Should pit bulls be banned as pets?
By sunshinedap
@sunshinedap (615)
United States
November 6, 2006 10:07pm CST
I think so. Some owners say that the owners should be held responsible for the actions of their dogs, but what parent wants their child to be the one attacked even if they can blame someone?
17 responses
@ButtrflyDreams (1139)
• United States
9 Nov 06
No. They should definately NOT be banned. If they are in the right hands, they are awesome dogs. "pit bull" is a generic term used for any dog that resembles the true American Pit Bull Terrier. The APBT is a great dog. It was bred to be non-human agressive. I have 3 APBT's & a APBT/Lab. Mine don't even make good guard dogs. They don't bark at people or anything. I wouldn't trade my dogs for anything. I've had shepherds & other breeds before I got my 1st APBT & they were much meaner to me & other people than my dogs that I have now. I've seen meaner Labs. In fact, if you look at statistics, "pit bulls" don't have nearly the attack rate that a German Shepherd, a Lab or even a chihuahuah. Do your research before you criticise a whole breed. Most of the "pit bull" attack reports aren't even "pit bulls" They're Labs or other dogs, but the media reports them as "pit bulls" because it sounds better. If you've never owned one, don't say they're bad dogs.
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@joelmichael (43)
• United States
7 Nov 06
No. On what base do you have to say such nonsence? Have you ever met a mean pit bull, has anyone you know ever been bit by a pit bull that was really a pit bull? Most "pit bull attacks" are short haired muts. In the history of the pit they were bread as sport fighting dogs, as well as pet. The dogs were intenually bread not to be human aggressive. Some people should not own a pitbull, or any other type of breed. I've had 3 Pit bulls now. all are great dogs. My new pit damian in 4 monthes old and has a huge heart. Pit bulls are not mean. If one of your niegbors has a mean pit you should report him to anamal controll. don't blame the bread blame the idiot.
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@zuri25 (2125)
• United States
7 Nov 06
No entirely. Just in states where dog fighting is prevalent. I think the "trafficking" of pitbulls should be banned as suspicious activity. My neighbor has a pit and he is a great dog. He is territorial and a very intimidating guard dog because that is the nature of the breed. But, there is no breed that has a nature of being vicious. Not all pitbulls attack without warrant, just the ones that are fought.
@ennyj86 (26)
• United States
7 Nov 06
Wow, I don't think this is a yes or no question.
It's very tragic that some breeds of dogs are allowed to be bred. Pit bulls were historically bred to be fighting dogs; they were supposed to display aggression towards other dogs but not humans, so in theory, they could make good pets. However, most people are irresponsible and don't train their pit bulls properly; in their hands, any breed can become aggressive towards humans. Also, there are still many pit bulls bred specifically for fighting. Officially, they are responsible for about a fifth of all attacks on humans, but that number is overstated because "pit bull" is a very broad definition that encompasses any large, muscular, square-faced dog (I got that from Wikipedia :) )
That being said, there's obviously a lot of negative publicity around pit bulls and some shelters euthanize all pit bulls they receive because they know no one will want the dog or it will be adopted by someone who will train it to fight.
I don't think it would be possible to "ban" pitbulls... The ones used for fighting are kept in secret, which is why dog fighting still goes on. But there definitely should be more regulation in breeding, not just pitbulls but all dogs in general. Too many people are breeding dogs just to make money, without caring about maintaining blood lines. Now that dog fighting is no longer "in", they should not be bred for their aggressive traits but rather for their loyal side.
I should wrap this up because I don't think I'm making any sense... The point I wanted to make was that the pit bull is not the ultimate evil dog and that it needs love just like any other animal, and that there is a lot of misunderstanding about the breed. Their aggressive behavior is a relic of the past which can be bred against, and some people just should not get dogs.
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@joelmichael (43)
• United States
7 Nov 06
NO! I LOVE MY DOG. He's intellgent even at 4 months old my dog is better trained than most of your nieghbors, and friends dogs. hes got alot of work, Pitbulls in nature ane not human aggressive. I think we should bann irresposable owners. pitbulls are not for everyone. but a well trained, and loved pit will never attack unless provoked. their are millions of pit bulls in the US, your beloved lab, or cocker spanuals more likely to attack a child.
@mommy4ever (351)
• United States
7 Nov 06
i think they should be i hate them dogs.
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@deebomb (15304)
• United States
9 Nov 06
Yes they should be banned. too may people especially young children are mauled and killed by these animals. although some of them are great pets you never know what will set them off. No one should be allowed to have more than one. It seems to me that most stories of their attacking involve more than one pit bull.
@aka_chandler (93)
• United States
9 Nov 06
how can u blame a dog that had no choice of how its owner was going to treat it! if anything should be changed then it should be that breeders need to have a stricter policy on who can buy their dogs and people that are not certified breeders or people that show their dogs, then those dogs should have to be spayed/neutered so those people cant sell puppies to people who will fight them! i have a 2year old female and we spayed cause i knew at least one of her puppies would go to someone who would fight them. pit bulls are not the problem...its the cruel people who make them that way!! we need to stop blaming the poor dogs and start fixing the REAL problom....the sick people that fight them!
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@FearMeNewbs (300)
• United States
10 Nov 06
Not entirely, but I do think that pit bulls act the way they do because of their trainers and I don't think they are born and just think, must bite something or someone. Its all about how they have treated in their past.
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@Withoutwings (6992)
• United States
10 Nov 06
My old boss had three pit bulls. And I was nervous at first, but that quickly went away. These dogs get a bad rap. My bosses dogs were sweet, gentle dogs, and were great with my bosses children, who were little terrors. My boyfriend and I are going to get a pitbull when we sell our condo and get a house. He has had them before too. The thing about pitpulls is that they are very loyal and will do anything to make their masters happy. So in the cases of attacks, it's usually because of the way the owner has trained them, or because of abuse.
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@gotOBX (764)
• United States
10 Nov 06
I love dogs, grew up with them. But I have to admit the rap these PB's have scare me, especially since I have a young son. It is the owners that have them as a status symbol or toughness or hardness that are really scary. Many have no idea how to raise a dog, let alone a lose cannon like a Pit Bull.
@krizz420 (4385)
• Canada
10 Nov 06
NO NO I disagree a breed of dog should not be banned because owners mistreat them or abuse them. Theres way bigger dogs out there that are way more aggressive then this bred. Mine would never hurt anybody unless I was attacked or someone broke in. Animals cant be put to blame.