Does it always fall on "moms" shoulders?
By soccermom
@soccermom (3198)
United States
October 10, 2008 7:29am CST
This may get lenghty, so please forgive me for what is sure to turn into a rant. Let me give you a little background. I have 3 kids, who next month will be 13,6, and 3. They're a lot to keep up with. I work a 40 hour a week job in insurance, which I love but can be stressful, as well as another 20 hour a week job from home processing inbound calls, not so stressful but a total drag. I coach soccer, belong to two PTA's, serve on the board for AYSO, plus take care of our two dogs, run all the errands and clean the house. My husband works 60 hours a week, and after that is usually planted in front of the TV or playing World of Warcraft.
Two weeks ago I wasn't feeling well. I have been dealing with chest pains since June that after extensive tests the doctor couldn't find a cause for. Anyway, I was arguing with my soon to be teenager and I felt like I was going to die. I passed out in the kitchen at 7am. It was odd, but right then my husband called and asked my daughter if I was okay. She was freaking out, and he was home in 5 minutes and took me to the emergency room. They diagnosed me with ulcers (the chest pain) as well as anxiety issues and gave me a daily prescription as well as Xanax in case I really needed it.
Well, after a stern lecture from the family doctor I thought my husband would "get it." Mom needs more help. I am not superwoman, shoot lately I'm not even sure I'm a woman. LOL
Yesterday was my one day off for the week. I got up, got two kids to school, went to Home Depot and bought drywall and stuff for the sunroom (thank god for my dad he offered to pick it up),took the puppy to the vet, went to the grocery store, cleaned the house, threw a roast in the crockpot, peeled potatoes, did 7 loads of laundry, picked the one daughter up from kindergarten, got both little ones ready and went to my oldests soccer tournament. My husband got home an hour and a half before I did. I had spoken to him on his lunch break and told him there were baskets of clean laundry that needed to be folded and I'd call when I was on my way home so he could turn the potatoes on to boil, and that I had to work from 8-11 from home, so my time was short, I needed help.
He started the potatoes. But then I was arguing with my oldest, the two little ones were all "mom, mom, mom" and the laundry hadn't even been touched. I was flipping out. My husband walks into the kitchen, sticks a fork in the potatoes and says "these are ready to be mashed". Then went and sat back down! I took a Xanax, mashed potatoes, fed everyone, sent my preteen to her room for being mouthy and hateful, cleaned up the kitchen and proceeded to fold laundry. He had the nerve to ask me "what my problem was!"
So I told him, everything falls on my shoulders, and I need help. There was no reason for him to come home and plant his hiney in front of the TV, he could have at least started folding laundry. He could've mashed potatoes, he could've helped clean up the kitchen and get the little ones ready for bed. He rolled his eyes at me, and told me that was my problem because I couldn't just let things sit. I tried to explain to him that I don't have the luxury of having time to just let things sit, and he told me that was my own fault. That if I wasn't such a spaz it wouldn't be a problem. I told him that if I could count on help that I wouldnt always be in "go" mode. The only help I can depend on is my preteen to do dishes.
Anyway, you get the point.After 8 years together he should know that I am a "get it done" type of person, and he should see when I am overwhelmed and need help. In your household is there one spouse that seems to get stuck with everything while the other one just rolls along like there is nothing to do?
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6 responses
@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
10 Oct 08
Sorry soccermom it's that way here too. My husband will help only after bytching and complaining about the lack of help in the house. My husband works in sales and so it's not like he has a "hard" job. It's all mental and he loves it. I do not work outside of the house but have just as much to do as a working parent. My children are close to your childern's age (12, 10 and 4) and needless to say all boys that aren't very big helpers. I wonder what makes men behave this way?! Do you think that mothers create them or they are just lazy? I don't know but, I do know that ranting about it every once in a while makes one feel better. I hope that you are able to find something that will help you make every day a little easier.
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@soccermom (3198)
• United States
10 Oct 08
Thanks Zephyr. My MIL tells me all the time that men are just "wired different", and I just need to learn to let go and deal with it. But when it hits a point where my health is suffering you'd think he'd step it up. He's not a lazy man, except at home. It's like he thinks since he makes more than I do and contributes more financially it makes it okay to slack on household responsibility. Thanks for the support though, it's nice to know it's not only me.
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
10 Oct 08
I'm sorry if I hear "wired different" one more time I'd like to punch the person saying it LOL. My sister says that all the time yet, her husband is just like us. He has your life I feel sorry for him, all she does is go to school and goes out with her friends. You're not alone and it isn't just moms there are a few dads as well.
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@soccermom (3198)
• United States
10 Oct 08
I totally know what you're saying! Maybe part of the problem is I grew up in a household where my dad couldn't sit still either, and I take after him quite a bit. He used to work two jobs and do most of the housework while my mom sat around. I remember how frustrated he'd get, but the difference is he never said anything to her about it.
@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
13 Oct 08
Well, I see room for improvement on both parts. Your Hubby should be pitching in more...after all they are his kids too and he does live there also. The pre-teen could help out with more than just the occasional dishes and for that matter the 6 year old could do simple folding wash clothes.
