Mudslinging Against Obama
By worldwise1
@worldwise1 (14885)
United States
October 9, 2008 7:01am CST
Since I've been following the progress of this Presidential campaign so closely I feel that I have to speak out about what I see happening. There is an ever increasing move toward striking fear into the minds of people about Barak Obama. I am something of a fanatic about talk radio since it is the one medium where I can get a true feel for the mood of everyday people. I am very disturbed by what I've been hearing more and more lately. Even allowing for the fact that most of the claims being made against Obama are outlandish(some even despicable lies), I have to wonder how many of the people who are hearing all of this trash are being swayed by it. I have to wonder if what I am hearing will culminate in a "mob mentality." Things seem to be heading in that direction. All I can say to these rabble-rousers is that they should give a care to what they are doing before some unbalanced person gets the wrong ideas into their head.
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16 responses
@newtondak (3946)
• United States
9 Oct 08
I believe you may have meant "rebel-rousing".
I am actually more concerned about the many radical Obama supporters that have and continue to make threats to know McCain supporters - to the extent that there have been personal attacks and destruction of property.
I do believe that most Americans are conscientious enough to research the facts behind any mudslinging attempt - from either candidate - and to make an informed decision regarding their vote. There are, however, many that will not and will take what they hear at face value - again on both sides.
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
9 Oct 08
I don't feel that I need a lesson in semantics from you, newtondak, and you are very naive if you can't grasp the true situation that I'm referring to. I have witnessed no attacks on McCain's family or friends; no innuendo claiming that he is anti-American; no alluding to the idea that he might be the antichrist. If you seriously believe that "most Americans" are conscientious about doing the research you are more naive than you think. America is full of bigots and evil people just like anywhere else in this world.
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@CherylsPearls (1269)
• United States
10 Oct 08
Rabble-rousing is correct. There is no such thing as rebel-rousing! Here's a link for you.
@newtondak (3946)
• United States
9 Oct 08
No need to be rude - I was only pointing out the correct phrase. If there are Americans that I feel have not been conscientious in selecting their candidate, I would see those as being the Obama supporters. McCain has not given Americans any reason to questions his background - Obama has.
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@cynddvs (2948)
• United States
9 Oct 08
I agree with you. I think it's pathetic that McCain and Palin are so low that they are resorting to mudslinging now. I've never once heard Obama throw any personal attacks at McCain or Palin that weren't related to the issues. The recent events have just been showing Obama as the bigger person in this election in my eyes. I think McCain would gain a lot more respect from people if he would just stick to the issues and be honest.
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
9 Oct 08
The only thing McCain really has in his favor, cynddvs, is his sacrifice to our country as a POW. I would be the first to commend him on that, but that is no basis for electing him to lead our country.
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
9 Oct 08
I agree with you, stephcjh, but I am still worried for his safety. There are plenty of nut jobs out there and I'm praying that nothing happens.
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@billionaire5 (1333)
• United States
9 Oct 08
Well fear is how we gotten where we are now with this war and economic recession. This is the strategy of politicians to get the people to follow the direction they want them to go in. And because McCain is not winning as he thought he has to make people believe that they are in danger if Obama is elected instead of being honest about the issues and working to help relieve their fears and make people feel secure.
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
9 Oct 08
I don't so much blame the politicians, billionaire, as I do the government and conservative media. Still, I wouldn't have believed it possible to stoop so low as some of the claims against Obama have gone.
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@bravenewworld (746)
• United States
9 Oct 08
Well said. Although the FUD (fear, uncertainty and doubt) factor is not so new, at least not on myLot, where unfounded claims against Obama have been made for months (e.g. enslavement of whites).
Hopefully it will die down after the election, although should Obama get elected (please God) some right wing groups will no doubt be trying to stir up controversy to diminish him and deflect from real issues throughout his term. It's just what they do - nothing is too low (they have too much money riding on Republican party policies not to).
Notice these accusations don't come up in the election debates? And I don't think they will in the final one. They are too easy to refute, and would just make it clear that McCain/Palin are can't win on the real issues that people care about. With the economy in the state it's in, I doubt many people will be swayed by these non-issues. It's just preaching to the converted.
