Do you still feel 18 in your head even though you're not

@sharone74 (4837)
United States
October 7, 2008 10:40am CST
I am about to turn 34 this month. On the 24th and amazingly, though things ache nowadays more when I strain somethng or sustain an injury, my mind is still convinced that I am still young. Most days I still feel 18 years old, and friends of mine that are in their 50's agree that the mind retains that youthful feeling of vigor and vitality throughout your adult life until after you reach your 60's and 70's. I think that is why we so often get sports related injuries and aches and such because muscle memory is taking it's lead from the brain and when you're play9ng a sport or working out it still thinks that your body is able to do the same things as it did when it was 18 and with the same recovery and resiliency. Then this belief is run over by the reality that at your age it may be time to hang some sports or activities up and leave them to the newer younger and more resilient players no matter how young we may feel.
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22 responses
@estarga (1188)
• United States
7 Oct 08
First off... Happy Early Birthday! I myself will be turning 35 on the 15th and I totally understand what you mean. I once saw tv show (which I can't think of the name) where the older lady said she always thinks of herself in her college years and I thought wow that is so true. When I think of myself I do the same thing. I will say that my kids do remind me of the fact that I am getting older and it is not the things they say or do. For example, I was school shopping for my soon to be 7 year old daughter and I remember going in the store and thinking "none of this is cute". I was watching music videos the other day and that was when it hit me again, I mean the music is soooooo crappy now but it's what the kids like. But anywho... I certainly know how you feel.
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@sharone74 (4837)
• United States
9 Oct 08
Happy Birthday backatcha, I wish you all the best for your birthday and the coming year. I think tbat the beauty of still feeling 18 inside whi8le being older on the outside is that we can go out and get drunk on our birthday legally and enjoy the advantages of being full grown.
• China
8 Oct 08
Hey, i'm definite envy your situation, do be happy. I'm younger than you but living much older life. I have to change
@qoo_rie (428)
• Indonesia
7 Oct 08
wow.. hmm i'm 24 this year.. and sometimes i still feel like i'm in high school :) well according to me it's bcos of my job.. i'm a private tutor for primary and secondary students.. sometimes teaching them makes me forgot that i'm older than them... and sometimes i do miss a lot of my 18 years time.. well but life goes on too fast... but then... who don't fell the younger soul on ourself? i think we all should have it.. our physic may be old but keep the young spirit makes life better .... but we should note that younger isn't same with childish
• China
8 Oct 08
When i was 18, i was busy studying, study everyday for the examination. So, not so many happy memories when i recall, be kind to the students and tell them to cherish their golden time, not just focus on examination, although that is very important. Thanks and good luck
@sharone74 (4837)
• United States
9 Oct 08
This is appropriate. I agree with you that feeling youthful has nothing to do with acting childishly or being childish and everything to do with the lingering feeling that you are still in the prime years of your life even as they continue to speed by.
@goldeneagle (6743)
• United States
7 Oct 08
I actually feel older than I am. I am only 30, but I feel like I am in my 50's at least. I guess that is all part of dealing with the handicap I have. My back and legs hurt from standing all night at work. The financial problems I am having are taking their toll on me mentally. I can not do some types of work because of their physical requirements, so the type jobs I can apply for is limited. I guess things will get better eventually...
@sharone74 (4837)
• United States
9 Oct 08
Injuries, illness, and handicaps can serve to make one feel limited in ones physicall life and can make one age mentally.I am sorry to hear that you are one such person and I wish you the very best of luck with your future endavors.
@sanuanu (11235)
• India
7 Oct 08
No, I never could thought like that. When I was 18, I thought I was a child and used to paly games of children. Then I became 24 and started thinking, "OH shiit! I am very old now."This thinking never get out from my head.
@sharone74 (4837)
• United States
18 Nov 08
Sanuanu, that is truly a shame. See the intervening years between 18 and 24 fly glide slowly by you but the ten years after that whip by in an ever increasing rush. The more time that passes in your life the faster it seems to go. So that feeling of vigor and vitality is vital to preserve as long as possible. But once it's lost I don't think it can be recaptured.(sigh)
@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
7 Oct 08
Almost 60! And I still think I'm Superman, I mean 18. All body parts are still functioning to a certain degree. I'm working on keeping the body as young as possible, through all the positive things possible. Feel young, love to dance, and sing, and walk, and jump. Maybe we were never meant to get old. I think that one day some of us will regain our youth, not exactly 18 but closer to 30. Hope to meet you then
@sharone74 (4837)
• United States
15 Dec 08
If we do meet then, then we'll go out dancing. I know just the place! It is good that you're feeling spry and keeping active. Excercise does slow the inevitable aging process.
