Should illegal immigrants have USA driver's licenses? Sen. Obama says "YES" ...
By ladyluna
@ladyluna (7004)
United States
October 12, 2008 4:13pm CST
Hello all,
Does anybody remember this hot-bed issue? Does anybody remember that Congress approved the building of the fence, yet backed away from the vote. Or that the fence is not yet built? Does anyone remember the issue of illegal immigration? Or, has this another issue that has gone by the wayside?
Below are snippets from a few news stories including one from the "San Francisco Chronicle". Sen. Obama openly, supported drivers licenses for illegal aliens in two separate Democratic debates.
Does anyone know where Sen. Obama stands on these hot-bed issues today?
Does he still support illegal immigrants being given drivers licenses?
Does he still support illegal immigrants being given Welfare and Medicaid?
Does he still support allowing illegals to participate in Social Security?
Does he still say "No" to English as the official language of the USA?
Or, has he done a 180 degree turn on these issues, like he did with public campaign/election funding and FISA?
What do you think? Should illegals be given USA drivers licenses, access to Welfare, Medicaid, and Social Security? Do you support amnesty for illegals who are here now, living under the radar? Should the state of California be given a federal bail out when Ca's cities openly defy federal immigration laws as "Sanctuary Cities", protect illegals with stealth relocation, and grant all manner of financial aid to illegal aliens? What are your thoughts?
Thanks! I look forward to reading all of your replies.
[i]".... he (Obama) is taking a giant risk: spotlighting his support for the red-hot issue of granting driver's licenses to illegal immigrants."[/i]
"Obama defended his stance on driver's licenses for illegal immigrants on the same day that La Opinion, the nation's largest Spanish language newspaper, cited his support for licenses -- and Sen. Hillary Clinton's, D-N.Y., opposition -- in its endorsement of Obama."
And here is Sen. Obama's voting record on illegal immigration & amnesty!
Senate Record: Barack Obama - Illinois
Comprehensive solution includes employers & borders. (Nov 2007)
Undocumented workers come here to work, not to drive. (Nov 2007)
Support granting driver's licenses to illegal immigrants. (Nov 2007)
FactCheck: Lightning IS likelier than employer prosecution. (Nov 2007)
Illegal immigrants' lack of ID is a public safety concern. (Oct 2007)
Immigration system is broken for legal immigrants. (Sep 2007)
Reform must include more border security, and border wall. (Sep 2007)
Sanctuary cities show that feds are not enforcing law. (Sep 2007)
Pathway to citizenship, but people have to earn it. (Aug 2007)
Let's be a nation of laws AND a nation of immigrants. (Aug 2007)
Do a better job patrolling the Canadian and Mexican borders. (Jun 2007)
Give immigrants who are here a rigorous path to citizenship. (Jun 2007)
Extend welfare and Medicaid to immigrants. (Jul 1998)
Voted YES on comprehensive immigration reform. (Jun 2007)
Voted NO on declaring English as the official language of the US government. (Jun 2007)
Voted YES on building a fence along the Mexican border. (Sep 2006)
Voted YES on establishing a Guest Worker program. (May 2006)
Voted YES on allowing illegal aliens to participate in Social Security. (May 2006)
Voted YES on giving Guest Workers a path to citizenship. (May 2006)
Rated 8% by USBC, indicating an open-border stance. (Dec 2006)
[1] Barack Obama U.S. Senator for Illinois;
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19 responses
@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
13 Oct 08
I say no to all of it.
They are here illegally which already make them criminals. They have no business getting social security... something that they never paid into and a benefit they never earned, which is going to be out of money soon as it is.
They don't need drivers licenses either... unless you support motor voter and want the illegal vote to further the already prevalent voter fraud.
All amnesty does is tell everyone who came to this country the right way.... the ones who jumped through all of the legal hoops to become citizens... they are being told that they are a bunch of idiots, because the criminals did none of that and got rewarded for breaking the law.
As to California... they got nothing coming.
The whole bailout was nothing more than a socialist takeover of our economy, but that's a whole separate issue.
