ACORN, Politics and blunders
By nadine1373
@nadine1373 (244)
October 12, 2008 12:56am CST
Why are you not saying anything you know that it is because Obama is winning why Acorn has been accused of fraudulent registrations, but if i were in the USA, Obama would be my man. This is because he stands for everything a person who considers entering the United STates to share in the American Dream Stands for,do you agree?
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
12 Oct 08
Hello Nadine1373,
I guess that the answer to your question depends on what "The American Dream" mean to you. If you believe that Barack Obama stands for "everything a person who considers entering the U.S.A. ...", then I'd have to say that you and I define the "American Dream" very differently!
I deeply respect the American Way, and the role that our United States Constitution and Bill of Rights play in that goal. I do not see Barack Obama as a defender of the American Dream or the American Way. In fact, he has demonstrated a greater desire to ingratiate himself to the rest of the world, than to Americans. And, he has, in many ways, acted more like a dictator/tyrant than a potential President of the United States of America, and leader of the FREE WORLD.
Perhaps you and I evaluate Barack Obama so very differently because you are not from the USA, whereas I am. I have spent my adult life in defense of our Constitution and Bill of Rights. I have spent many years earning academic degrees in Political Science and International Relations. I dedicated my minor to the study of the former Soviet Union (USSR) and Communism as the antipathy of Human FREEDOM. I have studied the history of governance from ancient Mesopotamia to current day Venezuela, and am intimately familiar with the tenets of Democratic 'styled' governance versus the tyranny of fascist socialist and fascist dictatorial governance. And quite frankly, Barack Obama scares the bejeebers out of me!
Below are the top six reasons why I believe Barack Obama should be FEARED by every FREEDOM LOVING person around the globe:
1. On Denying Free Speech, the foundation of Democracy:
Barack Obama has made a concerted effort to deny Americans their First Amendment right of Freedom of Speech simply because he didn't like the content of their anti-Obama speech. He even attempted to manipulate the United States Justice Department to go after and silence his opposition.
Free Speech right quashed by Obama in Virginia
[b]2. On Barack Obama's corrupt ties:
Tony Rezko: [/b]
Barack Obama is where he is in the world of politics because of his personal and professional corrupt relationships with criminal thugs who got rich off of the backs of the poor -- and Barack Obama helped them. Tony Rezko and his thug cronies funneled campaign contributions to Barack Obama, and in return Rezko's politicial interests got $14 million in taxpayer funded monies and perks. And, make no mistake -- Barack Obama lied repeatedly about how much money Rezko funnelled to him. The Chicogo Sun Times has chronicled this problematic, symbiotic relationship between the two quite exhaustively. Yet, the national media has refused to report on it!
"One of the classic lines last night revolved around a subject that the national press has been ignoring for some time. Barack Obama couldn't even bring himself to utter the guy's name. There's a reason for that, which you'll understand soon enough, that is unless you're from Chicago; to you this will be old news. The exchange between Clinton and Obama is not unlike how the national press has been handling the subject. Only the Chicago Sun-Times has had the temerity and investigative spine to go after it. It is nothing short of a political godfather story. The tale of an eager, brilliant, ambitious man wanting to rise in politics, and the man who had the money to make it happen. It's the real true tale of Barack Obama and Antoin "Tony" Rezko and the Faustian political deal made in the quest for power, fame and political prowess, which would eventually lead to a bid for the presidency."
Barack Obama has repeatedly lied through his teeth to the American People, and the world. In doing so, he has demonstrated that there is nothing new about his politics. He is a sleazy politician, in line with the history of sleazy Chicago politics. He has demonstrated that he will say anything to anyone, for his own personal gain.
"BLITZER: I'm going to go to Suzanne Malveaux in a second, but I just want to give you a chance, Senator Obama, if you want to respond. Senator Clinton made a serious allegation that you worked for a slumlord. And I wonder if you want to respond.
OBAMA: I'm happy to respond. Here's what happened: I was an associate at a law firm that represented a church group that had partnered with this individual to do a project and I did about five hours worth of work on this joint project. That's what she's referring to.
