Did I miss something? In the news perhaps?
By RealIolo
@RealIolo (1854)
United States
November 6, 2006 9:27pm CST
Why is it that the people of India hate Americans, or is it just Bush they hate? And what is it that we have done that is so bad? It is true that we are not minding our own business but we were forced to after 9/11. How else do we keep a tragedy like this from happening again? Anyone respond but I would be interested in what the citizens of India have to say the most.
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35 responses
@shoreboy31 (1433)
• United States
9 Nov 06
OK my $0.02...I do agree we have a HUUUUGE influx of immigrants wanting into our country. If you want proof just go to Laredo, TX and sit in the truck stop down there and see how many people hit you up to take a load of mexicans up to San Antonio for about $250 per head...as far as Bush is concerned...yes he is the one we all blame, because the president is, and always has been the scapegoat...the president is really nothing more than a figurehead....if everything in our country is going well, we cheer him and tell him how good he is doing, but if anything screws up it's automatically his fault. We do have an entire govt. that works independently of the president, and they are the ones who really run this country. and if you want to dig into it even deeper, who are the ones that the congressional representatives listen to? Is it us the little people, who live work, and pay taxes here? or the large corporations that are funding their campaigns and lining their pockets....so in all actuality who does run the country? If we could get all the "politicians" out of all the public offices, and replace them with average Joes (and Janes) like you and I, then maybe we could make a difference.
I also agree that we push our way of life on other countries, who honestly may not want our way of life...Look at Iraq now...Civil war could break out at any time simply because you just can't make that many differing, militant religious factions agree on anything, let alone find an organized govt that can please them all...OK yes we did what we set out to do...We removed a brutal dictator from power who has been know to lie cheat and steal many times....OK, no WMD was found...but how were we to truly know that? After all the lies, and underhanded deeds that Saddam Hussein carried out I wouldn't have taken him on is word either. Again we blamed Bush for it, but shouldn't we really blame the advisors who gave him the misinformation that he acted on? Where do we begin holding our officials accountable?
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@sherijmccane (905)
• United States
9 Nov 06
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@RealIolo (1854)
• United States
9 Nov 06
Wow you get a plus for provocitive and thoughtful content. As I read thought your response it brought to mind some big things. My head is swimming right now but I plan to come back to your reponse and give it a proper comment. It will take me some time and I might have to sleep first. But you have said some very good things. Your comments about the average Joes and Janes is something very close to what I said to the folk helping us vote for our leaders. That being how it bothers me that most all canidates for public office almost always have to be in the weathier bracket in order to run a successful campaign which to me means that once they are elected will more likely then not have those in their own tax brackets best interest in mind rather then us peons (sorry I am not trying to insult us but I am a bit of a realist). I'll have more to add later. Now if I can pry myself off of myLot.
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@justnitya (1392)
• India
7 Nov 06
no one hate americans,,,!people only hate the policies that america take.
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@RealIolo (1854)
• United States
7 Nov 06
Well now that is comforting. I don't like US making enemies. Can you be a bit more specific on what policies have upset our neighbors in India?
@RealIolo (1854)
• United States
7 Nov 06
I am a little disappointed that so far this is the only responder from India. I find it a little interesting that so many in that other discussion
that were so ready to jump on the band wagon of Bush haters without ever really offering any true substance to support their attitude. And if there really are so many actual US supporters in India why is it that they won't speak up? Sometimes it seems that the only way to get people to post is when you offer them money and they have something negitive to say. If both conditions are not met they just sit back silently and that blows!
And then like this person above who hates the policies but won't get specific on which policies or what it is they hate. I asked them to elaborate but all we get is silence.
@MrNiceGuy (4141)
• United States
30 Dec 06
Well lets be honest, are you gonna give any credit to the Indians that voice their, "yeih, bsuh no god" Opinions? Of course not. There are tons of Indians on this site and I personally wouldn't give much credit to people on MyLot for their smarts or opinions, let alone some guy trying to make a buck in broken English from some tiny town in India.