The fact that California has done these things and now wants money for breaking the law tells me they deserve to go broke. They created their mess, now they should pay the price for it, not the taxpayers.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
14 Oct 08
Hello Destiny,
I agree! They became criminals as soon as they broke our immigration laws.
Grrrr! The California issue has got me spitting bullets! Did you hear Sen. Obama's 4 Part Plan released today? He specifically referenced making immediate loans available to cities and states. Meaning that Sen. Obama supports bailing out "sanctuary states" without demanding that they get their budgets under control by cutting illegal immigrant spoon-feeding. I cannot even describe how perterbed I am over this. I guess that I'm just an old curmudgeon because I don't want to pay (literally) for California's stupid, stupid, stupid, and grossly abusive mistakes!
@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
15 Oct 08
The reason most Americans don't see the problem is because the MSM nd the left are blaming capitalism, and most Americans believe anything that the MSM says.
They have been slowly and gradually indoctrinating everyone into believing that capitalism is bad and socialism is good.
This has been going on in our schools for at least the last 50 years or more, and it has been done in small increments.
Revisionist history is now appearing in textbooks that is inaccurately portraying past events.
The media is emphasizing the wrong things and spoon feeding propaganda.
When you control the media, then you control the people.
I read somewhere that the media is controlled by just a few people who own the news outlets.
Is it any wonder that Americans have no clue?
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
12 Oct 08
The sad thing is, most Americans just don't care. They don't care about immigration. They don't care about education. They don't care about terrorism. They don't even care about the wars we're fighting anymore. All they care about is the economy and their pocketbooks.
To a lesser degree they also care about how many houses a politician owns, where a candidates wife shops, and the personal life of a female candidate's daughter. You know, the important issues.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
13 Oct 08
Hello Taskr,
I was just sharing our exchange with my husband. He is of the impression that I may be misinterpreted as not completely agreeing with you because of my own failure to mention that I share your concerns about our citizens apathy and misappropriated concerns.
You and I have so often come up on the same side of the most controversial issues that I expected that you would fully interpret my agreement with you. However, I left the other viewers to draw their own conclusions -- shame on me!
To clear up any confusion, Taskr's wise words should ring as loudly as the bells of St. Patrick's Cathedral to every American. Apathy and petty diversion will be the end of us, if we don't fight it with all our might!
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
13 Oct 08
Thanks Taskr!
I agree that single issue voting has been the bane of decades worth of elections in our nation. Of course, I don't see that changing until Economics, Critical Thinking, and accurate History and Civics academia return to the halls of our public education institutions.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
13 Oct 08
Don't worry, I understood you just fine. I'm sick of single-issue voters who will ignore 99% of what a candidate stands for and I'm sick of voters who care more about petty, insignificant things like wealth and where a candidate's wife shops over relevant issues.
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@ambkeb (782)
• United States
13 Oct 08
Im in Missouri. And here to be able to get a drivers license you are required to bring in your birth certificicate, social security number, if your married you even have to show them your marriage license. So unless they are LEGAL then they can't get a license. Of course there are ways of getting around this, such as fake documents. Which im sure has been done MANY MANY times here, but that is up to the people in the office to pay more close attention.
Other then that I really dont think they should just be given to them. There are so many things that are just handed to them.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
14 Oct 08
Hello Ambkeb,
Thanks for sharing your thoughts here. I agree 100% By the way, as I understand it, that packet of fake documents would cost someone about 2k in my state! Of course, the price has gone up since the "Motor Vehicle Ring" was busted up by law enforcement. Before the drivers license ring was busted up, illegals were being bussed to my state from all over the nation, where they were getting N.M. licenses for $1300.00 each. It wasn't just illegals from south of the border either. The Russian Mob had a regular chartered bus program to get illegals from NYC to Albuquerque so that they could get those fake IDs. Of course, the bus ride was in addition to the $1300.00
Please note the time-line of the three news accounts listed below.
[i]"A criminal complaint was filed against a Brazilian man and a Kazakhstan woman after federal agents arrested 10 illegal immigrants in an investigation into an alleged smuggling operation involving fake documents to obtain New Mexico driver’s licenses.
