Do your cats get into YOUR food???

@TessWhite (3146)
United States
October 13, 2008 1:20pm CST
I have a cat that just loves people food. I cannot leave my bread out or she chews thru the bag to eat the bread. I now keep it in my microwave. I also had her chew thru a box of donuts the other day and had powdered sugar donuts all over the floor. (The dogs now love her by the way, LOL) This same cat also tries to shove me out of my own cereal bowl to get the milk. And I do leave her a little in the bowl to drink. And strangest of all? Freckles just LOVES nacho cheese doritos. But then she seems to like cheese puffs and pringles just as well. I used to have a cat named Boots that liked to escape into the back garden where I would find him in heaven, rolling around in the mint. He also liked to rip into the bags of potatos and chew on them if I didn't hide them. And he just LOVED cantaloupe and watermelon. I also couldn't have leather purses, gloves or shoes. Because he would rub all over them and drool everywhere. To him it was like catnip. Do any of you have strange cats like this? What weird things do they eat?
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34 responses
• United States
13 Oct 08
How adorable! My cat, Big Man, loves to eat peppermint candies. It has a cat nip effect on him. Cause when he gets the candy, he hugs it with his paws, smelling of it and rolling over and over in ecstasy! He does the same thing for actual cat nip, so I'm guessing there are mint leaves in the cat nip. What fun!
• United States
13 Oct 08
I'm going to try olives for mine, then. They could use more activity!
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@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
14 Oct 08
Hmmm I haven't had them get into peppermint. Catnip is something I've stopped buying. With 7 cats and catnip I had cats bouncing off the walls - literally. And it seemed to excite them to the point of agression towards each other and my little chihauhaus.
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• United States
13 Oct 08
Oh I forgot about the "cat nip" effect....... olives have that effect on my cats. They roll on it and bug out, kicking around upside down and rolling around on the floor. After they chew it for a bit more they start running around acting up. It is very fun to watch. Most times they will finish eating them after a long time of play but sometimes I will have to pick them up and throw them out. But it's well worth the trouble. Oh, and they have to be the kind with the pimento in them, not the ones with the pit. I guess it's the pimento that drives them wild but I can't be sure about that.
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@celticeagle (172502)
• Boise, Idaho
13 Oct 08
Our cats are very spoiled and will come right up and try to eat out of your dish if you aren't watching. They love cheese! and meat too.
@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
13 Oct 08
Oh yea, that reminds me of when I'm sitting in front of the TV with a hamburger and fighting off cats and dogs left and right. LOL
3 people like this
• United States
13 Oct 08
I'm lucky. My cat won't eat anything but cat food. The only people food I would have to worry about is tuna. She won't touch chicken or any other kind of meat. She'll sniff at something I"m eating, but then she'll usually shake her head and jump down.
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@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
14 Oct 08
You are lucky then. You should see us try to eat when my guy grills chicken. I need a cat swatter (instead of a fly swatter). I swear some times I feel like I should lock them all up before I sit down to eat. LOL
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@tyc415 (5706)
• United States
13 Oct 08
My cat loves when we eat ice cream or cereal. She can be in another room or in a sound sleep but she knows when you have either of those. She will sit and wait until you are finished then she will get a little milk or a little of the ice cream. She does love a hand out but she is a picky eater when it comes to human food. She has never gotten on the counter to tear into any food. I find that very unusual that a cat would love cantaloupe and watermelon, sounds like my kind of cat though, he and I could have sat out on the back patio and gone to town on those two. hahahaha
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@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
13 Oct 08
I wish this cat was picky. Its getting annoying keeping everything in the microwave so she can't get to it. LOL
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@Areus13 (25)
• Canada
13 Oct 08
My cat, Whiskers, likes to eat some kinds of people food, but I mostly keep them away from him and have trained him not to eat them. This is because it is actually very bad for them, especially milk. While many people give milk to cats and they love it, cats actually get more suffering then enjoyment out of a bowl of milk. Some advice to you is to do the same with your cat, she could suffer greatly from eating all that food.
@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
13 Oct 08
Not all cats have problems with milk - according to my vet. So, for the ones who enjoy it they get it occasionally. I wouldn't however give it to a young kitten, as I do know that can be dangerous when they are really young. Thanks for the reply.
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@tyc415 (5706)
• United States
13 Oct 08
My cat also has not problems with milk as she don't get it that often. She is over 14 yrs. old now.
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• United States
13 Oct 08
I have a few cats and each have their own likes and dislikes. One loves to chew through the plastic bag of soup noodles to chew on the crunchy uncooked noodles. What a mess! I have another one that will knock you down to get to the milk when your pouring it in your coffee. I have another that will jump on your chest to get to french fries and she also loves popcorn. Go figure.
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@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
13 Oct 08
Its funny how they have their own likes isn't it? I guess they are like us people - different tastes for different folks. Thanks for sharing. :)
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@JoyfulOne (6232)
• United States
13 Oct 08
No, my cats don't bother any people food at all. I have them trained to stay off the counters, tables, etc. Only if I'm sitting on the floor watching tv will they ever bother my stuff. If I get up to go to the restroom and forget my cup of tea on the floor, they will drink that. I think a cat drinking hot tea is kind of weird lol.
