I just don't get some people..
By devilsangel
@devilsangel (1817)
United States
October 15, 2008 6:52pm CST
Ok this was sent to me in a bulliten on myspace so sorry I don't have a link for it.
[i] Dr.
Laura Blog
Shame on Oprah!
October 14, 2008 on 12:00 am | In Child Neglect, Children, Motherhood,
Oprah Winfrey, Parenting, Personal Responsibility, Uncategorized Email This Post
Here’s a simple test for you to contemplate:
What do you get when you leave a golden retriever dog in a car on a hot day with the windows cracked a bit, and the dog dies from being cooked in that car oven? Well, you get arrested for felony animal cruelty, with bail set at $20,000 while you await your trial, which, if convicted, will get you about three years in jail.
Okay, did you get that one right? Probably. Next test is: What do you get when you leave a human child in a car on a hot day with the window not cracked a bit, and the child dies from being cooked in that car oven? You get to be on Oprah! with an entire audience of dewy-eyed women exuding understanding and sympathy.
Here are a few view responses to that program:
“I too saw that Oprah episode. I scoffed and hissed as I watched the ’sympathetic nodding’ of Oprah’s audience who were apparently relating to the distracted, forgetful ‘busyness’ of a mother who was asked by her husband to drop the baby off at day care that morning. According to this woman, that was something her husband normally did, and it was outside of her daily routine.
She had a lot on her mind and was concentrating on what the day had in store for her at work. That was her reason for forgetting the baby in the car! I just wanted to scream! Then a thought came to my little pea brain. I wondered if these ‘understanding’ women in the audience would actually ‘understand’ if their husbands forgot their birthday, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, or Mother’s Day because he was stressed and busy, concentrating on work, blah blah blah. Hmmmm…..yeah, I don’t think so; we all know what these women would think of their controlling, nasty, insensitive husbands for forgetting these important things in life.
Oh yes, there was one thing that mother did remember. With the forgotten, ignored, unimportant human being in the back seat, she evidently did make a hurried stop to get donuts for the staff, which means the child was also left alone in the car while she got those all-important calorie-laden munchies.
Right after I brought this travesty up on my radio program, I received an email from a single, twenty-three year old man, who had been watching this Oprah episode with his girlfriend of two years. His immediate take was that the woman, the audience, and Oprah were being utterly disgusting, offering sympathy to a woman - a mother - who didn’t have her child on her mind. It seems he went on and on to his girlfriend about the sacred obligations of a mother - i.e., putting the child first - and about how awful it was to see women clucking in sympathy for this neglectful mother and not for the buried child. His girlfriend was in sympathy with the audience and was aghast that he would have such a “cold, cruel” non-understanding point of view.
He decided at that moment to break off with her, because he couldn’t see any woman with that point of view being his girlfriend, wife, and certainly not the mother of his precious children.
I tell you, I was very impressed that we have such real men among our young people today.
When Oprah and other feminist, liberal, influential women take the point of view that children are not the first priority, when they coo over the “pain” of a mother who leaves her child to slowly cook to death in a car instead of storming the citadel demanding jail time for reckless endangerment, neglect and manslaughter, then we have women telling women to have compassion for irresponsibility, self-centeredness and murder. When we have compassion for evil, we show disdain for the innocent victim.
Shame on Oprah.
I feel the same way this poster did. I have two children and I'VE NEVER FORGOT THEM, EVER. I think this woman should be rotting in jail, not making money telling her story on Oprah. I think Oprah should be ashamed of herself for even inviting this woman on her show. The moment you become a parent your life takes a backseat to that child. I don't believe she "forgot" her child, I just think she was just to damn lazy to be a parent and take care of it.
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8 responses
@betsyraeduke (2669)
• United States
16 Oct 08
I don't believe that she forgot her child either. I don't understand how any parent could forget their child unless they don't care much for their own child in the first case, which is pretty sad. I can be absent minded and/or forgetful at times. I have had overdue library books that I forgot to return, I often forget dates, including having to think a minute to tell people my own anniversary date of my marriage (I suck at remembering dates, lol), I have, at times, forgotten what day of the week it was, I have even forgotten my purse in a store or restaurant a few times, (gasp!), but, I HAVE NEVER FORGOTTEN MY CHILDREN! My kids are the most important thing in my life, I don't see how any parent can forget their child in their car or anywhere else!