I also see room for improvement on your part. Unless the 20 hour job is absolutely essential for survival, I'd drop it. Perhaps splitting the coaching job with someone else as well. Knocking your PTA's down to one (maybe switching from one to the other each school year), I have no idea what AYSO is but again if it's not absolutely essential I'd get off it.
It seems like you have more on your plate then you can handle and really the only absolute's you have is your family, home and your main job...all the rest are optional. With the problems with your health, I'd be looking at ways to cut down on the things you have chosen to take on. Just my outlook...I wish you luck.
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@soccermom (3198)
• United States
15 Oct 08
Thanks twoey, I've heard on several occassions I need to cut back, but once you get into "mode" it's really hard. I've always had a problem with telling people "no".
Unfortunately, I have to keep the second job. My husband and I both agree that we need to work as much as possible to put away a "stash" in case of a financial emergency. We live well within our means, but you never know. The reason I'm still coaching soccer is there is a shortage of volunteers to do it, so when those of us that have coached consistently say "no" that means less kids can play. AYSO is the soccer league, I've been a board member for three years, and I enjoy it, it's my time away from everything.
The PTO is totally my fault. I always feel the need to "keep it even" with my kids.
Anyway, I really should stop making excuses for myself, huh?
@violeta_va (4831)
• Australia
10 Oct 08
I hear you sister. Ok so I dont work and I only have 1 child. I am pregnant with our 2nd child and have a very bad case of morning sickness (all day one) and plus I have lots of fibroids that I had no idea untill 3 weeks ago so I am in pain almost all the time. So far he has washed the dishes 2 times and helped around the house 1 time. He used to help a lot more with our first child.
@elemental69 (1561)
• Ireland
10 Oct 08
You should put on one of his boots and give him a good kick in the butt with it!!! Can he not see that all this is damaging your health? Maybe if you stopped doing things and not have his dinner ready in the evening when he gets home from work for a couple of days then maybe he might get up off his butt and help..
@Shellyann36 (11384)
• United States
10 Oct 08
I am so sorry that you are having so many problems. I know how it is to work 2 jobs and raise 3 boys. I have done it for a very long time. I would recommend that you take a break before you literally kill yourself. If the dishes don't get done at night, don't cook anything the next night. I have always had my kids to help with the chores. I think that is one of the problems you are facing, not enough helping. As far as your hubby goes, does he have a very stressful job? I can imagine 60 hours in one place is stressful but you are doing the same thing and then some. Does he ever do anything such as take out the trash or mow the lawn? I just think you should just take a break from things. Do not kill yourself.
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@soccermom (3198)
• United States
10 Oct 08
I wouldn't call his job stressful, he's more of a manual labor kind of guy. I understand his job is more physical than mental, so I get where he's tired sometimes, but he doesn't need to discount all that I do. The funny thing is that my two girls are the older ones, but yet my 3 year old son is always begging to help. My preteen does what she can, but I try to cut her some slack because she's an honor student, so her school load is rather large plus she has soccer. There's only so much I feel we can expect her to do. May sound crazy but I want my kids to be kids, and he doesn't get it. I do need to relax. It's just such a habit to always be doing something that I have a hard time settling down.
@Shellyann36 (11384)
• United States
11 Oct 08
BTW I love your avatar! Looks like me at times! I know how you feel when you don't want to leave something undone. I use to be like that. If my house was messy I would literally get depressed about it. So I was constantly going. I think that one thing that helped me was to have a schedule to do things and then stick to it. I know what you mean about the feeling that your hubby is not helping you out. I don't think that men realize how well they have things at times. You are loaded to the gills with work and with your kids, try to schedule things more. I selected days to clean certain areas, designated days for laundry and such. I had a menu in place so I was prepared like that and normally I tried to cook everything as easily as possible. Crockpot meals were frequent. I also had the frozen meals done up for later times. I would create casseroles and lasagna on the weekends and put them in the freezer for those days when I was real pressed for time or I felt too tired to do anything. Hang in there and if ya need to vent, I will lend you my ear!
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@harleygal98 (82)
• United States
29 Oct 08
Sounds like maybe there needs to be a come to Mama meeting if you know what I mean. Sit all their little rumps down including hubby and ask them what they think life would be like if mom wasn't there. Stress and anxiety can do a lot of bad things to our bodies. Point that out to them and make sure they get the point you are trying to make. Not trying to scare you but my mom had major anxiety problems as do I and she is no longer with us today - gone at 49 years of age. No one expected it, it was devastating. Maybe your two oldest kids could help out a little more? I know, I know. We anxiety types like things done our way, but they can help out.
Is there any way you can get out of some of your other duties? Sounds like you could really benefit from some "me" time alone every now and then. You have a lot on your shoulders. I mean a lot! I thought my life was tough what with my third marriage and my 17 year old step-daughter moving in with us and now out again, my guilt-ridden, debt-ridden husband, my full-time job, 11 year old daughter, 22 year old daughter but looking at your responsibilities, you have a lot. Take some me time. Forget the household chores for a day. Go out with some girlfriends to lunch. I feel for you..