@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
7 Nov 06
The USA gets a bad rap I think.. If we were so wicked, being the only super power, we'd have forced our domination on many nations.. But instead we helped to defeat Hitler's mad plans for the world, slowed down communism and Stalin like takeovers and genocides.. and it seems to me most of the world doesn't realize but the radical jihadists are very serious and mean business and are recruiting in nations and prisons, and biding their time while they send money to their terrorist organizations..
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@RealIolo (1854)
• United States
7 Nov 06
I would like to thank you for your response but the myLot guidelines says not to do that. Whatever.
I agree with you that we get a bad rap and little to no credit for the good we are trying to do. Some people in India kept saying "that will teach you a lesson" and I kept pressing them to tell us what lesson we were suppose to have learned and eventually got a response that basically said "keep your nose out of other peoples business". Well, like the advocate who breaks up the fight at school sometimes I think we should just let everything go to pot(I had another word in mind but it is banned/censored) so we can teach them a lesson except it might be near impossible to fix after things fall apart. "Can't win for losing" or "sometimes it seems there is just no way to win" or "lose, lose".*sheez
@mansha (6298)
• India
11 Nov 06
This one is a good thread. See politics is a dirty game. Americans are not hated or America is not hated in our country that is India. But It is also true being super power American policies are not letting any other country to have its own say in world politics. It seems like Bush was helping Iraq but if you see other way round it also seemed Bush was raging war for personal reasons. How can you expect a leader of another country to bow to your commands at how to run his own country.Their should have been some different way to deal with this issue rather than barging in with troops.
Another issue is why is America listening to a country who has time and again attacked another country. In 1971 before war our PM visited America to seek help warned tthem of impending dangers still we didn't recieve help from the. And we did defend ourselves. We finds such attitudes very selfish. Theres nothing against Americans in our hearts half of us send out our children to work their as it pays better than here. Its only that we are disappointed in terms of many issues that should be addressed at politicval level.
We feel Americans hardly know us and do not even bother to learn about us and our History. They Judge us before they know us.
@RealIolo (1854)
• United States
15 Nov 06
I am sorry if you feel we have let you down. My age in '71 was in the single digits and I can't really say I was a great study of history in school. The only thing that comes to mind about that time that would even come close to India was Nixon visiting China.
I agree that we should have found a better way to deal with this situation then barging in with troops. I think Bush Jr just couldn't resist trying to finish what Daddy started and didn't finish. Mind I didn't vote for any Bush ever and have issues with them both.
What I would really like to see is a poor man make it to the oval office. The president I am most proud of, Abraham Lincoln, was a poor man. Born in a log cabin and enjoyed reading by the fireplace. A president like Abe might at least have us peons best interest in mind. Only problem is, in our country we can't seem to elect anyone who isn't rich or has so much corporate backing so that they are in someones back pocket.
That is what causes me angst.
@fiasco007 (819)
• United States
12 Nov 06
sometimes you have to be in everyones business. does anyone remember a little thing called world war 2? look how long the nazis attacked other countries befor anyone did anything. by the time the rest of the world stood up to them, it was a world war. i agree, we shouldnt be the world police, but sometimes you have to do something. Clinton was one of the worst in our history. do you realize how many terror attacks took place on americans and their allies when he was in office. he had the chance to inprison Bin Laden, but decided to let him go. at least Bush has the Balls to stand up for what is right even if it makes him look bad.
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@starr4all (2863)
17 Nov 06
I totally agree with your statment about world war 2. There are other examples as well where no other country would do anything but America.
@RealIolo (1854)
• United States
17 Dec 06
Thanks for your excellent contributions to this conversations Wild! And cats are people too!
And thanks also to fiasco007. I like much of what you say about Bush even if I am not a big fan of his. I do appreciate him standing up to others but after that I don't think he actually had the little guys best interest in mind with his choices.
@cowlady (270)
• United States
4 Jan 07
They don't hate us enough not to take jobs from kodak and other places to answer phone and questions. i work in a photo lab and when i have any trouble I dial an 800 # that gets picked up by someone in India. They have American names like Britney My name is Brit any How may I help you? The accents are so hard to understand that it takes me a couple of time sto understand what they are saying to me. Why can't those jobs go to someone in the US
@RealIolo (1854)
• United States
4 Jan 07
I could not agree with you more! I hate it. We have lots of people here in the states who need jobs be some companies insist on outsourcing the work somewhere that they pay a lot less! We put food on their tables then they cheered when the twin towers came down! It isn't right!
I had the same situation on that 800 numbers! Called about one of my credit cards and I got someone in india who couldn't speak english to save their life! I asked to speak to their supervisor and then this person got on the phone they were just as bad!

@Krisss (1231)
• Australia
9 Nov 06
Once again I think it is your propaganda machine telling you that you have millions wanting to arrive on your shores. I have been there three times on holidays and last time we were there, we were shocked at the homeless, the poverty, the filth, and the arrogance of people.

