Obama: Far More Dangerous Than Being A Radical Islamic Muslim!!
By rodney850
@rodney850 (2145)
United States
October 14, 2008 11:28am CST
It has been written here on MyLot and on hundreds if not thousands of other interactive websites that Barack Obama is a true Muslim. Now this may be true and it may very well not be true but my take on this is; it just doesn't really matter! Whether Obama is a Muslim or a radical jihadist Islamic or a Christian or ANY of that. No, Barack is something far worse that could impact America and her freedom much more than his religous affiliations; Barack Obama is a hardcore socialist!
Now there will be those here on MyLot that will scream "rumor" "inuendo" "liar" but you that know me know I don't come unprepared. It has been alleged that Barack Obama is a member of the New Party a well known socialist party with aspirations of replacing America's now democratic government with that of their socialist agenda.
In 1996, The New Party published on their website a newsletter naming the successes of their members. Subsequently they also scrubbed this page from their site when Barack Obama started his run for the whitehouse, but, unknown to the New Party, the non-profit Internet Archive Organization had already archived this webpage and I know bring it to you in full but also want to emphasise one paragraph in particular in case some of you liberals don't want to go to the site to see the proof. Here is the paragraph followed by the link to the archive page:
Illinois: Three NP-members won Democratic primaries last Spring and face off against Republican opponents on election day: Danny Davis (U.S. House), Barack Obama (State Senate) and Patricia Martin (Cook County Judiciary).
Along with this archived newsletter from the New Party itself come the same admission or proclamation from the Progressive Populist magazine in November of 1996 that Barack Obama was and is indeed a member of the socialist organization The New Party. Again here is the paragraph from the article along with the link:
New Party members and supported candidates won 16 of 23 races, including an at-large race for the Little Rock, Ark., City Council, a seat on the county board for Little Rock and the school board for Prince George's County, Md. Chicago is sending the first New Party member to Congress, as Danny Davis, who ran as a Democrat, won an overwhelming 85% victory. New Party member Barack Obama was uncontested for a State Senate seat from Chicago
America no more needs a socialist with the agenda of the New Party running this country than they do a radical jihadist terrorist! Wake Up America!
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8 responses
@mgeise (51)
• United States
14 Oct 08
There is nothing wrong with socialist policies. He is simply a far left liberal who believes in powerful central government. This is not communism or something that will infringe on our natural rights, but something that is quite possibly necessary in today's world. After implementing what many believe is socialist (the government bailout), the DOW rose by more than 900 points yesterday. Socialism in some forms is not a bad thing for this country. Just as complete deregulation is a negative, complete oversight is a negative. We need to land somewhere in the middle, and I believe that Obama can lead us in the right direction.
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@rodney850 (2145)
• United States
15 Oct 08
Thanks for the comment.
Nothing wrong? Never mind that there has never in the history of the world been a socialistic society that has actually withstood the test of time! You people who are so blinded by this empty suit of rhetoric are going to be so dissappointed if this man actually gets elected! But just like lambs being led to slaughter, it will be too late!
@Barbietre (1438)
• United States
14 Oct 08
No point, those who are in agreement with the OP are rationalizing their hatred, and no amount of logic will change that. I really wonder what they will have to rant about when the election is over. Poltics bring out the worst in some people.
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@piasabird (1737)
• United States
14 Oct 08
Oh, he's a Socialist! I have no doubt about that.
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@rodney850 (2145)
• United States
14 Oct 08
Thanks for the comment. Yes he is most definitely a socialist. What most people fail to realize about that is socialism and freedom are an oxymoron just a democracy and socialism are also.
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@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
14 Oct 08
Despite the fact that 0bama's socialist and terrorist connections are well documented, the only one's that it matters to are those of us who care about this country and what these things mean.
The 0bama supporters just don't give a rip what his background is... they somehow think it doesn't matter.
If 0bama is elected, they will care then, but then it will be too late.
I say they deserve what they will get, I just wish the rest of us didn't have to suffer for their stupidity.
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@rodney850 (2145)
• United States
14 Oct 08
Thanks for the comment. I agree and hope that it doesn't come to that! I for one will be doing my part to see that it doesn't happen.
