Is is true that once a "house cat" goes outside we should keep them out?

United States
October 9, 2008 7:56pm CST
I live in the basement of my building and unfortunately I do not have screens in my windows so therefore it is easy for them to get out. Actually it's mainly my cat Louie that escapes. We try our best to only crack the window because we do need some air in the house but it's getting on my nerves. Last night my son brought our dog Oreo to me to show me that he was loaded with fleas so he gave him a bath and this was after 11 pm at night. I mean what should I do? Am I supposed to keep him out of the house? Please let me know so that I can tell my children because they don't want me to do it. Thanks a bunch and God Bless!
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18 responses
@ElicBxn (63792)
• United States
10 Oct 08
absolutely NOT! Get some Capstar and give it to him, it'll kill the fleas ASAP! Put some long term flea treatment on him, but do your best to keep him in! Talk to your landlord about screens! get screens yourself! keep your kitty inside!
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@ElicBxn (63792)
• United States
10 Oct 08 I got mine online
• United States
10 Oct 08
Wow ElicBxn! I was able to feel the excitement in your message and okay I will do that. I don't know if we have Capstar here but I will look for it. Thanks!
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
10 Oct 08
Well, you might look at getting some of those adjustable screens that fit into small windows (about the size of basement windows), also maybe a good flea collar and something like Advantage would help keep her from bringing her "lil buddies" into the house. Other than that my concern, if it were me, is that house pets don't seem to last long outside...they tend to run into too many things that end up ending their little lives. [b]~~IN SEARCH OF PEACE WITHIN~~ **AGAINST THE STORMS, I WILL STAND STRONG** [/b]
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
10 Oct 08
There's times their hectic but all in all their worth it...after all their like our furry children [b]~~IN SEARCH OF PEACE WITHIN~~ **AGAINST THE STORMS, I WILL STAND STRONG** [/b]
• United States
10 Oct 08
Well see that's the thing windows are big, really big. I just stopped by the hardware store the other day to price some screens and the ones they had were too small for the windows but they said that they were expecting some larger ones to arrive so I have to go by there again. Oh boy, pets are lovely but they are just like children too.
@bmorehouse1 (1028)
• United States
10 Oct 08
I have a house cat. She goes outside all the time. We do have to stay on top of the fleas now and then though. I don't see a problem with letting her out. She often stays out all night. Then there are times that she doesn't want to go out. So really she is an inside/outside cat! I feel like you need to let them out so they can "socialize" with other cats. They need to be with animals as well as humans. I just can't see cooping them up inside all the time. They need fresh air too! Best wishes with whatever you decide to do!
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• United States
10 Oct 08
The fleas were running all through my dog Oreo and I felt so bad and so did my son. That was the first time that Oreo got a bath after 11pm at night. Thanx for your input and God Bless!
10 Oct 08
Nope. Not true. Personally, I don't feel cats should be kept indoors's not their nature. They are descendants of the lion. Domestic cats still have predatory instincts. My cats are indoor-outdoor and come and go as they please. Cats don't care what you think. You are their servant. You can purchase small screens at hardwares. Here in San Francisco, a lot of the apartments don't have screens except for the ones purchased at the hardware for about $8. Also, if your cats are going in and out, be sure they have all vaccinations to protect them from rabies, feline leukemia and AIDS...and BE SURE TO SPAY/NEUTER EACH ONE.
• United States
10 Oct 08
You were very informative and I thank you for your help!
11 Oct 08
Anytime. My cats own me and rule the roost. I could never force them to stay inside all the just ain't natural.
• United States
10 Oct 08
I have an inside cat. He has ran out a few times but I don't let him out. I actually have a water bottle near the door and now he doesn't try to run out. I think it's okay to let him out and there is no reason to keep him out after he has been out. I just don't let my cat go out because we don't really have a yard and we live on the main intersection of our town. I prefent it because I don't want to see him hit by a car. Everytime he has snuck out, he always came back but he hasn't had the time to really get a taste for it! My mom had a few cats that always went outside. They came back into the house and everything when they wanted in. When they went out, they may not have come back inside until morning and a couple of times they were gone a couple nights but always came back! If that isn't something you want to deal with, try using a water bottle and spritz him when he tries it. It won't hurt him and if he's like my cat, he will run away when he sees you pick it up! I know it sounds mean but it got him to stop for the most part.
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• United States
10 Oct 08
dustinnikki I am going to try the water bottle method because I really don't want my Louie going outside a lot because he brings a lot of fleas in the house. My poor doggie Oreo was loaded with them. It's a good thing I don't have carpet all over the house. Thanks so much for your help and God Bless!
• Philippines
10 Oct 08
Yes that is true...once the house cat goes outside we should keep them put since the that cat was already and it is not able that cat to be clean again.
• United States
10 Oct 08
Well, I'd say the best idea would be a two-pronged attack, first, give both your cat and dog a flea treatment like Front-Line or Advantage. Even treating just one animal reguarly will keep the fleas under control, usually (once you get this infestation eliminated, that is). Second, get some screens for those windows. You can get the adjustable kind at a hardware store that just pop in between the sash and the frame and the weight of the window keeps it in place (of course, if your cat is very strong or determined, you might have to get a clamp or something else to hold it more securely). Even if you get the fleas under control, it can be a dangerous world for a housecat, depending on where you live. Incidentally, why do you assume the fleas came in on the cat? Does your dog not go outside for walks or to potty? All it takes is for one or two fleas to jump on either animal and your house can get infested.