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@devilsangel (1817)
• United States
16 Oct 08
Trust me I understand completely. I've forgotten my keys in the car, I've forgotten my cell phone in the stores, I've left my wallet at home many times. I've forgotten doctors appts, phone numbers, important dates, but I've never forgotten my children.
What gets me the most is the fact that this woman is not in jail. She's sitting on Oprah like she's some sort of star. WTF. Had she killed a dog she'd still be in jail, her own child and she's free to roam the streets.
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@betsyraeduke (2669)
• United States
16 Oct 08
Yeah, I hear ya. And that woman wasn't just on Oprah either, that is the same woman that I seen on Good Morning America that I mentioned in my discussion. Unbelievable that she gets to go on all these tv shows after grossly neglecting her poor unfortunate child!
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@devilsangel (1817)
• United States
16 Oct 08
Are you serious? I never even put the two together. What kind of world do we live in when we turn child killers into celeberites and put them on talk shows and have them say they are only the victims in all this. WTF I mean really, she killed her baby because she was to absorbed in her own damn life that she couldn't be bothered with taking care of him/her. She doesn't deserve to be on tv she deserves to be in prision.
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@cripfemme (7698)
• United States
16 Oct 08
I don't understand this either. How could you forget your kid in a locked car. I don't know anyone who would do that. It's hard when your routine changes but somethings are unforgettable (like your child). Of course, we all have brain farts but they're usually over small things like forgetting the butter in the grocery store. I don't have any sympathy for this woman.
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@makingpots (11915)
• United States
16 Oct 08
This show was irresponsible and Oprah should be ashamed.
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@devilsangel (1817)
• United States
16 Oct 08
I think Oprah should be ashamed of herself for even letting this woman on her show. I think I've lost all respect for her and her show now.
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@laglen (19759)
• United States
16 Oct 08
I'm with you on this. I heard Dr Laura talking about this and I felt disgusted at that time. Sure we all make mistakes. But HOLY CRAP! This woman should never be left alone with a child ever again. That poor child. Can you imagine what that child went through before finally dying? Can you imagine being cooked?
@makingpots (11915)
• United States
16 Oct 08
This is beyond comprehension for me.... I can't imagine just forgetting your child is with you. There is no way, just no way I could ever be so caught up in the workings of life as to forget my child is in the car with me. For one thing, I am differently aware of traffic and everything else around me when driving with the responsiblity of my childs safety in my hands.
I am so glad I didn't watch this show. I would have been very upset by it.
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@DarthJustice (2013)
• United States
16 Oct 08
*Shakes head*
I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one this upsets and makes angry. I hate to hear about stuff like this with kids.
I've never been a fan of Oprah to begin with, but wow. Shame on her and shame on her audience. I do not see how anyone could possibly forget about a child, especially a baby and their OWN kid, in the backseat of a car. I don't have kids, but I know I could never do a thing like that. I'm glad the guy who posted that bulletin lived up to his standards and broke up with that woman (who, by the way, also deserves a big "should be ashamed of herself") who apparently felt it was okay that that woman left her child to die in a hot car because "she was busy".
Oh yeah, I love the sentence "When we have compassion for evil, we show disdain for the innocent victim" line.
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@CinderInMySoul (4717)
• United States
16 Oct 08
i couldnt agree with you more. i just dont understand how a parent either mother or father, could just "forget" about the little one! something wrong in the head there..and something certainly wrong in the head so both Oprah AND everybody in that audience!!
no way does she deserve any kind of sympathy, understanding or compassion!! she should get the maximum sentence that she deserves and then some cause she stopped off for donuts too boot!
aagh! hearing things like this just chap my hide..and hearing that Oprah pretty much told this bad mother and the tv viewing audience that its OK and we will all Forgive you and you can try to get on with your life. SCREW THAT!
ive never been very fond of Oprah's show as it is..but i for sure never would have expected her to bring a woman on the show who had done something as tragic and horrific as that lady..and then be SYMPATHETIC and FORGIVING!!
im disgusted.
@zalilame (880)
• Malaysia
16 Oct 08
I couldn't imagine a mother would forget a child that came out of her wound. Everybody would assumed that the woman is just simply unforgivable. These kind of cases makes a mother pays extra attention to its children. As in the Oprah case I think its a good thing Oprah invited that lady. Its and eye-opener to us. Hopefully we will learn something from it and be thankful we haven't don't anything horrid like that.
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