By Bd200789
@Bd200789 (2994)
United States
October 16, 2008 5:34pm CST
Last night at the debate John McCain mentioned people who are "pro-abortion" several times. I honestly can't understand why he calls people who are pro-choice that. I don't agree with abortion, but I don't feel it is my place to tell another woman how to live her life. What do you think? Do you feel that there are people who are pro-abortion?
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19 responses
@Barbietre (1438)
• United States
16 Oct 08
You are absolutely right. I do not know if I would ever do it myself, but I think it should be a woman's choice. I had my tubes tied when I was 26 so I would not ever have to worry about making that kind of choice. Personally I am insulted by McCain's calling anyone that name.
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@thedogshrink (1266)
• United States
17 Oct 08
There is a reason for the sneer at "for the health of the woman". That is a loop hole of sorts that Democrats put into legislation because legally it can mean anything. Legally, she just didn't want to have the baby. Republicans are completely FOR a clause which says for the life of the mother, or other specific physical health. But health of the mother just basically means that if she doesn't want the baby a doctor can just say it's not best for her health. This is a trick that the Dems keep using to mess up bills and legislation, and make pro life people look like they don't even care about the mother, which is so far from the truth it's ridiculous.
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@Barbietre (1438)
• United States
17 Oct 08
That is nonsense. And no offense but why is it always blamed on the DEMS? You are a fool if you think all Republicans are all anti choice or all Dems are Pro Chice. And we are NOT for abortions we are FOR you or anyone else not making a personal decision. What right do you have to tell a peraon what to do with their body, that is a personal choice, not yours or anyone else.
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@thedogshrink (1266)
• United States
17 Oct 08
Why so angry? First, I never said all Dems are for and all Repubs are against. I just stated a simple fact -- and it is a fact -- of what the argument is about the phrase, "for the health of the mother".
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@jerzgirl (9327)
• United States
17 Oct 08
There's a fine line of distinction between a lot of things, but I do generally believe that to be pro-choice, you must approve of abortion as a method of birth control, which I don't. So, I guess that would make someone who's pro-choice also pro-abortion. I do accept abortion as a medical necessity in certain situations and I can even understand why someone would get an abortion after learning they're pregnant. What I do NOT understand is why anyone would regularly choose abortion over prevention or why anyone would wait until late term to decide to terminate when the baby is fully viable, when you can feel the life inside you.
I'm not sure what that makes me, although I'm sure in the eyes of the far right, I am pro-abortion. I seriously do hate the idea of killing a child (and it IS a child! I'm sorry, but being a "product of conception" only the day before your birthday is semantics - not reality). I don't have a problem with emergency contraceptives (morning after pills) or even IUDs because many a fertilized egg passes from a woman in her life without her even knowing about it, simply because it didn't adhere to the uterine walls. I don't believe it was become "life" yet. Each of our cells are "alive", yet they aren't "life". But, once that zygote is implanted into the lining of the uterus and has begun the process of forming a placenta and embryonic sac, then it is a living organism - perhaps in need of its host more at first than later, but still living, growing and feeling. Despite this, I recognize instances where an abortion may be an unfortunate necessity. And, even then, only early in the term.
I won't go into detail of my thoughts on late term abortions, but the rare instances of acceptability for the procedure do exist; however they are so few that I can't see a huge need for it at all. At that point, just give the baby up for adoption! People already know you're pregnant. It's too late to save face now, so give the child a chance for life. So many people would LOVE to love your child. 

@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
17 Oct 08
I'm pro-life so I don't believe in abortion under any circumstances. That being said I think that abortions have become way to easy to get and there are women that use them with no more care than buying a soda from a machine. Women who choose an abortion b/c they don't want to gain weight, don't want to deal with a kid, don't know who the daddy is or who don't want their spouse to know their cheating. I'm sure there are many other reasons that women have for getting one but I think that too much thought goes into what the woman wants and none goes into what baby might want.
