Cindy McCain Says Obama Running "Dirtiest" Campaign Ever?
@CherylsPearls (1269)
United States
October 8, 2008 1:27am CST
I could not believe her statement. The McCain campaign has tried every way from Sunday to connect Obama to everyone from terrorists to Fannie Mae. They have slung bull from every corner, and yet Cindy McCain can say this with a straight face? Unbelievable.
She also said that [i]her husband would use Tuesday night's town hall forum as an opportunity to correct what she suggested were misleading statements from the Obama campaign.
Well, if he did, I didn't notice. He was supposed to be on the attack, but if that's what he calls an attack, I've seen better from a five-year-old. I didn't hear anything from McCain I haven't heard ad nauseum. He didn't look Presidential, he didn't sound Presidential, his smile looks like a grimace and not one thing he said impressed me. I guess he just send out the two women in his campaign to do his dirty work.
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10 responses
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
8 Oct 08
Wow, talk about living a sheltered life!
He's quite the American hero, isn't he - like you said he makes his women do the dirty work and he just comes on stage and looks, that was a stretch! I swear if he'd have said, "My friends" one more time I was going to throw something at my TV! I'm much more picky about who I have for friends.
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
8 Oct 08
lol I felt the same way annie. I think he said it about what 1,000 times? lmao It was sooooo annoying!
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@lloydanthony111 (4698)
• United States
9 Oct 08
I'm glad that Michelle Obama didn't make such a moronic statement. The conservatives would have made this topic #1 throughout the day.
You know the Palin/McCain campaign is getting desparate when they allow Cindy McCain to tell such an obvious lie.
This woman has been by John McCain's side throughout the whole campaign and knows how negative the she, Sarah Palin and John McCain have been.
John McCain needs to stop hiding behind his "gal pals" and speak for himself. His campaign seems to be imploding.
I'm glad Michelle Obama is staying in the backround. Part of the Republican strategy was to vilify her.
Now we see that not only is Barack Obama more stable than the "erractic" John McCain, but now we see that Michelle Obama uses better judgement than Cindy McCain.
@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
8 Oct 08
I think that's a big pot calling the kettle black. Did you see Cindy McCain after the debate? She didn't even shake Michelle Obama's hand. I'm giving her a pass on the people that attended the townhall she might have been afraid that someone would hurt her again but, on Michelle there's no pass.
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@CherylsPearls (1269)
• United States
8 Oct 08
I found it odd to say the least; disrespectful at most. I couldn't believe that McCain and wife just exited the floor. I thought for a while the camera just wasn't following them. They should have stayed like the Obama's did. Cindy could have worn a brace to let people know not to shake her hand; she could have even explained it. Walking out just made them look more disconnected than ever.
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@soccermom (3198)
• United States
8 Oct 08
I find it laughable that Cindy McCain would say Obama is running the dirtiest campaign ever. But I guess when you have multiple backyards it's hard to keep track of all of them.
I don't think McCain looked or sounded Presidential either. After he called Obama "that one", I had to stop and wonder if he would refer to other political, possibly world leaders in such a disrespectful manner.
The format wasn't set up for an "attack mode" style performance, had it been I think McCain may have fared worse than he did. I also think it's kind of ironic that McCain wanted to have town hall meetings all along when this one didn't prove that he was a spectacular leader. Maybe just another ploy to make it appear that he is connected with the everyday citizen? Well, newflash Sen. McCain, the curtain is slowly being lifted and we are all seeing you for what you are. Obama running the "dirtiest" campaign ever? Give me a break, that's the only contest you'll win, and you won it weeks ago.

@soccermom (3198)
• United States
9 Oct 08
Kennyrose and Bond, thatnks for the short stories. But last I checked this was about runiing dirty campaigns, not a debate on experience. Can either of you tell me what McCain has done to ensure he is running a clean campaign?
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@CherylsPearls (1269)
• United States
8 Oct 08
But I guess when you have multiple backyards it's hard to keep track of all of them.
That was a good one! And so true. No, I really worry about not having a President who looks and acts the part. For eight years now we have had a buffoon in the White House; I don't want the next President to make America look like a land of idiots any longer. It's really embarassing!
I think McCain is trying to appear connected with the average US citizen; maybe that is one reason he chose Palin as his running mate? It's not working. Most of us can see right through to the real McCain and he's not the least bit interested in my welfare.
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@bond0077 (375)
9 Oct 08
hey cherylpearls who will look more like a buffoon bush or obama with those bat ears?but anyways,obama is running a campaign on non experience or no past to hide his no experience and learn on the job approach to this position of being president.let me break it down for you cheryl,Hillary was my number one candidate to lead the Democrats against John McCain and i would have like to see her as the first female president in the United States history,she had been working on this since her husband left the presidency ,whom i also supported even though he created NAFTA which started all this job lose and fanny and freddy but anyways,so she had the best experience for the job in my opinion way more than obama but up there with John McCain and more than Sarah Palin even though Palin as governor and mayor is two up on Hillary,Hillary knows all the player,met most of the foreign leaders know the senators in congress,had a successful president as her husband,who could have help her take care of all these crisis we now have etc...but obama villanised her made her the wicked witch of the country,smeared her like no tomorrow ,didn't put her as VP running mate even though logically it made every sense, the middle and upper class women loved Hillary, 18 million votes was garanteed for obama not to mention that she almost beat him,which would have unify the party solidly,instead obama pick another more of the same JOE BIDEN!been in washington 36 yrs,tried 3 times including this time around to be president,said publicly OBAMA was not fit to be president,and he would never support obama kind of like denzel washington in training day "king kong ain't got nothing on me",3 times America spoke by voting him off in the first round in the Democratic primaries,they don't want old joe,yet obama just to spite Hillary would rather lose an election without her than win one with her why?what does this say about the obama's judgement here or who is really telling obama what to do here?