FBI spokesman Darrin Jones said investigators learned several illegal immigrants living in New Mexico were charging thousands of dollars to help other illegal immigrants travel to the state to get licenses.
Hmmm…why would illegal aliens from all over the country travel out to New Mexico for this particular service?
New Mexico, Hawaii, Maine, Maryland, Oregon, Utah and Washington do not require drivers to prove legal status to obtain a license.
In 2003, Gov. Bill Richardson signed a measure into law that allowed foreign nationals , including those living illegally in the country , to obtain a driver’s license. His office has said one of the deciding factors in signing the bill was public safety.
Applicants for a New Mexico driver’s license who don’t have a Social Security number can present identification such as a tax identification number, a foreign passport or a Matricula Consular issued by the Mexican government."[/i]
"In the past, there have been several instances where thieves have broken into offices and have stolen either our driver's license machine or printer as well as card stock and material to produce driver's licenses," he said.... The changes will start around the last week in February(2008), Ortiz said Thursday."
Matt Mygatt | The Associated Press 12/6/2007
"According to the news release, investigators are still working on the investigation, and believe that dozens of “special interest illegal aliens” may have obtained New Mexico licensees using fraudulent documents"
Above are three excerpts from news stories listed chronologically: 2006, 2007, and 2008. Please note that the FBI bust of "special interest illegal aliens" was in May '08, after the security changes to NM license application process were phased in Feb. '08. So, the NM taxpayer is footing the bill for all of these new security protocols, yet it hasn't made a bit of difference for illegals getting IDs. It's only made the process that much more complex, costly, and burdensome for legal citizens!

@MissGia (955)
• United States
13 Oct 08
I don't mind if immigrants want to come to this country to start a new life..I think it's great. But those that choose to come over illegally and choose not to take citizenship..well they need to be sent back to their countries. Plain and Simple.
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@hermitcrabheaven (645)
• United States
12 Oct 08
I don't think illegal immigrants should be taken care of by USA. We have a hard enough time taking care of the one's who legally belong here. That's all I'm going to say.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
13 Oct 08
Hello Hermitcrabheaven,
Thanks for sharing your thoughts here. Yes, I would absolutely say that American citizens are having a tough enough time right now, without having to pay for people from other nations who are here illegally, taking advantage of our sense of charity and good will.
If Sen. Obama is elected, he'll be working with Nancy Pelosi, 'Mrs. San Francisco values' and Harry Reid. There will be no balance of power in Washington.
If Sen. Obama is elected can anyone imagine that the state of California would be denied it's request for a taxpayer bail-out?
And, who's going to demand that California cease it's pro-illegal policies?
No one, that's who! California will continue to coddle illegal immigrants, and the American taxpayer, not just the California taxpayer, will be footing the bill.
I don't know about anyone else, but I am NOT OK WITH THAT!
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@RDugas (247)
• United States
13 Oct 08
I really dont think anyone who enters the country illegally should be able to have any of the rights and benefits. With the way the economy is nowadays, we have enough trouble taking care of our own much less the people who arent citizens. Maybe if all the illegal immigrants who hole jobs here is the US werent here, more of our citizens would be able to find jobs and the economy wouldnt be so bad!
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
14 Oct 08
Hello RDugas,
You raise some interesting questions. Our economy does need a serious overhaul, including regulation reevaluation, and a complete systemic tax slash and burn. The jobs issue will not see a correction until those larger issues are addressed.
However, our immigration policy is a perfect little micro of many of the larger issues leading to our current state of stagflation. A serious investigation of immigration collateral damage would shine a spotlight on many of the reforms that are most pressing, at this time.
In an earlier response I provided some statistics about illegal immigrants and displaced American workers. Yup, you're right -- it is definitely a jobs issue!
So, why has Sen. Obama not shifted his support for open borders, and amnesty? It would seem that he is missing the point about how much illegal immigration affects two of his preferred issues, which are health care and the economy. I simply do not understand how he can be so disconnected!
@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
13 Oct 08
I have a fence all around my property for two reasons;
Reason one the fence keeps my dogs in my property, because I do not want them running around my neighborhood.
