"Kill Him!" - "Terrorist!" - "Treason!" - All Heard at McCain/Palin Rallies..

@anniepa (27955)
United States
October 7, 2008 7:30pm CST
Does that bother anyone? http://www.care2.com/news/member/434996229/902414 Please, don't complain about the link I provided above, it's there for informational reasons only for anyone who hasn't already heard about this disgraceful behavior by McCain/Palin supporters. The most recent report I heard was that the Secret Service is investigating the "Kill him" shout. there was also a report of, I believe it was a Palin campaign worker, who told an African American member of the media to "Sit down", adding "Boy". As far as I know or have heard so far neither McCain nor Palin have had any comment about any of these incidents. Anyone here have any comments? Annie
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23 responses
@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
8 Oct 08
I have and I was just talking about it with my mother this morning. I was so sicken over this. My mother has turned to supporting McCain because of his extreme far far far right wing running mate (as my husband said "she so far right she can't see Rush from where she's standing) as I was telling her about this today she has decided to change her vote. My brother has a child with a black woman so my mother was really upset by what happened and Palin did not say anything about the comments. I find it very upsetting, I know we have ignorant people in this country but this just makes me completely sick!
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
8 Oct 08
Exactly, the only ones that will not care are the die hards. Independents, undecided and moderates will be very put off that we could once again be thrown into 1960. As an Independent I do not want to go backward only forward. We must not forget the past because we will be doomed to repeat it.
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@Sillychick (3275)
• United States
8 Oct 08
I don't understand. McCain and Palin are doing some mudslinging- as Obama and Biden are- and as most politicians do. It is a few of their supporters who are behaving badly. Why should they be punished for that? They can not control what the people do or say. How, exactly, is it their fault? I do believe if someone suggested violence they should be investigated and it should be taken seriously, but I don't see how McCain or Palin is responsible for that.
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@philjas (1134)
• United States
8 Oct 08
It isn't exactly their fault, but I do think they should come forward and condemn the "Kill him!" remarks from the crowd.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
8 Oct 08
I agree, they may not be responsible but they should still speak out against it. "Some mudslinging" or "behaving badly" aren't close to calling for someone to be killed. Annie
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@mcat19 (1357)
• United States
8 Oct 08
The McCain-Palin campaign has to say something about its supporters who say such things. They need to denounce these people and let the American public know that they don't approve of it. Silence seems to mean that it's OK. It's not OK.
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
8 Oct 08
Anything like that should be condemned. Obama should be condemning the "Praise our savior, Obama" songs, etc. being sung by innocent children. Both of these actions should be condemned.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
8 Oct 08
I've heard OF but haven't heard the actual song that I think you're referring to although I never heard it said anything like "Praise our Savior". However, even if it did it still sure doesn't compare with someone yelling "Kill him"! Annie
3 people like this
• United States
8 Oct 08
"Praise Our Savior, Obama," if I am not mistaken, was something stupid that Glenn Beck came up with, was it not? You know, the conservative a$$ who thinks he's a thinker? (http://www.glennbeck.com/content/articles/article/198/14148/?ck=1) So how are you blaming that one on Obama?