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
9 Oct 08
I'm in complete agreement with you, bravenewworld. I will even go so far as to say that many of these people who are so intent upon stirring up trouble would be the ones doing the most complaining should McCain be elected and they find that it's just more of the same. I find it interesting that in the last couple of days some die-hard Conservatives have spoken out publicly against Sarah Palin.
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@cbreeze (1205)
• United States
9 Oct 08
Even the Republican Conservatives are not happy with this direction that McCain is taking. They are telling him he needs to stop the personal attacks and make the case for how he is different from Obama and how his plans are better. But because he is losing ground in more and more key states, he has chosen to use the same Karl Rove fear tactics that were used in the last Presidential Election. I do get concerned that it creates a mentality of hate and fear among people. And that can turn into a mob mentality.
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
9 Oct 08
We are on the same page there, cbreeze. I've been on this earth for many years and I've seen what can happen when you bring ignorant people into the equation of fear-mongering and racial hatred. I am in constant prayer over this.
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@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
10 Oct 08
"All of the Conservative media talking heads are vicious and irresponsible in my opinion."
You do realize that given ordinary common understandings of the word 'bigotory', the above is a bigoted statement?
From the dictionary.
Bigot: a narrow-minded person who is intolerant of other creeds, opinions, races, etc.
@redyellowblackdog (10629)
• United States
10 Oct 08
"America is full of bigots and evil people just like anywhere else in this world."
Neither America or anywhere else in the world is full of bigots and evil people. There is a problem with the bigots and evil people having influence far beyond their numbers because of positions in the media and positions of power. But, to say the world is full of bigots and evil people is just too cynical.
@albert2412 (1782)
• United States
9 Oct 08
It is not mudslinging if you are telling tje truth about obama. Obama was a lawyer for a famour man in Chicago who is now in jail. You can research Tony Rezko for yourself on the web. Also, obama has said that he supports late term abortions, where babies can have their skulls crushed or their legs and arms torn from their bodies. To me, this makes Obama a murderer and a child abuser in my viewpoint. I believe Obama is unworthy of being president.
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
9 Oct 08
You know the old saying, albert, that opinions are like @$$holes..., well that is certainly true in your case. Have a good day!
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@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
9 Oct 08
There are so many conservative
radio talk show hosts and they are
the first to get things stirred up,
like Hennedy and Savage.
Those guys can be down right mean.
I fear for their Democratic guests.
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
9 Oct 08
I admit that I frequently listen to Savage, beautyqueen. simply because I believe in knowing the enemy. I can't believe the man gets away with the horrible things he constantly spouts about people! I do know, however, that he is very powerful and that his loyal listeners follow him blindly. He has way too much power. So far as Liberal guests goes, you won't find very many of them on either show.
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@mcat19 (1357)
• United States
9 Oct 08
I think the reason there are so many slanders against Obama is that he is black; he, as he says, is not like the usual presidential candidate. It's really too bad that these haters can't see beyond their own noses. McCain is much more scary. He has a terrible temper; his heath is questionable; his choices are bizarre; his policies are wrong. Go Obama.

@mcat19 (1357)
• United States
10 Oct 08
I think you completely misunderstand Obama's point of view. I think McCain's health is a real issue. If something happens to him, we get Palin. We will have a dictatorship with policies I do not agree with. I doubt that Obama will bring socialism.
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@soldierswife68 (127)
• United States
10 Oct 08
I can only speak for myself when I say this, but race is definitely not an issue with me. It's pretty slick to pull out the "race card", but I think we've all come a long, long way in not allowing something so trivial to make our decisions for us. I just feel uncomfortable with his shaky past and present as well as some of the things he supports (and doesn't support). He is saying all of the things that he thinks most would want to hear, but that's not a good thing if he can't deliver and if he's talking out of boths sides of his mouth. Even if McCain has a temper, or has questionable health, I believe that he is more qualified and has the best interest (not the most POPULAR interest) at heart. We should all know that the most popular idea is not always the best idea. In fact, I don't expect McCain to be popular amoung Obama supporters because Obama's plan is not to keep our country based on the very values and ideals it was founded upon. This world has taken most everything sacred and bent it right out of shape. Why would the world want a man in office who values life, faith and country? Because there would be rules and clearity of what is right and wrong. Obama wants to take our country unto Socialism and away from Capitalism. Is that okay with everyone???
