If life throws you a lemon...
By ahgong
@ahgong (10064)
October 13, 2008 12:25am CST
We have all heard this quote before.
"If life throws you a lemon, make lemonade!"
It is a motivational quote to tell people not to be depress if life were to throw some obstacles your way. Take them in stride and rise to the occassion.
Well, I was listening to the radio when I heard this new one...
"If life throws you a lemon, be a tart!"
I was laughing so loud, the whole bus was looking at me!
A very interesting twist to the original. heh heh heh...
So, what do you do when a lemon is thrown your way?

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21 responses
@poohgal (6845)
• Singapore
13 Oct 08
To me, both mean the same thing. If life throws me a lemon, I'll just make the best use of it, be it to make lemonade or lemon tart
I always believe there's something we can learn from the situations (good or bad) in our life. I also believe that it's our Response that determine the outcome of a situation and not the situation itself. A situation may be seemingly bad but if we can make the best out of it, things might turn out positive.

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@ahgong (10064)
• Singapore
17 Nov 08
What if you want to try to make the best of it, but you are stuck at the how?
As in, you know you want to make the best of it. But you do not know how. And the options that you know of doesn't work.
What would you do then?
Holding the lemon in your hand, how do you get out of the "HOW" phase and go on to the task of handling the lemon?

@aseretdd (13730)
• Philippines
13 Oct 08
Oh my... i would prefer that life throw me an apple or strawberries so that i can just eat them right away... with a lemon... i still need to peel it... but then... "If life throws me and lemon i will make the most out of it"... just like all the trials that i encounter with my life... i see them as a challenge where i can learn and be a better person...
No use in being depressed about...
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@ahgong (10064)
• Singapore
13 Oct 08
Well, all kinds of people exists in this world. Some would keep lamenting on what they do not have. Others will keep on striving to get what they do not have.
You belong to the latter group.
Some lemons are just tougher to handle than others. I sure hope that I can handle each and every lemon that comes my way and make a sweet deal out of them! (Be it turning them into lemonade or baking them into tarts!) 

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@music2myears (1802)
• United States
13 Oct 08
Metaphorically speaking, you take that lemon. You take whatever is thrown at you, and make it even better. Take the advantage because it may never come back to you.
@ahgong (10064)
• Singapore
28 Oct 08
Well put my friend music2myears.
Not everyone can do that.
In fact, if you can manage to turn any lemon thrown at you into something better, that is a skill you have that would serve you well for the rest of your life.
If everone thinks like you, the world would have been a better place a long long time ago.
@applefreak (3130)
• Singapore
13 Oct 08
well i guess i'm the kind to make lemonade. there is always a bright side to things. if there isn't, at least you know tomorrow must be better coz things just can't get worst. that's the bright side of the worst. i'm pretty lucky to say that i've gotten pretty small lemons in life. there were times when i'd toss and turn over setbacks. after a while, i realise fretting doesn't change anything. so now i sleep better and worry about tomorrow's worries tomorrow. cheers ;p
@ahgong (10064)
• Singapore
13 Oct 08
That is a very opptimistic outlook for life. A very good trait to have.
Not everyone can see things the way you do.
For me, I tend to try and anticipate tomorrows lemons today. So that I can at least gauge to see if I have to get more containers to contain them darn lemons that come my way.
As long as I know I can handle them, I will be able to sleep well with no problems.
Otherwise, I will note it down and try to tackle it first thing in the morning.
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@ahgong (10064)
• Singapore
28 Oct 08
You are so lucky to have the chance to take a one year break after school before you join the work force.
I went from classroom to office almost immediately. So I never really knew what it was like to be able to be worry free (no bills to pay, no boss to report to, meals are always available... ) and carefree before.
Even when I manage to take a long break now, I will still be facing the boring humdrum of life when I get back from the break.
It is also good that you are able to become a better person from taking that break.
A chance to find yourself and define who you are during you break is something you gain that is more valuable than any job experience you will ever have.
Not everyone will be able to do that.
Good for you my friend!
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@applefreak (3130)
• Singapore
13 Oct 08
i guess optimism can be learnt. i used to be a pessimist and expect everything to turn out badly. thanks to my supportive parent who allowed me to go for a break after studying. i took a gap year, or should i say two, to basically hang around. to not have to worry about examination and work gives me plenty of time to think. it was then that i worked out that the situation will not change no matter how i feel about it. since things are gonna be this way, why not face it happily?
as for tomorrow's worries, i'll leave them for tomorrow. like the saying goes 'a day's worry is enough for today'. 

