Why do people living in big cities look down on small town folk?

October 7, 2008 4:50am CST
It often happens that a person living in a big city thinks himself superior to a small town person. They think that a small town peson is inferior or had less experience in many ways. Is it true?
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4 responses
@underdogtoo (9579)
• Philippines
7 Oct 08
I think this is how people are. People who have some education would look down on those who barely touched high school. Everywhere, even in small towns there are people who look down on people who work the fields. Cheers!!
@sandymay16 (1617)
• Philippines
7 Oct 08
It maybe because people living in big cities have access to new and so called sophisticated things in life, knew the latest trends and the like and thinks they are high urbanites and people from small towns or cities are rural or backwards or provincial or out of their league. But mostly I think people who think they are superior are those who are also migrants from rural towns. I have experienced something like that, I may come from a province, don't we all? Big cities also belong to a province, but I live in a city too though small. Small townfolks may do something awkward in the big city but big city slickers also do something awkward in rural or small cities/towns. So it should be fair for all. And it's really bad attitude thinking to be superior when actually it's only a front of being inferior.
@super_jj (1416)
• Philippines
7 Oct 08
Hmmm...i'd say based on experience, there are some big city people that do look down on small town folks. But not all of them, of course. Maybe just some of the people i've encountered so far. Like in our company, for example. I dont know, but it makes us small town people think that we are being unfairly treated. We work days a week. While in the Big city main office of the company, they only work 5 days a week! And if we check they're work, hands down, we do a better job than them. I hope that doesnt happen to other companies.
@gary_law (84)
• Hong Kong
7 Oct 08
It might because those people in small town came to the big city and started doing some behaviours which gave those people in the city the impression that those people were not so sophisticated.