Is She Running For V.P. or Super Model?
By anniepa
@anniepa (27955)
United States
October 10, 2008 12:55am CST
I really can't believe what now passes for news on Fox! I'm going to confess right here and now that I first heard of this silliness on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart on Comedy Central but you can spare me the ridicule for thinking Stewart's fake news show is real. THIS series of clips, however, was very real.
Several personalities at Fox News are having the big one over the cover photo and Sarah Palin on the current Newsweek magazine! No joke, they're actually quite outraged; "It shows every wrinkle", "...and some say it is ridiculously unfair to her." are among the things said on the "most-watched" and "Fair and Balanced" news network. They're throwing an honest to God fit because Newsweek didn't airbrush the photo, something they claim they never do and never have done. It's a fricking news magazine, not Glamour or Vogue!
The global economy headed for depression, although many have forgotten we're still involved in two wars, people are losing their jobs and can't afford gas for their vehicles to look for a new one and those that still have a job can't afford to drive to work, over forty million Americans still have no health insurance and Osama Bin Laden is still at large but the greatest news organization on earth, at least acording to some of our fellow myLotters, chooses to waste air time on complaining that the "hot" V.P. candidate's cover photo doesn't make her look perfect???
Any thoughts?
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15 responses

@anniepa (27955)
• United States
10 Oct 08
If my memory serves me correctly stephcjh has never said his or her vote is based on not liking Palin. I know mine isn't and I'm definitely a woman, I'm definitely not jealous of Palin and I was definitely never planning on voting for McCain no matter who his v.P. was. That having been said, it won't make me at all angry if I never have to hear Palin again once this election is over. Her voice alone grates on my nerves like someone running their fingernails on a chalkboard.
@bdugas (3578)
• United States
10 Oct 08
Typical reason amoung the people lets vote Obama in cause I can't stand Palin, what she show you up, make you look bad as a woman, if that is what you are, but I find that most women are jealous of her, because she has done something in her life. She is a typical everyday housewife with a job. But you make sure that you vote for Obama based on you hate Palin, shows what kind of person would vote based on a person rather than the issues, we need more of you to vote and I'm sure the sly, smooth talking, promise making, but can't tell you how he is going to do all he say, gets into office. Really smart.
@guinness1982 (261)
• United States
10 Oct 08
I'm not jealous of palin, I am happy with being a stay at home mom and knowing I will be there for my kids whenever they need me, I wont be in some other state or over seas or whatever, not only that but why would I be when her 17 year old daughter is knocked up???? that's not something to be jealous of, I never was going to vote McCain either and that was before I thought he made a joke of this whole thing with palin trying to get Hillary's voters, I dont care what they say he thought he was going to pick up Hillary's voters.
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@bwaybaby (903)
• United States
10 Oct 08
I can't believe how big a deal FOX news is making this. It's a news magazine and she' s running for VP, not Miss America. It's not like Newsweek intentionally made her look "bad". She doesn't even look bad on that cover! The article is about her being "one of the folks". So they didn't touch her up. She's "one of us," without all the computer editing and whatnot.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
10 Oct 08
Rose, why did you respond to Bwaybaby here?
Did the women on Fox get enough time to eat the apple during the apple time they were given? Just curious...
Spare me your commercial for Fox News; those who want to watch it will watch, all the power to them, and others, like me, prefer to see real news. I really don't think you can speak for all of American and call Palin "American's sweetheart"! That was a cheap shot at women all over the country saying most men wish they had a woman like her on their arm! The fact is, she's 44 years old, which is a young woman by today's standards, and she looks good for her age but she's really nothing special. I'm not a guy so maybe I'm missing something but to me she looks like a school teacher or librarian. That's not an insult, there's nothing wrong with teachers or librarians but I just don't see the "knock-out" bit.
So, what's your opinion on this topic - is Newsweek the villain for showing an untouched photo of Palin on their cover or not?
