Do You Have Any Piercings?

United States
October 12, 2008 3:29pm CST
I don't have anything pierced on me at all, not even my ears pierced. When I was little, I wanted to get my ears pierced and my dad always told me, "If God wanted holes in your ears then he would have put them there". When I became an adult, I guess the thought of getting them pierced scared me, so I never have done it. So do you have any piercings? If so, where at and how many?
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17 responses
@austere (2812)
• Philippines
13 Oct 08
yes, i have two.. that's on both ears!hehe that's all i have.. i want to get one in my belly.. but i'm still thinking about it. i have two office mates who have belly piercing and i find them cool.hehehe i used to have a third piercing in my left ear. on the tip of it, but it's gon now. i used to have it in college..i lik looking at girls who have tongue pierce too, but i cant afford to have an infection there!hehehe cant risk it!LOL
@austere (2812)
• Philippines
14 Oct 08
no problem.. i enhoy responding to the discussion too.. well, i havent tried kissing somebody with a tongue ring so i really couldnt tell... i dont have any plans of kissing somebody just for me to know how it feels too.. hehehe
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• United States
14 Oct 08
I don't think I would want my tongue pierced. I actually hate looking at people who have them. I have an ex boyfriend who had one and I couldn't stand to kiss him unless he took his tongue ring out. I don't know why, but it just totally creeped me out. Thanks for the comment. Happy MyLotting!
• United States
12 Oct 08
I have 5 holes in my ears all but the first are closed. I did get my nose done this spring & I really liked it but I ended up getting a keloid. So I took it out and the Keloid shunk after a week. Put it back it and it grew again, then abt 3 weeks ago we caught a lovely cold and that was the last thing on my mind and it closed up on me :( I don't know if I"ll get it done again or not as I really liked it but it takes some extra care even after it's "healed" and it's hard to remember to do the extra care when you hae 3 lo's at your feet all day. So we'll see if I get the otherside done or not.
• United States
14 Oct 08
It doesn't really hurt too bad at all not much more than getting your ears done. But you do cry because of where it's located in coralation w/ your eyes. I probably wouldn't of gotten the small keloid if I had picked a bigger gem cause it went inbetween the skin a few times, I knocked it out a few times not thinking about it, and of course my DS pulled on my glasses and the lil cushion got hooked onto it and let me tell ya that hurt more than when it got pierced! OUCHIE!
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• United States
12 Oct 08
Oh wow. I don't think I could ever get my nose pierced. It looks like it would really hurt and I'm sure it does take alot of extra care. Thanks so much for the comment and Happy MyLotting!
@ambkeb (782)
• United States
13 Oct 08
I have 5 in each ear. I always wanted to get my eyebrow peirced, but Im a little iffy about it. LOL kind of scares me with the idea of a needle that close to my eye. Most of my friends have their lips or noses peirced most have their belly button done to. Ive never been comfortable enough with my body to get my belly button peirced...but I like it. I got my first hole when i was about 10 or so. I begged and begged till my mom finally gave in. She DID take me to watch people get it done first...i think in hopes it would scare me out of getting it done but it didnt. I dont regret them at all. I have a 2 year old daughter and I feel like when she is old enough and responsible enough to take care of it herself then I will take her to get it done. I will HELP her with it just so it doesnt get infected most just watch and remind her to take care of it. But other then it will be HER responsibility.
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• United States
14 Oct 08
Yes, I feel you should be old enough to be responsible to take care of them if you get them. Thanks for your comment. Happy MyLotting!
@emarie (5441)
• United States
13 Oct 08
haha, sounds like something a father would say. some dads are like that in the old fashion mind frame. i wanted a tattoo when i was younger and i was told by my father 'proper women should not have any tattoos unless they are for cultural reasons' my father was against piercings but i got them anyway. he was okay with the first ear piercing. my mom had some and i just wanted to be like her and wear ear rings. i was in 6th grade when i did this. 2 years latter i got a little edgy and wanted another set of holes in my ears so i could wear more then one pair. my mother was hesitant, but let me. while in high school i wanted to get some cartilage piercings so my mom said as long as i paid for it it was fine. my father was against it, but being daddy's little girl i actually got him to sign the consent forms. so in the end, i ended up with 6 piercings. my husband has 4. 2 on the bottom, and 2 on the top on one ear. i mean, its a personal thing. i just like having them and it think it looks nice on me. i'm sure i was slightly effected by others and celebs getting them but hey, as long as i take care of them, their mine.
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• United States
14 Oct 08
Daddy's girl, huh? I was a daddy's girl too. Funny how you can get them to give into your wishes sometimes. LOL! Thanks for the comment! Happy MyLotting!
@annjilena (5618)
• United States
13 Oct 08
i only have 4 holes in my ears ny fifth hole was in the top of my ears that thing hurt so bad i had to let it close up my upper ear got infected and caused me a lot of pain i think this is all the holes i want in life.i think they can be dangerous if not treated correctly.good-luck on getting piercing
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• United States
14 Oct 08
Yes, I do believe you definitely have to take care of them or they can be dangerous. Thanks for the comment! Happy MyLotting!
• United States
13 Oct 08
I use to have two holes in each ear and my eye brow was peirced. Now I only have one piercing in each ear, but I am stratching the piercing until I get it to atleast a 4 gage. Peircings are really up to the individual. Some look at it as art and a life style, and some people just enjoy it. It's not for everyone.