For those who might not know what this means:
WIKIPEDIA defines socialism as "a social and economic system (or the political philosophy advocating such a system) in which the economic means of production are owned and controlled collectively by the people. Many socialist ideas come from Marxism (more commonly, "communism"), which essentially calls for a reversal of what we know as the structure of society. In The Communist Manifesto, Karl Marx predicts that the proletariats will overthrow the bourgeoisie (which seems to be happening to some degree). The bourgeoisie are upper management and upper class, the white collar workers, while the proletariats are the working class, the blue collar workers. Since the proletariats "do all the work", Marx and other socialists suggest that they should get an equal share of the wealth. A Marxist society would have no private property rights and goods produced in it would be distributed among the citizens--"from each according to his ability, to each according to his need."
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@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
9 Oct 08
If you're talking about radio talk show buzz, yes there is probably a bit of lying going on there whether it's about McCain or Obama.
But if you're talking about what McCain and Palin are saying about Obama, nope you're wrong. It needs to be out in the open. Even CNN finally started digging - finally - after McCain and Palin started asking questions and pointing fingers.
Don't you find it rather odd that the media has taken Obama's two books and his press releases as "fact" about his life and career? The conservative media has been questioning these "facts" since day one. It's nice to know that the liberal media is finally doing likewise.
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
9 Oct 08
I can't honestly say, kenzie, that I've ever seen Obama catch a break about anything since this campaign started. The lies and insinuations have only increased and become more lowdown and dirty since Hillary was taken out of the race. All of the Conservative media talking heads are vicious and irresponsible in my opinion.
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@soldierswife68 (127)
• United States
9 Oct 08
In my opinion, the only person "striking fear" in the minds of the American people is OBAMA, himself. Maybe some claims against him have been outlandish, but that stands true for anyone running for public office. Mud is going to be thrown no matter what.
The main thing that concerns me and causes me to raise question about this man are the things that have been brought out (NOT hear-say but actual facts and videos to back it all up) that reveal the truth. Here is a prime example that most people may not know. Take a look, PLEASE:
People need to quit blaming the Bush administration and the Republicans for the poor economic state this county is now in. Something like this can't be distorted or lied about -- especially when you see Obama and his wife sitting RIGHT THERE....knowing all of the facts, all the while, going along with everything and getting paid HANDSOMELY for doing so.
So you want a man like this running our country????
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
9 Oct 08
I did not pay you the courtesy of watching your youtube video, soldierswife, for the simple reason that I don't take everything that I see on youtube as gospel. Lies can be manufactured almost anywhere! I don't believe you! Bush has been at the helm for the past 8 years! So, are you claiming that Obama is responsible for the miserable shape this country has fallen into? Ridiculous!
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@soldierswife68 (127)
• United States
10 Oct 08
Maybe you should do YOURSELF the courtesy of actually watching the video before you say that. So do not think that you would be doing ME any favors for watching it. It doesn't matter to me if you do not choose to gather everything on your candidate, then decide what YOU believe or do not believe for yourself.
I think YouTube can be a curse in some cases and yes, even act as a negative medium to fabricate things. The C-Span video footage that I have posted is NOT one of those type of videos. It is actual footage that could not possibly be rigged to make anyone look bad. I never said that Obama was the blame for anything. I am only saying that it has been proven that he was a participant in the very thing that he (and the democratic party) is so fast to blame on repulicans and the Bush know.....paving the way for people to be able to own homes -- even when they couldn't afford it -- through Fannie Mae. This particular video proves that.