Reason two, and the one that applies to this discussion, keeps people off my property that I do not want on my property.
Just like a fence keeps people off your property so to do they keep illegals out of your country. Just as the adage says good fences make good neighbors, a boarder fence would be a better neighbor than Mexico does.
Illegals should not be here so they should not receive driver license, Welfare, Medicaid, or Social Security. America should be a 100% English speaking country, no matter what the highfalutin, grandiloquent Barack Obama and his nonsensical disciple think about. California deserves a bailout like AIG deserved a bailout regardless of the "Sanctuary Cities" issue, but if that is a reason to stop my money going to state that cannot get their heads out of their gluteus maximus.
As to omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient Barack Obama's support or the lack of these issues is plain for anyone to see. His opinions are just a violation of all common sense.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
14 Oct 08
Hello Gewcew,
I agree that 'good fences make good neighbors'.
As an American taxpayer, I absolutely INSIST that sanctuary cities and states ascribe to our federal laws; immigration and otherwise. If Sen. Obama supports bailing out California, then we'd darned well better get a commitment for good behavior in return! To Hades with Gavin Newsom, Barbara Boxer, and Nancy Pelosi! They've all gotten rich off the backs of the taxpayer -- let them and the rest of the Hollywood elite bail out their own state's failed policies!!!
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
14 Oct 08
Oh, and Gewcew -- thanks so much for sharing your thoughts on this.
As I read your points, I couldn't help but be reminded of Mexico's national immigration policies.
Mexico's Immigration Policy: Hypocritical?
Mexico's official immigration policy: Incidentally, if someone wishes to become a Mexican citizen, in addition to a whole host of other requirements to be fulfilled, the person must "... be able and prepared to invest at least 26.000* times the minimum daily wage in Mexico City, and apply for an FM2 visa."
Hmmm, does that mean that Mexico doesn't want the poor from other countries seeking citizenship in their country???
Oh and Gewcew, I'll bet that you'll find the following link very, very interesting!
"Let's call Mexico's bluff on its unwarranted interference in U.S. immigration policy. Let's propose, just to make a point, that the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) member nations standardize their immigration laws by using Mexico's own law as a model."
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
13 Oct 08
This is a subject I feel very strongly about. I don't think we should give any benefits to illegal aliens. Lets face it, we call them illegal because they broke our laws in their attempt to enter our country. They are criminals, plain and simple. I have no problem with those who come here legally. I want to state that and make that clear.
There are far too many here in our country who need assistance who came here legally or who were born here. We don't need to support those who cannot respect our laws. Why should they get medical coverage when so many here cannot? I know I can't get medicaid. I have to fight to be able to get social security (right now I'm looking at a 2 year wait till I get a hearing on it) and yet they want to give it to illegal aliens? That makes me more then mad.
If they want to give financial aid to people of this country then please do so. I know many who could use it, who aren't getting by or who are barely getting by. These are people who were born here or came here legally, who pay their taxes, who work, who obey the laws. These are the people they should help.
@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
13 Oct 08
Hello Emeraldisle,
It's so nice to visit with you!
You and I have long agreed on this issue. Citizen benefits are just that, for our citizens! As well, your point is spot on -- illegal aliens demonstrate a total disregard for the USA's laws when they first violate our immigration laws!
I cannot support any politician who supports rewarding bad behavior, and punishing good behavior. That is such an upside down approach to governance, and it has got to be stopped!
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
14 Oct 08
Hello Emeraldisle,
Yup, you're absolutely right -- this has been placed on a back burner, and it really needs to be drudged up to the forefront of election issues.
That our elected continue to reward bad behavior, and punish good behavior is indeed beyond maddening!
Thanks for sharing!
@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
13 Oct 08
Hi ladyluna :) It was nice to see your discussion on this. I think for many this issue has been put on the back burner in comparison to other hot issues. This is one though we cannot continue to ignore. We need to get a handle on it and realize that by giving more and more to illegals it is only encouraging more and more to come. We need to stand firm and stop giving away this country to them and start retaking it for ourselves.