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• United States
14 Oct 08
Yes, I believe also that it isn't for everyone. Thanks for your comment. Happy MyLotting!
@ladygator (3465)
• United States
12 Oct 08
I have 11 piercings in my ears and I have one in my nose. I wear a small diamond in it or tiny gold stud. I do plan on getting my bellybutton peirced also.
1 person likes this
• United States
12 Oct 08
Oh wow! That's alot of piercings. Thanks for the comment and Happy MyLotting!
@camo26 (1418)
12 Oct 08
Yeh i have my ear pierced just the one hoop in my left ear and man i can tell ya i have never seen so much blood come out of me since i squashed my nose to the side of my face when i was younger .. The guy who pierced my ear actually recomended i didnt do it because i have small lobes but i insited he do so got it done and i dont know if he hit a vain or something like that but by the time i had walked out onto the street from his shop my whole shoulder area and halfway down my the arm of my t-shirt was red with the blood lol .. O yeh i laugh at it now but i was scared to hell at the time :)
• United States
12 Oct 08
Oh my, yes I bet that did scare you and I'm sure that story is enough to scare alot of people from getting any piercings. Thanks for the comment and Happy MyLotting!
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@arcidy (5005)
• United States
12 Oct 08
Nope I dont have any piercings in my body im not a fan of earings especially on boys I dont mind them on females but on males just looks stupid I dont think ill ever get an earing anywhere on my body even though my causins have them which they look stupid lol.
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• United States
13 Oct 08
Yes, I don't really like ear rings on guys. I think ear rings are more of a fememine thing. Thanks for the comment and Happy MyLotting!
@lilybug (21107)
• United States
13 Oct 08
I got one hole in each ear when I was 6. I have not worn earrings since I was about 12. I never really worn them before then either, but once in awhile. I probably never should have gotten them done. I am 30 now and the holes still have not closed up either. I know some peoples close up if they do not wear earrings. I kind of wish mine would.
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• United States
14 Oct 08
Yes, I think they do close up for most people. Thanks for your comment.
@fluffysue (1482)
• United States
13 Oct 08
I only have my ears pierced, two holes in each ear. Though I think the second set may have closed up, I hardly ever remember to wear both pairs. I will never do it again though, so if they close up, that will be it! It hurts like heck no matter what anyone says! I also became allergic to nickel after getting my ears pierced, so I can't wear costume jewelry unless it is truly nickel-free. I am not sorry I got my ears pierced, as I like to wear earrings, but I doubt I would do it again now.
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• United States
14 Oct 08
I think you are the first person to comment who really admitted that it hurt. Most just say, it was a pinch. Thanks for the comment. Happy MyLotting!
• India
12 Oct 08
I too have piercing in my ears and i too don't feel comfortable at the thought of piercing n e part of my body! I must confess that in the gone past i was really fascinated with the thought of piercing my left side of nose! you know nose pins are in thing ;)! but i can't even think of this piercing now! thanks...
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• United States
12 Oct 08
Yes, I don't think I could get anything pierced except my ears if I did that. Thanks for the comment and Happy MyLotting!
@Metalchick (1391)
13 Oct 08
Don't have that many piercings only a couple in either ear. I must admit my parents wouldn't let me get any done as a child and as I grew up the idea kind of scared me...but one day I plucked up the courage and thought to myself if I don't get it done i'll never be able to wear those earrings I had my eye on in the jewellery shop window for I did it. Surprisingly it happens so quickly you hardly realise it's been done and the only way I can describe it is like a short, sharp pinch then it justs stings for a little while till it's healed. Many of my mates have various piercings all over their bodies some have piercings all the way up their ears, some have tummy piercings, some have nose piercings and others have chest piercings.
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• United States
14 Oct 08
Yes, I know alot of people who have all kinds of piercings. Thanks for the comment!
@hablue (37)
• United States
13 Oct 08
I'm like you, I don't have any piercings at all. I think I might one day like to get my ears pierced, but I fear I may end up like my mother and have sensitive ears.. I wouldn't want to have to wear special earrings.
• United States
13 Oct 08
Yes, my mom had sensitive ears too. My daughter as well, I used to have to watch what type of ear rings I bought her. Her holes have closed up now. Thanks for your comment. Happy MyLotting!
@breezie (1246)
• Canada
8 Dec 08
I have 12 piercings in total. I used to have 13, but the one in my belly utton got really infected and I took it out. Out of the 12 I still have 10 are in my ears, 5 in each. The other 2 are in my nose, one stud on each side. My Dad used to say the same thing as your Dad and I wasn't allowed to get my ears peirced until was 12. I have had all my piercings since I was in high school and I don't think that I will get anymore.
@sk66rc (4250)
• United States
12 Oct 08
Umm!! I think I have enough holes on my body naturally that I don't need to make new ones, but thanks, ha ha ha. Seriously, I don't really care if somebody has piercings, I just don't want them for myself.
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• United States
12 Oct 08
Yeah, I don't really think I would want any either now that I'm older, I'm kind of glad that my dad wouldn't let me. Thanks for the comment and Happy MyLotting!
• Canada
8 Dec 08
of course! what teen doesn't these days. i have 10 percings, 5 in each ear. Also i have my tongue percied which just feels like it was a mistake, and also my nose. So i guess in total I have 12 percings.
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