What Came First, The Chicken Or The Egg???????
By stealth91
@stealth91 (22)
United States
10 responses
@red_amethyst (3518)
• Philippines
15 Oct 08
hi stealth
I think the chicken comes first. Since God created the world in 7 days, it includes land animals which includes the chicken.
happy posting!
@dueken (72)
• Jamaica
15 Oct 08
Well I have the answer to this question. At last, this question can rest in peace because the answer will be revealed right here and now. I got your attention didn't I? lol. Well here here is the answer.
If we keep looking at this chicken-egg situation as being a cycle without a beginging nor end (which is what most average thinking persons are doing) the answer will never be reached and you will just keep going around in circles forever.
There is also, the issue of a biblical answer versus a scientific one.
The biblical answer is quite straight foward and should require no further explanation about which came first because it explicitly states that god created animals on a particular day. He said let there be animals and the land was filled with them. Chickens are animals. He didn't say let there be eggs from which the chickens then hatched. animals appeard out of appeard out of thin air to begin life and then they started to produce offsprings and eggs after that. So the chicken came first, created simply from the hands or rather, words of God. Now that should be adequete for you to stop thing about it and accept in that biblical point of view,so that's dealt with. Now my scientific view of it which is a bit more difficult and might be a controversial explanation for christian believers but here goes. before going into detail, first consider the situation using humans instead. to simplyfiy things we need to have a feel of a beginning and an end. Lets say a human can only have one title at a time , and that title is either "parent" or "offspring" but not both. (Just for this purpose). anytime a woman gets pregnatm she is no longer considered an offspring but a parent. She is now the begining. she has the child, which is now temporerily the end. The woman is the chicken and the child is the egg. who came first? the woman/mother (the chicken) came/was born before the child (the egg). and here again this leads to the belief that the chicken came first.
Now to the more complex theory of evolution. Everything on earth today evolved from simple unicellular organishms. These organism would simply split themselves in two to get more of them splitting continuously and changeing their body structure and and these unicellular (one cell organisms) will produce offsprings which now consits of 2 cells. then 4 and so on. The process would continue untill multicellular organisms are formed. and these multicellular creatures are too complex to simply split to produce organisms. Evolutions comes into play, and the source for new offsprings starts developing inside the boies of these creatures, eggs are formed. Now, before eggs started existed, remember the organism siimply spit itself in too. the first organism comes about and lays the first egg ever. who came first, the organism(animal) or the egg? It was the organism! now for millions of years, these same organisms will keep evolving until prehistoric chickens and other birds are formed. Then evolved into chickens as we know thm today. They all come from the initial prehistoric chickens and organisms which layed the first eggs. so therefore again. chickens came first and eggs came after. I really got carried away. Hope you enjoyed my detaild post and happy lotting!
@stealth91 (22)
• United States
15 Oct 08
I love your answer. You get an A+++++ for creativity, and thinking!!!
@tintusam (1168)
• India
16 Oct 08
According to the Creator of chickens, and the author of the Record of their origins, chickens came first. It was on the Fifth Day of Creation Week that He created "every winged fowl after [their] kind" (Genesis 1:21) complete with the DNA to reproduce that kind. Then He "blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply" (v.22) using that DNA. For the chickens this meant lay chicken eggs. Problem solved.
Chickens are amazingly complex creatures, with their hollow bones, intricate feathers, four-chambered heart, continuous air intake, high metabolism, complex brain, good hearing, superb color vision, etc. Modern domestic chickens aren't very good fliers, having been bred to stay home, but neither were the recently wild forefathers of chickens from which they were bred. Everything about a chicken suggests careful design.
Even a chicken's egg is well designed. The embryo nestles safely inside, surrounded and cushioned by amniotic fluid and nourished by the yolk. Metabolic wastes are insulated from the rest, while oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged across the hard but porous shell.
A healthy female chicken produces just such a system nearly once a day, and can even preserve male sperm inside her body to continue fertilizing eggs for several days after mating. The creationist can clearly see the Creator's hand in each feature, phase, and function of both chicken and egg.
The evolutionist has a different story to tell, however. To them, chickens evolved from other kinds of birds, although which ones remains unclear. It wasn't flightless birds which gave rise to chickens, because they are thought to have descended from birds which could fly but lost that ability through mutation. Actually, the origin of all types of birds which live today are shrouded in mystery leading bird expert, Alan Feduccia, to proclaim, "The origin of birds is still up in the air."
It's fashionable today to claim that birds evolved from dinosaurs, although again, there is little agreement on which dinosaur lineage was ancestral to birds. The claim persists in spite of the fact that birds and dinosaurs differ markedly. Legs must become wings and scales must become feathers. Dinosaurs had solid bones, yet bird bones are hollow. Reptilian dinosaurs were likely cold blooded while birds are warm blooded with an extremely high metabolism. Dinosaurs had lungs similar to mammals, while the bird's breathing scheme is totally different. At least dinosaur eggs were similar to birds eggs internally. Externally, they had a soft, leathery shell quite different from bird's eggs.
All of these changes are thought to have been accomplished by acquiring new genetic information through random mutation. Did the mutations occur in the adult progenitor of chickens or in its eggs? There is no evidence of either.
Now am keen to see you people replying. Hope to see more and more interesting reply's now.
@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
17 Oct 08
God created all creatures, both animal and fowls. A chicken is a fowl, so he created a full grown chicken. The eggs came later.
@owelm0408 (1011)
• Philippines
15 Oct 08
chicken lays the egg first before the egg develop to become a chicken.therefore, egg came first in this scenario
@phrannymoo (2)
• Australia
16 Oct 08
That's easy..It was the chicken of course. God made the chicken first. Duh!
@jnk3dfx (721)
• India
15 Oct 08
Which ever you Order First will come first. Didnt got it. Ok Go to a restaurant and order for chicken or egg. Which one you order first will be served firts. He he Just for fun.
@tuyakiki (3016)
• India
15 Oct 08
I think,biologically a chicken lays eggs and give birth to littles chicks.It is a vicious circle and therefore,difficult to say who comes first.So,a chicken comes first.
And also in regard to dishes,I prefer chicken over eggs. So,in all regard chicken comes first and then the eggs.
@alsolea (89)
• Romania
15 Oct 08
I think that first came the lizard, which made the egg, which made the chicken that made regular eggs. Don't look at it as a one-day event. The evolution process lasted for thousands of years, but it's the only thing that explains it. At least for me...