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
8 Oct 08
Hadn't heard Beck mention that. I like Glenn Beck. Don't always agree with him, but he's been right more times than not. He called this economic mess before anything happened. I'm coming to like my middle of the road politics more and more. I'm not crazy about either politicians or the nonsense their potential voters are putting out.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
8 Oct 08
hi anniepa that same old racism is still with us today and it really makes me sick. those shouted words and the sit down boy are disgusting and make fools out of all of us. we hear them and dont do anything about it.No damned election is worth tearing each other to pieces. I do believe a lot of objections to obama simply cover up the fact that there are still negro haters here in our free democracy in 2008. Now dont get bent out of shape as I am a white person but I do not condone racism at all ever.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
8 Oct 08
I'm with you 100%, Hatley, and I'm also a white person and I also hate racism. Annie
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@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
8 Oct 08
I read about that today, too. I don't remember that it was a campaign worker who called the cameraman "boy", but I do remember the audience turned on the media who were there and attacked them. She apparently did nothing to stop it or to try to stop it. This is the new hate-filled mindset in this country and this is why we need to GET AWAY from this. We cannot have this continuing to be looked at as acceptable!! And, four more years will only cement it into the culture of America more than it is already!! There is so much hate in this world - why do WE have to encourage it, promote it, or exhibit it? Aren't we supposed to be ABOVE IT??? At least, we used to try to be. I think we've lost that empathy or even the ability to feel empathy.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
8 Oct 08
I can't even allow myself to think about four more years of this! How will the kids of the future grow up to feel, will they just accept it as "normal" and pass it along? I don't get what the Palin supporters hate so much about the media to begin with. It's not the media's fault she refused to give any interviews for so long or that she made an a$$ of herself when she finally did! I forgot - Charlie and Katie asked those awful "gotcha" questions...lol! Annie
3 people like this
• United States
8 Oct 08
I had not heard about this either, so I am glad you included that link. The information there says it all. If that remark had truly been made about OBAMA, I could understand what the heat would be over. But go back and CAREFULLY re-read this portion of the article: ______________________________________________________ Palin says: "Now it turns out, one of his earliest supporters is a man named Bill Ayers...And, according to the New York Times, he was a domestic terrorist and part of a group that, quote, 'launched a campaign of bombings that would target the Pentagon and our U.S. Capitol,'" she continued. "Boooo!" the crowd repeated. "Kill him!" proposed one man in the audience. _____________________________________________________ Now....that whole paragraph (which was "booooo-ed" and the "kill him" remark was made right after), was in fact all about BILL AYERS.......NOT about OBAMA. Where does anyone get the idea from (other than just trying to find something to give bad press about) that the audience member was directing that comment to Obama or suggesting someone should assasinate him? Sure, it sounds like something everyone could get all hot over, IF it were to be directed at Obama. I don't think anyone would argue (although I personally don't condone killing anyone) that Bill Ayers is a crook and would deserve such a thing since he is acused of being involved in so many terrorist acts. It is no secret that he is an evil person and is no secret that Obama has ties to this man. Furthermore, we all need to accept the fact that each candidate has no control over what an audience member (or supporter) may belt out during a speech. For that matter, you could have people "planted" in crowds - just for the purpose of making that candidate look bad because of hostile supporters at their gatherings. They do not personally know every person there just like we do not know everyone who was there. Like I said, anniepa.....let's don't make judgements concerning what we know or probably DO NOT know about people out in a big crowd who may have made unkind remarks. They were there, but to say that it was "disgraceful behavior by McCain/Palin supporters" would be a stretch. More than that, I think this has been blown way out of proportion - in that Obama was not who this derrogatory remark was even made about. It shouldn't ever be said about anyone, but I think I would make an acception for Bill Ayers -- and wouldn't make any apologies. Why haven't the candidates addressed these issues you are asking about??? Probably because they AREN'T real issues at all.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
8 Oct 08
First of all, how can you say with such certainty the remark was directed at Bill Ayers? Clearly, if it were meant for a U.S. Senator and Presidential nominee it would be a more serious offense than if it had been meant for nearly anyone else but Ayers was never charged with anything and from what I know has been a lawful citizen for years now. Also, there is no evidence that Obama has ever been "close" to him and he certainly wasn't back during Ayers' days as a terrorist. I'm not defending the guy, just making an observation. It shouldn't matter who it was said about, when someone is holding an event and an attendee of that event yells, "Kill him!" something should be said about it, in this case by Palin. Annie
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• United States
8 Oct 08
First of all if the comments happened in their presence they should have said something. Secondly Obama's ties to Ayers were already brought up when he was still hashing things out with Hilary. I should say brought up and investigated and settled you can find it on www.factcheck.org. Obama was 8 years old when this man performed these acts of terrorism, how could he be involved. McCain has some suspect ties to corporations that were featured in the recent bailout and some of the most major washington lobbyists via most of his campaign staff. Palin gave a speech opening the convention for a group that wants Alaska to secede from the U.S. and become an independant state. It was proven that she never belonged to the group however just as it was proven that Obama has no ties to Ayers terrorist activities. When people are hanging effigies of Obama from trees you'll have to pardon those of us that know how alive and well racism still is in this country. So if someone says kill him should we really assume he's talking about Ayers or maybe at least investigate who it is, or even less yet just say "Hey we don't support comments like that." even if it's just to save face. If it was an Obama supporter trying to make them look bad, it worked in my opinion.
