Have you ever accidentally hurt yourself?

United States
October 7, 2008 1:40am CST
About ten years ago, I was brushing my teeth and the toothbrush broke and stabbed me in the middle finger. Took out a hunk of skin along with it. My hand hurt for a really long time and I have still have the scar. It was one of those really cheap toothbrushes, so it was flimsy. Needless to say, I don't buy cheap anymore! Have you ever accidentally hurt yourself in a senseless way?
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32 responses
@elitess (5070)
• Ipswich, England
7 Oct 08
Yes i have, quite a few times actually. I cut myself with the knife a few times (by mistake of course), i once sat on a scissors and it went in my... behind - still have a scar from that one, i once hit a gate that i forgot it was closed (this is the most recent one - still have the scar of this as well ) and that is enough for now
@webeishere (36313)
• United States
7 Oct 08
Now that I think abouit it..... HAHAHA I cut myself pretty badly cutting potatoes the other day. Cutting too fast then turned my head for a second and saw the potato had turned red. Ewwww! HAPPY POSTINGS FROM GRANDPA BOB !!~
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@elitess (5070)
• Ipswich, England
8 Oct 08
Well the scissors incident wasn't funny as i went to the doctor because of it, but about the gate i still laugh myself :))
@bwaybaby (903)
• United States
7 Oct 08
My little sister decided to take a frame off a mirror. She kept cutting herself on the edges, but she kept trying to take the frame off. She ended up taking off a huge chunk of skin on her finger and had to have it reattached.
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• Philippines
7 Oct 08
Whew! That must have really hurt so bad. Just the thought of taking off a huge chunk of skin made me weak. Imagine how much blood could have spurt out there since the fingers have the mot nerves. Yikes! oh it sure does hurt. . Was she able to reattach the huge chunk that was cut off? I hope so. It would really look weird if it hadn't been reattached. Anyway, I sure hope she is OK now!
• United States
7 Oct 08
Oh, poor baby! One time I did the same thing. I was cleaning the bathroom mirror and my hand slipped off the side and got cut.
@carlaabt (3504)
• United States
7 Oct 08
I hurt myself all the time! When I was in cosmetology school, I was cutting a friend's hair, and cut a chunk out of my finger. The worst thing was that I wasn't supposed to be cutting her hair, so as soon as my instructor was sure I was ok, and the bleeding was slowing down, I got in trouble. My friend was allowed to wash her hair since there was blood in it, but she wasn't allowed to have the cut finished at school. lol I did end up finishing it for her after school at another friend's house, but she had to spend the last 3-4 hours of our school day with her hair uneven. :)
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• United States
8 Oct 08
Oh, I know that must have hurt! P.S. Good to see you back
@lynettebyc (2416)
• China
8 Oct 08
Yeah, yesterday, scratched my finger by paper. Can you imagine? I was happy doing copy work in the copier, and when i'm collecting the paper, it hurt me in the right thumb. luckily, it's not too deep, only bled one or two drop of blood. But i have difficulty washing take care of ourselves
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• Philippines
8 Oct 08
i had a similar experience like yours.. while brushing my teeth,i accidentally slipped and landed my face on the floor(man it hurt!).. good thing i was able to tilt my head,or else the toothbrush might went straight to my esophagus.. luckily,all i had were bleeding teeth and gums.. i consideer it lucky because who knows what have happened if i accidentally swallowed the toothbrushed or if it pierced my throat. another experience was when i was peelinf apples,the knife slipped and i accidentally cut my thumb..it created a deep cut , (it was even bloodier thatn my teeth from the toothbrush accident)it left a scar which always reminds me not to peel apples..im eating the skin now..
• Australia
7 Oct 08
Hi There, when i was still young, really young, i used to always keep my hand where thdoor was supposed to close, and i used to push the door and close it on my hand. Ofcoarse it was always by accident and it happened about 2 times with the car door. It reall hurt and i was still young so itlooked like i wasn't learning from it/ As i got older, i could close the door with one hand and my "problem" was sloved. But i still remember that till now because i had a few other scratches from cupboard doors around the house. Happy MyLotting!
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@GardenGerty (162354)
• United States
7 Oct 08
I was refinishing woodwork in my house, and I think I was working on some frustrations and anxiety, cause I splintered it and got something as big around as a matchstick stuck under my skin. I felt I had no time to see a doctor, as I was traveling back and forth to see my mom, who was dying, and I was working, and had my great niece living with me (with severe behavior issues) and having to see an ob/gyn out of town for a consult. I could not get in to my regular doctor in between all of this, but the nurse at the specialist told the doc about my splinter and he got out little mini surgical tools and cut it out and patched me up--no charge. I guess I remember it because of his compassion, because it was a really bad time in my life.
• United States
8 Oct 08
Life's not all bad! Thanks for the pick me up.
