Pssst...My Liberal Friends I think I have the answers
By ZephyrSun
@ZephyrSun (7381)
United States
October 16, 2008 6:02pm CST
Alright, all of my Liberal friends I have been wondering as well as probably most of you have as to what everyone sees in Palin. After looking at some videos I have figured it out. I found this video uploaded to youtube in two parts. I know some of you may not have speakers so I will give you a few quotes. The person that uploaded this video went to the Palin rally in Strongsville, Ohio and asked the people there if they thought Obama was a terrorist and how long they have known about Palin.
Most did decline to say if Obama was a terrorist but some in fact did say he is a terrorist and “has the bloodlines”, and “the name” and the “connections”. Some admitted they had not heard of Palin until she was picked as VP and another woman claimed to know Palin all of her life and the woman looked a lot older than Sarah Palin. LOL
Another woman actually said that Obama developed ACORN. LOL So when he was 10 years old he started working in community organizing boy, Obama was a busy boy, at 8 he was hanging out with Ayres bombing buildings and then went on to start ACORN a few years later. No wonder he is running for president because he’s like superman.
So here is my opinion on why so many actually like Palin, they are a little uneducated. Yes that’s my opinion. Who in their educated mind would think that Obama started ACORN at 10 years old? And who would think that terrorism is a gene? So what are your thoughts?
disclaimer: I am embarrassed that some of these people are from Ohio but thank goodness they are from the other side of the state. And I don't think that it is in the water LOL.
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14 responses
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
17 Oct 08
Well, Zeph, if that's a sample of the kinds of people who go to these rallies no wonder my neighbor's daughter and her friends felt unsafe when she spoke down here in Florida and left early. The comment that you "need gloves to touch him" made by the little boy about the Obama doll was disgusting and that "community organizer" lady who wanted so much face time in Part I seemed so angry! I think, after the election, I'm going to end my relationship with the Republican party completely.
@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
17 Oct 08
Isn't it so disgusting? I couldn't believe that part about gloves. My husband stopped in his tracks and listened and couldn't believe it either. The "community organizer" lady was a whacko. I wonder how many other Republicans are leaving as well. It's so sad that this is the party I use to admire, the party of Lincoln. Lincoln would be ashamed after his work to free the slaves.
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@CherylsPearls (1269)
• United States
17 Oct 08
Those videos are absolutely disgusting and also disheartening. I never realized how many stupid people there are in America. I mean, I've met lots of stupid people, but when you realize they outnumber people with common sense, and that they are everywhere in this country, it just gives you a sick feeling inside. It really made me sad to hear the little boy say that about the gloves. OMG.
Then, on the other hand, it makes me so d*mned mad. How dare people be so stupid! I think to be that ignorant you really have to want to be ignorant. There is no way you get to be that stupid without trying really hard!
I have just had it with the loonies on the far-right. When I was working, I had friends who were conservative Republicans, but I swear, none of them were that far to the right! I am really tired of being called a lemming, a minion, an Obamabot and all the other little names the right has for people who don't agree with them. I especially hate the Christian right. Don't even let me get started on that one!
I am embarrassed that these peoople are even Americans. Can't we send them all somewhere else? Iran, maybe, since they all seem to want a religious government! Oh, yes, and that made me think of one of the nuts on here who actually said, "America, love it or leave it." I haven't heard that since the '60's! What idiots.
Ok, I feel better now. Well, a little better! lol
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
17 Oct 08
That was perfect Cheryl! The party of family values my a$$. I don't want my family having that value. The conservatives would like us to believe that there are a few bad apples in the bunch BUT this is going on everywhere and all the time. It's just very depressing that this is going on.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
17 Oct 08
Well I don't have speakers at the moment to watch those videos. What I get from the quotes you provided is that you are just looking for the dumbest people who like Sarah Palin and are acting as though they are representative of all Sarah Palin. If you'd like, I could easily find no shortage of morons who support Obama.