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@laglen (19759)
• United States
16 Oct 08
I do believe that he still stands behind these issues. I do not. It drives me crazy that I work hard so that illegals can get health care, which I don't get nor should I, education, food, housing etc. I think we need to shave these entitlement programs not increase the winning benefactors.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
16 Oct 08
Hello Laglen,
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this issue.
Earlier in this discussion I placed a link to a suggestion that the USA ought to seek to insert into the NAFTA treaty an article that would state that all parties to the treaty should acknowledge and adhere to a standard immigration quid pro quo -- using the Nation of Mexico's immigration policies as the standard. Yeah, that'd go over like a lead balloon, eh???
@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
13 Oct 08
I say a very loud NO! to any all all benfits for illegals and I will not vote for anyone who does. No wonder we have so many of them in this country because we pamper to them! No wonder our unemployement for legals is so high!
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@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
13 Oct 08
oops.... should read any and all benefits
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
13 Oct 08
It doesn't surprise me that he voted for this...I figure anyone that is in favor of allowing a full term baby to die if an abortion is botched is in favor of just about anything. Our economy is crumbling like mad and yet we're still supporting ppl that have no legal right to even be here...their own countries should be supporting them. On the up side, I've heard that since we're having so many financial problems that alot of the illegals are either heading to Canada, to Mexico or back to their own know the old saying "Rats desert a sinking ship". As for the drivers licenses, I don't see how they can get one without a Social Security number and birth certificate since I had to have both to get mine.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
13 Oct 08
Hello Twoey,
Thanks for sharing your thoughts here.
Ya' know, the way illegal aliens get their driver's licenses is to buy stolen social security numbers, thereby putting legal citizens like you and me through a living nightmare to reclaim our own identities. In a previous response I shared some statistics about illegal alien identity theft. The average stolen social security number gets sold to 30 different illegal aliens. Imagine trying to untangle that identity theft disaster?
I doubt that Sen. Obama will ever fully recover from Jill Stanek's public expose of the Illinois State Infant Born Alive Act!!!
@morethanamolehill (1586)
• United States
13 Oct 08
Ladyluna, Of COURSE they should get a drivers license, How else are they going to vote??
And since McCain picked Saracuda to pacify us Cons, Now he has to go after the great unwashed middle. You know,the people that say the are undecided and then vote Democrat anyway. I have a story about voter fraud that will knock your socks and curl your toes but I have already posted it a couple of times. I started a discussion about it. check my page. you can't miss it.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
13 Oct 08
Hello Morethanamolehill,
Thanks for sharing your thoughts here. I will check out your discussion about voter fraud.
Typically I would agree with your summary about the "undecided's". However, this year I believe that there really are people who sincerely dislike both candidates. At this point, I don't know what will cause them to make up their minds between the great 'lesser of two evils'. I can only hope that this very important issue of illegal immigration and citizen benefits can help people to reach a decision that they will be comfortable with. I know that it's such an all encompassing issue that it is a 'deal maker' or 'deal breaker' for me, and many people that I've talked with recently. I just think that people forgot about how much this issue affects our economy, security, and national quality of life.
@morethanamolehill (1586)
• United States
14 Oct 08
Have you heard that about 5 million of the defaulted homes we are bailing out belong to illegals?
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@patms1 (521)
• United States
14 Oct 08
NO, NO, NO!. Just because they may have driving Licenses that does not mean they will have insurance. I have met many fine and hard working immigrants and have respect for them but I also know that there are many more who are here to brake the law and get as much out of this country as they can. I also believe its unfair to the people who are waiting for their legal turn to come to this country. I sometimes think I am the only one who read the report of when they had the marches for their (civil rights)? They sang the national anthem in Spanish and one of the speakers said that they intend to take Arizona and New Mexico and make them Spanish states. As for Obama, I pray ever night that he does not win. I have voted in many elections. Some candidates I have loved, some hated but I have never been afraid of one until now. I believe if God forbid he wins America will be the loser. In this time of crises we need a leader that knows what he is doing and not someone who is being treated like the Messiah. He has not been in office long enough to know what to do. He is known to be friends with our countries enemy's. My worst fear is that he will be shot at. Even if he is not killed there will still be rioting, looting fires and God know what giving our enemy's the freedom to do any thing they want.