@guinness1982 (261)
• United States
10 Oct 08
you shoulds all watch the news on pbs if you want unbiast news about the canadites and other things going on around the world.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
11 Oct 08
"You mean like the so called news with Katie Couric? Give me a break Annie. The fact is (as always) you are a tried and true Democrat. And as one you feel threatened by Sarah Palin because you have to believe that she has the power to help the Republicans win this election and that just turns your stomach doesn't it?
Sorry to disappoint you but it's the truth....."
Sorry, Horns, I copied your whole post here so I wouldn't forget anything. First, I'm not a big Katie Couric fan, she was better on Today, I thought, but if Palin couldn't answer her softball questions that says it all. Yes, I'm a Democrat - I don't remember ever denying that, but I don't feel in the least bit threatened by Palin because she has the power to help the GOP win but if she DOES win I will feel threatened because she's dangerous, an extremist and a loose cannon. She DOES kind of turn my her voice literally hurts my ears and makes my daughter's dog howl. However, aside from the fact that I disagree with her on virtually every issue my opinion of her personally has nothing to do with her political party or ideology. I'm glad "we" don't have a female candidate who is so arrogant and self-assured with no justification for being so. I'm also glad "our" candidate didn't condescend to women by choosing one as his running mate for that reason and that reason ONLY without knowing her or vetting her.
For the record, no, I'm not jealous of her as I and other female myLotters who aren't Sarah fans have been accused of being. If I were the jealous type I'd be far more likely to be jealous of Hillary Clinton for one.
@pismeof (855)
• United States
10 Oct 08
Annie,Fox News is simply pointing out another example of the liberal medias' attempt to denegrate the Republican ticket and get the Snake-Oil salesman into office.
I noticed you failed to mention the shot that was taken between Sarah Palins' legs with the two young men looking up admiringly.Guess that wasn't meant to be s#xist!!
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
11 Oct 08
"Annie,Fox News is simply pointing out another example of the liberal medias' attempt to denegrate the Republican ticket and get the Snake-Oil salesman into office."
You've GOT to be freaking kidding me!! It's denegrating the Republican ticket to put an actual photograph of a candidate on a magazine cover, a photo which is just fine, in my opinion. Had I not heard of the carryings on on Fox I'd have never have even noticed any wrinkles or flaws on her face and who gives a rat's behind anyway! If you're concerned that some people won't vote for the McCain/Palin ticket because at 44 Sarah Palin doesn't look quite like a teenager, I'd say the problem lies somewhere other than with Newsweek, wouldn't you?
I'm not familiar with the other photo you mention here.

@CherylsPearls (1269)
• United States
10 Oct 08
Faux News is joining in on the 'let's-distract-everyone-from-the-issues' party. If you are focused on stories with half-truths and outright lies about stupid things like the hair on Sarah Palin's upper lip or Bill Ayers, then you're not going to be able to focus on what really matters. That's what John McCain is hoping for. If you actually paid attention to the issues, you would quickly figure out that McCain is not the man who can lead the U.S. in the coming years.
Another thing, though not of a political subject...why would the "ladies" of Fox News be promoting the idea that as women, we have to be "perfect?" That's the thing that struck me as I listened to them talk. I mean, we have so many young girls today who are having major problems with depression and other mental illnesses and self-esteem issues because they don't look "perfect" like their counterparts in Hollywood. Now we want to add women in politics to the mix? Give me a freaking break!
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
10 Oct 08
I agree, as long as they keep changing the subject the right is depending on the voters' short attention spans to keep their minds off the issues. Unfortunately for them, that's getting increasingly hard to do with the stock market tanking again today and the news seeming to get worse by the second.
Great point about the "ladies" of Fox! I've noticed in the past the few times I've watched any of the women on there that they seem quite happy with the "Stepford Wives" mentality. Where's the cries of sexism from the McCain camp about this? You'd think Palin herself would be speaking out about this nonsense and reminding the nuts at Fox that she's a political candidate not Angelina or Jennifer.