• Australia
8 Oct 08
Much as agree with your stance on the subject, Annie, I would also have read that paragraph as meaning Ayers, not Obama. Doesn't change the thrust of your discussion at all, though, either way the leaders should have spoken out. As for Ayers, he admits his crimes, but remember they were over 30 years ago, and by his current standing in the community he has clearly cleaned up his act. To still consider him a terrorist (a name I would argue strongly against in any case, he was a domestic protestor) is the same thing as considering someone who burgled a house in their teens is still a criminal in their 50s, even if they never committed another crime in their life. As someone in that position, a conviction some 40 years in the past and never a question as to my behaviour since, I find that attitude unforgiving and plain stupid. Especially so when it comes from avowed Christians, which may or may not apply to Soldierswife, I don't know, but certainly does to a lot of Ayers critics in these forums. Lash
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@starr4all (2863)
8 Oct 08
That comment was made about Ayers not Obama. Like a previous poster said, one can't control what their supporters say. And like a previous poster said, you need to condemn those who are making young kids sing the praises of Obama. That's sickening as well. Neither side is pristeen in this election.
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@the_vicar (1477)
• United States
9 Oct 08
The protester is an idiot who should be arrested. Free speech does not mean you can go around threatening people. As far as Obama's "friendship" with Ayers, that was a long time ago. Ayers isn't in jail now, Obama wasn't aware of his past. If you want to get down and dirty, then why don't you comment about McCain's sleazy associates? Why do people talk about 2 people Obama knew but fail to mention McCain's Keating 5. Both men have had some association with a few shady people. Obama's were less close than McCain's and yet, the McCain people are shouting from the rooftops while they are standing on a very fragile glass house.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
9 Oct 08
This is to Kennyrose; what does 99.9999% what you wrote have to do with the original topic of this discussion? May I ask you, do you think it's OK for someone at a political rally - you called him a protector, did you really mean "protester"? - to shout "Kill him" about anyone? Are you even remotely aware that there are maniacs in this country who just may take something like this seriously, whether they take it to mean "kill" Obama or Ayers? I KNOW we have free speech in this country and hopefully will hang onto it for the remainder of Bush's disastrous dictatorship...I mean Presidency, but do you actually not agree McCain, Palin or anyone whose rally it is where something like this is said should also exercise THEIR freedom of speech and denounce this person in no uncertain terms? Please prove me wrong about you, Rose, and give me a straight, simple and hopefully BRIEF answer that that very straightforward and simple question. Thanks in advance! Annie
3 people like this
• United States
9 Oct 08
I urge people to read response #23. This whole incident seems to be the work of political operatives trying to work up sentiment against McCain - Palin. People quick to anger are just the kind 0bama is looking for. Go to response #23 and check out the links, read what they say. Ask yourself why you are so quick to believe nonsense. Are you one of those people whose emotions can be inflamed by liars? Prove you are not by carefully considering response #23.
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@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
10 Oct 08
I'm kinda confused actually. I mean I've been waiting for angry mobs...but not in politics, not in this election. I mean sheezus, where is all this coming from? It's like people are crazier this election year...people've been telling me "Nah"...but with angry crowds of people attending political rallies...I kinda have to disagree at this point. It's frightening. Weird times, I think, we live in. If I were holding the McCain/Palin campaign to a high standard, I would've been disappointed that they haven't said anything about this...but...bleh.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
8 Nov 08
They didn't say anything about it because it never happened. The secret service was there and never heard it. They investigated the claim thoroughly and couldn't find anyone beyond the one lone reporter who made the original claim.