Here's my favorite example of a stupid Obama supporter on mylot:
Here's one of his brilliant celebrity supporters:
And this just in, the man who called his own state racist:
Trust me Zephyr, I could go on with 10 pages of morons who support Obama. I could include more people like Matt Damon who think Sarah Palin believes dinosaurs walked the earth 4000 years ago. I could find people who believe she posed with a rifle in a flag bikini. There are no shortage of morons on both sides and pretending they represent Palin supporters is no different than me saying that the morons represent Obama supporters.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
17 Oct 08
"I didn't see/hear anyone say that she should be killed"
You didn't see/hear anyone say that Obama should be killed either. That was a lie cooked up by one liberal reporter and the media bought it and reported it as fact. The secret service has investigated it and found NOBODY to corroborate it. Not to mention the fact that the Secret Service was there when this supposedly happened and nobody heard it.
"Slavoski -- who is charge of the Secret Service's field office in Scranton -- launched an official investigation into the charge and said he could not find anyone other than the Scranton Times-Tribune's reporter to corroborate the story."
@pismeof (855)
• United States
17 Oct 08
Print E-mail October 16, 2008
Recent Obama Surge Evident Among Men, Less EducatedIndependents have also swung strongly in Obama’s directionUSA Democrats Demographics Election 2008 Government and Politics Independents Republicans Americas Northern America by Jeffrey M. Jones
PRINCETON, NJ -- In the week after the Republican National Convention, John McCain led Barack Obama 47% to 45% among registered voters nationwide. Then the financial crisis emerged as a major issue, and Obama quickly took the lead. In the most recent full week of Gallup Poll Daily tracking data (Oct. 6-12), that lead has expanded to 10 percentage points.
These weekly averages are based on interviews with roughly 6,400 registered voters conducted each Monday through Sunday, compiled from Gallup Poll Daily tracking. These large samples allow for a stable and in-depth look at how voter subgroup preferences have changed.
With only a few exceptions, most voter subgroups have shifted in Obama's direction since mid-September, about the time that the economic crisis came to dominate the news headlines. The following outlines some of the more notable shifts among voter subgroups.
Women, who had been strong supporters of Obama for much of the campaign, quickly returned to the Democratic fold after they had moved more toward McCain after the Republican convention in early September. Women have supported Obama by an average of 53% to 39% over the last four weeks.
As recently as the week of Sept. 29-Oct. 5, men continued to show a preference for McCain, but in the last week, Obama has gained the lead among men, 49% to 44%. Even with that recent movement among men, the data continue to reflect a gender gap, with women significantly more likely than men to support the Democratic nominee.
For much of the campaign, it looked like the election would be decided by middle-aged voters -- those between the ages of 30 and 64 -- given younger voters' strong attraction to Obama and older voters' preference for McCain. The two middle-aged groups (aged 30 to 49 and 50 to 64) have both swung from a pro-McCain position after the GOP convention to favoring Obama by a significant margin. During this time, McCain's lead among senior citizens has also evaporated. While Obama has made gains among all age groups, the candidates' relative appeal by age group remains in place.
Task,I'd have to say when it comes to morons the proof is in the pudding as they say. Check out todays Gallup poll..seems like the less educated prefer NObama
Education :
Obama now holds a lead among voters whose support he struggled to attract during the primaries, namely those with less formal education. He now leads McCain 51% to 40% among those with a high school education or less, after trailing McCain by 48% to 41% after the GOP convention. It's possible the economic crisis has made these voters' financial concerns more influential in their vote than possible concerns about Obama's experience.
@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
17 Oct 08
I picked out the quotes that were most disturbing to me. I was to upset to add the child saying "you need to wear gloves to touch him" referring to Obama. I'm sorry Taskr your comparison isn't the same, I didn't hear or see any of the Obama supporters you provided say that Palin was a terrorist because she and her husband supported the AIP. I didn't see/hear anyone say that she should be killed because she supported killing wolves and was a member or AIP or simply because she has a funny name.