--Democratic presidential debate sponsored by CNN and the Congressional Black Caucus Institute on January 21, 2008"
The problem is that the individual that Obama is referring to in the above quote is none other than convicted fraudster, and thief Antione "Tony" Rezko.
Here we see Barack Obama deceptively downplay his relationship with Tony Rezko, in the same way that he deceptively downplayed his relationship with the domestic terrorist William Ayers.
(there are hundreds of websites now that have or are chronicling Obama's relationship with convicted felon, Tony Rezko. Although, the most complete is probably printed over the years in the Chicago Sun Times.)
Barack Obama and Domestic terrorist William Ayers:
"[i]The bottom line: After an exhaustive investigation can confirm that Barack Obama appears to be William Ayers' "front" for a national, ongoing Maoist-style revolutionary campaign structure which will endure past November 4th.
Ironically, as we searched for the Ayers-Obama relationship in the present, it was staring us in the face: Obama's campaign is structured precisely the way Ayers would want. That is why Obama has created "Camp Obamas" across the United States to indoctrinate workers, and adopted other similar Fidel Castro/Hugo Chavez tactics.
The puzzle pieces are finally starting to fall into place. Last week we asked why would Black Panther party revolutionary Khalid Al-Mansour start soliciting money for Obama's legal education? The answer: Ayers and his wife, Bernadine Dohrn, were close associates of the Black Panther Party and even unleashed a terrorist attack on a New York judge who heard a Panther case.
In the 1980's, the Ayers/Dohrn revolutionary terror network was still working through individuals such as Al-Mansour, who had sufficiently laundered his radical past to assume respectability as a front for a Saudi Prince. The same way Ayers laundered his own past to become a professor of "education" at Illinois' taxpayer-subsidized university.
Ayers and Al-Mansour appear to have been in contact. Ayers vouched for Obama to Al-Mansour, who then began a law school fund-raising campaign among prominent African-Americans.
Obama's law degree thus appears to have been financed through the encouragement of persons who had been violent revolutionaries and remain unrepentant to this day, the same unconventional way the purchase of Obama's Chicago mansion was party financed by an Iraqi billionaire[/i]...."
3. Barack Obama & Rev. Jeremiah Wright
Let us not forget about twenty years of Barack Obama sitting in pews, taking in every word from a racially bigoted, hate-monger Rev. Jeremiah Wright.
4. Barack Obama on his deception about infanticide, which incidentally aligns with the extremist 'population control' activists:
"[i]Washington DC, Feb 16, 2008 / 05:35 am (CNA).- A pro-life nurse is seconding a statement made by Alan Keyes that Jesus Christ would not vote for Barack Obama, pointing to his support for infanticide.
Jill Stanek is a nurse who discovered babies were being aborted alive and shelved to die in soiled utility rooms while working at a hospital in Illinois and since has been a strong advocate against partial-birth and live-birth abortions.
According to her commentary on, Stanek explains why Keyes made his statement.
At the federal level, legislation was presented called the Born Alive Infants Protection Act (BAIPA) which stated all live-born babies were guaranteed the same constitutional right to equal protection, whether or not they were wanted.
BAIPA sailed through the U.S. Senate by unanimous vote and by an overwhelming majority in the House. President Bush signed the bill into law in 2002.
Stanek wrote that, “in Illinois, the state version of BAIPA repeatedly failed, thanks in large part to then-state Sen. Barack Obama. It only passed in 2005, after Obama left.”
“Obama articulately worried that legislation protecting live aborted babies might infringe on women's rights or abortionists' rights. Obama's clinical discourse, his lack of mercy, shocked me...."[/i]
"But Obama's claim is wrong. In fact, by the time the HHS Committee voted on the bill, it did contain language identical to the federal act. Same Words, Different Effect? Obama’s campaign now has a different explanation for his vote against the 2003 Illinois bill."
