when is enough, enough?

October 13, 2008 10:45pm CST
there is a very thin line between giving and helping especially when it comes to friends and families..now when can we say that enough is enough in this situation? some of us cant stop helping and giving because the main reason is: they're family and friends. its hard to say no to them. where should the boundary lie?
4 responses
16 Oct 08
Friends or family....enough is enough when it starts affecting your health in a negative way.
• Philippines
17 Oct 08
can you clear it up for me? what do you mean affecting our health in a negative way - do you mean when we can't sleep at night anymore because they're somewhat bugging us? thanks!
17 Oct 08
Well, panic attacks, anxiety attacks, headaches, migraines,neck pain and sleepless nights. Since this person walked away I am just dealing with mild anxiety. Pretty soon I am hoping I will be back to feeling normal.
• Philippines
17 Oct 08
i see..hey hope you get better soon.;o)take care...
@jzjqdkd (273)
• China
17 Oct 08
i depends how much help you can give,if it is beyond your ability,then you won't worry about that,if you can do,so help as much as you can,more than that,we are helping friends and families,even some stranger we'd better offer our hand ,so it all depends,my friend,take it easy.
• Philippines
17 Oct 08
thanks for the advice..;o)happy mylotting!
@heaven11 (1159)
• United States
14 Oct 08
Hi donn_juan Your excatly right it is hard to say no to family and friends your also right there comes a time when you cant say yes regardless of it being you have nothing to give them or your just tired of helping someone whom wont help thierselve I will always do my best to help them as long as I see they are trying to help thierselve when I see they have come so dependant on getting help that they wont help thierslves I refuse
• Philippines
14 Oct 08
i totally agree with you..sometimes they become too dependent thinking i always have something to give when they ask. can be tiring sometimes.. thanks!;o)
• Pakistan
16 Oct 08
hi buddies such a really nice and important topic to discuss. i think their is no time for enough cos if u helping some one then its not to enough ... and if u giving someone then it could be enough for helping not to enough and for giving it may be enough Prince Sad
• Philippines
17 Oct 08
thanks for appreciating my post.. ya i got your point.;o) happy mylotting!