How do you choose to deal with people that push your buttons?

@James72 (26790)
October 10, 2008 2:58am CST
There are people in our lives that come to know us very well. This is of course a very positive thing on many levels but as per usual there is always a flip side! Some people come to know what sets us off and will occasionally exploit this weakness in our character's by going out of their way to purposely push our buttons so to speak. How do you personally deal with situations like this? How do you handle people that know what makes us angry yet go out of their way sometimes to focus on these triggers?
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13 responses
@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
10 Oct 08
I am usually a gullible kind and people come to know that I am rather susceptible to sweet tongue and love. Can't really differentiate between fakes in life!! So, people try to materialize on that part if not by poking right where it hurts and making me hyper thus. A few years earlier I used to succumb to that right away and would invariably end up doing stuffs that would fetch me no good. I used to compromise on me-time and stayed up till later hours in office to do others stuffs! But, much wiser that I have become, I hardly allow others to use me. On some occasions I really put my foot down. I hardly find others pushing the sensitive buttons and making me jittery, a you have mentioned. May be, I do not mix to many people around. But if and when some do that, I try to ignore or leave their company. It hurts though but I have been learning to take it in my stride.
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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
10 Oct 08
I agree, may times we do it out of our will and love. That's of course different. But there are people who seem to exploit this. The definition of job ethics has changed over the years. I better not go into that. And I must agree that even though its off putting but the fact that we change, we learn and we grow is what makes us human. Thanks for your wonderful thoughts.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
10 Oct 08
I have worked for manager's before that are absolute MASTERS at exploiting people in this manner. In fact they owe their entire standing to it. Some may say that it is being a good manager but for me a good manager leads by example and doesn't ride on the coat-tails of others. All we can do is try to be more aware of people's intentions and we have to be somewhat selfish too. I shall see you in yet another discussion I am sure. Welcome back too by the way as I forgot to say this earlier.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
10 Oct 08
I can relate to this big time mimpi. I too have had people take advantage of my work ethic more times than I care to remember and hit me with those veiled compliments like "Oh, but your reports are far better than mine so you should do it" etc. In the beginning I fell for these comments hook, line and sinker but I too am far wiser now than before and am considerably more forceful with others when it comes to sharing responsibilities. In many instances I don't see it as being gullible at all though and would like to think that sometimes we choose to be optimistic and focus in on the positives of others instead of seeing through their intentions. It is disheartening when others recognize this behaviour in us and exploit it; but also enlightening when the time comes that we recognize this is happening and move to change things. Thanks for sharing your comments.
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@jammyt (2818)
• Philippines
10 Oct 08
I usually walk away and avoid the person before I explode. LOL! I also warn them at first but if they persist, sorry, better get outta my way or you're never gonna hear the end of it. And i'll be saying "I told you so!" or "Don't say I didn't warn you!" LOL!
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
10 Oct 08
It's definitely wiser to try to walk away rather than get all flustered by the situation, I agree. It's just not always easy to do this though! lol. Thanks for responding to the discussion jammyt.
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@alokn99 (5717)
• India
10 Oct 08
Learnt this the hard way actually James. Still gets a little difficult at times. But the awareness and realisation is there.So i try to normally take a few moments and evaluate the sitaution before reacting. The best way that i have found is to remain quiet and shift the focus of attention elsewhere. Some people then are persistent and then a little bit of sterness on my side then kind of diffuses the situation.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
10 Oct 08
This is certainly very good advice alok. It is just not always easy I guess to take the time to reflect on the situation rather than instantly react negatively to it like most people do. Thanks for the comments and I shall definitely try to take in what you have said and act on it to see if it helps with these types of situations.
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@alokn99 (5717)
• India
10 Oct 08
It sure works James. But it would be handy to keep all those insults stored up for some of those which don't.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
10 Oct 08
Good idea alok! But the problem is that those clean insults wouldn't even get a look in if I was riled up and it would be profanities all the way!
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@Daffodil20 (1754)
• India
10 Oct 08
Though I know that ignoring it is the best thing but its easier said than done.I really wonder what and why it makes few people tick to irritate others.Well,sometimes,I try not to answer at all,but other times I either tell them to go mind their own business or just try to revert it back to them.But the last action really needs quick wit to do so.Which I am not so richly endowed with.
@James72 (26790)
• Australia
10 Oct 08
You are certainly correct in saying that it's easier said than done Daffodil! A quick wit can help in some situations, sure, but when you are getting riled up like you do the mind is usually too clouded with frustration and anger to be able to think that clearly! lol. Thanks for the response.
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@Bluepatch (2476)
• Trinidad And Tobago
10 Oct 08
Stay away from these and if you can't avoid them just cut them off. I have people in my office who are like that and I sometimes leave because of them. Its one of the more irritating things one has to deal with and I personally hate it. In fact, one such person just walked into the office. Coincidences are amazing !
@James72 (26790)
• Australia
10 Oct 08
Your advice is very appropriate Bluepatch, I just wish it were always that easy to just avoid things like this! Thanks for responding and good luck with your colleague that has just walked in!
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• Philippines
10 Oct 08
My vision tends to blur the moment that happens and i'd feel that my auditory sense is not working well. So i usually go numb and still. I do not "deal" with the person immediately and i'd walk away. After 24 hours, i get back at that person. It might sound wrong but i won't be able to sleep if i do not express what i feel. I do not allow anyone to get away with doing this to me. They always get a piece of my mind, and sometimes get the same treatment they have shown me.
