOL So as of this last weekend they only arent afraid but seem to love them and one even thought it would be tasty .. ROFL Of course this is subject to change as they are young, in a few years they might scream like I do at snakes.. lol But even as scared as I am of them and not fond of spiders, if hubby wasnt around yes I would "rescue" my children or grandbabies.
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@belk89 (1103)
• Philippines
7 Oct 08
I dont like lizard too so probably i will bring a broom with me when im chasing the lizard lol. Or might call my husband to catch the lizard for me. Since i was a kid i am already terrified with big lizards. And everytime i see them i feel this weird feeling that i cant describe. Until now i still have that fear. So my only wish is that my childs room would not have any lizards at all lol. So far our house is free from lizard so i have no problem yet (".)
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