i got my 2nd payment..!!!

@sirrob (4108)
October 10, 2008 1:52pm CST
it was a very lame month of me last september and i got a very disgraceful earnings out of it. i got paid by myLot as early as today, very early this month. it's still 5 days before the 15th and it's awesome that it's early. perhaps because i always reach minimum payout 5 days before cut off date? just kidding. anyway, i only got $10.63 just enough to reach the limit. did any received theirs already? post the proof at my website later.
2 people like this
18 responses
• Philippines
11 Oct 08
Hi there! Congrats for making it to the payout. I haven't been paid by mylot yet. I'm hoping to make it this coming November payout. I'm hoping to cashout big. right now my earnings is at $7.18, and I'm hoping to reach around $20. Happy posting!!
@sirrob (4108)
• Philippines
11 Oct 08
great that you dropped by. make more lines in your posts and you;ll see the difference in your earnings. i made sure that i always have 5 or more lines in my replies and i made sure too that i stay within the topic and not go astray for it to be a quality post. i eventually saw a difference last august when i make an experiment in how i made a post. it works fine with me so i'm still doing it and reach payout days before the cut off date. so it must be working then. i'm going to race you at $20 at the end of the month.good luck to you.
@sirrob (4108)
• Philippines
11 Oct 08
i believe so.. but try it yourself, who knows and it's a win-win situation after all and you ain't gonna lose anything, right? well, i'll try to race it up with you. i'm at a dismal distant with only $2.95 in my pocket and i'm sure that's a big gap to catch up eyt?
• Philippines
11 Oct 08
Hey! Oh, is that so? I'll do that one. But, I'll try to be more descriptive on my posts rather than making it long. Hehe. Your gonna race with me? How much do you have right now? I hope that we both reach our goals here in Mylot. Keep posting!!
@enola1692 (3323)
• United States
10 Oct 08
Don't feel so bad mine was 10.57 sad huh
@enola1692 (3323)
• United States
10 Oct 08
thats right look out next month we will top what we did this month
@sirrob (4108)
• Philippines
10 Oct 08
indeed.!! race to that. i already had a friendly race with koalatbs and i am hoping she reach it this month too. we'll race it up, no pressure and only the usual thing we do here.
@sirrob (4108)
• Philippines
10 Oct 08
ooh great but it's only 0.06 cents. still it's nice to be paid every month. and glad to know that you are too. we'll make it up in this month? what you think?
@carolscash (9492)
• United States
11 Oct 08
Well, at least you met payout limits. I didn't do that as September was a very busy month for us and I could not find a lot of time to be here. I am hoping that I can make a lot more this month and that I can make payout. Good luck with your earnings this month and I hope you earn payout again for October. Thanks for sharing your earnings with us.
@sirrob (4108)
• Philippines
11 Oct 08
that's the good point out there that i was able to at least reach payout again and yes i am hoping that i could reach another payout this month so i could make it a hat trick and in 3 successive months since i became active here. i wish you all the best in your endeavor.
• Singapore
11 Oct 08
Hi SirRob, Have not seen you much here in myLot. Busy with Ciao? Anyway my earnings is as disgraceful as yours. I received $10.77 in my paypal today. But this is my highest earnings. My second one too. I'm stuggling to reach payout this month. I'm a little under $3 only at this moment.
@sirrob (4108)
• Philippines
11 Oct 08
i been around here everyday, maybe i'm hiding from you. no way that you haven't seen me around coz i never miss a day here coz i'm at the same boat as you are. eventhough i reach payout last month ahead of time but was so lazy after then and just earn some pennies in the remainder of those days. then right now i'm already $3.51 including yesterday's but it is still unusual of me since it's almost mid of the month and i usually half way already. but still we just have to be grateful coz we are able to receive our payment for last month knowing that there are some who miss the payout by a few cents. another thing, i seldom make a discussion and very hardly. i only respond to it. so how'd you been? haven't seen you there in ciao-time.