@collieluv28 (388)
• United States
10 Oct 08
I subscribe to Newsweek & am frankly getting sick & tired of seeing Sarah Palin on the cover. When I received the latest offering, I got out my sharpee pen & drew on Palin's picture. If Fox News didn't like the cover as is, they really wouldn't like my version of it. I did the usual juvenile stuff - blacked out one tooth, drew a moustache & pointy beard. Nothing too offensive. She is a pit bull in lipstick, right? She should be able to handle this truly awful picture of her.
In all seriousness, the picture was fine. These "newscasters" are doing a disservice to all women by bringing all of this up. She is a politician, not a model, & does not need to look perfect (even though I think she does). It shouldn't surprise anyone though that Fox brought this up. They can't report on how bad things are going with their political party so it's best to distract the viewers with this silly stuff.
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@CherylsPearls (1269)
• United States
10 Oct 08
What?! No hairy mole or unibrow? It's just not complete without those two things! Get your pens back out and get to work! lol
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@samijo719 (1052)
• United States
11 Oct 08
I think it's ridiculous that they are wasting time on such petty things as this. I mean there are so many bad things in the world and so much more importnant things to cover and this is what they choose!? How disappointing!!!
@bdugas (3578)
• United States
10 Oct 08
I believe Fox news, is doing it's best to make sure Palin gets her fair shake, maybe they think that if it was a man they would of made the pic look as good as they could, and not with Palin because they wanted her to look bad. I really think she would be good for Washington, I think she is not afraid of any of the ones in congress and I believe congress thinks she would be all over them and they wouldn't get to play their little tricks that they will with Obama in there he being democrat too. Palin is a fighter for what she believes in and she only wants to work for the American people. I like Fox and watch it every night, I feel they tell it like it is, no matter what side the story is on good or bad. And I think they provide a lot of information that we would not know if they was not there to report it. As others cover it up.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
10 Oct 08
Newsweek claims they don't touch-up anyone's photos and never have so I doubt a man's picture would have been treated any differently.
While we'll have to agree to disagree on most of what you've written here I will agree that Palin is a fighter but I don't think it's very becoming, I think she's hard rather than tough and arrogant rather than confident and competent. I think she's in WAY over her head.
Just for the sake of debate, you say of Fox News, "I feel they tell it like it is, no matter what side the story is on good or bad. And I think they provide a lot of information that we would not know if they was not there to report it." Can you give me one example of something you saw on Fox that showed the "bad side" of a Republican over a Democrat? I won't say it's never happened but I've sure never seen or heard of it.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
10 Oct 08
I didn't really watch the video. I looked at it long enough to see the photo, and then skipped ahead to see the closeup. Frankly I think she looks fine in the picture. I personally hate all the airbrushed photos on magazine covers. It's certainly not a cover worth anyone whining over and as you know, I'm a big Palin supporter.
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@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
10 Oct 08
I saw the news piece in question. It wasn't really a "news"piece, just a quick mention. I do think it's kinda over the top though, I don't see what the big deal is. I thought she looked pretty good in the photo myself. There were some other photo's out that I thought was kind of tasteless though, I think they was done by routers. they is a shots taken from behind her roight through her lower legs facing the audience. here's 3 different pics they took.
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@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
11 Oct 08
hi anniepa this is the height of silliness, the woman it a politican not a model. I dont even like her but still she is
not a model. the stuff that is going on in this campaign is worse than its ever bin with so much hot air and rhetoric that most of us are just damned tired of all of it.
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@cbreeze (1205)
• United States
10 Oct 08
There was someone on Larry King that was making a big deal of it as well. I agree that it just doesn't seem that important. However, print media is good for using photos to create a vibe about an article. So I won't discount the complaint. Remember when I think it was Time magazine got in trouble for the way the altered OJ Simpson's photo to make him look more menacing. Look at how the Enquirer and other gossip magazines will post snap shots that are probably totally unrelated to their story to make it look like someone is having a melt-down or that they are angry. The photo took me aback a little. When I first saw the cover I wasn't sure it was Palin. She is an attractive woman, but the photo didn't look like her it was soooo close up. Maybe it's not news worthy, but it is a valid complaint.
