Is staying at home and watching children really work?
By Jessamy
@Jessamy (36)
United States
October 14, 2008 3:52pm CST
Sometimes me and my hubby will argue about who works! I know he goes to work 5 days a week and works 10 hours a day, but just cause I don't leave the house to go to work, isn't it still counted as work? I am at home all day with my 3 children, and there is never a dull moment, where I am not cleaning up something, changing a diaper or feeding. But I also cook dinner and clean up the kitchen everyday too! My hubby says that since "I don't work" I should be able to cook and do all the cleaning! And in some ways he is right, but others I feel like, well I work all day too, why can't you cook one meal a week and give me a break? He has not cooked anything for the past 2 months, and when I have asked him to help, he gets all mad? what is any easy way of asking him that I would like to have a night off from cooking without sounding mean, or getting him angry? I know that he does alot of the outside work, and he fixes things when they need to be fixed, but don't I deserve sometime where I can just hang out with my children and not have to worry about cleaning or cooking? Sometimes I think he just doesn't understand! The only day that he helps the most out with me and the kids, is on Sunday, so when I ask for some help during the week, he shouldn't make a big deal about, right? I am just frustrated and would like some advice on how to deal with this!
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11 responses
@DaddyOfTheRose (2934)
• United States
14 Oct 08
Sometimes my wife and I will argue about how works as well, but not for the reasons you might expect. I know that my wife does work around the house and I never give her grief about it. I do, however, want my wife to recognize that I pay the bills that keep the house running financially. Sometimes it seems that she doesn't respect the work that I do.
I get up. I go to work. I do what the boss tells me to do. I go home. I try to relax. I do what the wife tell me to do. I hear her complain that I don't do enough around the house.
I just can't seem to get her to understand that I don't want to come home to a second boss. I would like her to ask me to do things but to understand if I don't feel like it.
Around the house, I try to be helpful to my wife. I often cook dinner. I read to my daughter. I play with my daughter, too. I do dishes. I take out the trash. I mow the yard. I rake the leaves. I take the cars to get the oil changed. I run to the store.. yada yada yada.
There are days when I get up, do things other people want me to do, and go to sleep. At no point during the day do I seem to be choosing to do something for my own interest. That gets very old very quick and I don't think my wife understands that.
@mspecial4u (8)
• Puerto Rico
14 Oct 08
hi daddy, sorry 2hear you are fustrate as well as your wife,maybe you should try to take time to be with ea other,- than being sick of ea.other.plan something different once a month to go to the movies,a simple walk to the park.(just u 2)enjoy the company.i'm sure someone can stay with your daughter, at least for 1/2 or sure to plan it ahead of will see you can release a lot of tension and at the same time comunicate with you wife.good luck to can do no harm to try it might be good for the soul.
@Jessamy (36)
• United States
15 Oct 08
I know where you are coming from. I used to do the same to my hubby till I finally realized, that he is the one who wakes up early and works his butt off to provide for our family and the last thing that he wants to do is have to cook! I don't mind cooking at all, cause he'll play with the kids, but sometimes I would like a break from not having to cook! I don't ever tell my hubby that he doesn't do enough, or that he needs to do something around the house, it usually is the other way around. It's been awhile but before my hubby would tell me that since I am at home all day, why can't the house be spotless and the dinner be on the table, and everything in perfect order, and sometimes I just felt like, well do you know how my day went? It's frustrating, but I just deal with it, and I cook, I make sure the house is somewhat decent when he comes home, and I make sure he has clean clothes. He has not complained in while, since I started cooking, and it makes our lives more enjoyable with less stress! I hope that everything goes well and maybe you and your wife can take some time out to yourselves and just talk! Talking works cause you can both say what you are feeling and be able to say to your spouse what you want and what you dont want! Nagging is not a good thing, and believe me I used to nag my husband almost everyday about little things. So talking to your wife about your feelings when she tells you to do things, doesn't make you feel very good, maybe things will get better! Good Luck!
@DaddyOfTheRose (2934)
• United States
15 Oct 08
Communication is a great thing. I certainly express to her my feelings, but hammering the point in won't really get me anywhere. It is a case of tolerating a small thing, really. Forgive, forget, and move on. :)
It doesn't characterize my life quite as much as you might have surmised from my post. It is, occasionally, an issue.
@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
15 Oct 08
Three kids! Wow! I have enough trouble
running around after my one kid.
I can imagine that I'd be pretty much in
the same situation if I had three kids.
Sounds like you have a hard worker in your
husband. And, you're lucky.
I used to feel the same way about my own spouse
not cooking or cleaning.
My spouse used to work 13 hour days, seven days a week
and I'd still got mad at him for not cleaning up around the house.
But I had to let it go.
Most likely your spouse is just tired. Really tired!
That was the case for my spouse. He didn't want to help out
cause he physically was exhausted.
You can find some really good crockpot recipes online.
Put all the ingredients in the crockpot in the morning
and go about your day as usual.
By dinner time, you can serve up a hot stew or meal
with bread. Prep time is minimal and you don't have
to take your eyes off the kids to do the cooking.
It's perfect for moms who don't have time to cook
but still need to serve dinner.
Your kids are your number one priority and your spouse
should understand that.
And, even if he doesn't, you shouldn't have to apologize
or feel bad about that.
You're doing the job of three people and most moms do the same.
Best of luck with your situation.