@ms1323 (259)
• United States
7 Oct 08
I just turned 39 - wow! I really cannot believe that I am sooo old! I find myself shocked when I look in the mirror, who is THAT? Certainly not me :) Seriously, it is so funny how the mind works. I've had health issues since the birth of my first child 8 years ago; RA, then psoriasis, hair loss from medications....issue on top of issue and yet I still think of myself as 20, even on bad days. For that I am very grateful, I can only imagine I would feel much worse if I actually thought of myself as old!
@sharone74 (4837)
• United States
15 Dec 08
You're not all that old. My boyfriend is 55 years old and he complains about it a lot but he has a 34 year old girlfriend so things are not so bad! Right? Take care of yourself and do the best you can with what you've got.
@sylvia13 (1850)
• Nelson Bay, Australia
8 Oct 08
18 perhaps not, but for sure in my twenties! In the morning my mirror reminds me of the truth, but who cares, I keep of feeling my age, which doesnt seem to change much despite having birthdays!
@as2006 (5040)
• Israel
8 Oct 08
I agree with what you have write here.In my opinion to be young or old is in our mind only.A person can be young even his age is high and a person can be old even his age is only 18,so it is in our feeling and mind only.I'm in age 60, feel young,think young,do everything as a young,my age is only a nomber and a symbol of expariance.
@greysfreak (1384)
• United States
8 Oct 08
I'm like this also, except I'm 25--and on most days I feel 13 or 14. Actually, a good amount of my interests are also around that age as well. I am not one bit ashamed of it either, because I think that once you feel older mentally, that's when you get old! Also, a few months ago my mom sent me in a store to get her some lottery tickets, and they asked for my ID, I didn't have it on me--so I had to leave. I was shocked, I mean--I am always told I look young, but apparently this person behind the counter thought I was under 18! I can't complain about it though. I am a singer, and that's what I want to do for a living, so the longer I can look under 20 or so, the better, because it's not an easy industry to get in, age or appearing younger seems to be a good thing. I'm not sure if I'm experiencing the aging symptoms physically yet, when I'm working out regularly I tend to get sore, but then I start feeling a bit better than ever, so I hope that will help if I can get consistent. My dad is almost 59, and I've heard him say that he is in better shape now than when he was in his 20's or so, he still works in a very physical job, plumbing--and he's self employed, so does it all himself (and when not working he is always improving the house in some way). So I have to hope that I take after him, because my mom, she will be 60, 4 days after my dad turns 59, and she has a lot of health problems. So I'm sure genetics has a role, and also activity--so for me, I guess something I want is to get to the point where I physically feel as young as I feel mentally. I think it's possible, but not an easy task. Also, I didn't have my first broken bone till I was 24, it was last October 4th, I broke my ankle. I think I healed pretty good, especially considering I walked on it way more than I should have, because I was living at college, and had to walk to classes. I continued to wear an ankle brace through December, and into February when I did any exercise. It still acts up, with weather, and if I don't sleep enough, but the pains just remind me how bad it was, and how I don't want that to happen again! I understand what your saying about not doing some things you once did, and some things may be in that category, but I'd like to think that there are things I'd like to try once I'm in shape, things that I've never been up to doing even when I was much younger. On that note, after having experienced a broken bone, I'm sure I will be cautious even if I did get to a point when I felt like I could handle anything too risky. haha
@katkat3 (425)
8 Oct 08
I'm 28 and yes, I do still feel about 18. Don't have as much energy as I did and I feel a little wiser! It's strange how that is really. I have an older friend who's in his 50's and he says he still feels like a teenager. I think it's important to exercise not just your body but also your mind like you say about muscle memory and sport. Exercising your mind and memory can also help prevent problems later in life. I try to read and do puzzles all the time. I don't do much physical exercise except walking to and from work, and playing my nintendo Wii. Should really take up swimming!!!!!