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@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
17 Oct 08
I thought it was pro-life or pro-choice and I haven't heard pro-abortion mentioned before. I would never have an abortion because it would be the wrong choice for me. I believe that life begins at conception and that a baby growing inside his or her mother's womb is an innocent one. However I respect other people's choices because it is their life not mine. I am pro-life and that is right for me. I don't stand in the shoes of other ladies so we can each a different opinion that is right for us. I realize that many ladies regret having an abortion and it can cause the depression later in life. Many people agree with abortion but I am not one of those people. However they can't change history and they must live with their decision years ago to abort their baby.
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@mcat19 (1357)
• United States
16 Oct 08
No one I know is pro-abortion. That's totally absurd. Pro-choice folks believe that the government has no business making these decisions for a woman. She should make her own decisions about how to run her life. She can consult her doctor, her religious leader, her family and her conscience. Saying pro-abortion is a rightwing distortion of truth. They are very good at grabbing the message.
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@Celanith (2327)
• United States
17 Oct 08
I have to agree with this 100% it is not the business of the government to interfere in our personal choices and lives of anyone yet consistently they do in many areas of our life. From having children, to raising, educating them and training them. The interfere in the moral and ethics of peoples beliefs and rights. This is exactly one of the reasons our forefathers made the much abused and mis-used 1st amendment. Women have a right under the first amendment to chose. It has to do with belief, creed and yet we have laws that consistently undermine this amendment. It is time we tell government to butt out. Why because even God gives us the freedom of choice. There maybe consequences for the choice sooner or later but it is a right and freedom that is even God given. Well said Mcat19

@gitfiddleplayer (10362)
• United States
17 Oct 08
Because if you're pro choice then the majority says you're going to have an abortion. Pro choice makes it so friendly, call it what it is. Either you are for abortion or against it, pro life. It isn't the point of telling someone how to live their life, it comes down to the choice they make with a pregnancy, notice I didn't say unplanned pregnancy, we as humans do not decide when a child will be conceived, sure there are ways to make conceiving more targeted but we do not decide when human life will be created. That's for God to decide so to call those people pro abortion instead of pro choice really puts a face on it. Its not PC and who frickin cares about that anyway, its the truth, its designed to make people think about somebody besides themselves. Also, Roe v. Wade was not about a womans right to choose, its about when human life begins. People need to read that law to know what the heck it really says, but try saying that to a person who doesn't know, they will just shout louder about some silly slogan on a sign. Those people who have had no remorse will wish they had listened when it all comes down.
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@Bd200789 (2994)
• United States
17 Oct 08
I completely disagree. "Because if you're pro choice then the majority says you're going to have an abortion."? I am against abortion, but it isn't the government's place to tell another woman what to do with her life. So, yes, I am pro-choice, but I could never have an abortion myself. Look, I am not the only woman in the world. Not everyone agrees that abortion is morally wrong. You cannot legislate morality.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
17 Oct 08
I say if you don't agree with abortion then don't have one. You have no right to tell anyone else what to do if they're faced with what to them may be a desperate situation. Those who can't just mind their own business regarding this issue could put their time to much better use by working to decrease the number of unwanted pregnancies as well as improve conditions for those who feel abortion is their best or ONLY real option.
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@gitfiddleplayer (10362)
• United States
17 Oct 08
I agree, God and government don't hold hands. Then you should be pro life instead of pro choice if you don't agree with abortion. How about pro adoption, where's the argument for that worthy cause?
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@urbandekay (18278)
17 Oct 08
Lets call a spade a spade and not a hand excavation tool
all the best urban
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
17 Oct 08
I can't imagine that there's anyone who is actually "pro-abortion"! In my opinion that phrase is an inaccurate as the anti-choice crowd calling themselves "pro-life" because for some reason many of them don't seem to realize that life continues after the pregnancy has been brought to term.
Notice McCain wants no part of working with the "other side" on decreasing the number of abortions and the reasons some women and girls feel the need to seek abortions. That's because, in my opinion, they don't want the issue to ever go away because they want to continue to use it to divide people. Now that's what I call "pro-life"!