@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
14 Oct 08
Hello Patms1,
I may be a little late, but welcome to MyLot! If this is any indication of the quality of the contributions that we can expect from you in the future, then I very much look forward to your future submissions! Yours is a very thoughtful and thought provoking response, and you've shown no fear. I sincerely respect that!
Nope, you're not the only one who heard the national anthem sung in a language other than our own. Or who saw the Mexican flag flown above our own. Or who heard the sincere threats of Aztlan Reconquista and MS-13. They absolutely believe that they are entitled to take the Southwestern USA as their own.
Nope, you're definitely not alone with your concerns, Patms1!!!
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
12 Oct 08
Both candidates are pandering to the Hispanic community because, to fail to do so, will cost them entire states. For instance, California has 12 million Latino residents with only about 2 million of them illegal.
Obama supports a comprehensive immigration reform act that will secure our boarders, fine employers who hire illegal immigrants and which will give those who are already here the ability to obtain legal workers permits and a pathway to citizenship. As I understand it, the people who start the process, and so who are no longer considered to be illegals, will be able to apply for s drivers' licenses by showing a federal taxpayer identification card or identification cards from their consulates.
As far as English as the official language...the bill was to designate English as the National language and, in that bill, the federal government would not be required to provide information or services in any language other than English. Considering the size of the spanish speaking population in this country, this part of the bill was grossly unfair and unnecessary. Does it harm Americans to have government agencies provide written and oral information and assistance to people who do not speak English? Do those posters in hospital Emergency Rooms that are in Spanish offend you? I live in Forida where we have many Cuban citizens. During hurricanes the local radio stations broadcast in both English and Spanish because getting the information out to everyone is vital. English should be the predominate language in the United States but I don't agree with any bill that uses language to hurt people.

@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
13 Oct 08
Hello Spalladino,
Thanks for sharing your thoughts here.
Let me see if I'm understanding your points:
1. If your figures of 12 million/2 million are accurate (I'm neither questioning the stats nor agreeing with them) then you're saying that 16.66% of Ca. Latinos/Hispanics can be considered as "ONLY about 2 million"? Hmmm, you'll have a very difficult time selling me on the notion that 16.66% of any subsect of our nation's population, as being here ILLEGALLY, is not a staggering problem in serious need of immediate attention! And, I doubt that I am alone in this concern.
2. I also doubt that you need to explain to most Americans that one of the principle issues in deeming English as our nation's OFFICIAL LANGUAGE has everything to do with not incurring the exhorbitant costs of printing all federal documents in a plethora of foreign languages. Or, in requiring our government to foot the bill for translators to provide language services to federal detainees and criminals who have broken our laws. I'm pretty sure that we all understand that, and that that is a huge part of the reason why it's been estimated that between 70%-85% of all Americans support English as the OFFICIAL language of the United States of America.
3. Emergency rooms? Hmmm, your mention of illegal aliens bludgeoning the budgets of our nations Emergency Rooms is perhaps the most relevant issue in this debate. Do you realize that you are seriously out of step with your fellow citizens if you support Spanish signage in American Emergency Rooms to support illegal immigrants who are sucking our health care system dry?
You say that English should be the predominant language in the USA. I say that you and Sen. Obama are both absolutely WRONG! Perhaps you two should be lobbying every other nation on the planet to abandon their designations of their official national languages?
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@emeraldisle (13139)
• United States
13 Oct 08
I live in Florida as well and see billboards and all forms of things in Spanish. It does make me mad. They are spending money to put things up in two or more languages when one language should be enough. Also where do we draw the line? We have a huge Greek and Polish section in my area. Should they have signs and pamphlets and other items in those as well? What about French? Italian? Chinese? Every major city has huge populations that speak that as well. Should everything be made in all languages? If I moved to another country I would be expected to learn their language, not have them cater to me. I have known people who have lived here more then ten years and still do not speak English, who don't even bother to learn. Why should they when the government keeps pandering to them? We need to stop that. We need to pick one language for our country (at this point I don't care what language, just pick one) and have everyone use it.
