Can you fix the economy?
By travelinjon
@travelinjon (49)
United States
5 responses
@edgyk8inmomma (2157)
• United States
9 Oct 08
First off, there is no quick fix, and no one person who could have enough influence on their own to do anything, let alone all of it.
But let's say some magic genie granted me one wish to make a huge impact...I would level the playing feild and take all the save revenue and put it toward education and environmental reforms. How, you say?? OK, the average income for our nation's governmental officials from the state level and up is $200,000 a year. The national income per capita average is around $79,000. That means it is completely possible to live on $80,000 a year. Many of us live on less than half of that. If we take $120,000 from each officials paycheck, that would be somewhere around $1.8 billion a year to put into these reforms that wouldn;t cost the taxpayers a dime!!!! Think of it....windmills given to people when their power gets shut off instead of their electric bill paid off. Single moms being sent to school and having their childcare paid for instead of collecting welfare checks, laid off dads being sent back to school, or given a job at the new windmill plants instead of collecting unemployment....this is a long term fix that would get better and better each subsequent year. watch for an article on this topic on AC...its coming soon!!!
@edgyk8inmomma (2157)
• United States
9 Oct 08
Ooops! My bad...I hate that phrase :)
My numbers were off a bit on that first calculation, I was going off of a personal site....Upon further research I have discovered that the national average income is a staggering &36,000...that is $43,000 less than I had previously assumed. The national officials' average is closer to $130,000...with our president recieving a whopping $400,000 a year!!!!! anyway....the difference is still close to my preious assumption...closer to a mere $100,000 per head....still a big difference, and a lot of money that could be better spent!!!
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
9 Oct 08
First oreder of business, eliminate the federal reserve and return to a standard where our money is actualy backed by something of value instaed of the debt system we operate under now. this has been a system justbegging to fail sonce it's inception and we are now seeing it. It promoted corruption and monopolization of wealth.
Begin exploiting every source of energy we have, oil WHERE EVER it is, alternatives. energy independence is essential to good economic growth, it effects everything in the economy from cost of goods production and delivery to services we pay for.
A 1 year moratorium on foriegn aid to all but the absolute most destitute of nations. With all the money we send overseas in aid, we could easily clear our own debt.
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@xParanoiax (6987)
• United States
10 Oct 08
Well, it'd take quite a long time...and I must maintain that no single person can do it single-handedly. It has to be a large overall effort, foremostly I'd advise people to weather and rethink how they live their lives so that they may be able to withstand nearly anything. Reach for some wisdom in the world, so to speak.
But the rest is two things:
For all us regular folks, we need to come up with new businesses. We need to get creative. We need to fill the needs of our communities and the surrounding areas of where we live. We need to return to that hard-working spirit this nation was founded on.
And lastly, we need to get the government to work against inflation and debt.
LIKE I SAID, this will take a long time. But it's worth doing and as far as I can see, the only way forward.
@travelinjon (49)
• United States
11 Oct 08
I am loving where every one is going with this. it is nice to see that some people a willing to think all angels of a problem. All of these comments have been great. Many new things for me to think on. thank you all.
@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
9 Oct 08
I think I could fix the economy pretty quick: You start off by releasing 80% Strategic petroleum reserve, you contact the owners of the refinneries and offer them a bonus for every gallon of Diesel Fuel, and Gas that they produce over their current levels. You then set up a tax holiday on black friday, to help holiday spending. You set up a meeting with CEO's from the finacial industry, listen to what they need, then tell them if they don't clean up their houses the government will do it for them. Set up a meeting with all of CEO's of the major industries in the United States ask them what they need to increase employment, and sales so we don't have to bail them out later. Tell congress to work together to get things done, or you will create a website publicly calling out those that are not working for the greater good. You increase spending on the infrastucture, thus putting people to work, you increase spending on alternative energy projects, open up the shore line for drilling (but, you mandate that the new rigs to be used to start this drilling comes from US steel companies, and ALL oil produced stays in the United States), you institute mirror trading with all of our trading partners. I think that would do it.
@edgyk8inmomma (2157)
• United States
9 Oct 08
add your to mine and we may have a solution!!! So that means we need two of these magical genies:)
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@arnoldream (1332)
• Philippines
8 Oct 08
fixing the economy is not easy at it seems, thats why even the the most influential and super power nations are groping in the dark side of it sometimes just like what is happening today in our current situation the whole world is on the brink of economic recession because of the financial crisis brought about by the economic policies and of course of the people participation why this things happen...for me to solve or fix the economy this problem needs a very sensitive planning and thinking and the proper impositions of necessary policies governing the macro economy and the constant revision of all these mandates to suit the prevailing situations to fully serve the requirements needed by the economy..this will also need a concerted effort between policy makers and of the people where this economy is..otherwise no good thing will happen if there is no unity and cooperation..