Knight Rider - 3000
By ahgong
@ahgong (10064)
October 7, 2008 4:29am CST
The lastest Knight Rider movie was made "to serve as a backdoor pilot" for the new series in the same name. It is a revival of the original series that starred David Hasselhoff with the beautiful Trans AM back in the 80s.
Listening to the remixed of the original theme song brings back so much memories!
The movie opens with a group of men looking to fix the power outtage at Charles home. After getting access to the home, they captured Charles and raided his home of all the computer in the hope of securing the AI for a project code named Prometheus.
In the midst of it, Charles died from a heart attack. The black car found the the garage then starts up and revves off into the night. Seeking out Sarah, daughter of Charles. She is suppose to be the only person left able to crack the encryption on the harddisks they mercenaries took.
The FBI was called in and the investigating officer, Rival, identified the body as the body double and not Charles that died.
Haivng fooled his captors, Charles when to look for Jeniffer, Mikes' mother. After contacting Sarah via KITT, they went to hide out in a motel while waiting for Sarah and Mike to reunite with them. It was there that they revealed to Mike that the original driver for the original KITT is Mike's father. The man who made the difference.
Trying to protect his son, Jennifer was shot by one of the mecernaries. Left to be executed, the mecernaries left with Charles.
Turning the tables on the mecernaries tasked to kill them, Mike and Sarah got involved in a pursuit with the leader and manages to foil their attempt to escape with Charles to unlock the secrets of Prometeous. I wouldn't want to share too much here lest I give away the excitement of watching the action yourself.
Charles then informs Mike that he is reviving the Foundation in view of the need to fight new waves of crime that is plaguing the world today. So they need another man who could make the difference. This time, with better technologies and a souped up KITT (3000 of course!).
So I guess the new Devon would be Charles himself.
And the new Bonnie would be Sarah. Sigh... I wished they found a prettier looking replacement for Bonnie. 8p
Micheal Knight made a cameo at the funeral of Mike's mother. NO hint that he is still driving the original KITT though. Throughout the movie, I was so hoping to see where the original KITT went. No indication of any sort that the original KITT was decommissioned. Unless you refer to the Knight 2000 series where KITT was upgraded to the red hot Firebird.
Otherwise, the only indication was the several pieces of the original Trans Am in the garage of Charles's home. The famous KITT steering wheel (labeled "Knight Two Thousand") and "KNIGHT" license plate are also shown, along with numerous black car body parts.
Gone is the trailer that used to house the mobile workshop that Bonnie worked on the original KITT. In replacement, a C130 is used. A little on the exaggerated side if you asked me. I would have expected a nicher looking upgrade of the original Knight Trailer!
I only knew of this movie after I saw the disk being sold at the shops. And I have heck of a good time watching it!
I sure hope I can get my hands on the series when it is released. Hopefully soon!

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