• United States
8 Oct 08
Palin knows exactly what she is doing. You don't go around saying things like she has said without knowing you are bringing out the psychos. You know what I think; McCain is disgusting, but she is even more disgusting. She loves the job as the b1tch with lipstick, or was that bullsh1tter? Hmm....anyway, she loves the job of doing her man's dirty work. Tonight, everyone was expecting McCain to do a lot of that himself. Since he didn't, I can only surmise that her's are bigger than his.
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8 Oct 08
I read the article and it seems to me that the "Kill him' remark was directed towards Ayers not OBama. That said both camps need to make clear statements about what their supporters are saying. Not that that will happen.
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• United States
8 Oct 08
Only among those who are so out of touch with what is actually being done in the name of our people that they believe "America is the greatest source of good in the world" and that we have somehow been cheated out of our rightful place by the ungrateful other nations of the world. The "kill him!" probably was directed at Ayers, but it's no less reprehensible, and what's more reprehensible was that the crowd was being cheer-led from the stage by the beaming smiles and approving nods of Palin as the crowd responded 'appropriately' to her oratory. I would far far rather see a crowd transported to cheers by a message of hope than driven to jeers by one of hate.
• Australia
8 Oct 08
Ah, my mistake Firewind, the important issue is not his old "terrorist" activities but the fact that he is still a radical thinker, which I assume from your outrage is a crime in the good old US of A? Lash
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
8 Oct 08
Chameleonsdream (Sp-?), you said it all! Bravo and thanks! Annie
• United States
8 Oct 08
Hi Annie I just want to say that I too am very disgusted by this...This election is getting very scarey and im afraid it will get worst before its gets better.
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• United States
9 Oct 08
Its just the beginning of a hate campaign - and the true colors of the so called hardcore "neo-conservative" Republicans are now gradually being exposed. Naturally, with the kind of notorious campaign advisers who are advising these two Republican candidates, you can expect the worst yet to come. Now they are resorting to "painting the White House Black" slogan which clearly is a racist retort - and you can imagine what's next! I am certain that after being fooled by the politicians for the past eight years, the American voters are now more mature and immune to this kind of rhetoric - and will vote intelligently this time. They have just two options - either let McCain and Palin to push them on their downhill ride or get someone else to stop the slide and carry them back uphill. Yes, it will certainly be an "uphill" task - but together the American people supported by Obama and Biden, will prevail.
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• United States
17 Oct 08
No the hate campaign began when Obam said "They are going to try to scare you about me". And they have been smearing the "Neo-Cons ever since.
@amoisan (240)
• Canada
13 Oct 08
yes i heard this on cnn and i think its just rude people to be acting this way in the 21st century this kind of stuff should have been left in the 20th but this is humanity what can you do people never change.
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@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
8 Oct 08
What have you heard about the obama camp? Or do you not care? Playing devil's advocate. I love you annie and you know I am voting for a third party candidate. But all of this does interest me because I KNOW that one of these men will be my next president. But I cannot believe that the mccain camp is so bad and the obama camp so good. In truth, the reason that I voted for bill clinton was because of his words in a debate with George Bush. He said, "I agree with what he did before and after the war. I don't agree with what he did after." This spoke honesty to me. I see neither of the candidates being honest. I see only politics.
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@cyntrow (8523)
• United States
13 Oct 08
I have to tell you that I hate Palin. I'm neutral on McCain and Obama but they both bother me for various reasons. i like Biden but liking the Vp and not the pres candidate is not enough reason for me to vote for the ticket. I love your reply to my questions and I expected nothing less from you. Your candor and honesty are fantastic. You tell it like you see it and I can greatly respect that. I wish the politicians would be as forthcoming. LOL
• United States
8 Oct 08
i also take it as being directed towards Ayers. not that it makes it any better of course. still...the candidates SHOULD have said something..anything that denounces this mind-set. a lot of ppl are treading the "line" of who to vote for (me included) and its the stupid things like NOT denying this that could very well be the deciding factor for a number of ppl. i certainly hope this is a very small group of ppl that feel this overzealous, but something tells me there are more in the overzealous column than we think.