@James72 (26790)
• Australia
10 Oct 08
Mine too pinky. It's not easy at all to keep a clear head when someone is doing or saying things that they know affect us so easily. I am someone who is big on communication but it is not always easy to ensure that this goes smoothly either! I deal with many stubborn people and it can certasinly be a challenge. I am not someone who goes back for revenge usually but to be honest I can definitely go out of my way to say things that I know will sting in return if I get pushed too far. Thanks for responding to the discussion.
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@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
15 Oct 08
If I get the inclination that the other fellow is pushing my buttons deliberately, I quickly gather my wits and remain cool, calm and composed. If I get an idea that the other fellow wants to instigate me, I just avoid losing my temper at all cost. I know after some time, when the fellow will observe that I am not flaring up.......will end the topic or change the topic. Best course of action appears to me is not fall in somebody's trap. However, even if I fell into the trap, I realised very soon that it was a deliberate attempt to push my buttons and if the fellow does it to me repeatedly, I start avoiding that fellow.
@James72 (26790)
• Australia
15 Oct 08
You are fortunate to be able to maintain such control and composure then dpk! I wish I had as much discipline all the time but I just don't. It is not always possible for me to avoid certain people either so even though at times I am able to just grin and bare it, there are also times when my tolerance levels get to an all time low and I just lose it. I need to work on it, no question! Thanks for your response.
@James72 (26790)
• Australia
15 Oct 08
Either way it all comes down to control and discipline, I agree! I will keep smiling as requested dpk and here are three for you! Same goes for you!
@dpk262006 (58673)
• Delhi, India
15 Oct 08
It is not always, sometimes I lose my temper too, but I try to minimize the occasions, when I tend to lose my temper.If you make it a point, you can do it too - "where there is a will, there is a way", you know it. Best of Luck! Keep smiling!!
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@marababe (2503)
• Philippines
11 Oct 08
I've had a couple of people like this in my life and what I do after being mad at them and telling them how ticked off I am is I totally ignore them. I don't pay them an mind and I act as if they don't exist. I've been too tired confronting them and giving in to their whims that I just choose to let them go and let them be and I won't care.
@James72 (26790)
• Australia
11 Oct 08
At least you get to speak your mond before walking away and ignoring them! Maybe this is a good balance that I should try myself seeing as I don't seem to be able to keep my mouth shut and just leave. Thanks for the response marababe.
@jesus777 (662)
• Bermuda
11 Oct 08
i usually ignore them and move away from the situation because if i do not i know i will lose my temper so i find if i move myself away from the situation that is best until cool down because lashing out is not my thing i try to live in harmony with all men women people in general life is to short to be angry over silly things so i just avoid them that is the best way for me to deal with issues!!!
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
11 Oct 08
It seems then that you may have more control than me in situations like this! I wish I could do the same in all cases but sometimes my frustration ends up over-ruling my ability to stay calm. Thanks for responding to the discussion.
@samijo719 (1052)
• United States
11 Oct 08
I usually just walk away from the situation. I try to not make a bigger deal about it. Because I've learned when people are doing that and trying to make you angry that if you give in and give them a raise then it's exactly what they wanted. I don't like to give them what they want in that situation. So normally just keep my mouth shut, walk away and let them get over what it is that made them so cranky that day! lol
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
11 Oct 08
The more I hear people saying they would walk away the more I keep hearing that Craig David song in my head! lol. "I'm walking away, from all the troubles in my life. I'm walking away, to find a better day......" Easier said than done for some of us unfortunately but definitely the right thing to do. Thanks for responding samijo.
• United States
10 Oct 08
I have learned to just walk away. I worked with a guy who knew exactly which buttons to push to get me riled. I don't know why he thought it was funny to piss me off, but he did. My boss knew I was kind of high strung, too. He used to say or do things just to see how I was going to react, especially if I was already ticked. I finally decided that the co-worker was not going to get to me anymore, and told him as much. He decided to back off when I flew off the handle and brought him to his knees, literally. I got to where I just smiled at my boss when he decided to pick on me.(He did it just because it amused him, and he did it in a good natured way.) My son is another one who can push my buttons. Instead of getting mad and yelling at him, now I just give it right back to him, give him a taste of his own medicine. When he gets mad because I push him back, especially if he starts it, I tell him, "Don't sling it, and I won't throw it back!" It really is much easier just to smile, and walk away than it is to get into a fight over it. It is much less stressful, too.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
10 Oct 08
I would like to be able to do the same Bo, it's just not in my nature though to be this way! lol. There is a difference between good natured ribbing and out and out needling as well. Ribbing I can handle just fine but the needling gets a pretty harsh return reaction from me unfortunately. I will just have to work on this personal flaw I think. Thanks for the response.
@belk89 (1103)
• Philippines
11 Oct 08
I normally ignores them and try not talking with them. But if they still keeps on bugging me i dont control anymore my emotions and i just let out what i truly feels. Sometimes people who knows us needs to be reminded again and again before they realized that what they did is wrong. And when they see us angry thats the time they stop lol.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
11 Oct 08
Ignirance is bliss I guess belk, it's just not always easy to do this! lol. I wish that getting angry would slow things down too but for some people it just spurs them on even more. Thanks for responding.
• United States
11 Oct 08
I cant say that what I do is the right thing but when someone really knows how to push my buttons, I retaliate. I too am a button pusher and will sometimes go to great lengths to push the other persons buttons. If you are good at reading people, this is not hard to do. But perhaps the right thing to do is just ignore it.
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@James72 (26790)
• Australia
11 Oct 08
You sound very much like me in this case jlcameron as I too tend to retaliate rather than stay calm. The right thing is definitely to walk away or ignore it but as you have shown yourself it just ain't that easy! Thanks for responding.