Canaidian Governments stupid reason for a carbon tax

@addysmum (1225)
October 14, 2008 11:34am CST
I live in BC and we have a tax called the Carbon tax, the reason for it is to tax the "polluters". The Canadian federal government is considering a carbon tax now. They claim it is to tax those that use gas to encourage less gas consumption. While in theory this sounds great in the end it is not the people driving that are paying this tax. It breaks down like this. I am a business owner, my flooring goes to my warehouse via tractor trailer, the trucking company is being charged this carbon tax so they kick it back at me as part of my expense to have their truck deliver it. I then have to raise my prices to cover this tax and the fact that I drive my truck over to pick up the product for the customer. So my customer is now paying that cost twice, once for my truck delivery and once for me to move it from the warehouse to their place. The same thing goes for clothing and food; as the carbon tax came in all prices province wide went up to cover this. So now that person that rides his or her bike to work, drives a hybrid of electric car, and lives a green life is paying for this tax. They are not taxing the polluters they are taxing the consumers in whole. The thing that I find interesting is that they don't see this at the government level and the people didn't even complain when it came in as a matter of fact the environmentalist supported this tax that they now are paying for every time they go grocery shopping or buy clothing. A carbon tax is not they answer and it is not going to stop people from driving. I need a large truck I have 2 kids, 3 dogs and I move thousands of pounds of flooring every week; a small car will not work for me. I am not made of money and cannot afford 50 to 80 thousand dollars for a hybrid pick up and I cannot afford to have 3 vehicles (1 for me, 1 for company, 1 for my husband) and not many people can afford these things. Making the cost of consumer product that much more is hurting the family budgets, hurting the trucking industry, and over all hurting our already suffering economic situation as a nation. This is my opinion as a consumer and business owner. what is your opinion?
6 responses
@ms1323 (259)
• United States
14 Oct 08
In CA we have a tax on gas, that you pay when you buy the gas. How is this tax to be paid? Annually, quarterly, from the paychecks of everyone? If they want to penalize gas users, why not take it to the pumps?
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@addysmum (1225)
• Canada
14 Oct 08
We are charged %51 taxes on our fuel before the carbon tax. When the %3 carbon tax came into play they applied it to the full pump price so now they are taxing the taxes on the fuel at the pumps. The thing is that as a business owner I pay for the trucking companies increase in costs which put my prices up to reflect that increase so eventually it is the consumers paying that tax and not the drivers. Example a jug of milk was $3.25, the trucking company that delivers that milk now charges the grocer more on the fuel surcharge to cover the carbon tax so milk went up to $3.69. For me to buy milk I now have to pay for the carbon tax on the fuel used to deliver that milk. Now if I wasn't a driver that would mean I paid the carbon tax for someone else. For those of us that drive we pay %51 in taxes now the added %3 in carbon tax and when I buy my food for the week or my families clothing I am also paying the delivery companies carbon tax costs on fueling their trucks as it is reflected in the price increase. Essentially I am paying carbon tax on my fuel as well as my food, clothing, business supplies, my children's school goods, everything. That is not wrong of the delivery companies they are doing what they have to do for their own bottom line, just like I have had to bump up my service fees to my customers to protect my bottom line, where this tax is wrong is at the government level. They should not be taxing taxes, actually somewhere in the lost law book is written that they cannot tax already taxed money and they should not be charging a carbon tax it is not deterring people from driving and it is making the cost of goods go up. In this economically unsound place that we are at as a nation and global trade structure adding to the peoples costs is not sound business and not sound governing. This carbon tax may I add is also charged on home heating fuel so for some families they get it at the pump, in their stores, and in their heating bills.
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@addysmum (1225)
• Canada
14 Oct 08
Canadians stand up for themselves, that is a joke. We will die for others to be free but we gladly bend at the waist when it comes to our own rights. I can honestly say I don't think anyone fought this tax, we all complained but nobody stood up and said no. Not that it would have changed anything they still would have brought it in. I just hope that this election that we are having today will bring down some long needed changes for the better. The problem is that every party has the good things and then the bad. One group will give us more child benefits but then they want to up the taxes, another group will lower taxes but then they want to borrow more money from other countries to continue the troop support in the middle east and cover their new bail-out plan. I am sure you all are feeling the same in the States with your election on the horizon, which of the bad ideas can we live with to get the few good ideas that we like. Thank you for the response.
@ms1323 (259)
• United States
14 Oct 08
I understand, it is the "trickle down effect" in reverse. Is there any organization fighting it, standing up for the consumers? Certainly pollution is a major problem in most countries but I don't believe to add taxes on top of taxes is an adequate solution. I'm terribly sorry, I can certainly see how this would affect not only your business but your life as a whole.
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@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
15 Oct 08
You have so nailed it, addysmum! You ought to have this published so everyone in the WORLD can see that a tax that seems to affect one small part of the economy affects all of us! Taxes always gets kick down to the cusumer in the end run!
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@addysmum (1225)
• Canada
18 Nov 08
Thank you, so many people even now still say to me the carbon tax only effects the people who drive. Nice to see a person who gets it right off the bat. On a side note this didn't come to my e-mail so I am sorry for the late response.
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@ElicBxn (63832)
• United States
18 Nov 08
This is the reason the "greenies" are getting people to BUY into this nonsense!
