New Runescape quest idea
By uath13
@uath13 (8192)
United States
October 10, 2008 10:02pm CST
I'm writing up a quest suggestion & thought I'd post it here to see if any other players had any suggestions before I post it to the Runescape forums. Let me know what you think or if you have any ideas
on things that might need to be added.
Quests - Dwarf cannon, The Giant Dwarf, Forgettable Tale of a Drunken
Dwarf , Perils of Ice Mountain
Captain Lawgof has a problem. His post hasn't received any supplies
in months. For some reason the coal trucks that were supposed too link
his post to Kellagrim Haven't been finished & he can't abandon his
post or spare any of his men to find out why. Perhaps a helpful
adventurer could look into it for him.
You speak to Captain Lawgof & he tells you about the supply shortage &
the unfinished truck line. He asks if you could travel to the
consortium & find out what's going on.
You make your way to the consortium & speak to the head of your
company. He tells you that you came at a good time & takes you to a
meeting to discuss it.
You ask the companies what happened to the truck line & they seem
puzzled. The red axe company had been commisioned to finish the
underground part of that line but they seem to have disappeared. No
one else seems to know of it's status so they ask you to investigate
it. You head toward the tunnel entrance on the east side of Kellagrim
& find it a complete mess.
You return to the consortium & tell them about it's condition. They
tell you they presently don't have anyone to send to complete the line
& ask if you'd be interested in a job. You accept & return to the
site. You clear away piles of limestone blocking the tunnel & chisel
it into blocks which you use to shore up the walls. As you continue
along laying track behind you ( using iron bars which you have smithed
into tracks , planks & nails for construction xp ). Eventually you
come to a casm. The bridge over it is only partially made.
You use your planks to finish it & allow you to continue. Along the
route you find several side tunnels with mining locations & run an
offshute line down each. Eventually you run into a large chamber that
seems to be connected to trollhelm somehow. The trolls there are
agressive keep tearing up the track you build. You return to the
consortium & explain the situation. They ask you to go to see the
black watch & see if they can help.
The black watch agree to join you & follow you into the mine. There is
a short battle with the trolls in which you & the black watch drive
them off . After the battle you notice that there are runeite rocks in
the area.
The watch realize the trolls will likely return with reinforcements so
you agree to help them build up some defences including a dwarf
cannon. You build a defendible wall surrounding the tracks & the
cannons position. The watch set up a new cannonball furnace to make
the ammo for the cannon.
You continue the track until eventually breaking through the surface
beside the end of the existing truck line. You connect the two lines
then return to Captain Lawgof. He thanks you & rewards you for your
help telling you the consortium might offer more.
You receive ------------ Mining , ------------ -smithing &
------------ --- construction xp.
You return to the consortium.
They ask you to build a new truck unloader by the blast furnace to
complete the line.
You go the the blast furnace & build a new unloading hopper using iron
bars & planks. You return to the consortium again. This time they
reward you with free usage of the coal trucks including a line that
runs directly from Captain lawgofs mine into the blast furnace (
which now has a greater capacity for you as well ). They also ask you
to rearm the black watch you left by the cannon with dwarven war
picks. You look confused until they show you one. You examine it & it
resembles a warhammer with a pick head on the back ( you gain the
ability to make them ). These warpicks make good weapons ( crush or
stab attacks ), can mine well & can be used as a blacksmithing hammer.
You make several mithril warpicks & return to the Black watch gaurding
the tracks. You rearm them & they offer to let you use the cannonball
forge. The forge makes cannonballs from an entire inventory of steel
bars at once without the use of a mold.
You return to the consortium again. They say the new line is functional & safe now.
Quest complete.
You receive ------------ -mining ------------ -----smithing ,
------------ -construction xp
------------ -----gp
6 responses
@yoyorocks (10)
• Turkey
24 Oct 08
awesome idea, but it will take a lot of time to do it (to finish the quest in the game, i mean),
and like some other ppl said, jagex wouldn't accept so many rewards like that...
it's an awesome idea and it'll be great if they accept it.
nice creativity.