@allen0187 (58582)
• Philippines
12 Oct 08
grats on the payment sir rob. i missed mine by $2. it was really a slow month this september what with all the off-line things that kept me busy for a good part of the month. anyway, no big deal as i know i'll be getting my payout this october. i'm actually looking at working at mylot at a pace of getting payout every two months. with the other stuff i'm busy with, i think that's a good thing for me already. of course, i prefer to be paid monthly here but i have to do some serious time management among my many activities. lol! cheers!!!
@sirrob (4108)
• Philippines
13 Oct 08
thanks man.!! it really great to be paid again. i'm sure your offline business has more priority than here. we all know that we are here mainly for fun and interactions and the earnings are just an added bonus. but there are times that it's hard to resist not to stay here longer. on the other hand, i am back on the right track and in the right pace for the payout this month. i am almost half way of my mark and i think i would pass half way today and it is still 3 days back in the middle of the month.
11 Oct 08
ok i c hmmmm u gota 10 buks huh i am new at this i dnt no wether u get actually paid also but very glad to hre tat u hav so i am hoping to c a payment mde to me soon :) n i hop it s a lil more than wat u got :D wud atlst lke a 100 ;)hehehe
@sirrob (4108)
• Philippines
11 Oct 08
you had a great hope to look forward into drnehasth and that's great to know and as long as you are making what you suppose to do here then that is not impossible to achieve but it would take you for awhile to do that considering that you just started. but a piece of advise to you, avoid making any SMS like messages in your posts, it won't make any good to your earnings. it is clearly stated in the rules that you should avoid wrong spelling and grammar.
@okwusman1 (2247)
• Abuja, Nigeria
10 Oct 08
congrats! mylot pays and it is real. Most people used to surprise about how they making the money but the truth is that they pay each month.
@sirrob (4108)
• Philippines
10 Oct 08
that's right. it's remarkable that while you are enjoying making friends and responding to many diverse discussions, you earned something on the other hand.
@mimico (3617)
• Philippines
11 Oct 08
Hi there, that's great news! I'll post about my own mylot story in a while. Anyway, I suffer from the same laziness that attacks a few of us mylotters occasionally. I'm thankful that I made it to payout last month. It seems we all get paid at the same time though because I just received my payment as well!
@sirrob (4108)
• Philippines
11 Oct 08
geezz thanks that i am not alone with this unheralded lazziness. and it even really was a slow start for me too this month and it's almost mid of te month already and i still have to reach half way and not even close enough.
@hdjohnson (2981)
• United States
11 Oct 08
I would have reached payout on mylot, if I hadn't been intoduced to another site that pays for you reviewing products, movies, etc... that you have either used or owned. I reached the minimum payout of $5 overthere in a couple of hours. Just waiting to be paid, before continuing writing. I have $6.65 as of today on mylot. I'm definitely going to use your helpful advice good buddy and friend and write more lines and attempt at least 20 posts each time I'm on here. Not sure if it will be everyday though. LoL. Plus really soon I'll be able to use the smileys! WooHoo!!!
@sirrob (4108)
• Philippines
11 Oct 08
haha, we are are waiting for that over there.but sorry you cannot use this thing yet,you need 7 more. just kidding buddy. that's my other side, right? definitely a win-win situation for you if you heed that way and nothing to lose at all but more to gain if it works well at your side..
@divinchris (2449)
• India
11 Oct 08
Hi friend!I received my first payout from myLot today.Im so happy for that.Lets be grateful to myLot administrator for being so kind to all its users.Happy myLotting.
@sirrob (4108)
• Philippines
11 Oct 08
precisely. great that you got your first payout here. i'm sure it most be a euphoric mode right now..
@warrior_777 (1392)
• Philippines
11 Oct 08
Hi sirrob.. Congratulations!! That is another proof that mylot really pays. I hope I can also get my first payment next month. I keep on working to that but unfortunately I don't have much time to spend online now since it's my exam weeks. Have a nice day..
@sirrob (4108)
• Philippines
11 Oct 08
well that is more important and make good of it, you just don't earn with it but that's an accomplishment that no one could ever take away from you. anyway, myLot will be here for a long run and would be around when you have time to log on.
