McCain's OWN Domestic Terrorist Associations!
By anniepa
@anniepa (27955)
United States
October 11, 2008 10:29pm CST
Of course we've all heard about Obama and his "pallin' around with a terrorist" from none other than Sarah Palin, but for some reason neither she nor John McCain ever mention McCain's own terrorist associations, in his case not with someone who committed her alleged terror activities when McCain was only a child or long before McCain ever knew her, in fact McCain actually gave a speech at a fund-raiser for her!
Here's an excerpt:
In 1993, John McCain was the keynote speaker at a banquet for the anti-gay hate group, the Oregon Citizens Alliance. Prior to his speech, Marylin Shannon offered a prayer in praise of a woman who shot a Navy veteran and doctor who happened to work at an abortion clinic. The judge who later sentenced the shooter for a string of clinic bombings made it very clear: "You are a terrorist."
Does anyone have any comments about this? Perhaps some of you think this kind of terrorist isn't really a terrorist, since after all the victims were abortion doctors or people who worked at abortion clinics, so didn't they deserve to die? Any thoughts?
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13 responses
@CherylsPearls (1269)
• United States
12 Oct 08
I had not heard this, Annie. Thanks for the information. I missed that episode of Olberman, too. Wow. How disgusting that McCain would even meet with a group like that. I guess he thinks nothing he does will ever come back to bite him in the a$$.
Oh, it's terrorism, alright. And it just goes to prove that these types don't really care for human life at all. They just claim to care for life when it's unborn...after that, screw life, they can kill you or condone your killing with no regret!
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@revellanotvanella (4033)
• United States
12 Oct 08
yea, its called outright Hate
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@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
12 Oct 08
I saw this the other night on TV, and I wondered why it is that the "Straight talk express" didn't disclose McCain's "Palin' around with terrorist". I am sure if Sarah Palin would pick up a news paper and read about this, then she would know that her good friend and running mate has some terrorist friends as well. I do kind of feel bad for Sarah, it seams that everything she does turns out bad for her and McCain. But, if you aren't smart enough to do some research on your own, or ask questions than I guess you are just as responsible.
@CinderInMySoul (4717)
• United States
12 Oct 08
hey!! Why hasnt this been plastered on the news? ok i get and respect Obama for at least trying to keep the campaign from going to nothing but low blows..but why hasnt any of the anti-McCain media clutched onto this like a harpy on a man?
i find that rather...unusual, especially with Palin and her ever-so-just-one-of-you act saying "pallin' around with a terrorist", being everywhere.
something smells fishy around here LOL! shoot, the whole damn thing is beginning to turn my stomach!
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@chameleonsdream (1230)
• United States
12 Oct 08
Probably for the same reason that no one in the 'liberal left' media has mentioned the fact that one of the 'hero' McCain's nicknames used to be the Songbird of Hanoi because he sang so prettily about America's crimes on Radio Hanoi during those POW years. Or the reason that no one in the media is talking about the fact that while McCain distanced himself from the Keating five, Cindy McCain had investments with Keating until 2004. Or the allegations that are an open secret in Arizona about the McCain family connections to organized crime. Or that we hear so little about Palin's church associations, or that Muthee's credentials have only been waved as a silly story in passing when the truth is far more unsavory - like stories about children hunted and killed as witches in the towns where Muthee and his ilk among the Spiritual Warriors point them out as demons and witches. Or that McCain's voting record shows that he voted against veteran's issues 80% of the time while Obama voted with them 80% of the time. I'm not sure why it hasn't been plastered all over the 'anti-McCain' media other than maybe, by gosh, by golly, the media is not all that liberal left. In fact, most liberals would and do point out hundreds of examples every week where the so-called liberal media give McCain a complete pass and ONLY report about his glorious POW past while reporting endlessly on the Republican talking points.
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@CinderInMySoul (4717)
• United States
12 Oct 08
okay..resounding NO SH*T??!!
holy crap, ive heard of the Keating thing before..but connections to organized crime (how have i not heard that, for petes sake im in arizona!), or Muthee and Spiritual Warriors!!
ok..thanks for mentioning i have some terms to do some research with!
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@soccermom (3198)
• United States
12 Oct 08
I knew about his association with Liddy, but this whole association with Shannon just makes me sick! My husband and I were talking about this the other night, and he said he was glad McCain stood up to the lady that said Obama was an Arab, and my response was why doesn't he stand up to the conservative organizations that thinks it's okay to bomb abortion clinics? He said I had no proof of that. Well, now I do. Thank you.
My best friend has a Masters in psychology, and for two years she interned at an abortion clinic as a counselor. The stories she tells are horrific, nobody can understand how much mental anguish most women go through when they are trying to make a choice of this magnitude. But she said the worst part was actually trying to get in to work. She was constantly bombarded by these radical "conservative" protesters, and on more than one occassion said she was fearful for her life.
This is definately terrorism, and McCain should be ashamed of himself, again.
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@coolseeds (3919)
• United States
12 Oct 08
I don't see this as bad as Obama attending a church with a racist preacher. Obama has had a long time association with this man. McCain just went to a fund raiser.
Now that has been said. Neither Obama NOR McCain should be associating with these people and we should consider a person more qualified to become president.
We don't have to eat crap just because they feed it to us.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
12 Oct 08
"I don't see this as bad as Obama attending a church with a racist preacher."
I'm not defending Reverend Wright BUT he never bombed anything or shot anyone, he simply used his right to free speech to say things most of us didn't like to hear, but some of which had been said many times before. This woman McCain defended shot a doctor who was also a Navy veteran for doing his job which you can be against, but it is legal. Sorry, I think this is MUCH worse.
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@coolseeds (3919)
• United States
12 Oct 08
No one has to see and many Obama supporters do not care to see. McCain didn't shoot anyone. Obama didn't blow up any buildings.
Next I will point out that McCain was not supporting anyone. Where is the copy of the speech?
I see so many political discussions that attack with misleading information. If you are going to say he supported it then where is the speech? The web link you provided gives very little information. Personally I could care less about McCain or Obama but I am sick of the lies and half truths. And I try to get to the bottom of it when I see lies.
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@coolseeds (3919)
• United States
12 Oct 08
I don't think anyone on myLot supports Obama. They just do it to get under kennyrose's skin. 