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@fluffysue (1482)
• United States
13 Oct 08
If someone throws a lemon at me, I would DUCK! Just like whenever the ball came towards me in gym class. I hate getting hit with things.
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@mercuryman3a (2477)
• India
13 Oct 08
The first thing which came ot my mind after reading teh heading was "I willcut it, squeeze it, add sugar and a pinch of salt and a glass full of water, stir it and then drink it up thentake a deep breath and say 'Ahhhhhh'." Life is great enjoy hte lemon.
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@ahgong (10064)
• Singapore
17 Nov 08
if only it were that easy.
Sometimes, you just wish peaches were thrown your way instead of the sour lemon!
But like you said, take a pinch of salt, a glass full of water and squeeze it with sugar and make a nice, thirst quenching drink!
Life has just too many lemons to waste.
So making good use of it would be good!
@KrauseHome (36445)
• United States
14 Oct 08
Well, many times in ones lifetime, you will be thrown a lemon. Here in the USA right now with the way things are with Foreclosures, jobs, Medical Care, the housing market, etc. it seems like everyone is always being thrown a lemon or two all the time. Sometimes it is like can somebody stop.
But in reality, I think if life throws you a lemon the best thing to do from it, is make the best of it, learn from it, and learn to move on. Things will not always be like that, and if you choose to do nothing, then you will only get that back in return as well. Just my thoughts.
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@ahgong (10064)
• Singapore
17 Nov 08
Exactly! Well said my friend!
Learn from it and move on!
That should be the way to go!
If everyone is able to do that, and not brood over the past, life would be so much easier!
And life would be so much better as well. Cos you know what you had, you know what you lost, then you will appreciate what you are going to get and how to keep its existence in our life for as long as possible.
For without loss, we will never really discover what we already have to begin with. ~ahgong
@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
14 Oct 08
If life throws me a lemon, i will eat it and suck it dry.. lol =D Though it's sour, but it's good for us, because too much of sweet will make us very pampered in life.. SO occasional sourness is good, and that if one is really capable and optimistic, they will really go all out to solve the problem by getting rid the root of the problem.. lol =D
That's what i do ^_^ lol
@ahgong (10064)
• Singapore
17 Nov 08
What? Get to the root of the problem? As in get rid of the lemon tree?
Hmmm... is it possible to get to the lemon tree? Much less, to uproot it?
Hmmm... that is an interesting proposition you got there.
And if uprooting the lemon tree could mean someone close to you must give up their life? Would you still go ahead and uproot the tree? Casulties in the war against lemons?
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@mentalward (14690)
• United States
13 Oct 08
That's cute! I like the 'tart' version better.
Personally, when life throws me a lemon, I will usually throw it back. LOL I've had enough lemons thrown my way in my lifetime that I'm just tired of it now.
I've always thought that was a dumb quote, anyway, "When life hands you lemons, make lemonade." Where does the sugar come from? You HAVE to have sugar to make lemonade, too! So, if life isn't throwing sugar your way as well, how are you going to make lemonade?
My mother said that quote to me once when I was going through a really rough time in my life and I said that same thing to her... where is the sugar? She couldn't answer that and never said that to me again.
@ahgong (10064)
• Singapore
13 Oct 08
ha ha ha ha ha... how awkward your mum must have felt when that was smacked back in her face.
I am sure she was just trying to comfort you by giving you some motivational quotes. I guess at that time, you are feeling to cynical to care rite?
Well, I guess the sugar in this case would be an ingredient. Which if you must compare lemons = problems. I would equate sugar and water to the effort and the steps needed to be performed by you to turn that problem into something good rather than stare at the lemon and lament on how sour the fruit is.
I am guessing you own your mum an apology. 