@Jessamy (36)
• United States
15 Oct 08
Thanks, that helps alot! His mom will usually cook some meals in advance for us so all I have to do is heat them up, which is really nice! And I know that my hubby works all day long, but sometimes I would like to get away with not doing the dishes, or not picking up the living room! Its tough but just like you said, you got to let it go. And I do it's just hard for me too!! Im hoping that when I get a job we will start splitting the chores and the cooking and make it less stressful for just one person! Thanks for your response! I'll look into some crockpot ideas!
@mssnow (9484)
• United States
16 Nov 08
You are working twice as hard as your husband ever thought possible. Find out how much a housekeeper makes and a babysitter then combine the total and present your husband with a bill. Tell him you are working for free and also taking care of him. Or better yet next time he has a vacation Leave him alone for a few days with the kids and the house. Let him see how hard it is to take car of both.
@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
3 Nov 08
Being home and watching the kids all day is the hardest job! Alot of men don't understand that it is a constant~ you pick up one room and move on to the next, only to have the children come and mess up the first room you just cleaned up.
I'd talk to you husband and say that once a week you would like to not have to worry about dinner and cleaning up..tell him that you need a break. If he doesn't want to cook, suggest that you order in for that night.
Yes, our men do work hard, but they have 9-5 jobs with days off. We work 24/7, no vacation days to look forward to.
@workinggurl (399)
• Philippines
15 Oct 08
It's not easy to take care of children, I would rather work in the office than be a full time mother/wife. It should not be who has more work or receive more income, as husband and wife you should work hand in hand.
@Jessamy (36)
• United States
15 Oct 08
I agree with you! I would rather be waking up early and going out to work, then staying at home! I tell my hubby all the time, when he says that I could do more around the house, I tell him that my day was hard, and you couldn't do the job that I have, I couldn't do his! I love to be at home, cause I can teach my kids all sorts of stuff and it's wonderful, but on the other hand, I wish that he stayed at home and could see what my day is like. It's both equal work, I just don't get paid for it. But if i wasn't doing anything in the house, the house would not be clean, the kids would not be taken care of and the cooking wouldn't get done!
@ASteward (120)
• United States
16 Nov 08
I am so tired of people thinking being a stay at home mom is not hard work. Unfortunately I am not a stay at home mom but I would love to be. For a GOOD mother, it's a lot of work. On the weekends my kids have me sweating I'm getting so much done with them and around the house. Besides taking care of the kids you are managing the household, managing the kids schedules, make sure your man is happy, and all of those things entail so much. I would challenge someone that doesn't think it's work to see a list of everything you do all week every week. And you don't get a day off to be sick. YOU have to stick it out. A man is fussing and crying when he's sick and wants us to baby him. I don't see that getting done for me. My husband also complains anytime I ask him to do something. Very frustrating since we both work and it should be 50/50. Don't feel guilty about being a good mother... somebody has to do it. I envy stay at home moms. Not because I think I could stay at home and sit on my butt all day but because I could take care of the house, my children, and my husband 100%. Don't let anyone tell you that what you are doing isn't important. Those kids will look back on these days and appreciate that their mom was always with them. They will have memories and teachings that will impact the rest of their lives.
Maybe you could cook in advance a couple meals at a time so you don't have to cook some night. With my husband, I've learned to do for myself things I know he will never do. It makes me less bitter about it to just accept things the way they are sometimes. Don't get me wrong... he does get a piece of my mind sometimes, but I have to pick my battles. Oh and I don't remember the last time my husband cooked for dinner. You're not alone. Hope that helps!
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
16 Oct 08
its too bad your hubby isnt a bit more supportive of you. perhaps you should go out and get a job and get him to stay home! seriously, i stayed home for 10 years (and am home again even though my kids are at school, but this time, its because of a disability) but my hubby is very supportive and even helps around the house!
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
29 Oct 08
You do work ALL day just as he does. I know...I'm a mom. You both work all day. So in the should share responsibilities on the cooking, kids' bedtime etc....weekends should also be shared responsibility. You guys need to work together on this. As a stay at home mom, I'm sure that you go far beyond just taking care of the kids. I'll bet you plan meals and shop for meals and pay bills and clean more than just the kitchen. Your husband's stance on this is typical but it isn't right. He should be more involved with the kids and household. You both are parents here...not just you. you both live there...not just you and both work for the benefit of the family....not just him.
@sweettezil (49)
• Philippines
22 Oct 08
I feel for you, I personally feel that staying at home and being responsible to domestic chores and taking care of the children is a job in itself. Though you might not receive monetary pay on it - still you are augmenting in the expenses by not hiring other people to do what needs to be done at home.
I am a WAHM - and my husband works at home too. But there will be times that we still fight over household chores since we are both physically tired from work and we don't have a maid or helper to tend to the chores.
I hope everything will turn out well for you- and do reward yourself at times, okay :)
@daceyp (327)
23 Oct 08
u may not walk out the door to go 2 work but stayin at home and looking after children is def hard work.yeah u dont get paid 4 it and my not get alot of thanks but hey look at all the things that u have taught the kids 2 doand all the smiles hugs and kisses u have been given.all in all ur a teacher,cook,cleaner,dogs body,nurse and all the other things that go wiv being a mum.
@rockgroupie2 (280)
• United States
27 Oct 08
Ask your husband to pay you the going wage for a babysitter or day care center as well as that of a housekeeper and a chef. Stay at home moms work from the time they get up until the time they go to bed. Most men work 8 hours a day. There is always something to be cleaned, washed, put away, picked up. I'll bet money that if you switched roles for a few days, he'd be begging to go back to work. I'd also bet that if you asked him to take a few vacation days to try out this little experiment, he would say NO!