Sarah Palin like her or not has done more in terms of coming from the bottom up,this beautiful lady is simply too good to be true,and i think john McCain waited too late to introduce her to America,this lady has done everything and exceptionally well,i think America is too much i shock and awe of her to accept her seriously as possibly being the next and first FEMALE vice president,its like seeing ELVIS or wonder woman being only weeks away from being the first Vice President,its unbelievable but she has done more in terms of holding key postions than both Hillary and obama!and she is so young and attractive,i am surpise how 50's like most women are when it comes to backing both HILLARY AND GOV.PALIN,i thought like the old boys club which obama is now a part of,the women would back the first female VP in American history not join the old boys club and try to attack her or tear her down?look at SNL tina fay outta be ashame of her making fun of Sarah Palin the way she is doing ,i am now a former tina fay fan! hate to say it!my point here is cheryl is this of all the candidates Palin,McCain,Biden,obama the candidate that the Democrats picked has the least experience,rookie senator,never govern any state,never a mayor,never went against his own party 96% of the time,could have voted again bush second time going to war in iraq(he voted against the first)he voted yes!now on paper if you were hiring someone for the job as president on paper only without the BS from both sides who would you pick?and why?forge race,gender,skin color,age,out of all 4 candidates not just the two running who would you pick cheryl?
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@KissThis (3003)
• United States
8 Oct 08
I just have one question. Who sent thirty lawyers, investigators, and opposition researchers to Alaska? I bet that was the McCain camp, right.
Everyone here has their own opinion. If you ask a McCain supporter then that person will tell you that Obama has ran the dirtiest campaign. Ask someone who supports Obama and I am sure that they will tell you McCain has. People believe what they want to believe. As a voter I believe it is my job to look information about each candidate up for myself. I don't believe everything that the CNN or Fox News tells me. Why because these networks have their own agenda.
I'm sorry I do have another question. Why is it if a lady voices her opinion its because her man told her to? I voice my opinions regularly, sometimes even to defend my husband against others when I feel he isn't being treated fairly. That doesn't mean that my husband told me to do this.
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@CherylsPearls (1269)
• United States
8 Oct 08
Well, KissThis, most of the people who went to Alaska were from newspapers and networks around the country. If McCain had not limited access to Palin, they wouldn't have had to go looking for facts about her. I think that was a big mistake on the McCain campaign's part. It caused much ado about nothing for the most part.
I certainly don't believe everything I hear or read from any news organization. I always look the facts up for myself, using several sources. I try to stay away from blogs and websites that are leaning to the far right or left. However, Cindy McCain did say it, and I do disagree.
It is Palin who spent the weekend trying to associate Obama with a "terrorist" who has not been charged with terrorism, who committed his acts of "terrorism" in the 1960's. By the time Obama met him, he was a respected educator and author. People do change. The 60's were a turbulent time and many people resorted to things they never would have had to now. The connection is tenuous at best between Ayers and Obama, although Palin made it seem like they were best friends. I found the whole thing disgusting.
As to your other question, I did not mean that a lady could not voice her opinion. I voice mine on a regular basis and always have. My point was that McCain's accusations are despicable and untrue; yet he has not made these accusations himself. He has sent out the two women closest to him to send this message. Why? Why hasn't he gotten out and done this himself? Because he doesn't have the nerve to. If someone is going to fall on their a$$ by saying these ridiculous things, then McCain wants to be sure it's not him. Don't you find that a little creepy? I also think that he thinks if it comes from a woman's mouth, people won't be as outraged by it and won't necessarily blame it on him. That is what I meant. I in no way meant that women can't voice their own opinions.
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@bwaybaby (903)
• United States
9 Oct 08
I love how she says this after her husband's campaign actually said that it's not going after Obama's policy, but his character.
And how can she say that Obama's campaign is the dirtiest? In the 2000 primaries, Bush's people were telling voters that McCain had an African American baby out of wedlock, when really the child had been adopted. That definately seems to be dirtier than anything Obama has said about McCain.
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@morethanamolehill (1586)
• United States
9 Oct 08
How about Obama's commercial about how McCain Can't send an email? When the reason he can't is because of injuries he received from being tortured in Vietnam? Oh that's right we aren't supposed to bring that up are we? Should we make fun of the fact that he can't comb his own hair too?
Or the commercial he ran in Spanish, Taking Rush Limbaugh's words WAY out of context and then sticking them to McCain, When Limbaugh has never even supported McCain.