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
14 Oct 08
the only way you can change this is by voting today! dont vote liberal! we are in ontario and we plan our trips, i do a lot of errands by bus because we only have one vehicle which my hubby takes to work. for us, it works out ok.
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@addysmum (1225)
• Canada
14 Oct 08
I have voted already and my husband will be voting this afternoon. We have public transit but the bus runs only every hour and the last time I used it I went downtown for a doctors appointment to get there I had to leave the house an hour early for a 10 minute ride to downtown the return trip took 4 hours between waiting for the bus and riding it. I would have walked home but I was 7 months pregnant with a 3 year old kid. Transit in my city is not very good. My problem with the carbon tax is it is not being paid by the drivers only as every business has had to put their prices up to cover this cost. Lets hope that the next government doesn't have their heads in the sand like our last few have. Happy voting fellow Canadian.
@whywiki (6066)
• Canada
14 Oct 08
As a Canadian tax payer and a small business owner I can only see this additional tax as a burdon on me and my customers. It isn't like it is going to stop many people from driving. I say tax the big polluting corporations but leave the little guys alone we have a hard enough time as it is already.
@addysmum (1225)
• Canada
14 Oct 08
This is exactly the problem I have with this tax. Yes they charge it at the pump but it comes down the line eventually to the final consumer. My husband is a trucker and his company charges it back to the people they deliver in a fuel surcharge. I get charged an added charge on every delivery on my own company products and my customers are paying for that in the final numbers. No business owner is going to eat this cost and it is showing in the price increases in the consumer market. I can't stop driving transit doesn't work for me, and I need my truck for product moving to the customers my vehicles are needed. They claim a decrease in driving since the tax came into play but I have not seen that on the roads, and eventually people will get used to paying it and go back to driving normally again. To top it off %51 of our gas prices is already taxes.
@littleowl (7157)
15 Oct 08
Hi addy-that is does the government expect people to live? Its alright for them as they are getting paid huge amount of salary taxing people for polluting the air is not the answer at all thye should think wouldn't surprise me if we all go back to using pony and cart! Fortunatley I live in the UK and that hasn't happened here (yet) and I can't drive but my heart goes out to those who do..littleowl
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@addysmum (1225)
• Canada
18 Nov 08
This isn't even the half of some of the problems we have. the same day several social programs had funds reduced by the BC government our parliament voted for a pay increase. Ya, you got it cut out the funds for those who need it and give their padded wallet a little more. Oh and I forgot, out government members drive government cars and we pay their gas bills for them. Yep, I pay my MP's gas for the month and then pay for my own fuel with all their taxes on it and at the end of the month they get a bigger pay check.
@littleowl (7157)
19 Nov 08
Hi addy'...thaks for the best response...but that is pure stupidity having to pay all your goverments bills for them it really disgusts me what the government expect of you hugs littleowl
• Australia
19 Nov 08
Our goverments collect taxes, and pay for all the things they think we need, or that we demand. They do a lot of things with that money that I approve of, like education and health, roads etc, but they also do things with it I hate, like pay for wars. I don't like that but I also realise that no country can unilaterally disarm, because it makes it too vulnerable, so I have to accept that some of my taxes go for that. The industrialised world has given us most of the things we now take for granted, like electricity, and gas, and petrol, and efficient agriculture, but all of those things come at an environmental cost. That cost is now on the point of sending us bankrupt, metaphorically speaking, with global warming. I know there are some who refuse to accept that, but I'll take the scientific word of thousands of the world's top scientists over the word of a handful of other scientists who deny it, many of whom are employed by companies and organisations who have a vested intererst in the continuance of business as usual. Carbon emissions have to be dealt with. Again metaphorically speaking, they are the "evil empire" of this generation, and if we can't bring carbon emissions under control, millions will be displaced, large areas of the world, including large areas of both our countries, will be under water, the economic structures will face total collapse, and civilisation could take centuries to recover. The people in power who criticise carbon taxes loudly and vehemently are almost invariably those with a lot to lose if the taxes come in. I don't mean small business people like you, I mean the giant corporations whose obscene profits depend to a large extent on despoiling the world. They rely on people like you, who fear the economic distress these taxes will bring, to allow them to continue business as usual. Yes, the costs will in some measure be passed on to the consumer, but it is the consumer whose demands for power and fuel allow the corporations their profits. We are all to blame to some extent. Finally some governemnts (my own government is phasing in the same sort of tax over the next three or four years) are trying to do something to stop the bleeding, and a lot of thought over the past twenty years has gone in to the concept of carbon taxes as the only viable way. It is exactly like them using your taxes to fund wars, a vile necessity. It would be far better if military budgets could be spent on health or education, or our taxes decresed; similarly, it would be better not to have to impose carbon taxes, but the only way that can happen is if millions of us voluntarily choose to radically lower our standards of living, the very thing that has brought about the unacceptably high level of carbon emissions. So it is not only the companies who are being targeted, we all are, but of course no government can say that out loud. Nevertheless, there is a strong element in these taxes of the thought that, if people will not voluntarily lower their SOL, it will have to be made so expensive that they are forced to do it. The only problem with this, and it is a major problem, is that, as usual, it is the lower income people who are going to suffer most. But since that's a problem in almost everything governments do, and isn't unique to carbon taxing, I guess we'll just have to lump it in with the rest. Lash
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