Obama--honesty problem
@DelicateFlower (314)
United States
October 14, 2008 9:08pm CST
Obama clearly has an honesty problem, especially with regards to his past. He was lived in Indonesia, had a Muslim father and stepfather and was registered in two Indonesian schools as a Muslim student. As such, he would have said the Muslim prayers and studied the Koran along with the other Muslim students. Therefore, he can not possibly say he "was never a Muslim". Yes he was, he was a Muslim as a child. He may have later chosen not to be, but there is no denying he practiced the Muslim faith at least for a time.
Obama's lack of honesty about his past is very disturbing. It seems to me there is no real reason to hide it if his conversion was genuine. However, I would point these things out. Obama claims to be a Christian, yet he is in favor of abortion, which the Bible calls murder (Exodus 21:22-23). He has not changed his Muslim name, his middle name, Hussein, is undeniably a Muslim name, yet all over the world, including in Indonesia where he lived, when a man or woman converts from Islam to Christianity, he or she ALWAYS changes his or her name to reflect their new identity in Christ and to never again be identified with Islam. And of course, he has lied publicly, also against the Bible (Exodus 20:16).
All of this brings me, and many others to the question, what else is he hiding?
Note: I did not make this up, my source is Newsmax. Please look through Newsmax.com if you want confirmation or more information.
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8 responses
@ClarusVisum (2163)
• United States
15 Oct 08
"Obama clearly has an honesty problem, especially with regards to his past. He was lived in Indonesia, had a Muslim father and stepfather and was registered in two Indonesian schools as a Muslim student."
1. I don't recall him lying about these things.
2. The schools in question were not religious schools. Also, it was common custom to list the child's religion as that of his father (who I will remind you had no real role in Barack's life, having abandoned the family when he was two). There was no indoctrination of any kind going on at these schools.. This has been debunked since the days when people were claiming these schools were madrassas. Where have you been?
"He may have later chosen not to be, but there is no denying he practiced the Muslim faith at least for a time."
Since your premise is false, it's no wonder that your conclusion is also. If all the stuff you said was true, it'd be another story. But it isn't.
"Obama's lack of honesty about his past is very disturbing."
This lack exists not in reality, but in your imagination. Obama's gone into more detail than most would care to read about in his books.
"Obama claims to be a Christian, yet he is in favor of abortion, which the Bible calls murder (Exodus 21:22-23)."
1. Pro-choice (which is what you actually meant) is not pro-abortion. Straw man fallacy.
2. I know lots of pro-choice Christians. All you need to be a Christian is to believe that Jesus Christ existed, and that he was divine. If you believe those things, you're a Christian, even if people like you decide they aren't. You have no authority on that matter.
3. That very excerpt, at worse, says that 'doing' an abortion, in and of itself, merits merely a fine, that "judges" decide. If God REALLY thought abortion was murder, why does there need to be additional "mischief" to merit a punishment that is anywhere close to the penalty for murder?
"He has not changed his Muslim name"
So? I didn't change my name when I left Christianity. Does that mean I'm still secretly a Christian? What an idiotic argument.
"his middle name, Hussein, is undeniably a Muslim name"
It was his dad's name. Big deal, tons of people are named after their parents. Again, his father had no part in his life--only someone REALLY looking for an excuse would make a big deal out of this.
"yet all over the world, including in Indonesia where he lived, when a man or woman converts from Islam to Christianity, he or she ALWAYS changes his or her name to reflect their new identity in Christ and to never again be identified with Islam."
Proof, please.
"And of course, he has lied publicly, also against the Bible (Exodus 20:16)."
ROFL: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2008/10/12/MNG713F15A.DTL
"All of this brings me, and many others to the question, what else is he hiding?"
You haven't proven he's hidden ANYTHING.
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@ClarusVisum (2163)
• United States
15 Oct 08
"Are you in favor of allowing others to choose to kill their born children if they don't want them?"
Oh, can it with this nonsense, already. You only make yourself look more and more desperate by repeating debunked smears long after the fact.
"Scientifically and medically, there is no way to prove that the child in the womb is not just as much a person as the child outside the womb."
Well, now you're just making things up. By your logic, I could just as easily say that there is no way to prove that an embryo/fetus is a person AT ALL, considering its lack of individuality (which is the core of personhood) even on the most rudimentary of biological levels.
"You miss understand what the Bible says about being saved"
You misunderstand that the Bible has nothing to do with the definition of Christianity, as there are a LOT of non-Christian religions that believe in the Bible. CHRISTianity is defined as the belief in a divine Christ. Period. If you believe that, you're a Christian. You can go on all day about what a "true Christian" is etc., but it won't change a thing.
"I realize you are not open to true discussion at this time."
You're the one repeated long-debunked conservative smears, not me. If you want true discussion, talk about real things, not talking points.
"I am so sorry that the church you attended or the people in your life who called themselves Christians were not following Jesus's teachings."
Please, spare me the false pity. The Bible itself is what caused me to abandon Christianity, not any church.
No need to stroke your ego by "praying for me" either. Two hands working can accomplish more than a thousand clasped in prayer.
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@kerriannc (4279)
• Jamaica
15 Oct 08
Hello Claurs, you are joking right when you wrote these words "Two hands working can accomplish more than a thousand clasped in prayer". Prayers move mountain as along as you believe when you pray. The bible is a source of learning and all that we are going through was fore warned in the Bible. It is that some churches are not following the fundamentals of the bible and because of this person like myself stop attending church. But one should remember that it is not the members you are going to church but for yourself. All we need to do is asked God to give us the strength that whenever we are seeing wrongs in the Church we speak about it instead of running from it.