And by the way I was unaware that you were one of my Liberal friends but, thanks for crossing over LOL.

@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
17 Oct 08
Some people would say "and you let them vote?" What a sad video. Such ignorance from people who have swallowed what they have been told blindly. It is sad that they do not think for themselves or research the facts. For that matter it is a shame that their politicians get away with such blatant lies.
As an Australian I am concerned by what happens in this election as it impacts on us as well. I really hate globalization.

@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
17 Oct 08
Well we insist that everyone votes but we educate them first so they know what they are doing. lol. I have seen fear based elections before but never one like this it is really quite odd. I have not figured out yet what they fear. Is it the fact that they cannot believe that someone from a race they once kept as slaves has risen to challenge then at the center of their power?
It is most intriguing. I have read history and know that they were offered the chance to return all slaves to their country of origin and that they refused and now they are facing the consequences of history.
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
17 Oct 08
I'm not sure exactly why so many conservatives are afraid of Obama. I know that conservatives only want the government to be involved in their pet projects. They don't want the government to help the poor. Conservatives are under that silly notion that that trickle down economics work and history has shown most that it does not work. The only type of welfare that conservatives believe in is corporate welfare, because it ties back in to trickle down economics.
The United States was originally a place of refuge for people suffering from religious persacution, and yet today the conservatives are the ones promoting religion and want everyone to be a "Christian" I guess little do they know that they force their issue so hard it turns off less than christian people. The United States has screwed up politics and it's sad that it is only seen by the rest of the world instead of the only one that it should matter to, the United States.
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
17 Oct 08
Well yeah I hate to admit we let them vote but, at least we have the electoral college and that is suppose to help with uneducated voters. It's sad that these people are from the United States, because we are the country that is always touting how great we are but this is insanity not greatness.
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@gwoman2 (710)
• United States
17 Oct 08
Wow ZephyrSun, you outdid yourself, thank you so much:-) Very, very good! These two videos just proved to me that, yes, it is a race thing!! And the nerve of the parents of that teach such hateful behavior to a child is more than I can stand:-(
And now, on top of everything else, he is a "communist" and a "Marxist" WHAT?
But seriously though, I don't know why I'm surprised:-( It has been 143 years or so since slavery was abolished and things were supposed to CHANGE, well, nothing has changed...different time period, same old crap!!
It disgusts me to think of people such as the ones on the clips, they are right up there with the KKK and others like them!
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
17 Oct 08
I am actually surprised that these videos took place in Strongsville it's a suburb outside of Cleveland and it is a mostly black city. It just amazes me that we will take steps backward with McCain not only in civil rights but also women's rights.
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@evanslf (484)
17 Oct 08
I think one main reason why a good number of people like Palin is because they identify with her in that they perceive that she comes from a similar background as theirs. There are many people (perhaps the majority even) who don't focus closely on political issues and a sustantial minority that don't focus on political issues at all. And so therefore, if a voter identifies with a person and likes them, they are much more likely to vote for them irrespective of their policy stances.
That said, there are many on the Republican right who like Palin not only because they can identify with her, but because her political views chime with their own.
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
17 Oct 08
Ok evanslf but, most educated people can look at what she did in Alaska with the windfall profits and say geeze that sounds like welfare to me and welfare is so against any Republican thinking. And Palin taxes those oil companies at such a high rate is another crime against the Republican party. Do they just over look her Democratic flaws? lol
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@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
17 Oct 08
I really think that a lot of people felt neglected because their rather boring candidates were not getting star treatment. Sarah Palin became their little superstar. Unfortunately, these people were very naive and completely oblivious to the fact that in politics even the superstars have to answer an occasional question, have experience, put forth ideas etc. They thought that they could just keep her under glass and protect her from all the hard stuff. Frankly I don't think she was up to the scrutiny to begin with but the attempt to protect her just made her more of a target. But her fans truly believe that we are all just jealous of Sarah from the Frozen North. Keep in mind, these are the same people that are now quoting chapter and verse that proves beyond doubt that Obama is the anitiChrist. He's not just a child prodigy who founded Acorn, he's now Damaien.
