Isn't it disturbing when a cartoon on tv reminds you of some one in real life?

United States
October 13, 2008 7:38pm CST
Isn't it disturbing when a cartoon on tv reminds you of some one in real life? there are several shows that i swear they used my friends as the model and they have the same attitude etc (with my friend being before the cartoon came out) when ever i watch it i see my friend and it cracks me up so bad.. i cant break down and tell the friend because they will probably be insulted.. how many people would wanna look like a cartoon ya know?? have you found this happening? where a cartoon could be your friends twin?
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7 responses
@uath13 (8192)
• United States
14 Oct 08
For the last time I DO NOT RESEMBLE HOMER SIMPSON! I have more hair.
3 people like this
• United States
14 Oct 08
some one called my dad elmer fudd one time and it made him so mad but it was totally hilarious since i could see it if he would wear the hat that is.. lol
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@uath13 (8192)
• United States
14 Oct 08
Hmmm...does that mean we're related? I don't remember having a long lost sister but then she wouldn't be lost if I remembered her would she? Think I'm trying to drown the stuttering gene out with alcahol.
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@ahgong (10064)
• Singapore
14 Oct 08
Hmm... I don't know about cartoon characters. But movie characters I have encountered before. The character in this movie reminds me so much of the person I loath. So much so that I did not even finish the movie as I was so disgusted by the antics of this character. Had to switch off the movie before I throw a hammer at the screen at the character! So far, that is the only one time I see a character on TV that reminds me so much of the person's character I know in real life! Have not seen any cartoon character that reminds me of someone in real life though.
@ahgong (10064)
• Singapore
15 Oct 08
Well, this one disgusted us so much, we just had to turn it off. In fact, we were so disgusted by the character that we threw away the darn DVD! The thought of keeping in our possessions that horrible disk was enough to make us want to retch! I have never felt so strongly about a Movie character before.
• United States
15 Oct 08
ugh YES i have seen a few movies with the same problem.. and they are usually good movies so i try to force myself to watch them anyways but i keep thinking about the other person and get irritated and miss a lot of the movie
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@trixyteddy (1070)
• India
14 Oct 08
Hi, I have never ever thought or compared anyone with any of the cartoon characters. Hey, I'm not all that goody goody....its just that I have not been that observant. Now that you've brought the topic up, I'll keep a watch. Frankly I get to watch very little cartoons now that my sons have grown up. I love cartoons though. Even when I'm a hundred and one, I'll still love cartoons.
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• United States
15 Oct 08
well i should have expressed kids and adult cartoons (adult as in like south park or family guy etc) since i have mostly only found the adult type matching since kind of hard to look like mickey mouse
• United States
22 Oct 08
Our guitar player has a neighbor that comes over sometimes when we practice. They call him Shrek... and it fits! Put funny ears on him and paint him green and they could pass for twins. And he's just as crude, rude and nasty as the cartoon Shrek!
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• United States
23 Oct 08
haha!! so crazy!! i wouldnt wanna look like shrek though haha
22 Oct 08
Aye, one of my colleagues reminds me of Peter Griffin from Family Guy, in appearance but not in personality ... thats closer to Zoidberg in Futurama ...
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• United States
23 Oct 08
haha poor guy!! i wonder if he sees it?
@mimico (3617)
• Philippines
14 Oct 08
It's actually funny isn't it? I had a professor who reminded me of Crusty the Clown from the Simpsons and it was so funny when I realized it!I don't think I've met a person whose personality is like a cartoon character's though. It's just the face. Good thing I don't look like any cartoon guy though.
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• United States
15 Oct 08
lol well there is a new cartoon i swear reminds me of some one because of the look and then the way the character speaks.. with little pauses in between everything which has totally got me focused on that and i miss the show now lol
• Canada
14 Oct 08
I think they modeled Lisa Simpson after me, and the rest of the family after my family except I'm the youngest, and my sister "Bart" is a girl. haha The rest of it is pretty accurate, and it gets me every time, to watch The Simpsons and think of my family. LOL I know the feeling.
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• United States
14 Oct 08
its interesting.. it makes you wonder who they based it on and if that means there is another family like yours since they got the idea from some one