Please Review My Site!

United States
October 16, 2008 10:10pm CST
Hello everyone! I have been working hard at building my site. It is a simple program that I have designed to get you quick, free referrals. I want opinions on it please! No, it isn't going to be nor will it be like . But what it is is a site that I have made myself, using only a few public graphics. I am not asking you to join it or promote it. I am asking if you wouldn't mind looking it over. Yes, there are more pages, but they are inaccessible unless you join the mailing list. I will supply links to each page if you pm me. Please give me your honest opinion! I take criticism extremely well, so any comments/suggestions/questions that you have, I will try my best to answer! The site is : HTTP:// . Thanks everyone!
1 person likes this
3 responses
• Indonesia
19 Oct 08
Its good enough and the loading time is not more than 4 seconds. I test it with Opera 9.26. I think you must reconstruct the header image since it looks too wide.
• Malaysia
17 Oct 08
Not too bad for the beginner i think.
@jend80 (2071)
• United Kingdom
17 Oct 08
looks like any old internet marketing front page, designed to recuit members of a mailing list so they can be sold to.