I just want this election to end before it gets any more ludicrous. Right now, I still believe in one person/one vote for whatever reason the individual voter sees fit. But if this gets any worse, I really am going to start believing there should be some basic testing before being allowed to vote even though I don't think it's what the founding fathers had in mind. LOL.
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
17 Oct 08
irish you're so smart. I can't imagine that the Founders would be ok with a candidate that thinks a maritime closeness makes you an expert on forgein policies. The antichrist oh I forgot about that one. I am not a conservative and until a few days ago I wasn't a Democrat but I am smart enough to know that conservatives run on fear.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
18 Oct 08
The women who you mocked at saying she knew Palin all her life probably knew her since she was a little girl, while she may have babysat for her, or been her teacher at school.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
17 Oct 08
I just realized something - Palin has made it "cool" to be stupid! Bush almost accomplished that but then he screwed up so badly people stopped wanting to identify with him but Palin's still new enough and there's still enough unknown about her and enough that her fans prefer NOT to know about her so she's completed the trick.
I really shouldn't make light of this kind of ignorance and stupidity, which is exactly what the people in these videos display. Don't feel bad about it happening in your state, Zephyr, as you know there was an idiot in my area who yelled, "Kill him!" and a weeks or so ago Palin was also in Bethlehem, Pa., where the same thing had happened and they showed interviews with people who had attended that rally on the local news and they were saying some of the same types of things that were on your videos. "He's a terrorist", "He's a Muslim so we can't trust him", "He hates America", you get the idea. These idiots are everywhere, they're not just in your state or mine. Too bad we couldn't move them all to one state so McCain/Palin would only get a few Electoral votes...maybe Alaska, there's plenty of room up there.
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@CherylsPearls (1269)
• United States
17 Oct 08
Oh, Annie, what a great idea! Hey, they could go to ANWAR! They all think its a barrren wilderness, let them find out. Polar bears, here comes dinner! lol
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
17 Oct 08
lol You both have great ideas. I support free speech as long as it isn't causing a riot, here in Toledo we just had one of those a few years back and it took sometime to recover from that. You know Annie you're on to something there because I think McCain's policies are just like Bush but Palin is a female Bush.
@TonyaFig (14)
• United States
17 Oct 08
Zephr ...I'm from Toledo also and I remember the riot well...such a disheartening time here..hopefully nothing like that happens again.
As for moving the idiots to Alaska...I guess I'd think that would be a great idea except I would feel bad for all the "normal" people that live

@thedogshrink (1266)
• United States
17 Oct 08
This knife cuts both ways. Watch:
Annie, I know you don't have sound, but this one I already told you what it said.
If anyone else needs a recap, let me know.
There are whackos and idiots and the unlearned in BOTH parties.

@morethanamolehill (1586)
• United States
17 Oct 08
You know ZephyrSun, I wouldn't call these people in this video uneducated. They don't sound uneducated, they sound uninformed. They didn't even know that Sarah Palin was not Barack's running mate. They also Said that they thought McCain was not very smart. As to the issues, I think they were just being honest. I have known many who think they are "Liberal", But when you talk to them About abortion They are against it. They are pro war, For smaller Government. In other words every thing they believe is Conservative, Like most blacks are. But they just think they are liberals because of people like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton who have them convinced that if they vote Conservative, They will be dragged from their beds in the middle of the night and lynched. Talk about scare tactics. The democrats only care about blacks until election day and many of them know it.
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
17 Oct 08
"unlearned" that's a new one I must say. I'm sorry trying to compare an uneducated voter (which these 3 more than likely are) with hate and fear isn't exactly something that can be compared but luckily for you this is the United States and you're entitled to your comparison.