@Beruang (1309)
• Malaysia
14 Oct 08
If life throws you a lemon, ask for some sugar and ice and make the best lemonade that you can ever make. Promote your lemonade to the right people or company and once you have found a good buyer, make a deal to patent your lemonade and then get your royalty payment out of it... I must be dreaming.... cheers!
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@ahgong (10064)
• Singapore
17 Nov 08
And a good dream you have there!
If it were that easy, I will be a very rich man already!
Sell your lemonade and earn royalties indeed!
Interesting concept you got there my friend.
I will indeed sit on it and ponder some more!
Thanks for the contribute my friend!
@lovetobeme (215)
• Canada
14 Oct 08
I think that is cool about being a tart.when life hands me lemons I make the lemonade and share the burden with others and that helps take away the blues or frustrations that the lemons may bring
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@ahgong (10064)
• Singapore
17 Nov 08
That is provided that people around you are willing to share that lemonade that you made with you.
Most times, when life throws you a lemon, people around you will be running so fast, you will be wondering where they went after catching that lemon.
How you handle it in order for people to be willing to share that lemon with you, is the key to how you can resolve your lemons in life amicably!
Not everyone can muster that skill. A skill that I am still trying to learn!
@shirdimanju (40)
• India
13 Oct 08
hey man you are chinese . i think you have sengtment about this in your country. we dont have any segntment in our country.by the way i didnt like it
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@ahgong (10064)
• Singapore
17 Nov 08
Even to those who are fully employed, there is still alot of lemons.
Just hope the next budget announcements by the government will bring along some sugar to make those lemons into something sweet!
Otherwise, we would really need to find another avenue of income that pays better than mylot already! :p
@34momma (13882)
• United States
13 Oct 08
LOL!! i love that one too! that is just great! LOL LOL what i learned to do is change the way i see things, i changed the way i speak. I don't see obstacles, I see lessons. I see a new way of thinking to get to the other side. when we say things like obstcles and problems then that's what we get. so if we see lessons then we look for what we need to learn. but yeah, i dont mind being a tart when I have to be either!! LOL

@ahgong (10064)
• Singapore
14 Oct 08
ha ha ha ha... sort of like the half glass perspective eh?
Half full or half empty? Up to you to decide.
If you see 'lemons' as lessons, then you will find ways to try and resolve them.
If you see them as problems, then you will be brooding over them and not be happy that these 'lemons' decended upon you.
Good one there momma!
@lordwarwizard (35747)
• Singapore
13 Oct 08
Hi Ah gong,
I was thinking what I would do if "life" throws me a lemon... I think first and foremost, we must decide one of at least 2 things - to catch it or dodge it.
When someone throws a lemon at you, I think it is your automatic reaction to dodge if at all possible. You do not know what that thing is and if you might get hurt if hit. Even if it is really a lemon, I don't think anyone relish being lemon-stoned for no reason. Not to mention that if the lemon hits some "wrong" parts of the body, it might not leave you with too pleasant an experience.
And so, most people will try to dodge it. And in so doing, you won't get any lemon and you can't make lemonade! So that saying that if life throws you a lemon, you should make lemonade with it is slightly flawed.
As for being a tart... well, I guess you will be a lemon tart if you get smashed with a lemon.
So just to tie it up, you can truly make lemonade if you want... just don't dodge and accept every good and bad (because you won't know if that thing coming at you is really a lemon) experience that comes your way. That is to say, you should stive to embrace every success and failure (and not to make things better if you fail because otherwise you can't experience the success lmao... but you are allowed to remedy the situation at the aftermath).

@ahgong (10064)
• Singapore
13 Oct 08
You are so right too wizard!
You still have a choice when lemons are thrown your way.
You either catch it and handle it to make it better.
Or you dodge and hope that life remains the same.
In one, you get to learn and be a better person.
In the other, you just hope that the lemon will not come back to bite you and hope that everything will go away if you dodge it.
Takes all kinds to make this world. How you handle a problem (by dodging or face it and solve it), is all up to you. Life is full of choices. You are so right.
@fasttalker (2796)
• United States
13 Oct 08
If life throws me a lemon I would make a lemon pie! I don't like lemonade! LOL
I try to see the positive side to any situation. Once you see the positive in an incident it makes it much easier to address.
Anyway I don't have time to be negative...takes too much energy! LOL

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@ahgong (10064)
• Singapore
17 Nov 08
IT is good that you are able to keep a positive outlook on life.
It is a good habit to have.
For when you see the positive in everything, you will be able to find solutions to a lot of negative situations.
A lemon pie or a lemon tart, they are about the same. You still make something sweet and tasty with the lemons that are thrown your way! 

@pweety_princess (2012)
• Australia
14 Oct 08
Probably have a little taste and keep the rest for later. I lvoe sour.
Or make a lemon cake. =]
@atv818 (1980)
• United Arab Emirates
16 Nov 12
Hahaha! That one is indeed funny... But if you review my entire life, you'll see that it is a basket full of lemons due to the wrongs decisions I had done since I was little. Still, I tried to keep a float by making as many lemonades as I can even if they were very, very sour. I just have to learn my mistakes so that I'll be making stawberry cream the next time around...
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