As time goes by, we are learning about all of his affiliations of the past and present, who are probably not the most positive that will help his campaign. HE made the choice to mingle with those people and knew who they were when doing so. I don't think it's anyone's fault but his own if the facts float to the surface (or over to Youtube) for everyone to see.
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@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
9 Oct 08
Both sides use the "Fear Card" on each other. It is a sad shame. Each side will lie about the other to win. that is also a sad shame. And unforunately it does sway people.
The republicans have tried to say that obama is a muslim terrorist. That scares people because of 9/11. Last time I checked it was not true.
The democrats are saying McCain is just like Bush. That scares people because Bush has pretty well sucked as a president. Last time I checked Bush was not on the ballot this time (someone might want to remind Obama) and I do not think ANYONE could be just like Bush. Plus McCain is nowhere near as conservative as Bush. But it is the best weapon the democrats have right now.
This is a example of some of the stupid stuff both sides have said about the other.
Want to know what scares me? The fact that out of all the candidates we could choose from, we the american people picked two from the "do nothing" congress. Congress has a lower approval rating than Bush (and they deserve it). I always thought that you had to do a good job at your current position BEFORE you could be considered for a promotion. I do not think ANY of congress deserves to get re-elected to their current job, much less be given the white house.
But that is just my opinion.
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@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
9 Oct 08
You're absolutely right, lilwonders, that is only your opinion. While you were pointing out these facts I see you left out the many attacks on Obama, while he has levied no personal attacks on McCain as far as his patriotism, ancestry, religion, or race goes. But then, most people only see what they want to see. If McCain has voted with Bush 90% of the time I'd say that is a fair yardstick to measure him with.
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@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
10 Oct 08
I said those were only examples. If I actually took the time to write down all the mud and fear mongering that has gone on in this election I would be here all day. I do not have that much time.
I have been disappointed in this election by both sides. No Obama is not attaching Obama personally. He has a VP and the rest of the party spokes people to do that.
I am not attacking your opinion. I respect it. But me myself, I feel damned if I do, damned if I dont. I do not see either one of them as a "good" choice.
But I am tired of all the negative BS that has been flying around. I wish they would just stick to the issues and leave the rest alone.
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@dloveli (4366)
• United States
10 Oct 08
Usually I dont discuss politics or religion. I am making an exception this time.I dont have anything personally against anyone no matter who they are voting for. What I have a problem with is that the mudslinging has been going on for the past year and a half if not more. The only difference is that its effecting people more intimately as it gets personal. I am a mother, with 2 children and a husband who lost his hand in an industrial accident. Let me be the first to say that my children are not as fortunate as most and have been severely ill at more than one point in their lives. My one daughter suffers from sickle cell anemia. The other has skin ailments so bad its disfiguring. Not to mention that she had osteocarcoma. Which is cancer of the bones. No one gave a damn. I had state health insurance. Which was like having nothing. THey paid for the cheapest things. Point being is that every campaign its the same issues. Towards the end you get people who try to devert our attention from the real issues by name calling. Well you know what I dont think either of them are worth a damn. I think Obama is playing on peoples emotions. Poor me. He's calling me names and getting personal. Thats part of politics my friend. I am afraid that people are going to decide this election on personal attacks rather than the important issues, like healthcare and war. People like my daughters will be left to live with our decisions. If anyone's listening or reading this I should say, I am a womam, mother, and wife. I work three jobs. I dont care about electing a president because he will be the first african american or because he was picked on. I want the best man for the job. Who knows maybe its not Obama. Maybe it is. All I know is make your vote about something other than the fact that he was attacked verbally. I dont understand what the big shock is. It happens to normal everyday citizens everyday. How many stop and help them out? Thanks for letting me speak my mind. Dl
@mikeysmom (2088)
• United States
10 Oct 08
i have my own opinions about obama and i form my own opinions based on fact. i would not vote for him if someone paid me. i think he and his wife are disgraceful people and i do not know how they got where they are. that is the scary part. from the church he sat in and listened to sermons for years and white people were trashed to her comment about being proud to be an american for the first time it is any wonder to me how anyone would even consider them to be deserving of sitting in the white house for 4 minutes let alone 4 years.