And that's not even including Obama's Minion's Like Sandra Bernhard, Bill Maher, That columnist for the CBC, SNL, running a skit written by Al Franken, Who is running for office in Minnesota. yada yada yada.
The real Problem is that Democrats think that character doesn't matter.
BJ Clinton.
William Jefferson(D-LA)
Ted Kennedy
Robert Byrd, Etc.
All committed crimes. All re elected
Sorry, Byrd was just a KKK Member and recruiter, I don't think that's actually a crime.
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@cornlier (33)
• United States
8 Oct 08
hmm well i didn't see tuesday night. but i seen one today. Some things he said he arguied with Obama. Like for instance McCain wants to lower gas prices buy digging holes to find more oil. Then when ppl know that there are more oil they will get the gas prices lowerd. Plus its politics thay will say anything to get there selfs in the lead.
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@bdugas (3578)
• United States
8 Oct 08
Well have you read or heard the latest dirty about Obama, a report that was sent out last Thursday, where he was given millions of dollars from Bill Ayers that he aquired from a charity that people gave money too one man a huge amount, and it was suppose to go to the schools, and Ayers sought out Obama to distribute the money around Chicago and other schools, but not to the public school system but only to the schools teaching radical values. This was made public last Thursday, and I don't think McCain used it against him last night, but witing on The 15th after he has looked it over and knows more about it. Why is it that this country is so willing to hand our country over to a man that is tied to so many bad people, some in prison that he aquired his home through, Ayers that is a known terroist. It seem that we will do anything up to giving this country to a man that has never dealt with foreign affairs and one mistake in his talks about attacking pakistan. You want change, the last couple years we have had a democratic congress that has put us where we are now, not Bush, but the demos in congress, and now you want to add a democratic president to go along with it, oh you going to get change, but saddly it is not the change that you are going to like. But once the vote is made it will be too late.
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@CherylsPearls (1269)
• United States
8 Oct 08
Have you found this latest "dirty" anywhere besides Sean Hannity or blogs? If so, please give me the web address.
As far as friends go, what about Charles Keating? McCain's friend and supporter who contributed to his campaign ($112,000) and loaned the McCain family his company plane to take trips to the Bahamas and elsewhere. Keating went to prison; Ayers did not.
I'll be waiting for McCain to step up in the next debate and do his own dirty work; I don't think he has the intestinal fortitude to do it, though. We'll see.
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@bond0077 (375)
8 Oct 08
my question is,is it true or not?according to CNN it is i fact worse,both the 60's terrorist who in fact got obama started in politics,and not the lie that obama camp is trying to put out there that a jewish senator started him on his career,has in fact connections to Rev.Wright and they both had hands in obama raise to power but just like rexco the slumlord who got obama his first 3 million dollar home,obama dropped after he conveniently used they to get his start into politics,now obama seems to forget how good relations he had when he needed them,Rev wright got obama the black base support while running for his fist position in politics all these are fact my dear ALL TRUE OBAMA HAS FRIENDS IN LOW PLACES!
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@CherylsPearls (1269)
• United States
8 Oct 08
Does Keating ring a bell? $112,000 contributions to McCain; use of his company plane to McCain to take trips to the Bahamas and other places? Went to prison? I repeat, went to prison?
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@thedogshrink (1266)
• United States
9 Oct 08
Keating went to prison, NOT McCain, who was CLEARED of any wrongdoing. Obama received the second largest amount of money from Fannie and Freddie. He also voted AGAINST the bill presented by McCain and two others, a bipartisan bill by the way, that would have PREVENTED the fallout of Fannie and Freddie -- that was 2 years ago. Why did he vote against it? Was it because of the money he was getting from them?
These Dems were getting lower than allowed mortgage rates, and all kinds of perks. But no one questions Obama about it, because they are too busy pretending he is our Savior, and criticizing McCain's campaign manager for being hired by Fannie and Freddie, which again, is NOT the same. The Campaign manager is a lobbyist, a public relations pro. And that was his dealing with Fannie and Freddie -- public relations. And he has no position as adviser in McCain's staff. It really doesn't matter if he worked for them or not. It was not in his power to stop their runaway practices. It was in part, in Obama's power -- or at least, Obama could be on record as having voted to stop them, but he is not.
No, it is not possible to blame the financial fiasco on Obama alone. It IS possible to make some pretty direct connections from him to many of the causes of it. I don't know why people won't wake up and smell the coffee.
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@jstmarfz (1498)
• United States
8 Oct 08
This Presidential election is really interesting. It seems that each side [Republican and Democrat] saying things against each other. But still, people will decided who among McCain and Obama deserved to be the next President. Time is getting close to have the final decision. Let just hope that whoever gets the position will be responsible for it because the nation and the people's future lies on him
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@CherylsPearls (1269)
• United States
8 Oct 08
We all hope the winner will be responsible, whoever he may be. Good point! Thanks for replying.
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@antonbunot (11093)
• Calgary, Alberta
16 Dec 15
I was wondering if I missed a Republican candidate in the current campaign for 2016 presidential election. But when I checked the date of your post it was done in 2008! LOL