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@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
15 Oct 08
GOOD!!!! I hope he is and I really hope that he brings in some policies to stop the greed of the free market economic rationalists. I would not mind if you republicans only destroyed America but I hate the fact that you will probably take the rest of the world down with you and that would be a disaster for us. Hell you may even come up with some policies that actually help people instead of treating them as rubbish to be discarded because they are sick or poor.
Why are you all so terrified of regulation? It is the ONLY thing that stops greedy unscrupulous business men from exploiting people. This is what has ruined your economy so far. Things will get worse. All those predatory loans that have been made since 9/11 by men who know they cannot get hurt no matter what happens because they are only agents. They get rich on the commissions they get by making loans on behalf of lenders. They do not care if the person fails to pay the money back because it is not their money.
With regulation this could not happen. It cannot happen in Australia because we have regulation of the banking industry and the loan industry. You are suffering now because you have no regulation. Loaning money to people who think they can manage the payments but don't know that in the 5th year the interest rate will double and they will be in default. That was a recipe for disaster and now as the loans hit their 5th year they are going into default by the thousand and there are thousands more that will go into default as the economy goes down.
Some of you have blamed it on Clinton and that is just pathetic since these loans are only 5 years old. There is no way you can blame anything greed pure and simple and the people who did this are walking away with loads of money while your economy and as a result the world's economy goes under.
@thedogshrink (1266)
• United States
15 Oct 08
Don't you realize the men you say know they cannot get hurt no matter what happens is Barack Obama??????? He was right there, pushing those predatory loans with Acorn. He was voting AGAINST REGULATION when McCain and two others presented a bill to STOP Fannie and Freddie from behaving so irresponsibly.
It's Obama you are describing here in this post.
McCain is against too much regulation, but when needed, he is for it, as demonstrated 2 years ago when he said Fannie and Freddie are out of control and we need to regulate this NOW, to avoid a disaster. Obama is for himself, and his own private goals, obvious by his rejection of that bill and the $125,000 he got from Fannie and Freddie in campaign money.
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@rodney850 (2145)
• United States
15 Oct 08
Thanks for your comment.
Where do I start? You do realize that every attempt at socialism and a socialistic approach to government in the world has failed and failed miserably don't you? Even without this fact, you do know that capitalism is what keeps the worlds economy alive, don't you? Yes, greedy men/women profited and America is suffering but no matter what type of government you have there will still be greedy men/women only in the socialistic political arena, the greedy will be in charge! Socialism with it's "every one is equal" tennants creates mass apathy! Think about it, if you are working moving boulders from point A to point B and doing real back breaking work and your friend is doing office work, typing and filing and such but you BOTH get the same pay, just exactly how is that going to make you want to do a great job? It's not! Each day you will find more and more excuses why you can't move another boulder until finally nothing gets done and that's how socialism fails. No one is rewarded for their knowledge or expertise and everyone gets rewarded the same, except for the leaders, of course, since they are so much above the pee-ons!
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@Barbietre (1438)
• United States
14 Oct 08
You people are too much, this is a real laugh. I see only fellow same thinkers have chimed in. I am NOT a lemming (if you even know what that word means).
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@rodney850 (2145)
• United States
15 Oct 08
Thanks for the comment.
No, I wouldn't say lemming, but I will say you and most others are so wrapped up in Obama's rhetoric and empty promises (which change with each stop on the campaign trail) that you are refusing to see what is right in front of your face! What I have put here in this discussion are facts and these facts go to the credibility of Barack Obama if anyone even cares whether he is credible or not!
@LadyWinter (195)
• United States
15 Oct 08
I am for Obamas health care ideals. McCain and his 5000 dollar tax credit to the insurance company helps who exaclty? How does it help? If you cant afford insurance you still wont be able to afford insurance. I understand insurance for everyone is a socialist concept but what other concepts of his are socialized?
As for socialism leading to goverment being all in our business, didnt Bush do that with the Patriot Act?
Please do not get snarky with me in reply. I am looking for honest information not sarcasm.
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@rodney850 (2145)
• United States
16 Oct 08
Thanks for the comment.