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@fifileigh (3615)
• United States
17 Oct 08
my adopted cat used to be indoor/outdoor before i adopted him. now he is only indoor. i think if a cat gets used to be outdoor, it will become more wild, trying to survive daily outdoor life, cars, wild animals, other people, etc. indoor pets are more pampered, sheltered and spoiled. and tend to be too sweet, and probably cant handle outdoor life if they r suddenly outside. they might get killed right away because of inexperience.
@ShadoCat (92)
• United States
10 Oct 08
You might want a flea product like Advantage if the cat is going to be an indoor/outdoor cat. You might think of that for Oreo as well to prevent future flea infestations. On the good side, that cat will probably use the "giant outside litter box" so you should have less cleanup. On a side note, you be careful to not let fleas get established in your apartment. They can be a pain to get rid of. If you have carpet, consider flea powder. You shake it onto the carpet then work it in so it gets between the fibers. That prevents fleas from laying eggs in the carpet.
• United States
10 Oct 08
i think it depends on the area and if you are in woods. i wouldnt keep the cat outside personally. only cause there are lots of dangers it has to deal with outside. other animals, cars, other people lots of things. so if it was an indoor cat and you want it to be safe i would say keep it inside. i have 3 indoor cats. i think its safer for cats to be indoors. but like i said it up to u and your area and other contributors just think about it. yes there would be a big flea problem if you let it in and out. so that would be a hassle. well good luck with that.
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• United States
10 Oct 08
I have a cat that stays inside most of the time, but we have a dog that comes in in the evening and she tends to get outside for the night sometimes. I just try to keep up on the fleas and watch for anything out of the ordinary (rabies and things of that nature) but I let her come back in when she meows at the window - which she will do if she hears my voice
@minx267 (15527)
• Hartford, Connecticut
10 Oct 08
Why would you keep him out? Flea treatment on the dog and the cat prior to them getting fleas would have helped. The dog could have very easily brought fleas in -even if the cat didn't go out. I don't see any reason to punish the cat by kicking him out of his home because the dog has fleas.. you will need to treat both pets for fleas and then keep it up. And also if you have carpets you may need to treat them as well. My dogs and cats go in and out all day long, and I have PLENTY -we have no flea problems we treat them all before the problem starts.
@smiley83 (1534)
• Malaysia
10 Oct 08
well, it depends... i guess, u should let him live outside whether you live in a small or a big house...i myself don't like my pets to go in unless they are very clean... i used to have a pet, she has her own place in the house and never gone out without me... i used to shower her daily and i used to wear her a diaper LOL to stay healthy and to safe the house otherwise, my parents will keep on nagging... Smiley,
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@jenboops (96)
• United States
11 Oct 08
I have inside and outside cats, always have. I try to keep my inside cats inside, but they have gotten out before, cats are pretty resourceful, but I do bring her back in. Most of the time inside cats just aren't as "street smart" as outside kitties. I also have my outside kitties that started out as inside and just acted wild, wouldn't use the litter box and seemed to want to be outside where they are thriving. I honestly think it depends on the cat. I wouldn't leave any of my cats out just because they got out. A suggestion for you is what I have to do in my no screen house is that at a hardware store if you look or ask, you can find adjustable screens that you can just set in the opening of the window. It works great and the cats love to sit in the window and watch outside and we still get air without having to worry about the kitties taking care of themselves.
@annjilena (5618)
• United States
10 Oct 08
well with him going inside and out side he going to bring fleas in your house and all sorts of germs.i think if they going to be outside for long period of time they need to have a certain area for them. so they don,t be jumping all over the furniture bring in fleas. fleas will run you out your house.i had this friend who invited me, to see her place omg those fleas attacked me,they bit hole in my behind lol i had to leave this womans house that how bad it was so decide what you will do carefully have a blessed day.
• United States
10 Oct 08
My parents cat comes in at night in the winter. She is otherwise an outdoor cat, but has never had fleas. I honestly do not know how she has managed to avoid them for over 5 years spending almost all her time outdoors in a wooded area. I would say just get a flea collar and let your cat go out as much as he wants. I think it's good for cats to be able to hunt. I have heard that cats who eat mice occasionally actually live longer and healthier because it is a fresh natural food that they were made to eat. Just make sure your cat is fixed, otherwise the neighbors might not like him if he comes around looking for a mate.
@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
10 Oct 08
They do make flea treatments you can put between the cat's shoulder blades to kill fleas. But, you will have to do the same thing for your dog too. And, its a monthly thing you will have to repeat. I too have a cat that escapes outside frequently. And yes, he has been bringing in fleas. So, we now treat all the pets for fleas thanks to that one cat.
@belk89 (1103)
• Philippines
10 Oct 08
I dont believe that once a cat goes out you should keep them out. My cat always goes out but we still keep them inside the house. We only keep them out if they started to poop lol. But it is fine to let your cat inside the house as long as you train them never to poop or pee inside the house. My cat knows that she needs to go to the bathroom when she needs to peep or poop. I miss my cat though. I have left her in my parents house since my husband had some allergies.