@suehan1 (4344)
• Australia
8 Oct 08
yes i do still feel young in mind and heart most of the time,even though some days my body does not.i will be turning the big 50 this year and i still feel like a kid some days.its the knee that i injured when i was about 20 that gives me trouble.cheers sue
8 Oct 08
i definately feel like i'm 18 and the problem is i still act like it!!! i'm usually the first on and last off the dance floor on a night out,mix my drinks, go to after parties then wake in the morning with a stinking hangover reminding me i'm not as young as i think iam!!!
@eveeee (659)
7 Oct 08
I am 36 and can't believe I am going to hit the big 40 in a few years time, and nor can my 3 elder sisters. Like you I find it harder to get over things, but then it doesn't help that I am going through the menopause early and have been now for six years. Roll on the days I get through it! I work with children and have done for about 10 years, and now I am beginning to feel the strain, especially after a 11 hour shift in the nursery. I love to play games, dance and run about with the little ones, and used to keep going for hours, but now I can't so much. Also I suffer with back problems, after slipping my disc, so I have to be a bit more careful. Now I am hanging up the childcare gloves, and training to tutor and assess others going into childcare instead. I suppose though, I still, in my mind feel like I am in my early 20's and sometimes younger than that. Being all day with lots of kids definitly helps.
@sharone74 (4837)
• United States
9 Oct 08
the years seem to just creep up on yo out of nowhere. I kind of feel like I just celoevrated my 18th and 21 st birthdays and now here I am poised to turn 34 in two weeks. Where did the interveing years go?
• India
23 Nov 08
I have always felt like I was 18, but never over did anything as an 18 year old would do. i maintain my youthful body tone by doing regular exercise and yoga. I feel fit and look fit too. I do nt take part in strenuous sporting activities now though i id play a lot of basket ball, hockey, cricket and foot ball in my real younger days. i have only changed the focus now that i am older. i do yoga, play golf and go for long jog and walk. I can do a 100 sit ups and try to keep my stomach muscles in shape. Mind and body bothe have to be kept in shape to remain young. i am 53 now and and neither look nor feel 53. i hope i can keep it up for a few more years.
@cupid74 (11388)
• Pakistan
8 Oct 08
Hi, i will be 34 in dec tooo and i feel that i am still young though not 18 here its saying that age is not year u spent but its how u feel and other saying age does not make differnce, heart must be young so just go for it and enjoy byee
@anawar (2404)
• United States
8 Oct 08
Hi sharone - No doubt you're right. No one wants to accept limitations, physical or mental. Humans grow old and we don't work as well. Our joints creek, and we can't get oiled like the tin man. We have to pay close attention to injuries, as you suggested. Getting carried away in the joy of the moment, its easy to ignore the truth, that we do get old. I'm older than you, but in my mind, I see a twenty year old girl. I remember a few years ago, trying to ice skate, something I did every day I could in the winter. Within fifteen minutes, my ankles buckled. I needed no more convincing than experiencing the pain and I limped off to the sidelines, forever grounded by age.
@lynettebyc (2416)
• China
8 Oct 08
I' m 24, feeling that i'm near 30 and will be getting older and older day after day.Your spirit's complimented, yeah, we should let our heart/ soul wrinkle because of age, time can left tracks on our body, our face, but only ourselves can be the murder of a younger heart after going through so much. We can stay young at heart so long as we want to, enjoy the sunshine, sunrise, sunset everyday, and let the unhappiness go away, never ever give it a shelter. Good luck, i have to learn to stay young and happy. Wish you joy
@ganda8831 (816)
• Philippines
8 Oct 08
Im already 35 and I dont really feel like im 18 years old physically. In the first place im not really the sporty kind. But i still feel young in some ways like being in the loop when it comes to fashion, movies, music, knowing all the latest trends. I also still enjoy going out and being and talking with my friends. But i must say im already matured when it comes to making decisions and some of my views and opinions.
@glechelle (146)
• Philippines
8 Oct 08
I am 22 but it feels I'm already 50!!!! I hate leaving the teen years. I hate being an adult because I have to responsible and respectable to my field, which is totally not me. In spite of this kind of frustration, it feels like I'm still immature which makes me a child, well childish.
• China
8 Oct 08
That is good things.Always I feel 18 years old,and it can make you happy and adjust your mind to face some problem.