Your view on abortion today

@celestos (814)
United States
October 16, 2008 8:27am CST
I don't support abortion and only believe that a woman should have that option if circumstances apply. What I mean by that is I think abortion as a means of convienance should be illegal. Murdering a child because someone(and I do mean and adult female)is not responsible enough to protect herself from becoming pregnant should not be grounds for abortion. There are two sides of every coin and abortion because of rape,incest,disease,complication and a few others are considerations concerning this topic in my opinion. The thing that bothers me the most about abortion is the methods in which they remove the child. Inhumane methods that even humane societies wouldn't use.When they put a dog to sleep,in theory it is painless. They use sterile needles for inmates on death row,but we cannot have the same decency for a child? Methods that include sterile solution which burns the flesh,partial birth abortions,live fetal births where the baby is left lying to die from lack of oxygen or drowning. There is nothing okay about abortion. Abortion in my opinion should be used with reasons other then lack of responsibility. What do you think?
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15 responses
• Malaysia
17 Oct 08
I think abortion should be the last option. If the pregnancy is dangerous to the baby then it should be done. Nowadays we hear abortion everywhere. It's murder. That poor helplessly child should be born and it's just sad to see people have the heart to do it. Simply by doing it the person think the burden is gone, that why it's happening. They just don't think anymore. lol.have a nice day my friend.
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@celestos (814)
• United States
17 Oct 08
I agree with you.
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@celticeagle (172627)
• Boise, Idaho
17 Oct 08
I definitely agree with what you are saying. But, I do think that every woman should be given the right to chose. Whether she choses to be irresponsible or not is totally up to her. We can quibble on inhumanity, sterilization, etc. Horrors you bet but each woman should have the right to make that decision, and live with the consequences on her own. And I don't think we, or any politicians have the right to say otherwise.
@Daffodil20 (1754)
• India
17 Oct 08
TOday,tommorrow or any day,abortion is sin. Its killing and that too your own flesh and blood.
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@celestos (814)
• United States
17 Oct 08
People I don't think ever think of that
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@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
17 Oct 08
I believe in a woman's right to her own body, and no one else can tell her what to do with it. I believe that a fetus is not human until it reaches term and is born. Most abortions are done when the fetus is under 6 weeks of age, and are quite humane. Governments should stay out of the bedroom. I don't understand your stand on abortion. Either a woman has the option to abort, or its illegal, and she goes to jail?
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@celestos (814)
• United States
17 Oct 08
When did it reach a stance where someone could not have mixed opinions about abortion? Is it not alright to be against it but understand reasons that it would be done?
@lkoenig07 (289)
• United States
16 Oct 08
I agree with you. I am 100% against abortion. It is wrong to me no matter what. I believe that everything happens for a reason. God would not allow you to become pregnant if He didn't think it would teach you something you need to learn (responsibility, etc). Not to mention that every woman who has one never forgets about it. Why put yourself AND your innocent little baby through that?! Just so you can have a life that's not "messed up"??
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@19ewf84 (461)
• Austria
16 Oct 08
So when someone who got raped and now is pregnant, you go to this woman and say: "God would not allow you to become pregnant if He didn't think it would teach you something you need to learn"? Everyone has its own opinion and everyone has the right to say what he/she thinks. That's why I ask...
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• United States
17 Oct 08
as I recall the original discussion made concessions for rape and other such things...
• United States
17 Oct 08
Im sure most of the members of the SS were PRO-CHOICE as well.
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@Celanith (2327)
• United States
17 Oct 08
It is murder, 99.9 percent of the time. Rape and incest are not good reasons to have an abortion either. These babies can be given up for adoption. There are thousands of people aching to adopt a child a baby. There are rarely anymore many medical reasons "Health" of the mother issues not any that could not and would not be able to be addressed and dealt with in todays modern technology. Abortion and the reasons for one are really not all that good. Oh it is inconvient is not good. Most are done by women who were irresponsible and lazy and did not take proper precautions. Murder of this God given gift is wrong and evil. You want to save trees, cats, dogs and other animals and convicted rapists and serial killers that is okay but murder of a baby is just fine with you. Cells they are not. Most who think that have NEVER read or looked into when the heart starts beating and the brain becomes active or the fetus starts to see, hear and feel. Why were you not aborted? Because someone cared enough and loved you enough to let you have life. Abortion is most the time selfish and unexcusable.
@Celanith (2327)
• United States
17 Oct 08
First of all yes I am saying that and as a victim of an incestous rape I still stand on what I believe. I did not get pregnant from that rape but if I had I would have had the child and given him/her to a loving adoptive home. The child did not rape someone he/she are as innocent as the rape/incest victim. Murder is murder. I will stand before God and know I never murdered any of my children; I know others who cannot say the same. I also know of three friends who had abortions they regret to this day they ever did it at all. One was a rape victim she said she should never have killed an innocent child, it haunts her. So get off your high horse I have been down the road and know abuse and rape and incest and the feelings it causes. I lived it. I would still have had the child.
