Intelligent Discussions on MyLot

United States
October 11, 2008 11:01am CST
I spend a lot of time surfing the myLot postings that are put up for the world to see, and I have to tell you, there are a lot of really interesting topics out there that people come up with. That said, I also see a lot of really badly written/hard to understand discussions on here. I am not criticizing, because I also respect that people posting on here are doing so from all over the world. Even so, I know that a lot of these discussions get very little traffic, and I think that part of the problem is that people can't respond to something that they cannot read. I know I skip over the really bad ones myself...and it's a shame because some of the topics ARE so good. Am I alone in my feelings on this? Do other members of myLot feel the same? I would never discourage anyone from writing or posting or any of it, but I would suggest that if you want more traffic on your post, simply take the time to check your discussion before you post it to make sure that it even makes sense.
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2 responses
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
12 Oct 08
Sometimes I can figure out what the person is saying by reading some of the responses, but not always. The other day I was reading one and I had no idea what the person was trying to say. English was obviously not his first language. I went to the first comment and couldn't make heads or tails out of that either. You are right. We should go back and read what we've written before we post it just to make sure others can understand it.
• United States
12 Oct 08
And believe me when I say it is not my intention to insult anyone here...far from it. I just think that there is value in what is being shared on here, and if we take a little more time to make oure messages clear, I think we're doing the mylot community as a whole a huge favor. I am certainly not without fault on this topic either, so I don't want to sound as if I am "casting stones", just suggesting that the lack of clarity is often a deterrant for me personally. If I can't make sense of it, I am not going to respond to it. Thanks for your comment and for your agreement to my post. I appreciate it.
@Margarit (3676)
• Philippines
11 Oct 08
hi sksongwriter, I do always make sure to post discussion and response with all of my knowledge and understanding. But there are times that what i think is not what i post to be,it means sometimes my mind and my body doesnt coordinate well for i guess i am too tired for taking all of my spare time here. But still i cannot just ignore this site for i am addicted to it. About making sense in a post, i guess every discussion here are all accepted either with sense or non sense as long it doesnt violate the rules and guidelines here it mylot. It is up to the responder if he want to particate for there are many discussion to choose from. But sad to say that mostly nonsense discussion has more responses for it is easier to respond.