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• United States
9 Oct 08
I've been looking into this story and let me say up front, IF it's true, and that's a big bold IF, Then Sarah should have called out the person who said it. No doubt about it. Having said that, It sounds like bullsh!t to me. I followed your story back to the source. Something you never seem to do, annie. It seems to be this blog on the Washington Post. http://voices.washingtonpost.com/the-trail/2008/10/06/in_fla_palin_goes_for_the_roug.html This story says that the remark was made right after Palin described the NYT article about Ayers Blowing stuff up. In the comments on that article I found a link to another blog. Even though I hate to give this blog any Publicity at all, Here is his take on it. http://www.congratstothewinners.com/2008/10/secret-service-investigating-kill-him.html Notice the picture he has there. He seems to be saying that the crowd is chanting "KILL HIM KILL HIM" And that Palin Responded with, "Boy you guys just get it". Which is, Apparently, how The Nation reported it. He also says, about the Secret Service, Who would have been between Palin and the crowd, "...no agents at the event heard anything. "The Secret Service did not hear any threatening statements directed at targets under its protection and no threatening statements were reported to us by law enforcement or citizens at the event,"[Secret Service spokesman Malcolm] Wiley [said].Also unclear: whether the remark was directed at Obama or Ayers if the words were actually "kill" and "him." So the Secret Service, Who are trained to spot things of this nature, Didn't hear anything, and No one reported it to police. So I went to trusty old YouTube to find the video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yIxRKjcbbBY Now, I have watched and listened to this video many times and I do not hear anyone say these things. I do not hear Sarah Palin say,"Boy you guys just get it". I also do not see any reaction from Sarah that would indicate she heard it. The SS didn't hear it, No One reported it to Law Enforcement. So why am I supposed to believe it? But then, there doesn't seem to be a lot of need for actual truth on the left these days. If it is damaging and it's what the 'bots want to hear, it gets published. To me this sounds like censorship by intimidation. The Left wants Palin to STFU about this relationship. But have you ever noticed how the media just skims the surface on Obama/Ayers? "He served on two boards with Ayers" Truth is Ayers Appointed Obama CHAIRMAN of the Annenburg Challenge, Which gave hundreds of millions of $$$$ to ACORN and other groups. ACORN was regularly represented by a young Attorney named... Barack Obama. Money that was supposed to be helping schools in Chicago. Remember those schools. The ones that were so bad the kids Bussed themSELVES out. Chicago has some of the worst schools in the country. But, The worse the schools are the more gub'mint money they can get. Here is a little more in depth information about Ayers/Obama/ACORN http://justsaynodeal.com/acorn.html http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7NmaZIdz6Vo In BOTH Presidential Debates, Obama lead off with Blaming Bush for the current "crisis" In the financial market. He says that the problem has been with deregulation. He says over and over that McCain has supported Deregulation and that is what has caused the collapse of the housing market. What he fails to mention is that the Democrats have continually Opposed and blocked That Deregulation. Obama even said himself in the last debate that the bill McCain supported "Failed". Supporting something isn't going to change a thing if it never happens. Now, You can thank me for doing your research for you, I'll collect my 2 cents for this post and "Move On". I have other things to do.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
12 Oct 08
Molehill, if you don't approve of the subject matter of this discussion I'm sure you can find others to respond to that better suit you. I didn't find this story on the computer. If you think this is appropriate behavior, that's your right and you've made you point. Thanks for responding, now maybe you can find some fellow Obama bashers to chat with? Or isn't that any fun when you don't have anyone to act disrespectful to? Annie
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• United States
10 Oct 08
annie doesn't even have sound on her computer, She just saw something she could use to stir up a big kettle of mess.