First, the healthcare "dream" Obama has is just that, a dream, an illusion. Even IF he can get this tax cow passed how is it that everyone will all of a sudden be magically able to afford insurance premiums much less co-pays and deductables? If he dilutes healthcare to the point of where it is today in England then we have people WAITING to get necessary healthcare sometime as long as years! Our health care system may have its flaws but it is still the best. Another thing about Obama's socialized medicine proposal is the numbers. He touts 40 million as the number of uninsured in America. This number is grossly inflated since about 23 million of that number are illegal aliens and I don't know about you but I for one do not want to pay for an illegal's healthcare. That leaves about 17 million of which are about 10 million single adults and various others who CHOOSE not to have insurance for one reason or the other. Now we are down to 7 million, a truely manageable number. These are probably the ones who really need it and can't afford it. These are the people who should be helped, NOT the 23 million illegals or the 10 million who don't want it.
Second, a socialistic society and FREEDOM cannot co-exist, ever! Just the fact that Obama was and still is to my knowledge, a card carrying socialist should be cause enough for anyone who loves the freedom we enjoy in America today to say, NO WAY!
@whiteheather39 (24403)
• United States
14 Oct 08
As far as I can see, if the polls are correct, it is too late. So many Americans are turning a blind eye and a deaf ear to all the warnings. The sad part is when it finally comes to pass that Omaba shows his true colors we shall all suffer and that includes Obama supporters.
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@thedogshrink (1266)
• United States
15 Oct 08
It's not too late -- yet. If all of us try to keep getting the word out and keep it in their faces, you never know. And pray.
Unfortunately, it seems to me that a lot of Obama supporters don't know about all this. They think when we connect him to a known terrorist we are talking about Saddam Hussein, because Obama's middle name is Hussein?!!! Can you believe they could be that unlearned about the facts of this election? But I've read it several times now, here on mylot. And it is so obvious also that they are just reading liberal garbage that explains away what little sound bites they have heard against Obama. The more of us start these discussions and put the info out there, WITHOUT sounding like we're attacking Obama, the more people might listen, read, and get the facts.
For example, if you listened to the last debate, where McCain stated that Obama's health care plan would FINE parents who didn't/couldn't get their children health insurance. I was so shocked, I was sure Obama was going to get up and deny it. But no, he said I do believe parents should be REQUIRED to provide health insurance for their kids, because for one thing it's relatively cheap to get children's insurance. He didn't explain how he would make sure all parents could afford the insurance.
That is so against American freedoms. And I understand that people will say oh, the kids need to be taken care of and some parents won't do it. Sure they need to be taken care of. McCain's plan gives the tax credit directly TO the insurance company for each person. BUT the person gets to choose which insurance company they prefer, and any money left from the $5000 tax credit goes into portable health care accounts for the individual which the person also has full control over where the account is, etc. Too many people are falling for his eloquent speeches, never realizing how little of substance is in them, and they are overlooking all the BIG SIGNS that point to his socialism.
@rodney850 (2145)
• United States
14 Oct 08
Thanks for the comment.
There are still three weeks to the election and hopefully some of the disgusting things coming out right now about Obama will create a shift. If not, we just have to hope that the checks and balances put into place by our constitutional forefathers will be enough to withstand the socialistic agenda of Obama and his puppeteer(s)!
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@bdugas (3578)
• United States
15 Oct 08
Been writing in the politics part of this site for days or weeks what a threat he is to our country, and it seems that he has them under a spell. They don't read cause they don't want to see the truth, and yes I agree with you on him being a socialist party member, and I believe that is why they are making sure that he gets elected. How can McCain or any other person get elected against him with the fraud that is happening in this election. I know Ohio is in trouble with 10,000 votes that are fraud, along with what I heard FLA has 67,000 now how will they find them before this election with so little time left. I don't know if there is anything that can be done to wake these people up, my son the other night was in my face screaming at me that I WOULD VOTE for Obama, like he was crazy, I had to leave to get away from him, he has never been like that. I fear for what he will do to this country and it seems there is nothing that we can do about it, he's getting more ahead every day, but then I guess if I could rack up 67,000 ilegal votes a day I would win too. Why can't people see what he is doing.
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@rodney850 (2145)
• United States
15 Oct 08
Thanks for your comment.
Sorry to hear about the incident with your son. I know that was hard to tolerate when it was your son. A stranger or even a friend would probably been in danger of bodily harm. This is what I've been talking about ever since I have been in discussions here on MyLot! Obama has people(especially young people and first time voters)under his spell if you will! They are so blinded by his empty rhetoric they can't even see the fact when they are presented and these facts would normally raise all kinds of red flags!
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