Do hugs make you feel better?
@beautyqueen26 (16030)
United States
October 11, 2008 3:16am CST
When I'm feeling really low, my daughter
comes over to me and hugs me.
The hug always makes me feel better.
And when she is feeling bad, I offer a hug.
What is it about hugs that make us feel so much better?
It's not like a kiss.
It's not like skin is touching in a hug.
It's just a human connection.
I think it's like being cuddled by our moms
when we were babies.
Years ago, they did a sociological study of
Native tribes (overseas) and found out that parents
who offered hugs and cuddles to their children
were more tender and less prone to violence.
So, maybe giving a hug is just as beneficial as getting a hug.
Hugs open our hearts to the people around us.
What do you think?
If more people hugged, would this be a nicer world.
Do you ask for a hug when you are feeling down?
Do you ever get offered a hug?
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76 responses
@se7enthbird (8307)
• Philippines
11 Oct 08
YES YES YES i love hugs. i even wish there was a hug icon at mylot. i like a hug when i feel tired and i like hugs when i am happy also. i think i always love hugs from my wife and of course from my child. it does not just make me feel better i also feel recharged when i get a hug. 

@LoovesAmethyst (351)
• Philippines
11 Oct 08
I like hugs and I often give a hug. When I am happy I hug and when I am feeling blue I hug too. It gives me a wonderful feeling when I am hugged or when I hugged someone. Is is alright if I give you a hug? *HUG* 

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@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
11 Oct 08
Oh, that's sweet! *HUGS* right back to you!
Thanks for dropping by.

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@stardustkp (186)
• Sweden
11 Oct 08
Yes, in most cases, hugs makes me feel better and loved. It depends on who I get it from, the intention behind it (if it's because the person who hugged me was forced too, or because the person who hugged me likes me - in a manner of love), and mostly my humor (ie. I would probably get more irritated if someone hugged me while I was mad than if I were sleepy). Hugs for me are complicated like that.
And if hugs were a little less complex I'm sure the world would be a nicer place if people got loving hugs regularly. But maybe it would make the hugs too overrated and less special. I'm perplexing myself now..
I sometimes go and seek for a hug when I'm upset/down, yes, and I often offer hugs when to someone I know that looks like they need it. Sometimes I hug my family without a reason, just to tell them unverbally that I love them.
Greetings, Stardust.
@mercuryman3a (2477)
• India
11 Oct 08
It is not the physical act of the hug, but the psychological solace offered by a hug that makes you feel better. A hug is a show of solidarity. An expression of "i am with you so don't worry."
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@poojakhandelwal (91)
• India
11 Oct 08
hugs are indeed one of the most beautiful things because they help us to relive a lot of tensions. they make us feel that some people are there who care for us. we feel immense support in their shoulders. sometimes we may seem stupid doing hugs.. it may seem childish but your best buddy knows that it is really required at that time and you do cuddle up with your buddy.
@simplyshawn (650)
• United States
12 Oct 08
I love hugs! They do make me feel better!!!
I need to offer them to my kids more often for no reason at all. I try to make a point to make my son give me a hug, which is is welcome to do normally (even at age 6). I think it makes him feel good too. He's not a real touchy feely kid, but he does like a hug now and then and the cuddle time when we read books. He just won't come out and say it. So I should offer more often. It's just hard to remember when things are so busy all the time.
My 3 yr old son. Whenever he wants to cuddle, he comes and tells me he's cold. It's kind of cute. And I try to accomodate him when I can. Especially since I don't think we're going to have any more kids, so I have to enjoy it while I can.
@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
12 Oct 08
And, time does fly so fast with kids!
A friend of mine told me that three years
ago and I couldn't imagine that it was true.
But now, when I look at my daughter,
I realize how quickly the years have
slipped away.
I'm happy that she's growing up to be a happy little girl.
But, I'm sad that I've lost my baby!
It's a bittersweet moment. Thanks for your lovely comments.
@Rosekitty (19368)
• San Marcos, Texas
12 Oct 08
Hi Beauty...
yes i love Huggs and as you can see today and other days i usually try to end all of my responses with a hugg or 2...another thing i do different no one has ever mentioned to me before is ask why i spell it with 2 g's?..its because i can and wanted it to stand out!
Huggs and Love hun!
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@Tianna2 (1273)
• United States
11 Oct 08
I agree that hugs seem to make everything a little bit better. Whenever I'm down my friends are always offering hugs and I always make it a point to let them know when I need one. Whenever someone around me is down, I always offer them a hug.
I think the reasoning behind it has something to do with knowing that someone cares enough to be there for you.
Hugs, Tianna
@smiley83 (1534)
• Malaysia
12 Oct 08
hey beauty,
well, yeah i do agree with u 100% that hugs are really great medicine to heal up our sadness...
sometimes i offer hugs and kisses to my people to cheer them up when in fact, i'm the one who needs hugs!
yesterday, i was really feeling down, so i logged in to my hotmail msn, and found one of my guy friends..i felt so happy as i didn't meet him since last May! i thought, he would cheer me up like he used to..but in fact, i'm the one who cheered him up coz he was feeling down after broke-up with his girl!
but yeah, such human connection is really important although, there are lots of people don't share the same view point..
but Beauty i really wanna give u a warm big hug ;p
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@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
12 Oct 08
Oh! You're sweet! And, you make me feel special.
I'll keep my fingers crossed and wish on my lucky star
that you find a guy who can make you deliriously happy!
@smiley83 (1534)
• Malaysia
13 Oct 08
owh Beauty, you are the sweetes ever!
seriously, i don know why i feel soooooo reliefed when i happened to come across one of your discussions LOL
may be coz we started to know each other through the posts we share together, so we get the feeling of knowing each other more!
my love, hugs and kisses to you ;p
@adriantys78 (949)
• Malaysia
11 Oct 08
Hi beautyqueen26, ya. i do agree that hugs make me feel better, it also let me feel comfortable, secure, lovely and lots more. I would said each individual needs support and encouragement, hug is one of the method to express and show on those. It not necessary for love hug, even just a friendship hug, it means a lot for both parties. For my little princes, her hug is most lovely and make me feel the best. That's so called parent always like their children to hug them even though is for no reason. 