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@thedogshrink (1266)
• United States
17 Oct 08
Who said McCain isn't interested in working to resolve the reasons women and girls feel the need to seek abortions? Why are you putting words in the man's mouth?
McCain believes it is a matter for the states to decide, and he said that during the debate last night. He said NOTHING about not being willing to work with anyone to decrease abortions and the reasons some women have them! He's NEVER said anything like that! AND in fact, McCain's record shows he is ALWAYS willing to work with the "other side" on every issue.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
17 Oct 08
I will say YES, there are people who are PRO-Abortion. I've even seen several on mylot. I consider there a difference between pro-abortion and pro-choice. If someone insists they would never have an abortion and they don't support it but they don't feel they have a right to tell someone else what to do, I can understand that as being pro-choice.
When a woman says it's necessary as birth control, or starts referring to unborn children as parasites and benign tumors, that makes them pro-abortion. Granted, those statements are pretty extreme and not all pro-abortion people will be that blatant. I have seen those statements on mylot numerous times. The people who speak that way are more common in the religion part of the forum so you won't see as many of them in politics.
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@Bd200789 (2994)
• United States
17 Oct 08
"When a woman says it's necessary as birth control, or starts referring to unborn children as parasites and benign tumors, that makes them pro-abortion. Granted, those statements are pretty extreme and not all pro-abortion people will be that blatant. I have seen those statements on mylot numerous times. The people who speak that way are more common in the religion part of the forum so you won't see as many of them in politics."
I've never seen those statements on here. It's hard to believe anyone could say such a thing.
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@RaiscaraAvalon (250)
• United States
17 Oct 08
Lol I called my daughter a parasite throughout my pregnancy. You'll be pleased to know that she is a healthy and happy 5 year old. :p
But I get your point.
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@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
17 Oct 08
I understand the term. Here's the thing. When it appears that there is only one choice - abortion - that's not a choice at all, is it?
As a pro-lifer, I would accept the right of a woman to have an abortion IF:
1) All abortion clinics and doctors were required to explain the developing fetus to both the woman and man (unless he's uknown or something worse).
2) All abortion clinics and doctors were required to present ALL CHOICES to the woman (or couple) including giving up the child for adoption, having the child and raising it, or aborting it.
3) All abortion clinics were required to offer extensive counseling for women (and men) before, during and after the abortion. They need to know that they may suffer for years after having an abortion.
As one who has worked at women's centers, I know that many women suffer for years after having aborted a baby. Some mourn forever. Some celebrate each year on what would have been their baby's birthday.
I have been pregnant 3 times and had only one live birth - a son who is 24. I knew the instant I was pregnant in each case. I had a connection immediately. And when I started researching (harder back in 1984) the development of my baby, I was amazed at how soon things like fingernails show up.
Women need to know all of these things. People who say they are pro-choice should demand these things.
If they don't? Then I think they're pro-abortion.
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@tamarafireheart (15384)
17 Oct 08
Hi Bd200789,
I really don't understand al this politics but I do agree with on you, its up to the women, its their bodies.
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@urbandekay (18278)
18 Oct 08
No, go look up the definition of parasite. The foetus is not a parasite.
It is human and it is alive, by any definition. Killing it is taking human life.
all the best urban
@Lilchele36 (139)
• United States
17 Oct 08
How can you say that it's up to the women? Who speaks for the child? NOONE has the right to kill another human being! "their bodies"? That baby is not "their body"!!!
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@lakantar (1573)
• Greece
17 Oct 08
Well abortion might cause some problems to a woman but as you said you can't tell or decide for another one how to live her life and what to do... Having a kid is a huge responsibility and if a woman don't think she can raise it properly (like if she is a teenager) I think she can be allowed to have abortion...