@bsa861 (339)
• India
11 Oct 08
Hey congrats bro, I am new here and so far my earnings are just $3.8, Can you please tell me how does it work? Should I request a payment as I reach my $10 or they just send it to me when I get to $10, and what is this month ending business, Do they only pay at the end of month or what ?
@sirrob (4108)
• Philippines
11 Oct 08
as long as you have filled out and set up your payment information in the preference section then it will be automatically sent to your paypal or moneybookers account. so make sure that everything there is ok so you won't get any problem when it's time for payout. cut off date is at the end of every calendar month and payment is made on the 15th of the next month. so let's say for the month of october, the cut off date is 31st of october, whatever amount you accumulate on that month and as long as it reach the minimum, then you'll get paid on or before the 15th of november. you had a good start in there with your $3.8 earnings. keep it up.
@sati123 (184)
11 Oct 08
congratulations to you! I am very new here and I think and wish that I will also feel the same as you next month. I will be making hard work here so this site will pay me next month. to you too, I wish next month you will earn again. Congratulations!
@sirrob (4108)
• Philippines
11 Oct 08
welcome to myLot. a place i called home.. since you are new, i am hoping that you read carefully the TOS and rules here. then avoid the don'ts and try not to violate any rules so you won't be deducted in your earnings, in that way your hard work won't be a waste of time. and if you encounter any violations within your discussion/s report it to admin so they could take action and in that way you also help them make this sire clean. good luck in your endeavor and when you need help let me know.
• Philippines
11 Oct 08
I also have the same problem.. My earning is stil $0.0.. I already started my own discussion and responded to discussions. I'll wait for 4 more hours and see if nothing happens..T_T
@sirrob (4108)
• Philippines
11 Oct 08
don't you worry. i went to your profile before making this post and i noticed that you just signed up less than 24hrs and it is so obvious because you also have a total of 6 posts yet. but that's not the concern here, let it be known that myLot will update the earning stats over 24hr period. since your profile says that you are in the philippines then it must be somewhere between 8PM and 9PM that your earnings will be posted. nothing to worry at all.
@Lejandro (1530)
• United States
10 Oct 08
Yup! Recieved my $16.72 a while ago! I'm geering up to reach payout by months end. I'm still at $1.25....It's nice to get paid for doing online stuff. I guess I'm gonna be with this site for a long time, not just for the money but for all the stuff you could learn here. Happy mylotting friend!!!
@sirrob (4108)
• Philippines
10 Oct 08
you had better numbes.. great job.. nothing to worry at all, we still have 21 more days to go before cut off date. i am also slacking this month and i got $2.95 only which comparing to the previous 2 months, i'm almost near half way at this time but again there's no giving up. being here is great at all. likewise.
@pehpot (4762)
• Philippines
10 Oct 08
I already have too, a while ago i checked my mail and was shocked to see that they already paid me. I did 24 something last month. I thought of putting my minimum pay out to 25 dollars, good thing I didn't because I was short 5 cents to 25. well what can I say but congratulations to us all!
@sirrob (4108)
• Philippines
10 Oct 08
i think your avatar is your lucky charm by not changing your minimum payout. that's what i told to someone of not raising the minimum coz whatever the outcome either you reach $10 or surpass it you'll get the entire amount but if it's $25 and you miss even a few cents, just like what happened to you, then you got nothing. it's a lucky day for you my friend.
• Brazil
10 Oct 08
Good job!!! I am here working hard to get my first one! But i have only few cents.. lol...
@sirrob (4108)
• Philippines
10 Oct 08
don't ya' worry, we still have 21 days more to burn. a few tips for you is to maximize your posts by making and writing more lines in your discussions or response and not just 1 liner. stretch it out as much as possible but make sure to stick with the topic and make it a quality one. if you have those trend in your posts and at least 20 of them everyday, i won't doubt that you aren't going to reach your first payout here. the more the better.
10 Oct 08
I also got paid two time by ebuyesales. here is very low payout.
@sirrob (4108)
• Philippines
10 Oct 08
which one are you talking about that has low payout? i'm actually talking of myLot payment.