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@devylan (695)
• United States
13 Oct 08
I know you might be meaning this feseciously, Coolseeds, and yes, I am aware that I probably butchered the spelling of that word just now, but I do want to make one thing clear: I am going to vote for Barack Obama in the upcoming presidential election, and that is the only reason I say anything in support of him. I could care less what Kennyrose thinks or says. X, I understand where you're coming from. No one is going to change their mind at this point.
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
13 Oct 08
It all depends on whether John McCain said that he deplored violence even though he believed that abortion was wrong and homosexuality was wrong. So this anti-homosexual hate group, did they advocate violence against homosexuals or counseling? If they advocated violence and wanted to beat up as many as they found then they are a hate group, but if they wanted to counsel those who wanted to leave the same gender lifestyle then they are not a hate group.
And was McCain a friend of Marylin Shannon or an acquaintance?
But I can see why a woman would be so mad as to bomb an abortion clinic if she were not allowed to picket --after all, in Canada, a woman who regularly hands out pamphlets and tries to persuade women from killing their babies is back in jail. Oh with no trial either.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
13 Oct 08
"...but if they wanted to counsel those who wanted to leave the same gender lifestyle then they are not a hate group..."
Someone can not be counseled into being something other than what they are.
"But I can see why a woman would be so mad as to bomb an abortion clinic if she were not allowed to picket..."
You're actually defending a woman like this? I don't care if someone is allowed to picket or not, nobody has the right to shoot someone or to bomb a clinic because they disagree with someone's point of view! By your reasoning, Ayers and his group shouldn't be blamed for wanting to bomb the Pentagon, etc. since they were opposed to the Vietnam war, like most of us from my generation were.
@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
13 Oct 08
It's a definite oxymoron - but some of the extreme pro-lifers (and I really don't think they should use that name with this belief) feel that killing abortion doctors is justifiable homicide. Not all by any means. This is NOT something someone who really values all life could do. This is someone who has drawn a veil over that side of their moral fiber so that they can justify their violent behavior without remorse. I don't see that as being truly pro-life. 

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@Bd200789 (2994)
• United States
13 Oct 08
I agree with both of you. I have never understood why they call themselves pro-life when as soon as the child is born, they ignore it. Providing health care for children was too expensive, according to Bush, but he's kept us in two wars, and alled for a $700 billion bailout. It doesn't make any sense.
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@cynddvs (2948)
• United States
13 Oct 08
Politicians who live in glass houses shouldn't be so quick to throw stones. Here is another link that gives information on quite a few questionable and scary McCain/Palin "pals".
@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
12 Oct 08
I think there are a good number of politicians and public figures who apparently don't have mirrors in their homes to take good looks at themselves before opening their mouths. And, they're on both sides of the bipartisan fence, although they do seem to weigh more heavily on the GOP side. Very myopic perceptions - they only see what they want to see and claim to be surprised that anyone else could possibly think anything else. My guess is, though, that McCain didn't do his homework about the person whose fundraiser he was speaking at and was taken aback when he learned after he was there. Well, by then it was too late to walk off the stage without it going public. Yet, what a statement that would have made if he had said, "I cannot and will not support murder on behalf of saving unborn infants." Now THAT would have been being a maverick.
Yet, if my assumption about McCain's knowledge of her crimes is true, it's just as innocent, if you will, as Obama's connection to Ayers. Obama was EIGHT when Mr. Ayers participated in the uprisings of the past. Mr. Ayers served his time in prison. By society's standards, he had paid for his crimes. I don't see the problem. There is no "palling" around with this man. None. Palin simply and boldly LIED about their relationship.

@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
12 Oct 08
I guess I should also say that because of McCain's connection to that fundraiser, and the fact that he continued to give his speech after learning about her crimes, it can be held against HIM as Palin is holding Ayers against Obama - and more so because McCain is a contemporary of the person who shot the doctor while Obama is NOT Ayers's contemporary. These people need to truly examine their own backgrounds before they start pointing fingers. Palin has her own KNOWING connections to an anti-American group in Alaska. Does she even have a clue?
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@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
13 Oct 08
Dare I ask what the long answer is? j/k
I do think that both things were otherwise harmless - I do think McCain didn't realize (his error - he should have vetted where he was going) and I know Obama assumed that Ayers had paid his price already, so he wasn't going to judge him on what society had already judged him on. But, because one side is using Ayers, then the Oregon fund raiser is fair game for the other side. If you have your own questionable connections, then you need to keep your mouth shut, plain and simple.

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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
12 Oct 08
It's the old case of it's ok as long as it's my guy doing it. Think about it, conservatives claim that McCain is a maverick well he may have been 8 years ago but not today and to conservatives he still is since once he was, 20 years ago he was involved in the Keating 5 but that's ok because it wasn't in the past year. See what I mean? Only the things that are important to conservatives are relavent and anything not good or down right bad is just "old news". If they want to keep bringing up Ayres don't they lose the right to stop saying the Keating 5 is old news? lol Guess it's a big double standard.
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@bvdev234 (304)
• India
12 Oct 08
Terrorism it self means, one that causes terror. The McCain activities caused terror and so he is a terrorist. There was many other ways to tackle the situation. Had to see all other options before getting into killing. It has been a common sight viewpoints for the same crime is often different.