@bfa731 (409)
• United States
9 Nov 06
What I find ironic is that SO many countries hate America but America happens to be the most widely sought out place to move to through immigration. No other country has as 1 sided of a ratio of people entering to leaving the country. Americans just have very good lives, we are one of the richest countries and have the best military and are the most protected. Theres some people who like to see people who have it better off fall to their level. Just as why many poor people hate rich people. The poor like to see the rich fall down and feel what its like to be poor. Its only natural for us humans to feel like that.

@skipper149 (89)
• Singapore
10 Nov 06
Wow! bfa731, your arrogance astounds me! We (the rest of the world) hate America because you are so high and mighty? And we are all so jealous of the wonderful fairytale life Americans are leading? Such delusions! The last time I checked, the countries with the highest standard of living were the Scandinavian ones, followed by some in Europe. Funny, no one in Scandinavia claims to be hated by others for their superior quality of life and standard of living.
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@Krisss (1231)
• Australia
9 Nov 06
I disagree. I do not have statistics to back it up just as I am sure you don't, but you don't see Australians immigrating because they are unhappy in their own country. We have massive immigration to our country, but very few leaving. We simply do not have the water to support a growing population.

@manzician (4727)
• India
10 Nov 06
I am an Indian and I dont hate Americans... Nor Bush... I dont know why people think that...
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@RealIolo (1854)
• United States
12 Nov 06
First I would like to say that I appreciate the sentiment you have expressed here. It bothers me some if I get the impression that others we share this planet with have issues with us in the US. As far as India citizens hating the US or its policies, follow my link in the comment I put to response #8 by ChewySpree or search for ,BUSH or BIN LADEN - Who is the bigger TERRORIST?, and read through it. These kinds of responses and the number of them is why I got the idea the our friends in India don't like us.
If you had read through the discussion more you would have found the question "I dont know why people think that..." was addressed before. Thanks ok as I am sure many of us tend to respond before reading the entire discussion.
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@RealIolo (1854)
• United States
7 Nov 06
I guess it is more about the percentage of respondants. Goto and read this discussion some and see if you don't get the same idea from it as I did.
I find it very discomforting and I want to know if that is really an accurate representation of the Indian populace.
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@RealIolo (1854)
• United States
7 Nov 06
Yes, and believe it or not I am one of them. Didn't vote for him the first or second term and didn't agree with his resoning for much of what he has done in Iraq. However I do think that this should turn into something very good for most of the Iraqi populace. They should be better off now. But for example one of the posts was saying how we bring evil to the middle east and this doesn't make sense to me. No one can make anyone else evil. They have to choose to be that way. We only offer choices. So I am still puzzled.
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@ChewySpree (1832)
• United States
7 Nov 06
Did you see comments here on myLot that led you to believe that citizens of India hate Americans? I'm curious.
I see as many US citizens bashing Bush and the American government as I do citizens of other countries. I find the political situation in the US very sad at the moment - everything is about political power and it's always, "us versus them" and never about what is best for the citizens. Also, each party has no respect for the other party and everything turns into an argument and slinging of mud. It really breaks my heart, because I cannot identify with either party and I only wish to vote for the best candidate.
@RealIolo (1854)
• United States
7 Nov 06
Yes, follow the link above or if that gives trouble search for this discussion subject:
BUSH or BIN LADEN - Who is the bigger TERRORIST?
I will try to include the link again for your convenience but I notice that these links keep getting screwed up for some reason. I may start a discussion about that also as I took a picture of the link right after I put it in above but soon after they keep getting screwed up. I assume myLot staff is responsible for that, as I can't come up with any other explanation. Here is that link:
It may take you a bit of time to go through this discussion but it is all there.
As far as the current election what I find sad is that most of the candidates have to be rich to win an election and then when they get in office guess what? They are rich so their policies they want to support are biased in favor of whom? The rich of course! They may say that isn't true but how much of that is just a political facade?
@fairly4458 (842)
• United States
15 Nov 06
I don't know, they shouldn't hate us, we supply them with a lot of our jobs...outsourcing indeed...I can't even understand some of the people I get on calls to some businesses. Supposedly American companies.
@RealIolo (1854)
• United States
15 Nov 06
I hear that! Nothing against our India friends but I can not understand what they are saying when I call to handle things on some credit card or something. You ask to speak to a supervisor and they are just as bad so you ask to speak to someone who can speak English clearly but apparently they don't have anyone like that. Oh well. Doesn't say much for the company that outsourced to somewhere without making sure the American clients would be able to carry on a conversation with the customer service rep on the other end of the line.
@RealIolo (1854)
• United States
11 Dec 06
Lets see if I can fix that post myself in the following paragraph. It would be nice if myLot would fix their software so that it doesn't happen.
I hear that! Nothing against our India friends but I can not understand what they are saying when I call to handle things on some c r e d i t c a r d or something. You ask to speak to a supervisor and they are just as bad so you ask to speak to someone who can speak English clearly but apparently they don't have anyone like that. Oh well. Doesn't say much for the company that outsourced to somewhere without making sure the American clients would be able to carry on a conversation with the customer service rep on the other end of the line.
@rainyl (671)
• United States
18 Nov 06
We never mind our own business, we run to everyones aid however not many comes to ours when we need them to help.
Please do not believe everything you hear or read in the newspapers, they do not always give the complete story.
@Netsbridge (3253)
• United States
17 Nov 06
Indians, Arabs, Muslims and Others do not hate Americans or Europeans. It is the hypocritical governments of these nations that clear thinkers just cannot stand! And as I always say, hypocrisy or a double standard will render almost anything distasteful!