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@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
14 Oct 08
Yea, I've caught my cats drinking from my glass too. I usually can't make myself drink out of it again. LOL
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@JoyfulOne (6232)
• United States
14 Oct 08
Ewwwwwww, lol...I could never drink out if a cup or glass after the cat did either! Ech! I cringe just thinkin' on it hahaha.
@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
13 Oct 08
We have a bread box and it's been left open a couple of times and in the morning we'd find the bag was torn open and bread crumbs was found all over the counter. Having 10 cats, we don't know who did it. I have a few that love butter too and at breakfast time, I have to have butter on my plate to give them or they'll drive me nuts till they get some. Do we love our fur babies or what? lol
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@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
14 Oct 08
I have all my cats on the urinary tract special diet now. Because of ONE cat and infections. Its a pain because its so much more expensive. Unfortunately we have decided to have her put to sleep soon - she keeps getting the infections and refuses to use a litter box now, even when its clean. I keep giving her the pills for it and then it comes back. She isn't a happy cat because of this.
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• United States
13 Oct 08
Yes, the things we do for our fur babies. I have one on a special diet that cost 11 bucks a bag because he would get urinary infections and have trouble going. I would rather feed him the special food then have a good steak for my dinner. The others like to eat in a row, 2 double bowls lined up by the laundry room. I used to have to feed the special diet baby on the table top to keep the rest from eating it all but now he goes right in the bathroom when it's dinner time and they all know to leave him alone. That is until they finish theirs, then it's the french fry eating baby that screams to be let in to eat his food. He does leave her some, they are best friends.
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• Israel
13 Oct 08
My cat, Mortimer is a mixure between a persian.. and something else. he ALWAYS tries to get inot my food. whether its candy, watermelon, meant.. r anything else. each time i eat , he come right infront of me with those puppy eyes.. n asks for it.. haha cute, indeed
3 people like this
15 Oct 08
i used to have a cat many years ago, called tinker, she was half feral, but big and black and white and fluffy. she would literally take fruit cake from your hand and she would murder for a dunked ( it had to be dunked) digestive biscuit. she loved cold tea as well. the present collection of 5 cats that own me at the moment, are the biggest scroungers in the world. they love cheese, bread and butter, biscuits, and would literally steal the dog food out of his bowl if he let them. the smallest one, felix, has been found with her head in someones teacup, if they leave it by the side of their chair, drinking the cold tea. also many many years ago, when i first got married, my mother in laws cat would steal raw uncooked potatoes out of the saucepan before she had put them on the stove to cook.
@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
15 Oct 08
Awww your Tinker sounds like she was a good cat. My cat Boots was like that. Thanks for sharing with us. :)
@Annmac (949)
15 Oct 08
I've had many Cats in 50+ years, in fact I can't remember a time without at least one in the house. I've seen them beg or steal many human foods including the 'killer' chocolate and we've had several who wouldn't touch anything except meat. I've yet to meet a cat that wouldn't eat any meat offered unless it was off. I only have to offer one a tiny piece of any meats I'm not sure of and if they turn their noses up I throw it away! The weirdest though is one of my present companions, she's the only cat I have ever known eat most fruit and salad vegetables raw. We can't eat salad in peace when she's around! She eats house-plants too and I no longer have them inside. As I have a dog who loves them too we have to be careful to keep certain things from them. She also loves milk but I give them all Goats milk as it's less likely to cause lactose intolerance. Most cat's have it to some degree. I've been lucky, I've never had one with the leather addiction but I've met plenty through work and showing cats! I say lucky because marking the leather I don't mind but why do they always have to puncture it with those claws? I no longer wear a leather jacket when I'm working! Although your cat may love those doritos and the other snacks, please don't give them to her. What she loves is the cheese flavour she doesn't know that the rest of the ingredients could be bad for her! Never give cereals to cats especially corn, they can't digest it properly.
@Annmac (949)
15 Oct 08
I have leather furniture too and although they are trained not to scratch it,it still gets holed when they jump on it! At least the dog hair comes off easily though and with a large light-coloured GSD thats a worse problem than a few tiny holes!
@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
15 Oct 08
Its ok, my cat gets very very tiny bites of chips - and very few of them too. And no, they don't get cereal. Luckily thats one thing they don't seem to want. Oh yes, the leather and the claws. Silly me, I bought a set of leather furniture for the living room - thinking it would hold up better against dogs and spills too. I didn't consider the claw thing. Now my leather furniture looks awful. LOL
@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
13 Oct 08
My youngest cat begs for food from both my hubby and me. My hubby used to give her pieces of his deli meats when he would come home for lunch so, every time someone opens the meat drawer, she will follow them around in hopes of getting some turkey. I have a spoon rest on my stove and, I have caught one of my cats on the stove after dinner, licking whatever utensil I left there when I was done using it to cook. The hubby and I have to be careful not to leave a plate or bowl of food on the table unattended because any one of my three cats might get up there and start eating from it. Anything dairy catches all of their attentions. I almost had cat spit in my Onion and Chive Cream Cheese spread the other day when I turned my back to grab something as I was getting ready to put some of it on my bagel. I caught her in time. LOL!
