Do you have a COMPUTER_CAT?

Computer_Cat stands guard against TROLLS! - Once a vicious vermin, rodent, and bird killer, COMPUTER_CAT was taught to use his talent of swift sure envisceration for the purposes of good instead of evil. COMPUTER_CAT stands guard to psychically employ his power across the vast distances of the internet around the globe. TROLLS BEWARE!
United States
October 10, 2008 6:43am CST
Yes, it is true. Cats are mighty fine animals. Some even like computers. Here's a pic of one that likes the warmth he finds on top of my computer tower. The same cat also likes to get on the clothes dryer when it is running. I say that my COMPUTER_CAT is one of my favorites. Do you have a COMPUTER_CAT? What kind of cat do you have, then? What do you say?
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9 responses
@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
10 Oct 08
Not only is our cat a computer cat, enjotying not only both towers, although she lays on my wife's tower most of the time, she also enjoys the monitors. It can be very hard to do anything with that tail blocking the screen. She is sunning herself in the window next to me right now, but has been found in the dryer, in closets, and in the highest places that she can find. She also sleeps with us, and takes a nap every day with my wife... even though she has to wake up from a nap in order to do that. She sure does sleep a lot. She is also a very demanding Tuna cat, but it has to be in spring water, and it has to be starkist... nothing else will do. If the wife doesn't move fast enough to get it , or is late for her nap she gets nipped. I don't get bit, I get tripped or something similar. A while back, I stayed up really late playing EQ2. The cat came in, rubbing my legs and then left. It's like 3am. The next thing I know, the wife yelps and gets up. We figure out that since I didn't get her tuna right away, she went and woke the wife up instead. It's like the cat ran in there, jumped on the wife and yelled "Look, look, ... it's 3am and he's still up... and oh, yeah, since your up I want tuna." I got to paying attention and it is pretty regular, the cat shows up about 1:30 or so, and if I don't get her that tuna, then she heads right for the bedroom and the wife... who is not amused to be woke. So I guess we have a cat that is spoiled rotten.
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• United States
10 Oct 08
Wow, your cat is more spoiled than any of mine. I did not think that was possible.
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• United States
14 Oct 08
I use to have my favorite cat in my avatar, but it gave her too big of an ego and the dog was jealous.
@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
14 Oct 08
LOL Hubby you better hope Morgana never learns to type Our Morgana is spoiled rotten and the thing is...she knows it. She does nip me more than Hubby but she irritates him more She'll walk back and forth behind the curtain by his desk causing the curtain to move and sunlight to blind his pc screen...although she only seems to do this when he's really busy either online or in the game. She does have good points too...she loves to play with candy wrappers (something Hubby got her into), she sits in the window watching for me whenever I go somewhere and she's a good guard cat when someone comes knocking. A couple weeks ago I was at my Mom's and I petted her cat several times and was playing with her...I got home and Morgana smelled that cat on me and I got bit...HARD...not a play bite but a "don't you touch other cats" she's very jealous too. All in all, she's a wonderful joy and I don't know what we'd do without her . BTW, that's her in my avatar picture. [b]~~IN SEARCH OF PEACE WITHIN~~ **AGAINST THE STORMS, I WILL STAND STRONG** [/b]
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@sudalunts (5523)
• United States
10 Oct 08
Oh yes, I do have a computer cat. He doesn't really care for my computer, but whenever my husband goes to his desk, Jake is right there. He will pace back and forth until he finds a good place to squat. then he will sit on the keyboard, he is a very good typist, he can type zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz, in lest than one second My husband will try to do his work, looking over jake or under Jake. When Jake is finished typing, he will go to his next task, which is paper shredder. He will find a piece of paper and start to tear is up. He does a great job, he really deserves a raise.
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• United States
10 Oct 08
Yes, somebody somewhere must be training all these cats. How else do they all have the same bad habits as to computers?
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@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
10 Oct 08
Oh that is so cute, my cat has jumped up on my computer desk a few times when she hasn't been getting enough attention but she really does prefer to be outside she likes to go mousing...
• United States
10 Oct 08
This one likes to hunt things down, too. I'm trying to train this cat to use psyhic abilities to employ its killer instincts against trolls on the internet instead of actually going outside to kill vermin. If she gets good at it, I'll make a fortune hiring her out to people to patrol forums.
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@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
10 Oct 08
let me know when you make your first million i might do the same...
@GardenGerty (162499)
• United States
14 Oct 15
When she had her vaccinations you could tell Princess was achy and she would lay on the computer for warmth. Now she lays beside the computer and puts her paws on the keyboard.
1 person likes this
• United States
14 Oct 15
The original post is over 7 years old! Wow, I am surprised you found it. The cat in the picture is still alive but that computer is not. Thanks, for responding.
@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
10 Oct 08
My computer cat chooses to sit in the middle of my keyboard and take a bath. Of course I have to move him out of the way, but it seems sometimes that is his favorite spot. I guess he wants attention, but it's really hard on the typing when he's vying for that spot. I don't mind sharing the computer with my kids, but the cat, too? He just wants part of the action I guess.
• United States
10 Oct 08
I am missing one of my CONTROL keys from my keyboard because of this cat sitting on the keyboard thing. When I picked up my cat to get it off the keyboard, it hooked a claw into the key and away it went. I still have not found it. Even if I did, I don't think I could get it back into the keyboard.
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• United States
10 Oct 08
I say that alot. :-)
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@clrumfelt (5490)
• United States
10 Oct 08
That darned cat!
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• United States
19 Oct 08
No I don't like cats, but I have a computer dog my dog loves computers, know what I mean.
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• United States
20 Oct 08
LOL... no I don't. My dog has not a clue what the computer is other than a lot of the time when he wants out, that's the funny looking thing he finds me in front of.
@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
13 Oct 08
I too have the blessing of a computer cat. She keeps me company while I take care of all my business on the computer. What kind of cat do I have well I cannot say, but she makes a very good cat no matter what kind of breed she would be.
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• United States
10 Oct 08
Gorgeous kitty. His eyes show he is really on the job. No sleepy eyed sentinel there! BTW What a change! teehee
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• United States
10 Oct 08
Well, it is fun to mix things up. Why not give people what they want?
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@palonghorn (5479)
• United States
10 Oct 08
I used to have a computer cat. He would stretch out across the top of my monitor when I was working on my computer. And if he really wanted my attention he would lay across my paperwork on my desk, so that I couldn't work on it.
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• United States
10 Oct 08
One of our cats loves to get in my wife's face whenever she is doing any kind of paperwork. It seems these cats know they have you at a disadvantage so exploit that.
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