@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
18 Oct 08
"The democrats only care about blacks until election day and many of them know it. "
Huh? I have decided to stop being an Independent and become a Democrat and I don't think my view on any black person.

@ClassyCat (1214)
• United States
17 Oct 08
And the gossip and criticism continue.
I'll be so glad when Nov. 5th comes !
What a shame that we are probably going to
have to experience another terrorist attack
to help us forget about who's right and who's
wrong, and become more unified.
God help us!
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@dizzblnd (3073)
• United States
17 Oct 08
I hope so too. This election year is just WAY outta control
@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
17 Oct 08

@kenzie45230 (3560)
• United States
17 Oct 08
There are idiots everywhere. Personally (and I live in Ohio too), I love Sarah Palin and I am not uneducated. I love what she was able to do as mayor and as governor. And I had actually heard about her before she was selected as VP. I think it was about a year ago that she was interviewed by one of the morning shows as the governor of Alaska, and I caught that interview and was impressed with her then. After she was announced, I read everything I could find about her.
I've also known about Biden for years. I remember how rude and obnoxious he was during the Clarence Thomas hearings. He's always been a loud and rude man, in my opinion.
I've watched McCain over the years as well, since the hostage situation was something important to us all. He is true to his word. He has been working for Americans all this time and will continue to do so.
Obama? Everything I've read makes me know I would never vote for the man. He may not have been helping Ayers bomb buildings at age 8, but he has associated with the man. And on 9/11, Ayers was interviewed - I think by the NY Times - and told the reporter that he was not sorry for bombing and wished he had done more. Further, he has made a point of trying to educate young people to be the kind of activist he was. I cannot believe that Chigago people think he's respectable now. Not in my book. Nor is anyone who would associate with the man...and who started his political career in living room of the man.
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@morethanamolehill (1586)
• United States
17 Oct 08
Why because you support a guy who stomps on the flag and says "Guilty as He77, free as a bird,what a country", And tell kids to "kill your Parents" and Kenzie doesn't? That's really something to be proud of.

@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
18 Oct 08
You say that I support a guy that stomps on the flag and yet you link me to Ayres. I am not voting for Bill I'm voting for Obama.

@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
18 Oct 08
Does this really surprise anyone? This is just proof of the garbage that we all know Palin, and McCain are doing nothing to stop it. I find it funny when you listen to this these people, and then you listen to the head of the Virgina GOP trying to link Obama with terrorist. But, again what do we expect from republicans they will do anything to win, it doesn't matter if it isn't true. Truth in this campaign as alluded the McCain camp for months now, it has been a complete embarrashment to the entire country. I can't wait for this election to be over.
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@thedogshrink (1266)
• United States
18 Oct 08
No one is TRYING to link Obama with terrorists!!! He IS linked with a known, admitted terrorist. The question he won't answer is how tightly are they linked, in philosophy?
@TenmaMetsuki (452)
• Bahrain
17 Oct 08
He has the "bloodline"?? "the name"???? the freakin "connections"?!?! WTF - omg, I really really REALLY despise such racist retards, what a retarded reason. so just cuz he's "visually" somewhat like an arab when it comes to names and sht he's a terrorist? does that mean we ALL are terrorists?! omg, I'd love to give those fks a few "terrorist-power punches" to feel our pain.
I don't know nything bout that Palin person but I can assure u this, NONE of the presidential candidates will solve ANY of the problems that that idiot Bush created, just wait and see. Whoever u vote for won't solve a damn thing, we'll still be terrorized by the stupidity of ur president(s) just as usual, nothing will change
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
17 Oct 08
I hate to say but racism is still so alive in the United States. I guess these uneducated people do not remember that there have been Americans working with real terrorist organizations.
I imagine that you are right about our presidents because for some reason a good majority of Americans prefer a moron than an actual intelligent one.