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@julienne_joy (41)
• Philippines
13 Oct 08
Illegal immigrants should be allowed to have driver's licenses since if they buy or have their own cars, in a way, they also contribute to the country's economy. Remove all those illegal immigrants and i'm sure, America will suffer more. I bet all my points and earnings here in that it will happen once illegal immigrants are driven out of America. America, with its melting pot of races, is more exciting now and it will bring more positive results in the future. Going back to the issue, Illegal immigrants being granted driver's licenses, and other benefits, will surely boost the country's economy in the future.
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@morethanamolehill (1586)
• United States
13 Oct 08
Yeah, how good is the Illegal Immigrant situation in the Philippines? Or wait, you are being sarcastic too, right?
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@oneidmnster (1384)
• United States
13 Oct 08
Most Americans have put illegal immigration behind other problems.The only thing wrong with that is that illegals are one of our biggest problems.Illegals are one of the biggest problems with economics today.They are also destroying our health care system.
Illegals should not have any rights in the United States.Yet,the government keeps pandering to them.They keep introducing bills to try to pass amnesty,when the American people have said time and time again,we want our laws enforced the way they are now.Every time they introduce a new bill,there has to be a vote.Every time there's a vote in Congress,it costs the taxpayers.
Maybe if we took care of the illegal immigration problem in this country,we could start taking care of other problems we have.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
13 Oct 08
Hello Oneidmnster,
I'm a little late, but I'll congratulate you for your 500 post mile-marker anyway. Hearty Congrats & enjoy that cut/paste function!!!
In response to your thoughts here, I have to agree 100%. Few of our politicians have made an effort to explain how disastrous this forced blending of socialism and capitalism has been. Yet, study after study after study has demonstrated how negatively illegal immigration has impacted our national economy. The number of hospitals that have been bankrupted and forced to close in the past five years alone should speak volumes to any voter who claims to be concerned about our health care system.
@kymommy72 (588)
• United States
13 Oct 08
I disagree with so many of Obama's ideas, this is just another one to add to the list, which is why I will be voting for McCain this year. I have absolutely no problem with immigrants at all. That's the people this country was built on..we all come from immigrants. I have a problem with people illegally sneaking into the country and then getting a reward for it, by being allowed welfare and social security. These are things we are alotted as citizens of this country and these are the things that those who came here the "correct" way by waiting for visas should be allowed to have. I understand America is the land of opportunity. It's one of the the few places, maybe the only place in the world where someone can come with a few bucks in his or her pocket and become successful. I can understand why some many would want to come here to escape poverty or oppression of their own country, but at the risk of sounding cruel, we need to take care of "our own" (meaning legal citizens) right now in a time when the economy is taking a very scary turn.
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@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
13 Oct 08
Hello Kymommy72,
Thank you for pointing out that Americans do not resent immigration. We simply resent illegal immigration. Excellent point!
I agree that legal immigration is a valued part of the pulse of America. As well, that we do need to take care of our own first. This goes back to rewarding good behavior and punishing bad behavior, as opposed to the upside down reality that Obama/Pelosi/Reid have been shoving down our throats.
In fact, the only of Sen. Obama's funding measures that he has agreed to table since the economy went south is his promise to fund his international poverty erradication program -- to the tune of $850 billion American taxpayer dollars per year! Where I can respect his admission that the American Taxpayer cannot affort $850 billion per year, his statement to table the funding promise was conditional. The liability is only off the table while the economy is in such trouble, meaning that he still expects America to fix the rest of the world's problems -- on our dime. How is that good for our economy?
Of course, Sen. Obama seems to have no understanding of the economic impact of illegal immigration on our nation. If you and I get it, shouldn't he and his 300 advisors? Hmmmm, I have to ask: Why is he unwilling to acknowledge the far-reaching problems that illegal immigration causes?
@syankee525 (6249)
• United States
13 Oct 08
i don't think so. if they want to be in the states, they need to come in here or anywhere the right way.
as far social seurty i say hell no, i am on it and they sure don't care of us disable americans, a 2.2% cost of living this year. this made lot of us have to look for work. but then they want to cut our disable back.