@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
17 Oct 08
I do not agree with you. Just because you coped with being raped does not mean that every victim is going to be ok with it. Some rapes are so violent that the girl never recovers and ends up in permanent mental care having totally withdrawn from the world. To force them to carry the seed of that violence for 9 months is extremely cruel just because you have a problem with it. You are against it then fine you don't have one but don't force other women to suffer just because you do not like it. If you make it illegal again then women will go to unqualified people to have the job done just as they did before it was legal and risk dying when they could do it safely in the hospital.
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• United States
17 Oct 08
Are you saying a woman who was raped should have to carry a child forced on her, a constant reminder of the violent act, that would be mental torture, and what do you tell that child when they get older, "Oh you are the product of a rape, but be happy." To each their own I guess
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@chiyosan (30181)
• Philippines
17 Oct 08
i am totally against it.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
16 Oct 08
You are entitled to your opinions and thankfully they are nothing more than "opinions". It doesn't mean that you are right. Even if abortion were made illegal, there would still be abortions taking place just as there were before it were made legal...they were even more inhumane than anything you just listed above and while some will say that those cases were was just rare that they got caught. They were illegal and underground and therefore not documented. The biggest difference between those anti-abortion and those that are pro-choice is that the anti-abortion people are passing judgement and presuming to have all the answers for all women while the pro-choicers...well are more peaceful. We just choose what is right for us personally and don't presume we have all the answers.
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@celestos (814)
• United States
18 Oct 08
Isn't it funny that everyone who supports abortion was born? Kind of like how everyone who supported slavery was free.
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
18 Oct 08
I, personally, CHOSE to keep my baby when faced with a surprise pregnancy. The fact that I had a "choice", gave way to some very deep thinking prior to making my final decision. I am so grateful that I had that choice. Everyone is different and so are their situations. I don't think it is fair to judge someone who would handle things differently than you would. The comparison to slavery is ridiculous. Yes, there is there is that option to put a child up for adoption but there are more than enough children waiting to be adopted that never are. The decision to abort or not is a very personal and difficult decision for most women. With all that is going on in the world today, one would think that others would focus their energy on things other than what is and should be someone elses personal business It is legal and it is legal for a reason. Let it go and focus on other more important issues.
@celestos (814)
• United States
19 Oct 08
Sid556 the similarities between abortion and slavery are not as ridiculous as you think.
@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
17 Oct 08
I believe that only the mother has the right to decide if she has an abortion or not. I think it is totally wrong for people who are not the mother to force their ideas of morality and religion down her throat. Just because one person thinks that abortion is a sin does not give them the right to prevent somebody else from having one. If it is a sin then it is between the woman and God and no one else has the right to force her to give birth to the child. It is no ones issue but the mother. As for women who have been raped to condemn them to bear the child to term is hideous. Some women never recover from rape and to force them to carry a remembrance of that for 9 months is totally wrong. Especially if the rapist has deliberately inflicted the child on her because he wanted to spread his seed. To force women to bear children they do not want is to force them back to the status of second class humans who are not allowed to decide what they can and cannot do with their own body.
@relundad (2310)
• United States
16 Oct 08
Abortions are legal like it or not. As well they should be, since neither your or I should have the right to decide what a woman does with her body. I am a little surprised at the antiquated methods that you describe. I am not sure where these types of procedures are being done, nor do I know why anyone would opt for something of this nature. \ You don't support abortions and that is fine, but why should you have or anyone else have the authority over what I believe in or what I decided to do with my body? Why is it assumed that because a woman doesn't want a baby, that she is irresponsible? I personally think that woman that have babies that they can't afford, that they don't want are irresponsible. I am just glad that I live in a place where I don't need your approval to choose what procedures I might want to have. BTW I often hear people say that the woman who chooses to have an abortion never forgets it, that it torments the woman, that the woman regrets it forever, blah, blah, blah. But I know plenty of women that went in for the 5 minute procedure and were okay with the choice they made and live happily ever after.
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@celestos (814)
• United States
17 Oct 08
Wasn't offering approval was giving an opinion and asking for yours,realize that.
• United States
16 Oct 08
I would generally agree with you celestos.
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@kens425 (436)
• Spain
17 Oct 08
I dont support it too, especilly if it is used to conceal one's philandering, for me the only good reason for abottion is when the impregnated mother is to choose between her life and the child in cases of diseases, with regards to rape and incest, of course the woman did not choose to be loaded, the law should be modified to give them considerations so as to prevent any emotional complications afterwards
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@donn_juan (325)
• Philippines
17 Oct 08
i have always been pro my view on abortion would be a nO NO! with or without reasons, abortion is a sin.. why do the act if you're afraid to be pregnant, why be pregnant when you can't accept the responsibility of your actions in the first place?
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@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
17 Oct 08
That is only relevant if the women got pregnant of purpose. If she was raped she had no choice. She could have avoided it I suppose by being on the pill but according to Catholics that is also a sin. A woman is trapped by religion no matter what she does and it takes 2 people to get pregnant. A woman cannot do it all on here own but the men never take responsibility for their actions.
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@arpitaman (170)
• India
16 Oct 08
I would just say on line and i will say it good:------------- Untill and unless its really importent abortion is cold blodded murder
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