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10 Oct 08
Thanks for posting that, including the link. Funny I didn't hear "kill him " either. Wonder if anyone did.
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• United States
8 Oct 08
Considering the websites this report was on, you can't be sure it really even happened. Palin did make comments, as have I, about Obama's relationship with a domestic terrorist who bombed buildings here in the US, and recently said his "only regret" is "that we didn't do more". I think it is right to bring up these relationships, and should have been done sooner. As far as the cries of Kill Him, that was by someone in the audience, if it happened at all. Yes, it bothers me, just like it bothered me when the Republican convention was disturbed by the pink ladies. But there are so many people like that in the world today, what can we do? Palin didn't say anything that would make a normal person shout Kill Him! I seriously doubt the part about Sit down, boy. There have been a lot of people trying to make McCain appear to be a serious racist lately, but it is not true, and they have provide no real evidence. I don't understand why people can't just disagree on issues, on approach to dealing with problems, instead of this kind of sleazy stuff. Like the accusations going all over the internet within a day or so of the announcement that Palin would be McCain's running mate, saying that she really didn't have her last baby, but claimed it to be hers because it was really her daughter's. That was so nasty and uncalled for! There was no reason whatsoever to start those rumors, and then they got worse from there. I just don't understand what people are thinking nowadays.
@devylan (695)
• United States
10 Oct 08
Wow. Well, for some reason I don't think they're really concerned with the African-American vote. That's all I have to say.
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• United States
14 Oct 08
I've been sitting here reading all of these responses....and I have to say that the most mature and sensible of them ALL seem to be backed up with links or facts to at least show that it's not hear-say or just a random rumor. The other 99% are just downright childish and comical as you go back and forth spewing disapproval and hate on McCain and Palin -- while defending Obama's right to be respected and not judged. What bothers me the most is those of you who take this one incident ("kill him!" - directed at Ayers)SO VERY PERSONAL (as if it were said about you or a close family member), are the same ones who see NOTHING wrong with killing innocent babies through abortion. And mind you, hundred, thousands and probably millions of babies have been killed since this post was started, but the only concern you have is taking up for a grown man who should be able to care for himself - without your help - especially if he plans to be president. Kids on a playground say worse to oneanother on a daily basis (and you know you've probably said words of this sort at some point in your life, as well). I'm not saying that you would have actually killed anyone or that it's a good thing to say, but you would be lying if you think you've never said or thought those words (yes, that is just as bad) at one time or another. Good grief, people....GET OVER IT! Some are taking this WAY too personal. If you think it's silly for Obama's past to be brought up or the fact that he has 3 muslim names, as well as him being of a MIXED (not black) race and people being prejudice, then get off of crap like this! You are doing the same exact thing by trying to put out HATE with more HATE. What makes sense about that??? Would you put out a fire by tossing a little more FIRE on there??? No candidate has the time nor the responsibility to "baby-sit" the crowd of which they speak to. They are there for ONE REASON and that is to state their views -- not go around policing everyone else. Yes, there are crazy people out there, but let me assure you.....This ONE PERSON at a McCain/Palin rally is not the ONLY one. You probably should be more concerned about a next door neighbor who is possibly planning to kill you or the crazed bag boy at the grocery store who will jump you in the parking lot because he thinks you winked at him. I tell my kids this all of the time (when they are constantly nagging about "look what he did....she's this or she's that.....they're not as good as me....blah, blah, blah) It has pretty much been proven to work well: "DO NOT BE CONCERNED WITH EVERYONE ELSE......WORRY ABOUT YOUR OWN SELF!" While it is true that we all are concerned about the direction our country will take after this election, it is also true that we cannot control either candidate or what has happened in the past. WE SHOULD BE WORRIED ABOUT OUR OWN SELVES.... If we were PRAYING about the issues and these people just HALF AS MUCH as we are bickering over them, things would probably work out just fine. By taking care of our own issues, fears and doubts, it just might be that this world will be better off -- no matter WHO ends up in the White House. We have to be prepared to deal with it either way. Right?
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