@RealIolo (1854)
• United States
18 Nov 06
First off I want to welcome you to myLot! Hope you enjoy your time here. You make some good points to think about. Can you tell us a little more about hypocrisy and double standards? I am not disagreeing with you but I would be interested in any examples you might be able to present. I have found that there is a great deal I can learn by listening to others, hopefully good things.
And once again good to see a new arrival to myLot!
@Netsbridge (3253)
• United States
28 Nov 06
Democracy in America - http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2000/democracy/nuclear/stories/nukes/index.html
Missiliers - http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2000/02/08/60II/main158208.shtml
Nuclear Crisis - http://www.gsinstitute.org/archives/000032.shtml
Every nation has the right to self-defense and/or protect its territory! It will be one standard for every nation or none at all!
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@RealIolo (1854)
• United States
7 Nov 06
Glad to hear it and thank you for responding. (now I have just broken a myLot guideline by thanking you)
I do understand why people are unhappy with Bush. Like I have said above I was not a supporter either. However, now that we are we are at I think it is best to forget about those mistakes and think more about what is best from this point on and I must admit that I am not convinced that pulling out of Iraq is the best thing to do now. Perhaps it would be throwing everything that has been done away! If we could reverse time and do it all again maybe going in wouldn't be the best choice but considering what has been done now and where things are at I don't see the advantage to a total withdrawl. And hopefully they won't do that.

@gaganlok (587)
• India
15 Nov 06
Well.. RealIolo can u explain from where have u heard or seen that indians hate americans..?
I'm an Indian student just completing my post graduation, and in my entire life, i've not heard that America or the amricans are bad. Everyone says that our country(India) should become like America. They all love America more than England. This was the case of indian citizens. But Indian Ministers are also with America. Our President Dr. Manmohan Singh is always willing to fight terrorism with America.
So... I don't understand from where U got that Point.
May be u've been through something sick...
@RealIolo (1854)
• United States
15 Nov 06
Thank you for join into our conversation. I am going to cut and paste from above to answer your question and I can assure you that if you follow through on reading the area that prompted me to start this discussion in the first place you will understand. Hopefully after reading though it you will come back and have some more to say about this.
As far as India citizens hating the US or its policies, follow my link in the comment I put to response #8 by ChewySpree or search for,BUSH or BIN LADEN - Who is the bigger TERRORIST?, and read through it. These kinds of responses and the number of them is why I got the idea the our friends in India don't like us.
@RealIolo (1854)
• United States
15 Nov 06
Granted I understand that those posts was only a sample and not necessarily the sentiment of the populace as a whole. But I was so moved over it all after reading and posting in that discussion that I started this one.
I do so much commenting on my responses that I do not get paid! Oh well.
@gadituzair (985)
• Pakistan
5 Dec 06
who told u that people americans?its only ur policies that u r apperently not mendin ur own business.
ur president Clinton was so much better.....than bush!Clinton is admirable to me i think!
@Xtauseef (158)
• Singapore
14 Jan 07
we dont hate americans we hate Mr Bush...its rue u have to take proper steps after the 9/11 tragic incident....Bush started war on terroeism and what did he do with Iraq...thats an open terrorism...I just hate him for what he has done n there are so many americans who hate him...i dont understand how did he become the president...unbelievable...people living in america might hate ameircans because of the racial discrimination....
@RealIolo (1854)
• United States
14 Jan 07
I don't agree that Bush started the war on terrorism. Osama did and we simply took the war over to him. I do have issues with many of the things Bush has done and the directions he has taken. But it all would not have happened if bin ladan had not attacked. Be sure that if you are one of those who will say that Bush made the attack on the twin towers happen that you have some proven facts to back it up.
What does racial discrimination have to do with all this?