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
10 Oct 08
I'm with you, the economy is in the toilet, the DOW has lost what 17% this week alone?! And, now we all have to stop worrying about our 401k, IRA's, and every other investment so that we can jump on the bandwagon of poor little Sarah having a bad picture. I can't believe that they used that one of Obama, it looks like he was standing in the sun and he looks washed out, should we started calling the presses and anyone that will listen and complain about that picture being awful? Hell no he's running for president not the most beautiful man in the world. I am so sick of people calling people here jealous because they don't think she is beautiful, smart, powerful blah blah blah. First off beauty is in the eye of the beholder and this beholder doesn't think she is and that's my right lol.
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@crazydaisy (3896)
• Canada
10 Oct 08
I really like Jon Stewart and Steven Coburn they are really a good show
to watch they tell allot truth and the same time they tell some jokes!!!
which is good.
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@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
10 Oct 08
It is stupid. Fox needs to get over it and actually take this election seriously. She is not running for super model of the year she is running for VP. I personally hate all these "hot" comments. A lot of people spend more time talking about how she looks instead of what she stands for.
I was excited when she was first announced, but lets just say that excitement has not stayed. She really has not done as well as I thought she would. Too bad.
The media has ticked me off with this VP pick. THey have spend more time on the fact that she is a mom, and a former beauty queen. Do both of those things somehow make someone dumb? So media is now telling moms that you can not work because you are a mom or at least not in powerful positions, and that if you are pretty you can not be smart. Great, just the thinks I want my kids (especially my daughter)to hear. What ever happen to you can be anything and do anything?
I personally do not like being put into what someone else thinks is "my place".
Oh sorry that was a bit off subject sorry. But you are right. I have stopped watching Fox at all. It is a waste of time. They need to get over themselves.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
10 Oct 08
Hello Annie,
To your quote:
"Newsweek claims they don't touch-up anyone's photos and never have so I doubt a man's picture would have been treated any differently."
Boy, oh boy is that ever a deceptive statement! A little fact-checking would have informed you that Newsweek is lying through its teeth if it made that claim!
I would urge the readers to go to the webpage, and persuse the latest 12 covers of the magazine. The reader will see one cover of Hillary Clinton that appears to have been manipulated, and one each of Sen. Obama and his wife Michelle, which also appear to have been crafted for flattery!
Does anyone remember Martha Stewart's head being superimposed on to the body of a model just three years ago on the cover of Newsweek??? It is simply one of the most publicized photo-journalism scandals ever! The only other photo-journalism scandal that caused more of an uproar was the deceptive presentation of an Oprah portrait photo on the cover of a major American periodical (I believe it was Time).
"Newsweek glamorized Bobbi McCaughey, the Iowa mother of septuplets, by straightening her teeth. The magazine superimposed Martha Stewart's head on a model's body for the March 7, 2005, cover, when Stewart was released from prison."
"As for news photos, "We do nothing beyond what has traditionally been done in the photographic darkroom," says Barnett (Newsweek's director of photography), who took over as photo director in July 2003."
*** The above statement indicates that traditional photo manipulation is NOT discouraged by Newsweek's Director of Photography.***
"Writing for the New York Times in 1990, acclaimed photo critic Andy Grundberg predicted, "In the future, readers of newspapers and magazines will probably view news pictures more as illustrations than as reportage, since they will be aware that they can no longer distinguish between a genuine image and one that has been manipulated." History has given weight to his prophecy as photo managers search for answers.
"During an NPPA ethics session in Portland, a group of some 50 photographers and photo managers were asked for a show of hands if they believed they had ever worked with peers who routinely crossed ethical boundaries. Nearly every arm flew into the air. "That was a scary thing to see," says Long, who was on the panel. Ethical breaches were the topic of conversation at coffee breaks and during presentations at the photo summit."
"Fundamentally, there is only so much you can do. You hope and pray and respect your staff... You trust that they're not going to do this kind of thing," says the L.A. Times' Crawford, who, like many others interviewed for this story..."