@Zephier (73)
• United States
17 Oct 08
If you're not pro-abortion in every case then why are you offended? Since you see a difference between pro-abortion and pro-choice then what's the problem? And what is with the talk about telling a woman how to live her life? If abortion was made illegal it wouldn't be telling them how to live their life. It'd just be forcing them to not use OUR health care system to carry out systematic murder. I mean, we have protections for the killing of endangered animals all across this country. Yet some people believe we shouldn't have protections for minorities (the ones who carry out the most abortions and also the reasoning behind why Planned Parenthood provide the services they do in inner-cities) across this country.
Of course there are lots of people are pro-abortion. Just like there are people out there who have other types of mental sicknesses amongst our population.
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@starry301 (71)
• United States
17 Oct 08
I'm sorry, but I strongly strongly believe that you should not kill a life. If you are in a situation where you have been raped, you can make the best out of the situation and give it for adoption. A life is a life, no matter how small it is. I do not understand why people try to play God and kill a life YES it's A LIFE. No matter what you do, it is soley the womans choice in the end. But I strongly disagree with abortion, it gets me mad to even think about it. I'm sorry If im offending anyone but I have a right to my own opinion like everyone else does. This is an interesting discussion
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@urbandekay (18278)
18 Oct 08
Pro-choice is just a euphemism for pro-abortion, those that use it are intoxicated by the exuberance of their own verbosity.
all the best urban
@sid556 (30953)
• United States
19 Oct 08
They really need to leave the abortion issue out of politics. It is a very old issue and no one is ever ever going to agree on it. It detracts from other more important issues. I would not have an abortion but I have been in a situation where I actually had to do some deep thinking on that issue. I think it is a very personal choice and is not up to anyone else to dictate right and wrong to another person. What is right for me could be the very worst possible thing for another woman. I think they should focus more on our economy and our people in iraq etc.
@urbandekay (18278)
19 Oct 08
One might say the same about murder and be as equally wrong.
all the best urban
@thedogshrink (1266)
• United States
17 Oct 08
I think it is the same difference. If you are pro-choice, the you are for the right to choose and abortion, which is pro-abortion. It is just semantics, and yes, some of you don't seem to realize -- too young, I guess -- that the words we mostly use today are pro choice and pro life, BECAUSE of those semantics. It used to be pro abortion and anti abortion. McCain is older, and he probably just slipped in saying it the way it was said for many years. The anti group didn't like the negative anti, so they changed to pro life. Then the pro abortion people decided their name should also be pro something and so they became pro choice.
McCain was just slipping in calling it the old name. But honestly I can't see a real difference between pro choice and pro abortion. Pro choice is a softer way of saying allow abortions, when most people say it.
But yes, I do feel that there are some people that are only pro abortion. Like at the clinics where they are NOT ALLOWED to tell the woman what the baby is really like at her point in the pregnancy (because they say then she wouldn't have an abortion) or the clinics where they are not allowed to offer ANY counseling for keeping the baby, adoption, help with medical and other bills, just abortion. I can't say that places like that are any way but super pro abortion. (not all clinics do that, but some do)
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@cortjo73 (6498)
• United States
17 Oct 08
I am "pro-choice". I think it is each individuals' right to choose whether they want to carry, give birth to, and raise a child. I can't say whether I am for or against abortion because I have never had to make that choice myself. I will never judge someone else for making that choice. I don't think people are pro-abortion. I think, like you, they are pro-choice. What McCain said was a veiled attempt to hit below the belt. But, that is just my opinion.
@jiffin4java (97)
• United States
17 Oct 08
I agree with you. I think pro-abortion and pro-choice are two different things. Before there was choice, girls were severely injured and even killed because of "back alley" abortions all because they couldn't face a pregnancy. I am a Christian and I believe life is sacred. I don't believe I could ever go through with an abortion. On the other hand, how would I handle carrying the child of a man who raped me? I have two other children at home. If I had to make the choice of my unborn baby's life versus my own, could I really choose to leave my children without a mother? I really don't know. Those are such tough decisions and it's not for me to judge others for having to make them. Does that make me pro-abortion? I don't think so.