Selling food on ebay

October 10, 2008 5:11pm CST
If i were to make handmade food and sell it on ebay,would I have to submit to a health and safety inspection from the council first? I understand some sellers at farners markets are exempt,I would need liability insurance but do I need a H+S inspection?
4 responses
@catdla1 (6005)
• United States
11 Oct 08
You must have something good to sell. Instead of selling on the internet, are there any local opportunities? Whatever you do, there are local laws that have to be obsereved. Farmers Markets are a good starting point. Or, how about small local cafes or gift stores? Brings samples and go talk to them. Best case, of course, is they say Yes! (especially on a commision basis where they don't have to pay anything until it sells). You could even offer some freebies for them to give out for people to try. Worst case is no. Or, perhaps they don't feel like it will work with what they offer, but maybe they give a lead to some one they know who might be interested. Now you have a 'foot in the door', because you go to that location and say, "Mr Smith asked me to come here, because he thought you'd be interested...." Good luck!
11 Oct 08
thats a really good idea,thank you. I will try that as we have a store near us that sells local produce. Thanks again!
@catdla1 (6005)
• United States
11 Oct 08
You're so welcome! Let me know how you make out, ok? And especially remember me when you get rich and famous!
@catdla1 (6005)
• United States
11 Oct 08
Yes you would. Sellers at farmers markets are selling within one state, so only has to comply with that state's laws. Selling on ebay, presumably you would be selling across state lines. You would have to comply with any US laws for shipping food across state lines (USDA?), and also any state laws for the states you are shipping into.
11 Oct 08
@jersey86 (1348)
• Philippines
10 Oct 08
i don't really familiar with ebay.. but maybe there are certain rules and protocols to follow in selling foods in ebay. why not do some inquiry on ebay and i know and i believed ebay can answers your questions.. and inquiry..
• United States
10 Oct 08
You would have to go through alot of hoops in order to sell food on eBay. Since food safety is mostly regulated by the federal government and state government, you kind of would have to know the laws on shipping and selling the food. Since you're not in the US, things might be different. I would find out some more information from your government before you start to sell the food items.