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@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
12 Oct 08
I have heard this argument before about the pros and cons of doing this. I think it would be alot better to know how many people are dealing with, and maybe we can use these records to round them up if we decided that is what we want to do. It also might be alot better when it comes to identifing them if they do break the law. But, lets all be honest here: How many would actually do it if we allowed it anyways. It personally think this subject is pretty stupid because of the odds of it happening.

@ladyluna (7004)
• United States
13 Oct 08
Hello Thegreatdebater,
Thanks for the clarification, I appreciate your follow up.
So, you were questioning how many Americans would support illegal aliens having valid drivers licenses? I don't know that any opinion research has been conducted on that specific issue nationally, though I can share that the public support of illegal alien drivers licenses in my border state is negligable!
You might be assauged to know that I am 100% consistent on all aspects of this issue. I DO NOT support American businesses, or American politicians who desire a permanent second-class in this nation! In fact, I support tougher measures than most in regard to businesses hiring illegals!
To your last point about Sen. McCain: Do you remember the many attacks on our current President for seeming to have an aversion to admitting his own mistakes? I see that same trend in Sen. Obama -- particularly in his denial that the surge has worked, that socialism is a contradiction to our national structure, or that he personally, has a long string of problematic associations and demonstrably poor judgement. And, let there be no mistake -- I vehemently disagreed with Sen. McCain and Sen. Lindsay 'Grahamnesty', yet as much as I disagreed with
'comprehensive immigration reform', I have to offer a degree of respect to Sen. McCain for saying that The American People were right and that he was wrong! McCain willingly surrendered his own vision for that of 'We The People'. Where those millions have denounced Bush for not being able to admit when he was wrong, those same character judges must now acknowledge that Sen. McCain has admitted that he was wrong on his immigration stance, and has modified his intention to more closely match the overwhelming majority of our citizens!
Sen. Obama has made no such concession! Returning us, full circle, to my point in an earlier reply: If Obama, Pelosi and Reid are in charge of our nation, without any sizeable opposition, why should any American believe that the three socialists won't impose their 'vision' onto the rest of us, despite our vehement objections???
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@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
13 Oct 08
Luna, thank you for your response. We have no idea how many illegals there on in the United States, that is why I said that this could be a good start to find out. When I asked the question: How many would actually do it if we allowed it anyways, was point toward the allowing illegals to have ID or a drivers license. I know that alot of Americans support deportation, but you would be surprised how many corporations are fighting this. They can pay these illegals a fraction of what they would pay a legal employee, they also don't have to worry about workmens comp, social secruity, taxes, or health care. They have also sent alot of money to Washington so their current policies stay in place.
I agree with you on illegal immigration, but John McCain isn't anti-immigration, either. So you have two men with the same stance on immigration running for office, both of which you don't agree with. So good luck with moving your agenda, neither have any desire to talk about something they both agree on.
@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
14 Oct 08
Luna, I don't really know how many people want illegal immigate ID, or drivers Licences, but like I said it might help us figure out what to do about then when we have actual numbers to deal with.
It is good to hear that you feel the same way I do about businesses and the way our politicians look at this issue.
I do agree that Obama is like Bush, in the way that he does not always admit when he is wrong about something. However, when people talk about socialism you have to look at Bush's policies, and ideals, and compare them with the structure of the Socialist Party. Remember this $700 Billion dollar bail out was Bush's idea, and if you have looked at the recent job numbers you will notice that the Government is the only one hiring, and at an alarming rate. Mr. Bush gave the Airline industry billions after 9/11, he also fought the boarder fense, and I personally watched a speach in my home town where George W. Bush, standing next to the president of Mexico, said that we need to open the boards to Mexico.
The reason that McCain changed his mind about immigration is because he knew he wouldn't get the nomination with his current stand (this is one of McCain's many flip flops).
As I just pointed out Bush's Socialist ideals are very alarming, and it makes Obama's ideas look more centralist than Bush's. If you want to accuse someone of being a socialist, you need to look at Bush, and then look at McCain's policies, which are in lock step with Bush's. But, that is just my opinion.