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@saurabhs (52)
• India
11 Oct 08
well i must say hugs is all u need when you are in any kind of stress,any kind of depression with either your loved ones your friends or any one you love in your life.hugs works like a stress buster. hug is the perfect and best remedy between friends, girl friends and boy friends whenever there is any kind of tension mounting up.hug is not just touching of body of two but even their souls.whenever my mood is not good i just hug my loved ones and that does me world of good.well as far as i know hug is excellent thing to make you feel better...thanks for this awesome topic my friend happy mylotting....
• United States
11 Oct 08
hugs most definitely make me feel better. i have found in my own personal experiences that i feel just as good whether i am giving or receiving the hug. i was told once that if someone approaches you needing a hug not to let them go until they let you go. i rarely "ask" for hugs but just go ahead and do it! i get offered hugs often as people realize that i am quite the "hugger"!
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@Panther333 (31)
• Philippines
12 Oct 08
I believe that hug can makes us feel comfortable and feel better whenever we feel bad and frustrated. Even I haven't had any experience yet, i know what's the feeling of having a hug from someone you loved. I don't know to myself why I can give a response from this topic even if I haven't yet experienced to be hugged. I've been longing to have a hug from anybody, there were times I speak to myself, it's alright for me if i get a hug from my same gender just to feel the feelings to be hugged by somebody. I wish I could find a person that will hug me even for a couple of minutes.
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@amzthienne (218)
• Philippines
12 Oct 08
nice one huh... lol... surely you'll experience that feeling in due time.You don't have to look for one it will juz come unexpectedly. who knows, you might not just aware of it that person is just around the corner and all you have to do is open your eyes very wide... lol....
Happy mylotting.
@ahna09 (106)
• Philippines
13 Oct 08
@//_~)@: eOw...i aLso hEaRd tHat iN oNe Of My SubjEct iN My SchoOL...
tHat mOmS or PareNts tHAt hUg Or cUdDLE thEir bAbiEs Or theIr ChiLdrEN...
LeSseN tHe ChaNce oF the ChiLd gRowiNg uP With viOLeNt AcTs
fOR tHe ReAsON tHat WheN uR bEiNg Hug oR CuddLe iN sOmE Way We FeEL SaFE, LOVE aNd FuLfilled.And WheN a BaBy Or a ChiLd iS nOt rEciEviNg eNoUgH AtteNtiON wHeN tHey aRe CryiNg they fEeL NegLeCted, EspeCiaLLy bAbiEs bEcaUse bAby's Way Of coMMuNiCatiNg tO uS iS by tHe uSe Of CryiNg.And wHeN uR RecOgNiZiNg it tHe bAby Might dEveLop a distrUst AttitUde tOwArdS the ParEnts.
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@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
13 Oct 08
The congregation where I attend worship is a hugging bunch of people. We are like a big family. It keeps me from missing the hugs of my children and grandchildren so much. None of them live closer than 90 miles, so we don't see them very often.
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@ShellyB (5241)
• United States
13 Oct 08
I think if there was more love and hugs in the world the world would be a better place, and I do ask for hugs all the time when I need them and try to give as many as I can.
I sometimes get hugs because someone wanted to give me a hug, but they have been by loved ones tho.
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@candysky (855)
• Malaysia
13 Oct 08
well, maybe i from Chinese traditional family, in my family, we seldom hug each other... but now i learning to hug everyone i love... it is because, my dear always will give me a hug when i down, feeling sad, , feel unsafe, he will hug me... it make me feel safe and my emotion can be more stable... sometimes i not really get a real hugs because my dear stay so far with me... if we need to see each other, we have to take flight, but he will hugs me when we met at the airport...
I like the feeling of hugs... it is safe and stable....
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@HappyFeats1 (25)
• Canada
13 Oct 08
Genuine hugs always feel great, even better when offered with a smile and a little love. Wish our North American society would open up more to hugs and other forms of demonstrative affection, such as a brief back rub. Enjoy your daughter's hugs and encourage her to hug other people she knows = siblings, father, aunts, uncles, friends, .....- they wil all be happier and healthier for it. Here's a virtual hug for you OOOOOO
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@deeesfamilyvalues (318)
• United States
11 Oct 08
I think hugs are the best thing. When my littles come up to me and offer a hug, it just melts me everytime.
I think that we as a society wrap ourselves in a protective bubble. There are so many things out there that hurt us. I think the basic psychology of a hug is a protective, non-invasive practice that allows us to come out of self protection mode. Beautyqueen you are 100% right. *It's just a human connection.* I think that a lot of people lack that human connection. Think about the last time a friend came to your house. When they left did you give them a hug?
Most hugs are associated with a smile eventually. Doesn't it just make you feel good knowing you made someone smile!
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@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
12 Oct 08
It's so true!
It's our way of letting down
our guard and letting someone
inside the bubble.
Couldn't have said it better myself!