Obama outdid himself in this debate, so say the polls
By ClarusVisum
@ClarusVisum (2163)
United States
October 15, 2008 10:21pm CST
The following polls are of independents/uncommitteds:
MediaCurves: Obama 60, McCain 30.
CNN: Obama 58, McCain 31.
CBS: Obama 53, McCain 22.
These are larger margins than these polls had Obama at the other debates, as I recall.
McCain needed more than to win this debate: he needed to follow through on his 'threat' to "whip his you-know-what", and he just...well, didn't. According to these polls, he didn't even win...not even close.
Did you learn anything new about your or the other candidate during this debate?
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6 responses
@chameleonsdream (1230)
• United States
16 Oct 08
Oh, come on, CV - Mitt Romney was just on FOX announcing that essentially, McCain handed Obama his a$$. Aren't you paying attention? Obama "spent the whole night "flustered" and "on his heels" and "retreating and retreating and retreating". Seriously, I missed the first part of his comments and the original question, so when he was talking about health care and said that people would rather have a job from Joe the Plumber than receive a one-time check from Barack Obama, I had to go back and deconstruct the sentence to figure out what he was talking about.
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@ClarusVisum (2163)
• United States
16 Oct 08
Since I can't respond to my own discussion, I hope you won't mind me 'borrowing' your response to add another few polls, this time from SurveyUSA:
California debate-watchers: Obama 56, McCain 28
California independents: Obama 55, McCain 29.
Almost exactly the same kind of margin. Obama is getting PRECISELY the kind of results in this debate that McCain needed.
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@ClarusVisum (2163)
• United States
16 Oct 08
John McCain may be better off if he changes his ticket to McCain/Joe the Plumber. 

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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
16 Oct 08
It's a CLEAN SWEEP for the Democrats. Stick a fork in the McCain camp - they're DONE - Happy days are here again!!
OK, I'm not going to get overconfident here but I think I can hear the fat lady, (or is that me?) singing in the next room.
I did learn something new about McCain and that's that he's an even bigger chauvinistic jerk than I'd thought. His comments about abortion and the issue of the health of the mother made me ill. Would he take it so lightly if it were HIS life ot health that was put at risk because of the government? I highly doubt it.
Other than that it was more of the same from McCain and also another terrific job by Obama.
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@ClarusVisum (2163)
• United States
16 Oct 08
"I think I can hear the fat lady, (or is that me?) singing in the next room."
If you can hear YOURSELF in another room, I recommend psychiatric evaluation. 
Seriously, even I didn't think Obama did THIS well. I think I was so focused on Obama that I didn't realize how much McCain sputtered, although I DID notice where McCain laid out a false talking point about his health care plan, Obama corrected him, and McCain responded to him by REPEATING THE EXACT SAME TALKING POINT WHICH AT THAT POINT HAS NOW BEEN DEBUNKED TEN SECONDS EARLIER.
Here is THE moment from the debate, where McCain positively looked IN SHOCK as his attempt to press Obama on the "fine" thing backfired spectacularly. Just look at McCain's face from the moment "zero" leaves Obama's mouth:

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@piniongrl (142)
• United States
16 Oct 08
CV- McCain has done that in every debate. I think that he believes that people only believe/remember the last thing that was said. That's why in the town hall forum (his strongest format according to the political talkings heads) he repeated debunked things over and over (ie paraphrased "I never heard him say how much the fine was.") It's all so obvious and pathetic his whole campaign has been about reaching, waiting for Obama to say something, then say "NO WAY!" 2 seconds later. He(and Palin) even repeated some of the things from the DNC speech in their RNC speeches and claimed that they would do things that Obama had already done. He always chimes in at the end of every discussion with some snarky comment that only makes him look like an a$$. I'm glad the debates are done with.
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@chameleonsdream (1230)
• United States
16 Oct 08
Honestly - I'm not jumping up and down declaring that Obama was the over the top winner. Both of them slid out of answering tough questions, both of them made misstatements and both of them landed a couple of good points. They also both spent more time repeating their talking points than giving substantive answers. Obama tried and, I think, wasn't quite successful in getting across his point that the expenditures he's talking about are the ones that pay big dividends in the future. McCain was probably more successful in hammering home his message that Obama wants to "spread the wealth around", which anyone who pays attention to intelligent conservative (and I do not use that word as an insult) bloggers and columnists knows is all about "the guy is a socialist".
@KrazyKlingon (5005)
• United States
16 Oct 08
Uh - That Obama is running against a guy named John McCain, & not President Bush?
Sorry - just that when Johnny spilled that "I'm not President Bush" line, I just lost it. Still can't stop laughing.
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@KrazyKlingon (5005)
• United States
16 Oct 08
I think what prompted THAT line was - even on MyLot, people have referred to him as "McBush" ... Not so much because he's in the same political party, but because he had been in support of many of Bush's policies (even though I'm not sure which ones). However, it was good for a laugh.
@revellanotvanella (4033)
• United States
16 Oct 08
I had to do a complete double-take when I heard that one, whoa! calm down there 'My friend', 

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@revellanotvanella (4033)
• United States
16 Oct 08
My only main issue with the debate was that McCain couldn't stay on topic without trying to throw one of his annoying 'talking points' in the way and trying to accuse Obama of being this and that. That Acorn bit was totally unnecessary I think because this was a serious debate--the LAST--and no legitimate sources have come up about Obama's connections with the agency, so was it really necessary that he even went there. I dont and there is plenty more to talk about than that just looked like desperation to me.
@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
16 Oct 08
"Did you learn anything new about your or the other candidate during this debate?"
Yes McCain is even more of a hothead than what I had originally thought. At certain times in the debate I thought that McCain was going to explode. Did anyone else notice his face turning red at several different times?
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@dustinnikki (301)
• United States
16 Oct 08
I wasn't happy with McCain. It was more of the same attack methods. I still have no understanding what he plans to do or how he plans to do it. With Obama I understand what he is trying to do with healthcare, the energy problem and the taxes. I agree on his issues and what he is going to do.
With McCain all I see is a disrespectful man on the attack and not very concered of letting the American people know what he plans to do. All he can say is he promises this and that but doesn't say how. He also says he can do all these things without spending. At least Obama is honest. I'm not a moron, I know things are going to cost money. I didn't learn a single thing from McCain and I think he looked more like an idiot (at least I thought so) than ever before. He didn't hand Obama his a$$. Obama backed everything up and shut his mouth making McCaine look even more like he's just out to get someone.
In my opinion, Obama won this one.
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