@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
12 Oct 08
"But Obama's claim is wrong. In fact, by the time the HHS Committee voted on the bill, it did contain language identical to the federal act. Same Words, Different Effect? Obama’s campaign now has a different explanation for his vote against the 2003 Illinois bill."
5. On Barack Obama and violations of federal law:
Perhaps most egregiously, Barack Obama has 'sold' our USA election to foreign interests, in violation of our federal law. This demonstrates to me, in conjunction with the free speech violations, that Barack Obama has NO RESPECT FOR ANY U.S. LAW THAT DOES NOT SPECIFICALLY BENEFIT HIM.
[b][i]"An auditor for the Federal Election Commission is attempting to have his bosses seek a formal investigation into the collection by the Obama for President campaign of more than $200 million in potentially illegal political donations, including millions of dollars of illegal, foreign donations, and has sought a request for assistance from the Department of Justice or Federal Bureau of Investigation.
But the analyst’s requests have largely been ignored. “I can’t get anyone to move. I believe we are looking at a hijacking of our political system …no one wants to touch it.”
…One reasons cited by his superiors, says the analyst, is that involvement by the Justice Department or FBI would be indicative of a criminal investigation, something the FEC would prefer not take place a month before the presidential election...."[/i][/b]
"The FEC analyst says that Obama's filings indicate he has received large, bundled sums of donations from overseas, sometimes exceeding a quarter millions dollars. "It's suspicious, but it's the small donations made by credit card that need to be examined. We've raised red flags on many of these and the Obama campaign just ignores us. After this election, after we've sifted through everything -- if we're allowed to sift through everything -- I am confident that we are looking at perhaps the largest fine every leveled against a national campaign entity."
6. Last, but certainly not least, Barack Obama's long history with ACORN and other voter-fraud groups demonstrates to me that Barack Obama will do anything, legal or illegal to get what he wants. What's worse is that he doesn't even have the stomach to finance his own attempt at hijacking our electoral system. He is screwing the American Taxpayer by working to funnel taxpayer funds and campaign contributions to them. Anybody's money but his own!
[i]"ACORN has a checkered reputation of being involved with both voter fraud in many states and recent attempts by the Democratic Party to take some of the projected profits from the bailout to fund their organization.
Obama complicit in voter fraud? — Obama’s ACORN connection....
Shocking!—Democrats Trying to Give Bailout Money to Obama’s Owner ACORN....
In the past Barack Obama was ACORN’s attorney.
Recently the Obama campaign has provided campaign contributions to ACORN to get out the vote–for Obama.
Obama and Acorn
Acorn / Voter Fraud / Obama and Community Organizers
Barack Obama agenda is to make America a socialist nation by massively redistributing income through taxation.
Barack Obama’s Hidden Agenda, More Taxes, Socialism….[/i]
The above quotes and below link provide multiple YouTube clips of hard news coverage chronicling the Obama ACORN link!
Nadine, I say with 100% confidence, Barack Obama the self-serving, power-hungry, tryant is absolutely NOT representative of "The American Dream", as far as I'm concerned. I believe, with all my heart, that the overwhelming majority of American citizens, natural-born or naturalized, pursue and achieve the American Dream the honest and ethical way. The majority of Americans are infinitely better Human Beings than Barack Obama! And, quite frankly, I find it insulting that anyone would lump me, or most Americans in with such a despicable character!
@nadine1373 (244)
• Jamaica
13 Oct 08
I glad that you took the time out to explain all of what you did to me an ordinary foreinger who happens to love politics of the world and this time me and most people around the world are looking at what is going on in the United States of America.
I am not as qualified as you to determine what the American dream should be, but I know what i would want it to be if I were to live in the United States of America, and what I would want to experience and let me tell you something because you might not know but in alot of countries around the world the people's televisions are fixed on the news networks of America and all the emotions that acompany the drama of this election and naturally the confusion that is surrounding your economy also is the same experience and on every citizen lips and panic and lingering thoughts and if continued in the same direction maybe you have alot more to worry about the economy internationally.