Some things I find curious about this Election...
@creative_angel312 (390)
United States
October 10, 2008 12:39pm CST
Usually I tend to stay away from the political disscussions due to all of those people out there who find the need to be rude... But this election strikes up many questions and it just makes me wonder- point blank - what the heck are people thinking?
#1: Senator McCain is old- no disrespect intended-, but if he is voted into the White House, and an issue of health or something comes up, of course the Vice President is supposed to step in. That Vice President would be Sarah Palin. Now I ask myself: Is Palin REALLY capable of running the country as the President of the United States of America? It seems very unlikely...
#2: Where are all these claims of Obama being a terrorist coming from, and why do so many people believe them? If Obama was really a terrorist, and so many people CLAIM to know it, why is he being allowed to run for President if he is such a huge threat to this country? Why must McCain resort bashing instead of sticking to the facts? If he is such the great candidate? This kind of behavior should not be the behavior of the next President...
And finally... I thought this country was called the UNITED States of America. United is one thing it seems not to be. The two political parties put in place in the making of our government seem to be tearing it apart. Democrats for Democrats and Republicans for Republicans, but aren't we all American? Why is everything for the good of the party, instead of the the good of the people? Since when should how much money is offered determine the general welfare of this country (lobbyists)? I know this is supposed America; Land of the Free; the greatest country in the world, but it all seems so backwards.
I'm not trying to tell anyone who to vote for or how to think, I'm just trying to get my point of view across. You can disagree with me all you like, because everyone has their own opinions, but I would appreciate it if you wouldn't be rude.
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8 responses
@NuclearRabbit (650)
• United States
10 Oct 08
I can't answer all your questions but I know that answer to your second one.
Obama served/serves on the same charity board as a teacher who, in the sixties or seventies, was a part of a group that tried to bomb a government building. At least I think they tried to bomb it, either way that's the scoop. The McCain camp is really reaching with this one.
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@creative_angel312 (390)
• United States
10 Oct 08
So basically its guilt by association? It's just all so ridiculous... Thanks for answering
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
10 Oct 08
Whatever he did or didn't do over 30 years ago he was never charged and has from all appearances "reformed" and has been a law-abiding citizen for years now. He and Obama were never "close", they served on a charity board run by a Republican together. McCain spoke at a fund-raiser for a woman who had been charged with and was later convicted of shooting an abortion doctor and had been active with a group who bombed abortion clinics. Maybe that association is acceptable...?
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@collieluv28 (388)
• United States
10 Oct 08
Your comment number two really hits a nerve with me. I'm so tired of hearing this outright lie. Then there is the rumor touted on the internet that Obama is a Muslim. It really is tiring & just distracts the people from the issues. I really thought that this campaign was going to be run with tact. I can't blame Obama for fighting back - the McCain campaign has been really ugly. I used to have respect for this man but it's gone now. I agree with you wholeheartedly - this is the UNITED States of America & we must unite & choose the best person for the highest office in the land. Elect our next President with the issues on your mind, not rumors.
@creative_angel312 (390)
• United States
10 Oct 08
thanks for least I know I'm not the only one who thinks that way
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@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
10 Oct 08
McCain's age issue is a non issue, we had plenty of "old"people run, win and retire after their terms. I would say sarah palin is as capable of running the country as any other governor was ie; Carter, Reagan, Clinton, Bush, etc. The last person to be elected out of the senate to the presidency was jfk. We have a unique election this year as for the first time in a long time we have 2 senators at the top of both major tickets. Palin is the only one out of the 3 who actualy ran a state (a mini country). I almost wish SHE was on the top of the GOP ticket as I am mad as helll at McCain.
Obama....not a terrorist....not a muslum. His father was a muslum, though not a good practicing muslum and he had nothing to do with Obama's upbringing for the most part. the terrorist claims come from his association with Bill Ayers, a non apologetic member of "the weather underground", an anti government group in the late 60's and early 70's who planned and carried out bombings of the pentagon, police stations and peoples houses they had issues with. His exact degrea of association is still being looked in to but it was from Ayer's home he launched his state senate campaign from, the restis still comming out and is still a lot of he said/she said.
Yes, we are the united STATES. Too often the emphasis on STATES is ignored. Yes, United, but STATES. Not really the point of your post I know but I felt it important to mention as both candidates and the current adminstration seem to be ignoring that distinction. They are not only tearing it apart, they are slowly blurring the lines between them.
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@creative_angel312 (390)
• United States
10 Oct 08
Thanks for shedding some light on the issue, you make a good point.