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• United States
12 Oct 08
Sometimes even being frugal has its disadvantages. So sorry for what happened to you. You're not the only one who hurts yourself accidentally. Just earlier this month in October 2008, I didn't have a fingernail clipper near me, so I used my teeth to take apart the thumb of my fingernails at both ends from left to right. I stopped when I bit those sides and decided to rip the nail off my right thumb (not the whole nail, mind you!) The rip got deeper and deeper until... OUCH!!!! Not only did it hurt like hell, but it was starting to bleed. I had to get to mom's medicine cabinet and had to disinfect it, sterilize it and wrap it with a band aid. It hurt all through the week up to the next week when the pain went down. That's something i'll never do again.
@potrish78 (742)
• Philippines
7 Oct 08
I think I did! When I was a kid my cousin used to play tricks on me. He had me watched him hold a blade on his index and middle finger and pretended to squeeze the blade with all his might, pushing onto the blade hard and tight. Then he would show me his two fingers with no cut and no blood at all. As a kid and curious as I was, I did what he did. And the last thing I know my fingers were full of blood and my mom was screaming loud cuz of the tension and fear.
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@raclie (1732)
• Singapore
7 Oct 08
ouch... that will hurt... was shaving my legs, and shaved it OFF!!! there was alot of blood, and since i was doing it before a bath, it really hurt!!!! still have the scars... and i hate the looks of my legs now... they look so bad!!!
• United States
7 Oct 08
I've got plenty of shaving scars.
@samijo719 (1052)
• United States
7 Oct 08
I tend to be very clumsy and hurt myself in the silliest ways. I have only ever seriously hurt myself 1 time though. About 6 months ago i was rushing to clean a cassorole dish with brownies because we were having friends over for dinner and out to a movie. We just moved into an apartment and had nothing to really pry them off the pan and no time to soak it. So, I used a knife! All was going well into the knife slipped and went right into the my left hand i was holding the pan still with. At first I didn't think it was that bad, my boyfriend saw and knew instantly. Thank goodness we live literally 1 min from the hospital. Let's just say lots of blood and 5 stitches later, I don't care who you are I will not be rushing to clean out anymore pans!
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@magojordan (3252)
• Philippines
8 Oct 08
Yup I once hurt myself with a stapler when I was really young. I used the stapler and when it got stuck, i tried to remove the jammed staple wire, but as I removed it I pressed it again almost stapling one of my fingers. Luckily it didn't go that deep but it still bled a lot.
@animeniak (425)
• United States
7 Oct 08
hmm! I don't remember accidentally hurting myself at all... did I? Nope, can't remember a thing. I'm sorry you accidentally hurt yourself while brushing your teeth, but how can a cheap toothbrush possibly take out a hunk of skin? Not saying I don't believe you, but I just can't picture it;; haha well happy posting :)
@PrarieStyle (2486)
• United States
8 Oct 08
Yeah, I was sweeping and my broom handle hit a cheep thin ceiling light and broke it. A piece of the light hit me on my wrist. Blood started squirting across the room and hit the wall. I put my finger over it and went to tell my daughter. She was 16 at the time and is a big chicken and almost passed out even though she didn't even see any blood. I ended up being more worried about her than my wrist. My house was a mess so I didn't want to call 911. So I just put pressure on it with my finger for about a half hour. I still can't believe it but when I took my finger off, it never bled again. I still have the scar though, it was one of the strangest things that's ever happened to me.
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7 Oct 08
As a kid I was riding a skateboard (I must have been 6/7 years old) and was sent flying face first into the hard concrete ground, which really took a tool on my teeth I had to go to the dentist quite a bit after that, but they are ok nowadays I got £4000 compensation for that, but had to wait until I was 18 to get it.
@webeishere (36313)
• United States
7 Oct 08
As a child I was called accident prone. At one point I had a broken arm, scarped knees severely, stitches in my hand, then I was back in the ER for stitches needed in my head. All the injuries due to stupid things I did. Now days I am more careful. I think so anyhow. The last stupid so called injury was spilling hot wax all over my hairy chest and legs making crayons for my kids about 20 years ago. HAPPY POSTINGS FROM GRANDPA BOB !!~
• United States
7 Oct 08
my mom accidentally burnt her cornea (eye) with a curling iron so now she has less vision in it.
@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
7 Oct 08
Yes! All the time. I am very clumsy. But, one time that sticks out the most is when I accidentally jabbed a sharpened pencil into my hand and the pencil tip broke off and you can still see it in my hand.
7 Oct 08
Oh yes I am very good at being clumsy. I have a scar on my leg from where I accidentally stabbed myself with a pair of scissors when trying to open a plastic packet.
• United States
7 Oct 08
Lol, well one time i was trying to open a paintball grenade, and ...i stabbed myself with an 6 inch knife, went all the way through my finger, i went and wrapped it with gauze then told my mom i had a nose bleed to explain all the blood everywhere, lol, now i have a perm scar on my finger