@bobbyjoe143 (1287)
12 Oct 08
good idea, but a coupe of things i don't think jagex will go for.
1. i do't think they would make a quest that requird so many plaks/bars/nails that making a track would involve (unless you only ned to se a few). this s because they are now trying to make quests a little less long winded where bak trips are concerned.
2. new rune rocks in the game, jagex keeps this purposely limited, they know how sort after they are, and like it that way.
3. 2 sets of rewards (mining,smithing, construction... then more of each), is more or less unheard of (with the exception of rag and bone mans' side quest).
other than that it's very good and well thought out
@uath13 (8192)
• United States
12 Oct 08
1. Building the track would be a good way to get construction xp which right now is nothing but building & rebuilding useless furniture requiring lots & lots of bank trips. Perhaps adding a second lumber yard near the Dwarven outpost & allowing you to build the track after clearing the tunnel would be helpful. Then you could cut logs near the tunnel exit & make planks from them or use Seers bank.
2. As more & more of us gain the ability to mine the runeite it's getting harder & harder to get. Even now there are literally groups waiting near the present respawns & worldhoping in unison just trying to get one rock. It's already getting to the point of being ridiculous. If they don't start adding more rocks then runeite mining will become next to pointless since there will be too much competition.
3. Good point- I'll have to reassess that.
@Snoopielyn (66)
• United States
11 Oct 08
As much as I like the idea of this quest, you can guarantee that Jagex would never put so many great rewards into one quest. Unless I missed something, besides the experience and gp from the quest itself, you gain access to new rune rocks, the ability to send your coal straight from the coal truck area to the blast furnace, the ability for the blast furnace to hold more, the ability to make a new useful item, and access to a furnace that smiths a whole inventory of steel bars at once with no need of a mold.
That being said, I love it.
You'll want to put it through a spell check first and maybe clean up the wording a bit. The Runescape spellings which you won't find in spell check are Keldagrim and Trollheim.
You'll also want to add some skill level requirements.
@uath13 (8192)
• United States
11 Oct 08
I was counting on the fact that this would be a very long quest to offset the rewards. Mining out & strengthening the tunnel walls would be slow. Also the runeite would be in a multicombat area infested by trolls. The truck deposit area would be protected by the cannon but while you were mining you'd have to defend yourself.
I'll edit out the names when i do the final draft.
Any other suggestions?
To think this all came from me wondering why the dwarves would set up an outpost near a mine with a coal truck to seemingly nowhere ( dwarves wouldn't use our bank in seers ).
@littleone3 (2063)
11 Oct 08
My son used to play Runescape for 2 and a half years, so i asked him to read this discussion to see what he would say. He thought it was a pretty good idea but the wording could be made simpler with some TLC. At the moment its slightly confusing. But it does seem like a good idea. The only problem is he's not to sure if people would do a quest like this as he hasn't played for about 6 months.
@uath13 (8192)
• United States
11 Oct 08
Well thanks for the consideration & thank your son too. I was hoping to submit a quest that would be really construction based & give good xp in it. All the mining & smithing rewards should make the skillers ecstatic. Right now the blast furnace is difficult to use because it's so far from a bank. It's great that it uses less coal to make your metal bars though. With the new coal truck lines open & depositing directly into it people would be able to make their armors & such quickly & with less materials.
@jxdos123 (122)
• Hong Kong
19 Oct 08
I think that skilling is sort of boring especially if it is repetitive and long. Perhaps a bit of combat involved would make it more interesting. Also, there should be special skilling items obtained from this quest that could be used afterwards for skillers.
@uath13 (8192)
• United States
19 Oct 08
Actually the skillers get the free use of coal trucks, a new warpick ,better use of the blast furnace & a cannonball mold. The mining/smithers would love those + even the fighters will enjoy the warpicks , cannonballs & a new multicombat area full of trolls. I did beef up the combat in the quest for the final draft which you can see on the runescape forums with the quick code 80-81-612-57746499 or if you just search their forums for " Laying Tracks " & it will be the #1 hit.