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@mcat19 (1357)
• United States
10 Oct 08
I think you're absolutely right. The thing that bothers me is those people who insist on using Obama's middle name. He didn't pick it. Do you always elect a president on his middle name? I do wish these folks will grow up. He's not a Muslem; he's not a terrorist; he's not in a sleeper cell. Some folks are reading too much science fiction.
@creative_angel312 (390)
• United States
10 Oct 08
I do believe people are trying to pick everything apart too much. And even IF Obama was a Muslim, why should that stop him? That is a first amendment right and it doesn't say anywhere it the Constitution that the President must be Christian. Come on people we live in a democracy...
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@NuclearRabbit (650)
• United States
10 Oct 08
Yeah, not every Muslim is a terrorist, just some a small groups of Muslims are. God! Wasn't bashing other religions how the whole holocaust started? Wake up and smell the propaganda people.
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@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
10 Oct 08
#1 - I'm not worried about McCain getting too ill to serve or dying any time soon. Did you see his mother at the Republican Convention? She's over 90 and looks 20 years younger. He doesn't look his age either. He's probably healthier than most of us. The thousands of pages his doctors made public show they're not concerned about health either.
#2 - I have not seen anyone (of any stature) claim that Obama is a terrorist. However, I have researched the claims of McCain and Palin and find them to be true. Obama did (and more recently than he admits to) associate with known criminals and with terrorists himself. Obama is not very good about coming clean about his past. And the media is insane to take his books and his press releases as "fact" instead of checking themselve. CNN is finally doing some fact checking...and discovering that the claims are true as well. But will the blind see? I doubt it.
You're right. This is the most divided I've ever seen our country in my 56 years. I find it utterly amazing that a part of our society cares so little for the rest that they are willing to see their taxes raised so much so that there can be programs in which these so-called rich cannot participate.
People do not seem to understand that raising taxes on small businesses (and the government defines small business as 500 employees or less) WILL affect all of us. So will taxing families (that's not individuals, folks) making over $250,000. Two attorneys can earn $250,000 together. One doctor can earn that much. There are millions that will be affected.
But more importantly, what everyone doesn't seem to understand is that we'll all be affected. Obama plans to get rid of the tax relief WE ALL enjoyed under Bush. People tend to forget they got any relief, because they let a tax accountant do their taxes or use one of the online services. If you had a tax book in front of you for the Bush years, you'd notice the changes. They will be gone under Obama.
So even thought Obama claims he won't raise taxes on the little guy, he way of not continuing the tax breaks of Bush.
Why doesn't anyone get that?!?!?!?!
And where does the mentality come from that thinks it's okay to steal from the rich to give programs to the poor?
Our country was not founded on those principals.
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
10 Oct 08
Great post! Sorry you experience what everyone that posts in politics experiences. I happen to agree with everything you have stated.
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@jasmine0728 (677)
• United States
11 Oct 08
I personally don't like either candidate for president,I would rather have had Hilary in there.I do not say this with a very educated opinion though I only say it because I feel her husband did a fine job when he was in office and perhaps together they could have helped this country.I do not feel America is as free as it once was,I feel our constitution is being trampled all over.I don't know this for sure but I think if the American people had had a say in weather we went to war with Iraq or found Osama Bin laden I think they would have opted for us to have found him.I know there are security measures in place that help us from attack from him and people like him,but lets face it if someone really wants to do damage to us again they can and will find a way to do it.We have been made to look like fools for not having found him and the others responsible for the 911 attack,our men are being killed over there in Iraq by people that don't know how to act civilized and yet we are there now to help clean up the mess we made of their country so we could get Sadam however I have yet to hear we found any weapons of mass destruction,and heck at this point let them clean up the mess.They are the ones that allowed themselves to be ruled by this jerk.We saved them from him let them figure it out now.Oh well just my uneducated opinion.
I do find that watching Glenn Beck on CNN he has a lot of information that the regular news media doesn't.He tells it like it is,so if these topics interest you I suggest finding out the time and station of his program he is very good.
@deeesfamilyvalues (318)
• United States
11 Oct 08
For someone as young as you are- You have a great grasp on this election. It is too bad that we have two parties tearing each other up and being bad examples for the rest of the country. Now with that being said, I don't think Obama is a terrorist and the claims are coming from uneducated people. I think a lot of people aren't comfortable with his name. As stupid as that may sound...
Now McCain is older, has more experience, and you are right if something happened to him Palin would rise to the White House. Now two things-as you well know she has no real authority. This isn't a monarchy. She has to go through two houses. She would have the power to veto. Oh and vote out a tie as the vice president. Think about this little tid bit. Obama is a smoker...Biden has had two brain anuerisms and has two brain clips. If something should happen to either one of them Nancy Pelosi is next. That is even scarier!!
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