When a person becomes christian they are to talk and walk christ like which alot of christian lack these days. Remember what the bible says 'We Are In The World But Not Of The World" also 'We Should Shine Our Light So That Man On Earth See And Glorified Our Father Which Is In Heaven".
Christianity is a prefect role when we follow it the right way.
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@genihanna (358)
• United States
15 Oct 08
What difference does his past really make though? Today and tomorrow are more important at this point! Besides that past affiliation gives him an inside track. It seems people are looking for any reason to discredit him. Do you really want to take the chance of having a woman (like Sarah Palin) be president? What if something happens to McCain? Like his self-righteous attitude and snide personality catching up with him? I'm pulling for the intelligent ticket this time! And you don't think McCain and Palin are liars? OMG - just about every time they open their mouths!
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@DelicateFlower (314)
• United States
15 Oct 08
Actually, I admire Sarah Palin a lot. I basically agree with her on just about everything.
McCain is very open about everything going on in his campaign, he has a solid track record.
It really isn't what is in Obama's past that I wanted to point out, it is how he is dealing with it. If everything he is saying now is so true and honest, why does he feel the need to lie about and hide the reality of his past. What is he ashamed of? Hiding something that almost anyone would be perfectly willing to talk about is a real red flag that someone has many other things to hide as well.
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@kerriannc (4279)
• Jamaica
15 Oct 08
What is the difference between Christianity and Muslim isn't it that they are praying to the same God. The only thing that would be wrong in my estimation is that if he was praying to a cow or mammal which the Lord say that 'Thou Shall Has No Other God But Me". I don't see a difference in the Koran or the Christian Bible. We all are praying to one God.
If he was saying praying to Buddha/Cow or some other craven God and does not want to give it up then I will have a problem. We need to read our bible and asked for Understanding and Wisdom before we start to accuse.
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@DelicateFlower (314)
• United States
15 Oct 08
There is a huge difference. The God of the Bible is 3 in one, Father, Son, Holy Spirit. Anyone who does not accept this can not be a true follower of Christ. Muslims believe in Allah, they deny the deity of Christ. Islam is very fear based, you have to do the 5 (I think) pillars or you can't go to paradise and if you aren't good enough you won't go to paradise. The Bible is completely different, it is love based. According to the Bible, it isn't what you do that get's you to heaven at all. It is only by accepting grace, you can't possibly earn your way to heaven because the first sin you ever commit as a child is all it takes to condemn you. You must accept Jesus as your Savior, accept that he paid the penalty for you.
@philjas (1134)
• United States
15 Oct 08
He went to a CATHOLIC school in Indonesia. His paternal grandfather was Muslim, which is where the name Hussein comes from, and his stepfather was also Muslim. Barack lived in Indonesia with his mother and stepfather for one year during his childhood, attended a Catholic school, then was sent back to Hawaii where he lived to adulthood with his Protestant grandparents.
And many Christians are not necessarily anti abortion. Nor anti gay marriage. The vast majority of Catholics are actually Democrats, even though the Democratic platform is pro-choice and pro-gay marriage. So you can be a Christian and a Democrat at the same time!
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@DelicateFlower (314)
• United States
15 Oct 08
Well, just check my source, like I said, the website is where i got my info, if they are wrong it's their fault.
Yes, I believe you can be a Christian Democrat, but a true follower of Christ can not possibly not love the unborn. Those who do not believe everything in the Bible are Christian in name only, they do not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Jesus said you must "take up your cross and follow Me" that means that you would be willing, if called upon, to give up EVERYTHING for the sake of following Jesus.
@LadyWinter (195)
• United States
15 Oct 08
Now this is two different issues.
First you address his lying. He is a politician. Please tell me you dont honestly believe McCain, who lied in his own biography about his affair with his new wife, or Sarah Palin, who has just been found to have abused her power as governor, has never lied?
Secondly we have the Muslim issue. George W. is a Christian and he has been fantastic for our country! LMAO. What does religion matter? Why should only Christians lead American? Mitt Romney was Mormon and he made a good showing. Are you prejudiced against people of other religions?
Thirdly abortion. He is pro-choice. A lot of people are pro-choice. That doesnt mean they are for infantacide. It means in case of rape or incest they are for taking care of the poor woman it happened to and not some unknown cluster of cells.
You seem to feel you know who is a true christian and who isnt....Did God give you the right to judge? Did he give you the ability to know other peoples hearts? Does it say in the bible judge others before you know them?
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@DelicateFlower (314)
• United States
15 Oct 08
I am not judging him, that is God's place. But, the Bible says "you shall know them [christians] by their fruits".
@LadyWinter (195)
• United States
16 Oct 08
So your saying John McCain and Sarah Palin are fruity???
FINALLY something we agree on!

@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
15 Oct 08
These are among the things that bother me. Obama doesn't tell the truth. He's arrogant about it too, as if it's none of anyone's business. It is!
I'd also like to know how he could associate with a known terrorist. How he decided that man and his wife (both terrorists) should be the ones to help launch his first political campaign.
I wonder how he could sit in a pew year after year and not hear what the pastor was preaching. (Before they took it down, the web site showed archived YEARS of the same bashing of America and white people.)
We are known by the company we keep. Kids are taught that early on.