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@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
14 Oct 08
Sounds familiar. I can't leave anything unattended, even for a minute or two. LOL Thanks for sharing. :)
@mimico (3617)
• Philippines
14 Oct 08
We don't have official cats but there are a lot of stray cats in our house. They like going through the garbage and it makes a lot of mess. So our helpers decided to just feed them our leftover food and they've been happy about it for the past month. Anyway, it irritates me when the stray cats lick food off my plate! It's so gross! And when they grab uncooked meat from our chopping board.. ew.
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@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
14 Oct 08
I started feeding the strays in my neighborhood two years ago. BIG mistake! Huge. I now have about a dozen cats that come to eat every day and are dependent on the food. If I forget they are quite vocal about it and the neighbors complain. Unfortunately I'm going to have to have animal control collect a few of them since I'm moving. I can't leave them here to starve after I'm gone. My suggestion to you - don't feed the strays - they only multiply more.
• United States
14 Oct 08
Hehe. My cat Kujo, loves bread. He will try to get into the bread so we have to keep it put up. That is the only thing he has ever tried to get into. He will get up on the counter because he wants to play in the sink. Drives me nuts! he will also try to get in the trashcan but never eats anything. I guess he just likes to make a mess of things. Another thing that drives me nuts! Sounds like your cat keeps you busy!
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@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
14 Oct 08
Yea, she is a charachter, and not my only one. I currently have 7 cats and three dogs. Working on finding homes for a few of the cats right now too.
• Panama
13 Oct 08
My Cat is SEÑORITO CARRY, he´s very problematic, when he trait drink your milk, first he play in the plate of milk and run for all house T_T. But when is cat food (not milk) he eats your food with calm, he adores these!!!
@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
17 Oct 08
I think that most pets like titbits of our food. My dog at least used to do that too. After devouring his dryfood he always waited for my small titbit. It was like eating sweets for us after a heavy meal. At least I always look for the deserts on the menu first. © ronaldinu 2008
@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
17 Oct 08
Yea I often give my pets tiny bites of my food. Last night I did this with my dogs and I guess shouldn't have. My littlest dog had an upset tummy afterwards. So no more treats for her for awhile.
• United States
15 Oct 08
When i was young we had a cat that would steal whole loaves of bread and pack them off under the bed to eat them. Now the cat i have eats my beef jerky if i buy it and he can find it but he doesn't mess with anything else!
@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
17 Oct 08
I'm sure they would like the jerky. I bet my dogs would too!
@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
16 Oct 08
My last 2 cats will not eat people food. Horray!!! I trained them that way. From the beginning, they have been fed only dry cat food, so that is all they would eat. Our next door neighbor has a cat who likes to eat plastic. Any kind of plastic that he can sink his teeth into. Sometimes he cuts his mouth and more, but he still wants to eat plastic.
@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
17 Oct 08
I don't know why so many cats like plastic. odd. :)
@TheCatLady (4691)
• Israel
14 Oct 08
My cats and dogs are human food thieves. I also have to keep the bread put away. I freeze mine because I only eat fresh bread. I don't like it if it's day old. I'm picky. Freezing keeps it fresh until I finish it. G-d help me if I forget it on the counter. It's gone. My cat Tiger loves Pringles and other potato chips too. She also loves Bisly. Bisly is yummy snack food made from wheat. They come is all sorts of shapes and flavors like barbaque, falafal, onion etc.
@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
14 Oct 08
Hmmm sounds like many cats like this sort of thing.
• Israel
14 Oct 08
Cats like salty oily foods just like humans do. Meow
@catdla1 (6005)
• United States
14 Oct 08
My cat likes peanut butter, bananas and split pea soup...thankfully not all together. I grow mint too, just for my cat to roll in. Catnip is in the mint family, so I guess that's were the attaction comes from. Pizza is another 'treat'. I once had company over to watch movies and we got a party pizza, which I left in the kitchen for people to serve themselves. It's a good thing we got one piece, because the next trip into the kitchen found a licked-clean pizza bread & a happy cat washing her face. The replacement we ordered was kept in the livingroom, much to her
@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
14 Oct 08
LOL I've never had my cats get into pizza. The dogs on the other hand love it.
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@catdla1 (6005)
• United States
14 Oct 08
My dogs love it too, especially if I get extra garlic. Go figure!
@SketcherD (1114)
• Canada
17 Oct 08
That is too funny because I had a cat that used to eat donuts too. He would paw the box open and lick them all to the point where you could not eat them!! I have a cat that doesn't like to drink from a bowl!! No wait let me correct that, she WON'T drink from a bowl!!! She has to go into the bathroom and drink from a very lightly running tap. It is so funny to watch because she will test the water first with her paw and then lean down with her back feet on the edge of the sink and the front paws in the sink to drink the running water like it is a fountain!!! It's hysterical. I love cats they are so inventive!!!
@TessWhite (3146)
• United States
17 Oct 08
LOL I used to have a cat like that - loved to drink from the faucet. And he loved to climb into the shower with me. So strange. Thanks for sharing. :)